Queen Of Paradox (Unedited)

By NaughtyPlease

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(BEING EDITED/REWRITTEN) Every decade a Tournament is held in Paradox to decide who will become the next Ero... More

Prelude to Desire
Sweet Deceit
The Devil's in the Details
An Incubi's Seduction
A Queen Manipulated
The Benefit of a Friend
A Secret for One
No Man Left Behind
Switching Places
Sixty Days
I Am Oueen
Between A Rock and A Hard Place
No Place Like Home
Sister Knows Best
Welcome to Paradise
Something Witchy This Way Comes
Crossing Lines
When One Door Closes...
Poor little Succubus, Ain't that a Witch
Back, Meet Knife.
Memories: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Mr. Blue Eyes
Memory Lane
Magic Touch
Old Wounds
Fallen Rook
Past, Meet Present
Storming the Castle
Back to the Start
Wake Up Call
Authors Note
The Best Laid Plans...
Rude Awakening
Best Kept Secrets
Succubus Diaries
The Calm Before
Aftermath - Part 1
Aftermath - Part 2
Authors Note
Sneak Peek: Sweetest Torment

More Than Meets The Eye

563 18 0
By NaughtyPlease

Ria's (P.O.V)

Fools. Did they really think they could enter her realm again and leave unscathed? Ha! This was her domain. And even though she couldn't physically harm them herself, seeing the state her body was currently in, it didn't mean she couldn't make them dance to her music. For Succubus and Incubus things like loyalty, friendship, it didn't exist. If they wanted to pretend that it did by entering her realm to save their beloved William then she would just have to show them how absolutely wrong they were. 

William's (P.O.V)

William's whole body radiated tension. Even for Ria this was a whole new low and he knew it was her way of punishing him for what he did to her. This was more than petty amusement this was unadulterated revenge. He barely got the words out when he asked, "and if we refused?". She raised an eyebrow and with the flick of her wrist Lana came back into view. "Then I will kill the girl like the pesky fly she is". The berserker had a knife at her neck, a lecherous gleam in his eyes as he ran the blade over her collarbone and down between her breast.

William gritted his teeth and tried to take control of his anger. He need to find his usually calm, he needed to think, he needed- "Fine. We'll do it" William's head snapped towards Dean, a look of confusion contorting his features. What? "Dean-" "We'll fight" Dean said, cutting him off again "but when the fight is over you open a portal back to Paradox and the winner takes the girl and leaves. No tricks, no lies. Just an honest deal". Satisfaction emanated from Ria and she nodded. "Of course. It's a deal Incubus".

* * *

Dean's (P.O.V)

Dean and William stood in the middle of the room, both armed with their weapon of choice. William keep his long sword that he must have pilfered from one of the berserkers and Dean had chosen his Sai's. They stood inches away, minutes before the battle would commence, as if they were merely exchanging last words. William looked pissed and Dean could guess why. Knowing William he probably wanted to formulate some plan, and he most likely thought Dean seemed to quick to accept the fight. Well to bad, when it came to Lana's safety, nothing else mattered. "I won't hold back" William murmured, low enough for Dean's ears only. "When have you ever?" despite the seriousness of the situation they found themselves sharing a quick chuckle. "Dean sobered up first and held William's gaze. "Trust me" he mouthed. William didn't react and he only hoped he understood. They stepped back a few feet and the fight officially started.

* * *

Dean darted to the left, narrowly missing William's blade. They had been at it for forty minutes now and both of them were dripping sweat and out of breath. They circled each other, weapons at the ready. True to his word William didn't hold back. Dean sported cuts and bruises that would have been fatal had he not been such a good fighter. Of course William hadn't escaped unscathed. Dean swiped his brow with the back of his arm and twirled his sai's. "Enough of this song and dance William, we end this now" Ria had been lounging nearby but at his words she perked up, eager for the outcome. William raised his sword and gave a barely perceptible nod. They charged forward, their bodies a fast blur. The sound of steel against steel bounced off the walls and echoed all around them. Dean thrust his sai's forward, but William effectively blocked them. William swung his sword up forcing Dean to step back or get his head sliced off.

Dean pivoted at William's low swing but he wasn't quick enough. The blade sliced his thigh and he hissed in a breath, staggering to the left. William wasted no time in swinging his blade again. Dean blocked it inches from his face with one sai and lashed out with the other catching William on the arm. He grunted and stepped away from Dean. Turning slightly, Dean quickly delivered a kick to William's chest. And when he stumbled backwards Dean used the opportunity to lunge forward, landing a punch on the other males jaw.

William's head whipped to the side and he was momentarily disoriented. Dean rushed him and in the next instant his sai sank deep into William's chest. He made a gurgling sound and his hand shot up to clutch at his chest. He fell to his knees before collapsing to the ground, his eyes shuttering close. Ria walked forward as if in trace and stopped just in front of the body. Her eyes were strangely blank but Dean couldn't care less. He bent and pulled his sai out of William. "It's done" he said quietly "It's your turn. Give me Lana".

She was silent for so long he wondered if she even heard him. Finally she tore her gaze from William and looked at him. "Right. Well my fun is over, I will be more than happy to give you the girl. I want you out of my realm now." She spun on her heels and whispered something. A think fog appeared and then dispersed revealing Lana.

* * *

Lana's (P.O.V)

Lana felt hopeless. She had been walking around for what felt like forever and still no sign of Dean. Just fog, fog and more fog. God, if she never saw fog again it would be to soon. At this point she wanted to just stop and collapse on the floor. Her feet were killing her and her legs trembled from all the walking. She was about to call for Dean again when a cloud of fog suddenly engulfed her. She screamed, fanning at the air and kicking her feet. Just as suddenly the fog vanished and then Dean was running towards her. He swooped her into his arms and hugged her tight.  "Lana..." he breathed, releasing her. He held her at arms length and examined her, turning her this way and that. With each rotation his features scrunched even more. "Kitkat...what happened to your bruises?"

It was her turn to be confused. "What are you talking about?" a harsh bark of laughter sounded then a familiar feminine voice followed. "Oh?did I forget to tell you? That was all an illusion, your precious Lana was merely wandering around aimlessly in my realm". Lana bristled, noticing Ria for the first time. She laughed again which grated against Lana's nerves. "Well at least I offered you the opportunity to take out the competition. Your welcome!" Her image vanished and a mirror appeared. Portals were different in every realm. "Fucking bitch!" Dean growled. "What is she talking about-" her eyes fell to the floor and her heart nearly stopped.

"Wi-William?" she raised a trembling hand to her mouth, her eyes wide like saucers. "O-oh God! t-there's so, so m-m-much blood..." she stuttered out, her words breathless. Dean cursed and stepped in front of her, blocking her line of vision. "Lana, Lana look at me. Look at me" he coaxed, somehow she managed to meet his eyes. "That's it" he encouraged. He was pulling something out of his pocket but she couldn't focus on two things at once so she continued to look at Dean. She felt so numb, like all her essence, her life, had been sucked out of her. "Close your eye's Lana and when you open them everything will be fine".

She shook her head, "but-" "Do you trust me?" he whispered, looking into her eyes. She nodded silently and he smiled. "Good" she felt a pinch on the back of her neck and barely uttered a gasp before she was falling unconscious. Dean caught and cradled her in his arms as he stepped trough the portal.

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