Finally Together

By Chrisismyfav

108K 6.3K 2.9K

The sequel to Being Good Enough. Khadijah and Chris reunite after many years apart. But now everything has ch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
New Story
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Why I haven't been updating.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

2.5K 172 117
By Chrisismyfav

Chris's POV

Nope, I couldn't do it. Khadijah was looking at me all sad with her puppy dog eyes. I know it was killing her that I was being distant. I just couldn't bring myself to admit that I was cheating. I didn't want for her to be even more upset.

"I been stressed out lately, that's all," I told her.

"Stressed out with what?" She asked.

I had to come up with an answer quick. What's the top two things that stresses out the average person? Work and money.

"Some of my customers left me for someone else so I ain't been getting as much money," I replied.

"If you were worried about money, why would buy these expensive ass bracelets?" Khadijah wondered.

She stared at me with squinted eyes. Looking down at the bracelets that were shining in the light, I felt stupid.
I basically just got caught in my lie. I felt silly for saying anything about money now. Khadijah was still waiting for a reply. Besides feeling silly, I was also mad at Khadijah for making me feel like that in the first place.

"Damn, I just wanted to get you something. Always fucking complaining," I angrily muttered.

Khadijah opened her mouth, probably to insult me back, but then shut it. She sighed deeply before throwing herself on the couch.

"Look Chris, I don't wanna fight. I wanna find a solution to this problem," She said while swinging her pointed finger from me to here.

I shrugged. "I don't have a solution."

After some silence, Khadijah cheerfully stood up.

"I think I know why we keep fighting," She stated. I waited patiently for her reason. "It's because we never spend time together!"

"We spend a lot of time together," I said confused.

I see Khadijah for a few hours every single day.

She shook her head. "No, we don't. Spending time and seeing eachother are different things. I see you all the time. But we never sit down and talk about our day or discuss what were making for dinner or politics or anything that real couples talk about."

"Yeah, you right," I said.

"So, are you busy today? I have work at 1 but maybe we can do something before that."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went to the calendar. I was busy today. I had another delivery to Mariah. And shit, I had to be there quickly. I completely forgot.

"I gotta deliver a painting today. And I gotta be there I'm like 20 minutes," I told her.

"And how long does that usually take?"

" 'bout 15 minutes."

"Oh! That's perfect!" Khadijah squealed. "It's only 11 o'clock. If I get dressed now I can come with you to deliver the painting so that we can go somewhere right afterwards."

We both rushed off to get ready. I headed to the bathroom while she went to change her clothes. We were done and at Mariah's door in no time.
"Stay in the car," I ordered Khadijah.

"I know. I know. Just hurry back," Khadijah said.

I gave her a peck on the cheek before getting out the car. I grabbed the painting and went to the door. It was open, like it usually is, so I went inside.

"Mariah?" I called out.

"In the kitchen!" She yelled back.

I went to where Mariah was. She sat at the kitchen table eating something.

"Hey Chris," She greeted. "Come eat."

Khadijah was waiting so I decided not to take the offer.

"It's alright, I ain't really hungry right now."

She wouldn't take no for an answer.

"C'mon, I made too much food anyway." She grabbed a plate, put a bunch of pancakes on it, and shoved it infront me.

She obviously wanted for me to spend some time with her so why was I resisting? Khadijah can wait a little longer.

Khadijah's POV

I had nothing better to do in the car so I decided to take a nap. I was up pretty late worrying about Chris. This nap would pass the time and let me prepare for work. I set the alarm for 15 minutes then closed my eyes. Soon enough, I woke up with a cramp in my neck, a dry mouth, and the need to use the bathroom. My eyes almost bulged out of my head when I saw that it was 12:22 pm. What the hell?! My alarm must've not went off. But more importantly where in the fuck is Chris? This was supposed to take 15 minutes, it's been a hour and a half. What is he doing? Even though he told not to get out the car, I did it anyway.

I rushed into the house. There were voices coming from the kitchen so that's where I went. Chris sat at a table laughing and sitting extremely close to some girl. My feelings were beyond hurt. Today was supposed to be about Chris and I improving our relationship. He forgot about it because he was interested in someone else. I couldn't believe him.

