Percabeth Oneshots

By butterscotchblondy

298K 5.3K 2.2K

Just a bunch of random Percabeth fluff. More

Godly Headcanon
Don't Mess With Da Pancakes!!!!
Snow Day
The Bad Boy (Part 1)
The Bad Boy (Part 2)
Water Park
New Campers Part 1
New Campers Part 2
Merry Christmas
Study Date
Total Cliche
Nice Catch
The Hunt
Mystery Princess
Another Raindrop
Not A Chapter (Sorry)
Candid Photos
Another Hunt
Saving Annabeth
Finding Annabeth
Room 8
Your gonna hate me
Uhh hi...
Random Christmas Chapter
Too much rum
A Very Merry Britney Christmas
Coffee Cup
Travel Mug
Game On
An Interesting Prom
Royally Matched
You Look Like a Juice Person
The Stewardess
Poor Allen
Not a Chapter
Ramdom Snail Lamp


9.1K 188 105
By butterscotchblondy

Percy's POV

"But mom!" I whined. "I don't want a tutor"
"I don't care Percy, your grades are slipping. I'm sorry but your getting a tutor" said my mom.
"Fine" I grumbled.
"Now go or your going to be late" said my mom handing me my backpack. She pushed me out of the house and shut the door.
"I don't even know the address" I grumbled to myself. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I took it out and almost as if she had read my mind my mom had texted me the address. It wasn't far from here. Maybe 3 blocks tops. I started walking. I couldn't believe that my mom was forcing me to study with a tudor. Apparently she's new at our school. I think my mom said she was friends with her dad or something a long time ago. I had been lost in my thoughts for a while and hasn't even noticed that I had arrived at the house. It was a big manor much like ours. It was big and brick, with lots of tall windows. I took a deep breath, and knocked in the door. A middle aged man with sand colored hair answered the door.
"Ahh, you must be Percy" he assumed smiling.
"Yes sir" I replied.
"Annabeth is right In here" he said opening the door so I could come in.
"Annabeth?" He called.
"Coming!" I heard someone say from upstairs. A beautiful blonde girl with curly hair and striking gray eyes came bouncing down the stairs. She stuck her hand out for me to shake.
"Hi I'm Annabeth, I'm gonna be your tutor" said the girl.
"Percy" I responded shaking her hand. 
"I'll leave you two alone" said the man. He walked up stairs. Annabeth led me to the dining room table.
"So what do you mostly need help with?" Asked Annabeth.
"Umm... Everything" I confessed. She laughed, and I got out my work.
"Let's start with math" she said. The minutes flew by. Annabeth would explain things,  and help me understand them. I really enjoyed listening to Annabeth talk. She rarely got off topic but every once in a while she talk about herself.
"There! Done with math" said Annabeth snapping me from my thoughts.
"What else do you have?" She asked.
"Umm, writing" I said.
The day went on like that. Her talking me listening.

It had been a few weeks. Percy went to Annabeth's house 3 times a week. And now he was sure. He was falling for her.
The bell rang and Percy got up from his seat.
Finally math was over. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom.
"Annabeth!" I called, spotting her at the end of the hall. She turned as smiled.
"So I was thinking..." I said as I jogged up to her.
"That's never good" she said. I rolled my eyes.
"We always study at your house. Why not go somewhere else?" I continued. We thought for a moment.
"Alright, what do you have in mind?" She asked.
"How about the beach" I said.
"The beach?" She asked skeptically. I nodded and looked at her pleadingly.
She gave in.
"Fine" sighed Annabeth.
"Yay!" I exclaimed. "See you then Wise Girl" I said, winking. She raised an eyebrow.
"So we are doing nicknames now" she said. I grinned and walked towards my next class.

