Baby Blue Eyes (Zayn Malik Fa...

emmajeannee által

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Mikayla Davis is one of the most famous teenagers in the world. You'll see her on almost every movie poster a... Több

Baby Blue Eyes
The Neighbor Ryan
Movie Night
Designated Driver
Finding Mikayla
Getting Caught
Big News & Big Agreements
Getting To Know Each Other
Red Carpet
Late Night Talks
Meeting The Boys
Drunk Zayn
Meeting The Family
Charity Concert
Going For A Ride
The Truth Comes Out
Suck and Blow
Brooklyn's Party
Coming Home
Calling Zayn Out
Back To Normal
Plaid Shirts
Prom Night

Birthday Party

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emmajeannee által

Chapter 24

"Where is the shrimp!?" Mikayla's voice shouted throughout the house.

I trotted down the steps to see half of her make up done and her hair half curled. She was still in her pajamas and so was I. I hadn't even started getting ready for our party that started in two hours. My plan was to just hide out in my bedroom the whole night and hope no one would notice. Although, my mother, Rachel, and Ryan would definitely notice.

"Why hasn't the shrimp arrived?" Mikayla asked stressfully as I reached the last step. I shrugged.

Mikayla's eyes stared at me and then moved downwards then back up to my eyes, "Why haven't you gotten ready yet?"

I shrugged again.

Mikayla let out a sigh and then a groan, "Jesus Christ Mallory, I swear to God if you mess my party up for me you're so dead." She threatened.

"Hey, it's my party too!" I finally said.

"Then act like it!" She growled and pushed past me to get up the steps.

I rolled my eyes although she couldn't see it. I moved myself to the fridge and looked for something to eat. I saw the cake in there and took a swipe of he frosting, licking it off my finger.

"Hello! Birthday girl!" Rachel shouted as she walked into the door. I shut the fridge door and she walked in with Ryan behind her.

Rachel wore a poofy, pink, sparkly dress with black pumps to match. Ryan was dressed in a simple button up and jeans. That boy didn't know how to fully dress up.

"Don't you just love this dress?" She asked when she came into the kitchen.

"It's beautiful, Rachel!" Ryan spoke for me. "Who are you wearing?" He joked.

"It's a one of a kind Betsy Johnson." Rachel smirked. "And who are you wearing, Mr. Kennedy?"

"I'm wearing American Eagle," Ryan stated.


I rolled my eyes playfully at the two, "You guys are crazy. That's not really Betsy Johnson, is it?"

"No, it's from H&M. Why aren't you getting ready?" She questioned.

I shrugged, "I don't know what to wear."

"Oh, it's good thing I came over early. Come on!" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me up stairs. Ryan followed.

Ryan sat back against the pillows on my bed while I sat on the edge. Rachel kicked off her heels, taking at least five inches off her height. She pulled out every dress that was hung up in my closet and laid them out on the floor.

"You've worn all of these!" Rachel said.

"Of course I have. Why wouldn't I?" I responded.

Rachel went back into my closet and pulled out some skirts. I looked back at Ryan who seemed to be so engrossed in his phone so he wouldn't have to participate in this girl time.

"You can't borrow anything from Mikayla?" Rachel sighed.

"I wouldn't want to," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Rachel rolled her eyes, "You're so stubborn." She turned her back to me as she filed through my closet once again. "Whoa, what is this?" She pulled out a black dress that dipped down into the chest with a sheer covering over it.

"Mikayla got for me on our last birthday," I explained dully.

"It's so sexy!" Rachel squealed.

"I'm not wearing it." I stated.

Rachel shot me a glare. I shot her one back. It was a battle of harsh eye contact between us. Rachel arched her eyebrow at me and I did the same.

Rachel finally broke, "Just wear it!" She begged.

I sighed, "Fine," I took the dress from her hands, "I'll wear it."

"Yay!" She cheered. "Ryan and I will leave you to get ready. Ryan?"

"Huh?" Ryan's head shot up at the sound of his name. Rachel beckoned him towards the door and they left leaving me to get ready. But I didn't.

I laid on my bed staring at the white painted ceiling. I wasn't ready for tonight. I had something special planned but I had a feeling I was going to bail. I had to push myself though. I need to do this. Zayn needed to see this. I blew out a breath and turned my head to look at the guitar in the corner of my room.