"Chris!" I yelled.

He jumped up and turned around.

"I told you to stay in the car," He said.

"You also told me that this would take 15 minutes. Look at the time!" I exclaimed.

Chris glanced at the time on the stove.

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed. "I needa finish."

"You're not even done yet?!"

Chris didn't bother to respond to me. He grabbed a hammer and then ran to another room. I was left alone with the girl.

"I'm sorry for running into your house like that," I apologized.

"It's alright," She chuckled. "Do you mind me asking, who exactly you are?"

"I'm Khadijah," I introduced myself.

The girl got up and walked to me. She held out hand and she said, "I'm Mariah."

I took a second to inspect her. This girl was beautiful in a unconventional way with all her tattoos. She had her long dreads in a sloppy bun on top of her head. She wore joggers with a random Tupac shirt. Mariah was gorgeous without even trying.

"Nice to meet you Mariah," I smiled. "Um, can I use your bathroom? I've been stuck in that car forever."

Mariah looked confused but didn't question me. "Yeah, of course. It's the third door down that hallway."

After I was done using the bathroom, I watch back to the kitchen. Chris was talking to Mariah again.

"You want a tattoo WHERE?" She asked.

Chris rubbed the back of his head. "I'm finna get two right here."

"Are you sure? Head tattoos hurt like a bitch?"

"I got a tattoo on my neck, I bet it's gon' feel the same."

I was kind of jealous that they had something to bond over. I felt sort of left out so I decided to interject myself in their conversation.

"I want a tattoo too," I announced.

Chris looked at funny. "You never talked about a tattoo before."

"Well, I want one now."

"The shop does walk-ins. I usually work all business days but I'm off tomorrow. It's my birthday," Mariah said.

"How old are you turning?"

"29. I know I'm old," She laughed.

"Wow, you don't look a day over 18," I complimented.

"Thanks, girl. So, I'm actually having a birthday dinner tomorrow at Sugarfish with some friends. Both of can come if you want."

"Oh no, I don't wanna intrude."

"You won't be. The more the merrier!"

I liked Mariah. She seemed really nice and friendly. I think I will actually go to her dinner.

"Okay, we'll be there," I said.

"Great. It starts at 8. And Chris, thank you so much for the painting."

Chris and I said our goodbyes before leaving her house. As soon as we got into the car, Chris started talking.

"I'm sorry baby. I forgot to-"

"I'm don't care," I interuppted. "Take me home and then take me to work."

I mindlessly wiped the same table over and over and over again. I couldn't focus on anything else. I was starving because I slept roo long. And I had a headache from being mad at Chris.

"It's your lunch break," Ciara informed me.

Thank God. I threw the supplies down and went towards the kitchen. We keep all the items that don't sell the previous day. I grabbed two cookies then went to the front of the store. Employees usually sit in the back but I didn't feel like being surrounded by my co-workers today. I wanted to be alone. I finished eating then laid my head in my hands. Maybe this will alleviate my pain.

"Bad day?" Somebody inquired.

I raised my head to see James.

"Terrible day," I corrected him.

"What happened?" He asked. James sat down infront of me.

"Boyfriend problems," I groaned.

"Need advice?"

"No, it's alright," I answered. "So, enough of me. How you been?"

"I'm having a terrible day just like you. I hate working at that company," He responded.

"It can't be that bad."

"It is. I can't stand being around my parents all day."

"I don't get why you resent them so much?"

"They're so controlling! I can't do anything. Y'know I have to go to church 3 times a week? I don't wanna go but they think it'll be good publicity for the company. And you're the only friend I have that they didn't pick for me. I can't even post anything on Instagram unless they see it first," James ranted.

James was usually soft-spoken. It was different seeing him angry. I totally understand where he was coming from. I couldn't relate but I could see why he was so upset. His parents sounded like a nightmare. Now, I felt bad for thinking that he was weird. He was a normal person who happened to have weird parents. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't be like every average guy. This made me like him a lot more.

