Those Crayons (On Hold until...

By MissRadMad

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Chase had shared his crayons with Ella at Playgroup and they were best friends ever since. Now they are 17 an... More

Those Crayons
Chapter 2 - Those Crayons
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapyer 5 - TC
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 Part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

3K 51 12
By MissRadMad

Heyy Ladies, and Gentlemen (if there are any reading)

So Here is the Upload as promised, i'm working on the next chapter but well School is School and So i can only update once a week, that day being Friday or even if im a bit behind the early hours of Saturday.

Anyway here is Chapter 7

Also do you want me to mention and tell you who wrote which chapter, Me or Ainsley - Miss Dicey - or leave it be. Also can you tell the different writer's writing style?

Okayy that's it for now.

x :) Madi





(Chase’s POV)

I awoke Early with a smile on my face.

Last night was amazing.

Ella and I just hung out watching movies exactly like old times.

Her screaming at the horror movie and Crying in the Love story.

It was so Ella.

Then she fell asleep on my chest halfway through Toy Story.

She looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping, I didn’t want to leave her but I had to.

I carried her to bed and tucked her in, kissing her forehead lightly before heading home.

I had the best night’s sleep, although my dream was weird… so surreal.

It was of me and Ella dancing to Give Me Everything then we… we kissed?

It was confusing, but I guess I did fall asleep thinking about Ella so I was sure to dream of her.

Nowadays I thought about Ella A LOT and whenever I did I couldn’t help but to smile.

I couldn’t hide it from myself anymore, it was plainly obvious.

I liked my best friend

Hell I was in love with her.

You hear that world,


How could I have not noticed it before, I smiled whenever she was near and I was sad whenever I was not with her.

She had my heart.

The only question would be;

How would Ella react?

I needed help, and so I went and saw the expert on all things to do with Relationships, Lacy.

I made my way up the stairs and into Lacy’s room, I found Lacy sitting up in bed absolutely Beaming.

“We’ll someone got some last night I see,” I stated laughing as she jumped clearly not hearing me come in too engaged in her thoughts.

She looked up at me before laughing herself,

“What’s up little bro?” She asked patting the bed beside her, inviting me to sit down.

And so that’s how I spent my Saturday Morning, spilling my guts to my big sister.

“It’s about bloody time you too came to your senses!”



“You too have been in love with each other for YEARS!! And the only two people that didn’t now it was you two.” Lacy explains

“What do you mean, Ella L-L-Loves me? And Years! How?” I stutter questioningly.

“Yes! The way you two look at each other and act around each other is more of what a couple does than best friends. The Mum’s and I actually had a bet on it, Mum had last year, I have this year and Mrs T had next year. So it’s looking like I’m going to win!”

“You mean MUM KNOWS!!??” I yell exasperated and embarrassed.

“What do I know?” My mum asks as she walks in.

“NOTHING!” I yell while Lacy interrupts,

“Chase has finally admitted he loves Ella,”

“LACYY!!!!” I yell angry at her, “I didn’t say the L word… yet” I mumble out the last part while looking at my feet.

“Awwwww! It’s about Time!! Now hurry up where heading over to the Thompson’s for lunch,”

“Really,” I say perking up immediately.

“Damn you have it bad!” My mum comments as she walks out the door

I have what Bad??

Lunch was long and exhausting with both My Mum and Lacy shooting sneaky glances over the table.

Ella could tell that I was aggravated but was confused as to why, you could tell whenever she was confused as her brows knit together so cutely

Now the Girls are cleaning up while I am lounging around on the Ella’s couch, thinking about Ella.

“What is up with them?” Ella mumbles to herself as she walks out to the living room.

“What’s wrong?” I ask concerned

“Nothing just that you’re Mum and Lacy all but kicked me out of the kitchen?” She states confused.

DAMN LACY For her big mouth! She cannot stick to her own business she has to butt into everyone else’s.

“I’m going to get Lacy later,” I mumble thinking aloud.

“What do you mean?” Ella asks even more confused.

“Nothing,” I say quickly before wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her on to my lap, quickly thinking of a distraction,

“What would you like for Christmas Ella?” I say in my most Santa like voice, stroking my fake beard for special effect,

“Oh well Santa, since you asked….. I want a Pony and Black Kitty Kat and a New Phone and a new Laptop and… and… a FERRARI!” Ella says giggling at her own

It is then that I notice our close proximity and slowly without my control my eyes wander to Ella’s lips, the look so kissable right now.

Ella must have noticed me looking because she slightly leaned in and just as our lips were about to meet.

*Click Clack*

*Click Clack*

The sound of someone approaching.

We quickly look away embarrassed as to what we were about to do.

Just then Lacy walks in taking in our position; Me with Ella on my Lap,

“Naaawwww You guys are sooooooo Cute!!” Lacy shrieks causing Ella to jump up and off my lap.

I feel weird without her there, like without her touch I feel empty.

Damn I really really liked Ella

I stared at her, watching her.

She looked so beautiful

With her blue eyes and golden hair.

My Mum clears her throat, bringing me out of my daydream, giving me a knowing smirk.

The rest of the night went by uneventfully, Ella seemed to almost avoid me.

If she did speak to me it was awkwardly but she never, not once, touched me again.

I felt cold without her touch and it seemed I had a permanent frown etched onto my face.

It slowly got later and later and it was time to get ready for this ‘Party’ MacKenzie was holding.

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