Gotta Be Him (A Niall Horan F...

By ileydiblasi

159K 3.6K 395

Rachel is just an American girl who moves with her family to Ireland unexpectedly. When she bumps into Niall... More

Meeting Her
Some Love Sappy Stuff
You Got Something... Everywhere
The boys
The Pool Party
Tour Talk
All Too Fast
Girls' Night
Time To Surprise
Top Choice
Yea, I'm Back... Who's He?
A Spark of Hope
Truly Torn
The "Welcome Home" Dinner Is Not Really Welcoming
He's Gone
All Is Forgotten
All I Got
Memories Gone With The Wind
I Can Walk!
Beautiful, Beautiful Flowers
Pop The Question
Phone Calls
I'm Not Thankful
Meet The Team
Prank Gone Too Far
Old 'Friend'
Look Who's Drunk Now
The Last Piece to the Puzzle

Time to Move On

3.6K 82 7
By ileydiblasi

Chapter 17

*Niall's POV*

Now I truly understand "Nobody Compares".

*Rachel's POV*

"What did I do?"  I ask, hiding my face with my hands.

"You know, you have a hint of an Irish accent."  My friend from America says.  Two days had passed since the concert and I wanted to meet up with my old friends, take my mind off things.

"Really?"  I ask.  Carly successfully took my mind  off "James" the boy I had an argument with.  I didn't tell them that I was dating Niall, so I referred to him as James. 

"Just a hint though.  By next year you'll probably be talking like an Irish."  I just realized how much I missed Carly.  She's a good friend.

"I missed you."  I give her a small smile.

"I missed you more."  She smiles back at me. 

"So, how am I going to get James back?"

"Well, a drunk man cheating on you is only a little bit different from a sober man cheating.  I say it's better you two just take separate paths."

I want to tell her that there's a big difference.  "But I still love him."

"Make up your mind.  Are you mad at him or what?"  Carly is slightly joking.

"Or what, um I mean mad.  Well, I'm not that mad at him."  I stutter.

"How about we take a break from this subject.  Let's talk about something that always brightens your spirits.  Niall Horan."  Carly is grinning from ear to ear.

Just the thought of Niall James Horan dampers my spirits.  "Umm..."

"Did you meet him yet?  Did you pass by his house?  Did you go to Nando's?"  Her questions are thrown at me are lightning speed and I feel sick to my stomach.

"Yes, yes, and yes."  I say quietly.

"What was he like?  Is he as dreamy as he is in all his pictures?"  Carly has a faraway look in her eyes as she always does when she talks about her crush.

"Dreamier."  I fake a smile, playing along.

"What did he say to you?"

"Well, I was eating at Nando's at the airport and he asked if he could sit with me and I said yes, of course, and then ha asked me if I was staying long.  Then he said he needed a ride so my parents and Jake and I drove him home."  I barely take a breath when I tell her.  The memory brings back both happy and sad feelings.

"Oh. My. Gosh."  She is staring at me wide-eyed.  "Did you...keep in touch?"

"No."  I lie.

"You're so lucky. To have met him, I mean.  I wish you guys would have kept in touch."

We continue to talk for a while and then we say goodbye, heading in different directions.

"You're so lucky."  She said to me.  I guess I am.  Before, when I was a crazed fangirl, I would have loved to meet him.  Bur if I knew I would be hurt like this, I would have taken it all back.  Maybe for a short moment I was lucky, but now I'm lost and I don't know what to do.

*One Month Later*

Music blares through our dorm.  "Gosh, could they get any louder"  Riley clutches her head as she looks at her laptop screen.

"Maybe you should take a break."  I say, Riley has been non-stop on her laptop trying to finish her report.

"You're right."  She sighs and closes her laptop.  Riley walks up to our small pantry and says, "Care for some Chef Boyardee?"  She holds up one of those Chef Boyardee cups labeled "Ravioli".

I groan.  "Don't we have anything else?  You wen food shopping three days ago!"

"You ate all the food."

True.  "I'm guessing it's my turn to go food shopping?"  I ask.  The task of food shopping is not my favorite. 

 "Yes."  The microwave beeps and Riley pulls out two Boyardees.  "I saw Mikey eyeing you at last night's party.  He was turning red whenever you glanced at him.  He is totally falling for you, you should ask him out."

I sigh again.  "I don't know, maybe you could get Emily to ask him out.  They seem like they would make a cute couple."

"You're the one who ended the relationship with Niall."  She says, her back turned as she pours our food into plastic bowls.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I do.  I'm not ready to start a new relationship, especially since I'm still in love with Niall.  Why did I have to end a perfectly fine relationship?  Ok, maybe it wasn't perfect.  I'd be lying to myself if I said it was.

But hey, I need to move on.  Maybe, just maybe, I will give Mikey a chance.  And maybe, just maybe, it will work out.