"What's something that you really wanna do but your parents won't let you?"

"I turned 21 but they didn't let me try alcohol. Thats what I wanna do. Drink."

"How about me and you go to a club later this week?" I suggested.

James looked uncomfortable. "I don't know. What if they find out?"

"They won't if you make up a good lie for a few hours," I reassured him. "I know you're worried but this will really fun. Don't you want to experience something new?"

"Okay, fine. I'll go with you."


"Hurry the fuck up. We're late," Chris yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes and slightly sped up to catch up to him. He turned around and walked into the restaurant, not bothering to wait for me. What a boyfriend. Note the sarcasm. I finally caught up as Chris was walking towards the waiter.

"We're here for Mariah," He said.

The waiter escorted us to a private part of the restaurant. There were 8 or so people sitting at 8 the table, mostly women. There was 3 open seats. One next to Mariah and 2 at the end of the table. I walked to the end of the table so that Chris and I could sit next to eachother. I was surprised when he went and sat next to Mariah, instead. Some people would say it's not a big deal, but I felt incredibly embarrassed. Chris and I walked in together. People knew we were dating. Yet, he sat with another woman.

For the next 25 minutes, I sat quietly and reflected on my relationship. Hell, I don't even know if I can still call it that. Mariah and Chris were only talking to eachother. They were whispering into eachother ears and laughing like school children. I didn't feel jealous or angry anymore. Chris was quickly slipping away from me and there was nothing I could do about it. He had already fallen into someone else's arms. I don't know how we got here. When we were apart, I was head over heels in love with Chris. Maybe the only thing that fueled our relationship was the need to see eachother. Now that we see each other everyday, what was left? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No interest, no lust, no spark, no love.

I walked over to Chris.

"Chris, I'm really not feeling good," I said.

"So, what you want me to do about it?" Chris asked.

"Can I have your keys so I can go home?" I questioned.

"Wait, why are you leaving?" Mariah wondered.

"I really don't feel well," I explained.

"Oh, well I hope you feel better. And thanks for coming." Mariah gave me a hug.

A teeny part of me wondered if Chris was interested in Mariah. He was all over her. If he was, I couldn't blame him. Mariah was beautiful. Underneath that beautiful exterior was a great personality. I hated a lot of girls in Chris's life. Examples include Kae, Christina, Jasmine and Nia but definitely not Mariah. She seemed like the perfect girl for Chris. They were both artists. Mariah, a tattooist. Chris, a painter. They could bond over the arts where as Chris and I couldn't bond over anything. I hope they end up together because as of tomorrow, Chris will be single.

I drove towards home but I didn't want to be alone. I'm tired of being sad. I want to laugh and have a good time. I know Chris is having a good time with Mariah. I called my only friend in all of L.A.

"Hello?" James answered.

"Hey James, it's me Khadijah. Remember when I said we should go to the club? How about we go right now?"

"Sure, I'm not busy."

"Do you know where Supper Club is?"

"Yep, I'll see you there."

My outfit for the birthday party wasn't exactly clubbing attire but I didn't feel like changin. The parking lot was so packed but it was easy to find James since his Roll Royce stood out. He payed security a few hundred bucks so that we were able to get in immediately instead of waiting in line. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bar.

"10 shots of Vodka!" I demanded.

5 for both of us. I took a shot and handed it to James who looked rather hesitant.

"You wanna have a good time, right? Then, take this!" I encouraged.

James and I chugged the alcohol at the same time.

"It tastes terrible," He said in my ear.

"Drink some more, they'll taste better."

After 4 shots, I was wasted. James drank the remaining 6 which left him just as drunk as I was. The combination of alcohol and a dry spell made me in the mood for sex. Luckily, I had James here with me. The last thing I remember was getting my panties ripped off and having him all in my guts.

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for 80k reads on the first book. I'm so thankful for all the support so I decided to write you guys an extra long chapter.

Opinions on Mariah and James?
Is it a good thing that Khadijah cheated?

Don't forget to comment and vote. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! -Khadijah

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