enticing (bwwm)

By ladonnadavis

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who knew black girls could be soooooooooo enticing More

chapter one
penelope pov
the next morning
after breakfast
the jeep (playing it smooth:)
not a chapter
back to school
Dylan's house
author's note
our first date. (part 1)
our first date (part two)
surprise! surprise! surprise!
why u mad?
since when did i like black boys?
2weeks later
getting ready for tonight
the ball
i was wrong
ch (23)
after the art show
oh boy
ch 30
ch 31
errrr negative people
ch 25: 1 month later
time for the truth
just me and you
ch 40
author note
author note


3.9K 174 14
By ladonnadavis

Penelope pov
It's been two months and he still hasn't waken up. I'm currently sitting at the end of his bed. Reading but soon I get tired of reading so I turn and look up at him.
"Dylan baby I need you to wake up, or please give me a sign if you can hear me baby please at least just hold up two fingers" I crawled up the bed and layed beside him carefully wrapping my arm around his waist. And fell to sleep next to him. I woke up the next morning and goes in the bathroom and wash my face brushing my teeth too. Yepp I basically live here now. I came back in and sat in the seat next to him.
"Good morning baby, I slept well and I also dreamt of you too. I know you probably can't hear me but if there is any chance you can I just wanted to say I love and miss you so much. I can't wait to see your face as soon as you wake up" I bent down and kissed his forehead. His hair has grew very long since he got in here. I take the time to wash it with a wet rag and dry it with a dry rag. Most days I would just give him a man bun or on a day when I'm really bored I would carefully turn his head just so I can braid it up. He also had a sexy beard. I can honestly say if I didn't know who he was I would think he was a grown man.
Two hours later

I was beginning to doze off. When out of nowhere he started to raise two fingers. I jumped out of bed and down the hall to call the nurse. They came in and explain everything to me.
"This is a good start. He is making progress. But unfortunately that doesn't mean he will wake up just yet. Maybe in a couple of more days or weeks one will never know. "
After she left in walked a man who looked liked an older version of Dylan so I'm guessing that's his dad. Behind him is a women looking a little like him. So I am guessing that his mom. She looked at me in disgust.
" hi I'm penelope" I extend my hand to her and she just looks at it. His father reaches and shake my hsnd.
"Hello penelope my name is James and this my wife Miranda and we are the parents of dylan"
I nodded and step back so they can finally see there son.
"You can leave now, since we are here" said Miranda.
"No I'm not going anywhere I have been here from day one. You only show up today and you have the audacity to tell me to leave" I looked at her rolling my eyes.
she yells at me
" I am his girlfriend "
She laughed historically.
" no you must be mistaken with the wrong Brandon see my soon know better then then to date a black girl and a fat cow at that. That is something he would never do"
"Miranda that is enough, you don't talk like that to a child." Said his father. Miranda left the room.
"I'm so sorry about that dear my wife have a problem. Please excuse her behavior. The door open and Miranda was walking in behind a few security guards.
"Her" she pointed at me
"Ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave right now. You are no longer allowed back in here."
" what are you serious?"
"Sorry but I am "
I grabbed my over night bag and begin on leave. My mouth was about to go on a rampage but I kept it cool. I would just wait til they leave and go then I would come back. Turning around once more I looked at his figure laying lifeless in the bed and walked out the door.
I made it home in fifteen minutes and ran upstairs to do my homework.

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