You Can't Change Love or Fate...

By balletlove

400K 10.6K 529

All I ever wanted was a nice simple life with my mate. Did I get it? Pft, of course not! Emma Simis was reje... More

You Can't Change Love or Fate
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Just a quickie
Another quickie
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2

Chapter 19

15.2K 532 94
By balletlove

OH MY GOSH!!!! This is the last chapter everyone! :*( I'm writing another book though and it should be up soon... I hope. Anyway, have fun reading and I'm sorry if it wasn't the best book.

Heaps and heaps of love


EMMA'S POV (9 months later)

"Hey sweetheart." Peter wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested them on my massively oversized belly.

"Hey." I said with a smile. I turned around in his arms giving him a small sweet kiss. He was having none of that though. He put a hand on the back of my neck keeping me in place. He deepened the kiss and I was so lost in this man once again. Damn hormones. Well, that's what I keep telling myself.

"Get a room!" We were torn out of our special moment by my one and only brother, David. Jess giggles from beside him, trying to hide her face behind her long blonde hair.

"Didn't pick on them! If they were going that far then they would certainly leave us. Right?" Kristy asked me with a look that said 'Don't you say otherwise'. I just nodded and flushed a deep scarlet colour. I've been blushing a lot since I was pregnant. Peter just laughed.

Rosie sighed dreamily, "I can't wait to find my mate. I'll be so happy." We all have her sympathetic looks.

"You'll find him don't worry." Lacy said in a caring voice. Rosie and Kristy were the only ones that didn't have a mate yet. Everyone felt sorry for them. Rosie was such a nice girl who deserved someone and the same goes for Kristy. Kristy also requires a mate though because she's of alpha bloodline and has to continue the alpha wolves. Just like I'm doing.

It was currently David, Jess, Rosie, Kristy, Lacy, Peter and myself all in the living room. Eric was off doing patrols.

We all decided to have a get together because all the parents were away. Best idea ever.

We all continued to make conversation when a felt a pain in my stomach. I sucked in a breath through my teeth and placed a hand on my stomach gripping it. I've been having contraction more and more lately.

"Emma? You right? Do we need to go?" Peter was on his feet in a second. As the contraction passed, I slowly let out a breath and squeezed Peters hand for reassurance. He looked at me wearily before sitting down.

ARE YOU SURE YOUR OK? Peters voice filtered through my mind full of worry and concern.

IM FINE PETER REALLY. I answered with a roll of my eyes.

IM JUST LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. MY WOLF IS SO ON EDGE AND SO AM I. JUST TELL ME WHEN WE NEED TO GO. I couldn't help but smile at him. He was so caring sometimes.

THANKS PETER. I'LL TELL YOU- My own thoughts were cut off when I let out a pain filled scream, gripping my stomach. I felt something trickle down my leg and heard everyone gasp, freezing in shock.

My water just broke.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." I kept on chanting. It's happening. It's really happening.

I let our another pained scream which seemed to snap everyone out of it. Peter instantly scooped me up into his arms gently and ran out to the car. He placed me down softly while I bit my lip so I wouldn't scream again.

"It's ok sweetheart. Just hold on for a few minutes." He ran around to his side and instantly started the engine. We made it to the hospital in record time.

He picked me up and ran me inside. I was now bitting in my lip so hard that it was bleeding and my eyes were squeezed shut.

"NURSE! I NEED A NURSE NOW!" Three nurses instantly ran to us and placed me on a hospital bed.

This was it.


They placed her in a hospital bed and was about to take her away, before I gripped the bed. "Can I come?"

The nurses all looked at each other. "Sorry sure, but she needs to go into the surgery room. We don't know what her condition is and-" She was cut off by my mates scream of pain.

"Like hell I'm leaving her!" I practically yelled. Seeing how much pain she was in, I couldn't bring myself to leave her. I felt a hand on top of mine that was gripping the bed in a death grip. I instantly knew it was my mates because it calmed me down. A lot.

I looked into those vibrant violet eyes that held so much pain and happiness. I felt bad to put her through this. She nodded slightly and I knew what I had to do.