*Niall's POV*

"There's gotta be some way to get you to want me, like before."  I sing the lyrics to my solo in "Nobody Compares" for the people in the crowd.  This is a song I can really relate to. 

"Thank you!"  Louis says to the crowd.  "Drive home safe!  We love you all!"

"We really appreciate all you do for us."  Harry says to the crowd.

"Bye!"  We all wave and head backstage.

"Great concert tonight lads."  Liam says, sitting down on the couch.

"Yea, we did pretty good if you ask me."  Zayn says.

Louis shakes my shoulders.  "Come on Niall.  Smile.  Where is the happy lad we used to know?"

"He disappeared when Rachel and my relationship disappeared."  I mumble.

Silence fills the room.  The boys look at each other and Louis nods.  "It's time."

Harry stands up.  "Niall, it's about time you moved on.  Sure, Rachel is a nice girl but she's gone.  What you two had... it's gone."

"Nobody Compares" rings in my head.  "I got to go."  I shove Harry and Louis out of the way and run to the men's room.

I have to move on, I don't want to though.  I love Rachel.  I'll try to move on.  I'm not promising anything.  I'm just going to go through my life.  Not start another relationship, that's for sure.  Just pretend that nothing happened between Rachel and me.  It seems impossible, but I have to.  For the lads.  They seem sadder too, seeing me like this.

*Rachel's POV*

I hear a knock on the door and open it.  "Hey."  Emily.  She is a friend of Riley's, but we don't get along as well.  Her voice is monotone as she talks to me.  She glances over my shoulder.  "Where's Riley?"

"In the shower."  I say in the same monotone voice as her.  Ok, maybe I'm not trying that hard to be a friendly either. 

A sigh escapes her mouth.  "We're leaving in an hour, can you tell her that?"  She asks, it's more of a command. 

"Of course."  I say in a bit more friendly way.

Her eyes scan over me.  "You coming too?"

I nod, yes, and fake a smile.  "Seems like it would be fun, haven't been to a party since last month."  It's true.  When you're in college, not going to a party for a month seems like years.

"Of course you haven't."  Emily smirks and I hear the bathroom door open up behind me.

"Hey Em."  Riley says.  Her hair is soaked and she is dressed in her rubber ducky robe.

"Hey Ri-Ri."  Emily says in her fake voice.  Riley hates the nickname, but Emily still calls her that.

Riley gives the slightest flinch, but quickly recovers.  "Um, make yourself at home while I get ready.  Rachel, you should be getting ready too."

*One hour later*

Riley let me borrow one of her skirts and a cute half-tee.  I would usually never wear this, but Riley kind of forced it on me.  She was just wearing skinny jeans and an off-the-shoulder tee.  She tries to appear more modest now that she is dating Harry. 

"So, who is this guy that you are keeping from me?"  Emily asks Riley.  She keeps her relationship a secret from everyone but me.

"Mmm?" Riley acts as if she has no idea what Em is talking about. 

"Oh c'mon.  You brush away all of the guys and you're wearing jeans. Jeans!  Only taken girls would wear such modest clothing."  Not surprised about how nosy Em is acting.

"Maybe none of the guys interest me, ok?  Gosh, is it that big of a deal that I'm wearing jeans?  By the way your acting you make it seem like I'm breaking the law!"  Riley snaps.

"Well then."  And for the first time, Emily Callsworth shuts up.

When we finally arrive at the party, Mike rushes over to me.  "Hey Chel."  'Chel' is a nickname a lot of people at the Uni call me. 

"Hey Mikey." 

Mikey looks me in the eyes and his lips turn upward.  "Your so gorgeous." 

I blush and manage a thank you.

"So gorgeous, in fact, that I want you to go on a date with me.  What do you say?"

"Mikey, I don't know..."

"Awe c'mon gorgeous, I really like you.  Your funny, sweet, and that smile you wear make me so darn happy that I can't help but smile back at you.  Gosh, I'm in love with you.  Please say-"

"Yes.  Mikey I would love to go out with you."  He's so sweet that I just can't help but say yes.

A goofy smile appears on his face.  "Rachel, I swear you won't regret it.  Tomorrow would you like to go to Nando's with me?"

"Of course."

He gives me a kiss on the cheek and extends his hand to me.  "Would you like to dance with me?"  He acts like we are at a ball with slow, elegant music playing when we are really at a college party and fast, upbeat music is playing.

I giggle and take his hand.  "I would love to Ni- uh, I mean Mikey."  Mikey doesn't notice my slip-up and spins me around.

It's time to move on, I tell myself.  And it is.  No matter how wrong this feels, I still have to move on.  Maybe Mikey will be better than Niall.  He seems innocent enough to not hurt me.  I dance with Mikey and with each move I feel a little bit closer to moving on...


So what do you think?  Mikey a good guy or what?  Comment what you think of him ;)


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