The Walking Remix

By The_Walking_Remix

5.3K 95 40

What if the Walking Dead had happened differently? What if the group was just kids, instead of mainly adults... More

Major Editing Notice
Yet another notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
The second book is out!

Chapter 37

68 1 0
By The_Walking_Remix

After Fawn left, the group had an even harder time forgetting about her. Especially Kyle and Scarlett. Scarlett sometimes didn't talk much, because she knew that she would only end up talking about Fawn, making herself more upset and worried. She also wasn't nearly as hyper and energetic as usual. Kyle didn't speak much either. He also had a really hard time sleeping most nights, because he was up worrying about Fawn. Allena was really worried as well, but she didn't show it as much as the group would've expected. Everyone else, they were just silently worrying, and some of them even forgot about Fawn for a few hours at a time. 
Since about a week and a half had past since Caden had wound up telling Tyler, Mika and Kyle that he like Allena, he decided that he was going to tell her himself.  But there was one problem.... He didn't know how he should.  So out of complete desperation, he asked Tyler what he should do. 
"Hey... Tyler can I ask you something?" He asked. 
"Sure dude. What is it?" Tyler replied. 
"It's about Allena... I was planning on telling her I like her, but I don't know how to without sounding like a complete idiot.  I thought if I asked someone it would help." Caden explained.
"Wow, you're really gonna tell her?!" Tyler asked shocked.  Caden nodded his head.
"But... HOW DO I DO IT?!?!" Caden cried.
"Okay okay, calm down! Just simply state it.  That's what I would do.  I also wouldn't ask her if she likes you back if I were you... If she does she'd probably tell you herself anyways. Just make it short and sweet." Tyler suggested.
Caden stared at him in shock.
"Woah... That is actually REALLY helpful! Where did you get that?! It's like the smartest thing I've ever heard you say!" He exclaimed.
"Well... I don't know... I guess I have to say something intelligent once in awhile." Tyler replied flatly, because he really didn't know the answer.  
"Well... Thanks! I'm gonna go find her now." Caden said. Then he left.
When he found Allena, she was talking to Venus about something.
"Here we go." Caden thought nervously.
"Hey... Allena?" He asked.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked.
"Uh... Sure!" She said.
"Oh I need to see this!" Venus exclaimed.
"About that... I kinda need to talk to Allena alone." Caden said slowly.
"Oh.  Alright. I'll be back!" Venus said walking off.
"So, what did you have to ask me?" Allena asked curiously.
"Uh... This is kinda hard for me to say but... I... I like you.  I have for quite some time actually.  You were the first one to really ever talk to me out of the whole group and... I suppose I can say that you're one of my best friends now.  I just had to tell you.  It's okay if you don't like me back." Caden said shyly. Allena stared at him in surprise for a moment.
"You... You really feel that way...?" She asked.
"Yeah." Caden answered.
"That's really sweet Caden. Thanks! I honestly don't know what to say...!" Allena exclaimed.
"That's alright. I guess I'm gonna go now!" Caden said. then he walked away. Once he left, Allena went to go find Venus again.
"What was that all about?" Venus asked her.
"He said that he liked me." Allena said smiling after a moment.
"Oh really?!" Venus asked.
"Yep!" Allena replied.
"Do you like him back?" Venus asked.  Allena thought about it.
"Actually... I think I do...!" She answered blushing slightly. 
After Caden left, he went to go find Tyler.  When he did, Tyler was sorting out some kind of argument between Scarlett and Mika. 
"Hey." Caden said. Tyler turned around.
"Yo!" He replied.  "So... Did you tell her?" Tyler asked quietly, so Scarlett and Mika couldn't over hear.
"Yep.  She seemed really surprised, I wonder why..." Caden answered just as quietly. 
"Did she say she liked you back at least?" Tyler asked. 
"Nope. But she didn't say anything about not liking me either, if that makes any sense." He replied. 
Tyler looked at Scarlett and Mika.
"You guys got your fight sorted out?" He asked.
"Yeah.  I'm sorry about our fight Mika. Apology Skittle?" Scarlett said, holding a small bag of Skittles.
"I'm sorry too!" Mika added.
"Good, now you kids can go and play.  Caden and I have something to talk about here..." Tyler stated.  Then they walked off. 
"What do they need to talk about?" Scarlett asked Mika.
"I don't know... Let's find out!" Mika exclaimed.  So instead of playing, Mika and Scarlett hid behind a tree to eavesdrop on Tyler and Caden.  They couldn't hear everything, but they did hear Caden telling Tyler what Allena had said, and something about wondering wether she liked him back. 