Now, I'm not a musician but I know a lot about music for someone that isn't. I've taken multiple guitar lessons and continued to teach myself with Mikayla's help. I've even helped Mikayla write some of her best songs so I'm not totally clueless about music. But that doesn't mean I know how to perform. Yes, I've done it once before and that was fun but this was something different. I was doing this front of Zayn. I was doing this for Zayn.

I pushed myself off the bed and figured I should probably be getting ready. I didn't plan on doing much. I just straightened my hair and a smoky eye to go with the striking dress. I looked in the mirror and hated Rachel for making me wear this dress. Better this than naked I thought.

I walked to the window and took a peak behind the blinds. The whole backyard was decorated for the party. The cheesy balloon arch entry way was in front of the back door. Tables set up all around with food and drinks. Small blue light blubs were hung up all around to turn on for when it got dark out. Near the back a big, blown up obstacle course was just finishing up. And just to the right of that was a stage that Mikayla and others would later perform on, including me. To be honest, I expected more from Mikayla. Normally, she goes all out but this was simple. I preferred it this way though.

I sneaked into Mikayla's room to borrow a pair of closed toe black wedges. I walked downstairs and saw Mikayla down in the kitchen taking a bite on the shrimp.

"You found it," I said.

"Yeah, it was-" she turned to me and her mouth dropped slightly. "Damn, Mallory you look hot!"

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Are those my shoes?" She asked, pointing to my feet.

"Yeah," I answered while taking a cup out of the cupboard. I walked past Mikayla to the fridge. I heard her blow a sigh behind me. I ignored it and pulled out the orange juice.

"What's up with you?" Mikayla asked as I poured the liquid into the glass.


"Enough with the one word answers!" She scolded.

I rolled my eyes at her, "You know why I'm acting like this!"

Mikayla just looked at me. Guilt was swimming her eyes. She knew. She took the guy I was crazy about when she hated him. She knew how much that hurt me.

"Mallory, I would be upset too but you don't know the situation right now. Please don't be mad." She begged.

"I just," I sighed, "I can't talk about this right now."

I pushed past her taking my cup of orange juice with me.

"Mallory," Mikayla called out but I ignored her.

The party started just an hour later. I didn't come down when guests came. Rachel and Ryan were having a ball meeting celebrities every time they turned around. Paparazzi came around and did their best to hide but failed miserably. I paced my room, biting my nails. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I played the lyrics in my head over and over again. I was amazed I had the ability to write a song. I tried to right one by myself when I was twelve and that didn't work out. Here I am seven years later about to perform a song that I wrote. What the hell was I thinking?

I peaked out my window and saw Zayn standing there with Mikayla. A worried expression plastered on both of their faces. They heads turned to my bedroom window and I immediately backed away. I was scared. How would Zayn react after I sang this song that was directed towards him? This song wasn't going to solve our problems but it was going to tell him how I felt.

I heard music start to play and peaked out the window once again. Mikayla was on stage. She was preforming a song of hers. I planned on going on after her. No one knew of my plan. It was one big surprise.

I grabbed the guitar from the corner of my room and ran downstairs. Even with Mikayla performing, people were still hanging inside. I smiled politely at them as I passed. When I walked out, I saw Mikayla was done performing and had gone to talk to some friends. Rachel squealed when she saw me walk out the back door.

"I thought you'd never come out! Why do you have that guitar?" She said.

"Is Zayn out here?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Yeah, he's somewhere around here."

"Just make sure he's out here, please."

Rachel nodded in response and I made my way over to the stage.I walked up two steps and I could already feel the eyes on me. I could see Mikayla's confused expression out of the corner of my eye. No one stopped me though. They were curious or they wanted to see Mikayla's nobody twin sister embarrass herself.

I put the guitar strap over my head and chose to dive right in. No introduction or anything. My hands shook as I began to strum the first few chords.

I walked through the door with you, the air was cold

I finally looked up to see all eyes on me. Of course they were. Why wouldn't they stare at the girl on stage who started singing. My eyes searched for Zayn. I didn't see him. No, he had to be out here. He had to hear this. And then I saw him running out the back door and he stopped the moment he saw me on stage.

And I left my scarf there at your sister's house, and you still got it in your drawer even now

His mouth was slightly open as his eyes just watched me. My heart was beating faster than ever. I looked away from him in attempt to calm the nerves. But it did nothing.

'Cause there we are again on that little town street. You almost ran the red 'cause you were looking over me.

I smiled at the memory. It was one of the first times I realized I was falling for Zayn. My heart fluttered remembering how great it felt to be with him.