Annabeth's POV

I checked my phone, the time read 3:56. Percy should be here any minute. I had a towel and an umbrella set up already, and I decided to read for a bit. I tried reading, but Percy consumed my thoughts. He was the only thing I could think about. No one ever made me feel this way. Not even when I had a boyfriend in San Fransisco. Speaking of Percy, I still needed to think of a nick name for him. I picked up my book again, but it was no use. I put my book away and stared out at the ocean. They remind me of his eyes. Ugh what's wrong with me. I shook my head violently.
"What's the matter can't think?" I heard someone tease. I turned and saw Percy, wearing a t shirt and swim trunks. I waved. He waved back.
"Hey Wise Girl" said Percy.
"Again with the nick name" I groaned. He laughed.
"Let's get to work" I said. It took is about an hour and a half to get everything done. Percy checked the time.
"We still have time, want to go for a swim?" He asked.
"Sure" I responded. He took of his shirt and it took all of my will power not to stare.
"Hey, I have boogie boards in my trunk" remembered Percy. "Want me to get them?" He asked. I nodded and he headed towards the parking lot. I sat back down and waited.
"Does the Blondie want to go for a swim?" Asked an unfamiliar voice. I looked up and saw two guys maybe a year older than me. They picked me up.
"Hey get away!" I protested. I kicked one in the jaw, and he stumbled back. But one guy still held me. He held me bridal style, and walked towards the ocean. I squirmed, but couldn't get free.
"Ready for a swim?" Asked the guy nastily.
"Sto-" I started but I was cut off He dunked me under and brought me back up. I barley had enough time to take a breath before he dunked me again.
"Hey!" I heard someone say. I couldn't see much, but I saw someone puch, and the guy fell. Strong arms scooped me out or the water. The salt water stung, and I closed my eyes. I was set down, and I squinted. A pair of green eyes met mine. I coughed, and I had salt water in my mouth.
"Percy?" I asked. He nodded.
"I was gone for two minutes and you got yourself in trouble already" he said giving a small laugh.
"Why can I say, trouble follows me wherever I go" I shrugged and laughed.
"You still up for a swim?" He asked.
"I think I'm gonna stay dry for a bit" I responded. He gave me a goofy grin and nodded. He jogged to the water, and dived in. He came to the surface and I laughed. Percy looked at me confused. He had a large pile of seaweed sitting on his head. I laughed even harder. He looked up and laughed to. He went under again, and the seaweed washed away. He jogged up to me, and wiped his face with a towel. His hair was sticking up in all directions and his eyes sparkled.
"Your such a seaweed brain" I giggled.
"Is that my nick name now?" He asked, amused.
"Yep, your my Seaweed Brain" I said.

Percy's POV

I laughed. I was Seaweed Brain. I was her Seaweed Brain. I sat down next to her.
"Thanks" she mumbled.
"For what?"
"For saving me back there" said Annabeth.
"Yeah, I'm pretty great" I said, putting my hand on my hips.
"Don't make me take back" she said punching me in the arm. I grinned. And her gray eyes stared into mine. She turned away and blushed.

We started packing up, and headed to the parking lot.
"You still are having some trouble in English. So you need to work on synonyms" said Annabeth once we had put everything in our cars. I gave a mini salute and she smiled. I waved and she waved back.
"Bye!" I called, as I got in my car. I drove home and collapsed on my bed. I decided to do what Annabeth told me. Synonyms.

Annabeth's POV

The bell rang and class was dismissed. I walked into the hall, and pushed through the crowd. I was trying to find my locker but it was almost impossible in this sea of students. I finally reached my locker and the the massive wave of students dissipated. I opened my locker and a piece of note paper fell out. It read: Dear Annabeth, for my homework you wanted me to work of synonyms. So here are a few. Annabeth, I am absolutely, definitely, positively, hopelessly, unquestionably, beyond any doubt, unconditionally, in love with you. -Percy

I held the note to my chest, and slid down the lockers until I was sitting. I sighed. And closed my eyes. If I didn't get to class soon I would be late. I groaned and sat up. I managed to get through two more classes until lunch. I scanned the crowd, and my eye landed on his. He jogged over, he opened his mouth bet before he could say anything I jumped into his arms. He was surprised at first, but wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you too. Even if you are a seaweed brain" I whispered. He looked at me.
"But I'm not just any seaweed brain. I'm your seaweed brain" he said.
"That's right" I said. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. Everything went quiet in the cafeteria but I didn't care. We pulled apart, and lots of girls gave me jealous stares. Percy wrapped his arm around me.
"So, you hungry Wise Girl?" I nodded and we walked to the lunch line.
He was my seaweed brain.

A/N hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I got two teeth filled this week and it hurt 😩 but everything is fine now 🙃 I love you all 😘
Toodles 🤓

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