"What...?" Scarlett asked shocked. "So, Caden likes Allena?!" She added.
"Yep! I've known for about a week.  I just wasn't allowed to tell anyone." Mika answered.
"WHY DID'NT YOU TELL ME!" Scarlett screamed.
"Scarlett! We have to be quiet! And I couldn't tell you! I'm really sorry! I almost about ten million times I swear!" Mika giggled quietly.
"It's okay. But what are they talking about now? And does Kyle even know about this?" Scarlett asked.
"Yep! And I don't know..." Mika replied, leaning forward to listen.
"Oh... My... Gosh..." Mika said after a minute.
"What is it what is it?!" Scarlett asked anxiously.
"Caden actually told Allena he liked her!" Mika exclaimed.
"WHAT?! We've gotta tell Kyle!" Scarlett said.
"Yeah! But, he might get mad at Caden... I was there when Kyle found out about Caden liking Allena, and he got pretty mad then." Mika told her, then she thought about.
"Oh well! Somebody's gonna tell him anyways!" She added after a moment.
"And it'll be us!" Scarlett said happily as she got up. Then Mika followed. 
"Hey Kyle!" Scarlett exclaimed when they found him.
"Hey guys." He replied.
"Guess what we found out!" Mika said.
"What is it?" Kyle asked.
"Caden told Allena he likes her!!!" Scarlett answered.
"Wait, WHAT? I thought I told him- never mind..." Kyle stammered.
"What is it?" Mika asked.
"Nothing. Just, I don't know! I didn't want Caden dating her in the first place, and now he tells her he likes her!" He replied.
"Why didn't you want them dating? You're dating Fawn!" Scarlett asked.
"It's just different." Kyle answered quickly. "I'm gonna go talk to him." He added afterwards, sounding rather mad.  Then he left.  He found Caden with in the exact spot where they were before.
"Hey dude! What's up?" Tyler asked him happily.
"I think you two know what's up..." Kyle replied glaring at Caden.
"What...?" Caden asked confused.
"You know what you did." Kyle repeated.
"Actually...I don't..." He said slowly.
"Oh yeah? Then explain why Mika and Scarlett decided to tell me that to told Allena you liked her." Kyle finally said.
"WHAT?!" Caden cried.
"They must've been eavesdropping! Those little brats!" Tyler cried.
"You were in on this too?" Kyle asked angrily.
"Well yeah! And he's the only one here NOT dating someone! I thought I may as well give him some moral support!" He replied. 
"Yeah! And why are you getting mad at me?! You'd have a better shot at changing Allena's mind about me-oh crud..." Caden said, but stopped when he realized that he might be giving Kyle ideas.
"I'll do that then!" Kyle exclaimed.
"I didn't mean it LITERALLY!" Caden yelled losing his patience. Then the two of them started fighting.
"Will you two SHUT UP? This is HORSE to the CRAP! I'm really sorry to say this Kyle, but I agree with Caden on this one... He would never do anything to hurt Allena, and you know that! So why don't you just let him go with it?" Tyler said after about twenty seconds.  Kyle thought about it for a moment.
"I-I don't know! Just forget it! But this isn't over!" Kyle said angrily before walking away.
The topic didn't get brought up for about two hours, when Kyle decided to talk to Allena about it. 
"Can I talk to you about something Allena?" He asked her.
"Yeah, sure! What's wrong?" She replied.
"It's about Caden... He told you that he has a...crush on you, right?" He asked.
"Yep, but like three hours ago." Allena answered.
"About that... I don't want you dating him, or liking him back." Kyle stated. Allena looked at him for a second.
"What? Why?" She asked confused.
"I honestly don't know the real reason. It's probably just a big brother thing. But, I just don't want him hurting you.  I just don't trust him that much." He explained.
"Kyle, that's really sweet and all but... Well... You're dating Fawn! And, nobody's ever had a crush on me before. Not even before the apocalypse. Never. So... Who really cares? And Caden wouldn't do anything bad to me, I swear. We've all known him for a month or so!" Allena said.
"Wait a minute, you wouldn't care this much if you didn't like Caden, would you?" Kyle asked skeptically.
"So I like Caden! So what?! You had a crush on Fawn! This is the SAME thing!" Allena exclaimed.
"Well, for me it isn't! I'm your older brother! And I'm pretty over protective of you! You know that!" Kyle retorted.
"You're really confusing sometimes..." Allena sighed.
"What do you mean by that?" Kyle asked.
"I'm pretty sure that if you asked anyone at all in this group, they'd probably say you're being a little bit too drastic..." She answered.
"Well... I did get into a fight with Tyler and Caden an hour ago over this..." He admitted.
"Exactly!" Allena said. "So, can I tell him I like him back...?" She asked shyly.
"Uh....No." Kyle replied sarcastically.
"Really Kyle?!- Oh forget it, this is hopeless!"Allena cried. Then she walked away.

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