And your mother's telling stories about you on the tee ball team

I looked up Zayn to see that familiar smirk on his face. I missed that smirk. I missed the way he'd smirk at me when he thought something I did was funny or silly. I missed him all around.

We're dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light

I remember that night like it was just an hour ago. It was the moment I realized I was in love with Zayn. I had never said it to him but I did. I, present tense, love Zayn even with all what went down between us. It was sick I know, but I couldn't help it.

But you keep my old scarf from that very first week cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me

I smile at the thought that Zayn wanted to keep something of mine. Least, that's what I like to think. It's possible that he may have forgotten to mail back the scarf or he just lost it. But thinking that he just wanted to keep it gave me hope that there was still a chance for us. A chance that our relationship could grow again.

It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well

What I had with Zayn was unforgettable in my mind. He was, or is, my first love. He made me laugh, he made me cry, and boy did he make me angry. But on top of all that, he made me feel beautiful and wanted. And that's what everyone needs; everyone needs someone who makes them feel worth something. Everyone one needs their own little motivator that keeps the going. Zayn was mine and I didn't want to find a new one. I wanted him.

I stood there, shocked that I had just did that. The crowd didn't erupt with applause. There was only a few people that actually clapped. I heard Rachel wooing for me. I walked off stage with my palms sweating. I set the guitar down against the fence and put my head down. I ran towards the back door. I could feel every pair of eyes on me. That was all too much. Why did I do that to myself?

"Mallory," I heard Zayn say as I passed him.

That's exactly what I wanted. I wanted to talk to him after what I had just did but I feel like I just made a fool of myself. I was afraid he was going to laugh in my face.

"Mallory," He called after me as I walked inside. He followed after me. "Mallory!" He said again. This time grabbing my wrist.

I was forced to stop. I took a moment to take a breath before turning to him.

"That song was about us. Wasn't it?" He asked with a small smile.

I didn't say anything.

"That was a stupid question. Of course it was." He chuckled.

I remained straight-faced. I didn't know what to say. People tried to squeeze past us to get out the door.

"Let's go somewhere more private," Zayn whispered. He led me upstairs to my bedroom.

"I gotta say that was amazing. I didn't know you could write like that." Zayn said with a smile. "Why aren't you saying anything?" He asked when I didn't respond.

"Because I'm scared you'll just dump me again," I whispered.

Zayn sighed and took a step towards me. He took my hand in his, "Mallory, I don't want to dump you. I still have feelings for you. I feel terrible for everything I've done but none of it was my choice."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't know this and I mean it when I say this: Mikayla and I's relationship is a contract."

"Don't you play me like that again," I snapped.

"Mallory, I swear on my life. I'm telling the truth. I broke up with her but your dad wanted us to stay together for the media."

I shook my head, "I really hope you're not lying."

"He's not," Mikayla said behind me.

Our eyes went to her. She slowly walked in, "The last thing Zayn and I wanted was to get back together. He wanted to be with you and I hated him for lying about us. But dad, of course, forced us to just like you were forced too. And I realize now how hard that must have been for you and I'm sorry I had to put you through that."

I let out a weak chuckle, "In way I'm glad you did but he's seriously not lying?"

Mikayla shook her head. I turned to Zayn and a hopeful smile spread across his lips. He shrugged.

I was honestly so relieved. Mikayla hadn't actually gone against me. She didn't have any feelings for him like I did.

"So I guess I should leave you two alone to talk," Mikayla said. We nodded and she slowly back out, closing the door.

"So what happens between us now?" Zayn asked.

"Well, I don't know. I want to be with you, Zayn. I'm just afraid what's going to happen."

"What do you mean?" He questioned this time.

"The media. They're going to have so much to say about the whole thing and I'm scared."

"Don't worry about them, Mallory. Our relationship is just you and me. No one else." He leaned into to me a little bit and I knew where this was going.

"Zayn," I whispered although I had nothing to say.

"I missed a lot," He whispered.

I giggled quietly, "I missed you too."

And then we finally kissed.


Yay! I finally updated! It took me a while to write this chapter so I'm happy I finally finished! I really hope you guys like it. And I did not write that song of course. It's a Taylor Swift song that I referred back to a lot. The moments she wrote about in the song I used here in the story.

Also, the dress Mallory wore to her party, I put a photo up on the side for you to see.

I'm thinking the next chapter will be the last chapter, sadly): but it can't go on forever. It would probably start to get boring then. So, I can't wait to get that out to you!

Please remeber to vote and/or comment! I love to see them all. Thanks for everything guys!


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