With a bit of hesitation, I sighed in defeat kissing her on the forehead. "Good luck sweetheart. I'll be right here waiting for you. I love you." I let go of the bed before she muttered a 'Love you to' and she was rushed away through some double doors.

I just hope she's alright.

* * *

It's been 3 hours since Emma, my beautiful caring mate who's in pain, was taken out of my site. I was pacing the hospital floor while my wolf was pacing inside me and growling every chance he got because I left our mate to total strangers. I can't blame him though, I feel the same way.

"Peter, calm down. She's gonna be ok." David reassured me. It was David, Kristy, Rosie, Lacy, Eric and me sitting in the waiting room. They had arrived a few minutes after Emma was pulled away, we were all anxious to find out the news.

"You don't know that." I snapped back. He put his hands up in surrender. You never want to mess with an angry or on edge alpha, and at the moment, I'm a little bit of both.

"Hey man, just trying to reassure you." He had a sheepish smile on his face bit I could see that his eyes were filled with worry. All of ours were.

"Sorry. It's just so frustrating not knowing what's going on." I ran a hand through my hair pulling slightly.

"Just sit down and relax." Eric suggested. I nodded taking a seat next to David.

A few more minutes passed when a very tired looking doctor came out. "Robinson family and friends?"

All of us immediately stood up wanting to know the news. "She delivered a healthy baby boy and she is just fine. She may be a little tired for a while and bit sore, but apart from that, it all want well."

Knowing that Emma was fine, I let out a sigh of relief just like everyone else. A massive weight lifted off my shoulders at the news. Then everything else he said snapped. A boy? I have a baby boy? A full blown smile spread across my face.

"Can we see her?" I asked. Even if he said no, nothing would wipe the smile off my face.

He motioned all of us through many, many corridors before we came to Emma's room. The doctor motioned us in. I entered, followed by Eric, Lacy, Rosie then Kristy.

Emma was holding a little sleeping baby boy in her arms that couldn't be bigger then the size of both my hands put together. She was cuddling it and smiling a full on smile like everyone else.

"Hey." She whispered not looking up. "Isn't he beautiful?"

There was a murmur of agreements but Emma still hasn't lifted her head away from the baby boy.

"Yeah." She whispered again. It looked like she was in a daze gazing down at our baby with so much love that it brought tears to my eyes.

GUYS? CAN I TALK TO EMMA ALONE? I asked through the mind link. Everyone nodded and said goodbye before leaving.

I went to take a seat next to Emma's bed. "That's our little boy." I stated gazing at our baby.

"He has your eyes." Emma stated. She was still in her own little world.

"But he has your beauty. He looks exactly like you." I whispered. She giggled finally looking up at me.

Her eyes were tired but they were filled with so much love that it made one tear slide down my cheek.

She smiled softly at me. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked gesturing our baby to me. I looked at her unsurely. What if I drop him?

"Is it ok?" I had a nervous expression on and was looking into my mates beautiful eyes.

She laughed a bit. "It's not like your going to drop him. He's yours to." Having her consent, I gently lifted the baby from Emma's arms and placed him in mine.

As soon as I got a good hold of him, he started to open his eyes. "Hey there little buddy. I'm daddy. I'm your daddy." Emma was right, he had the same shade of grey eyes as me. He started to cry like all babies do so I gave him back to Emma.

"Shhh. It's ok baby, mummy and daddy's here." She was bobbing him up and down slightly and it seemed to calm him because he stopped crying.

"What do you want to call him?" Emma asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Whatever you want." She huffed at my response. I laughed slightly at her action. She was so cute. "Ok, ok. How about this... You choose the first name and I'll choose the middle name. Deal?" She nodded slightly and gently put her finger in our little baby's. He instantly gripped it, making the both of us chuckle. He is so going to be a mummy's boy.

"Kyle. I like the name Kyle." Emma's soft quiet voice filtered through my ears.

"Kyle? I like that." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Your turn." She giggled. I put on a think face and this just made her giggle more.

After a while of thinking, I got it. "How about Greg? It was my grandfathers name. He lost his life protecting his mate and pack in a historical battle. I think it will suit our little guy." We both laughed. You never know what a little boy like ours will be capable of.

"Kyle Greg Robinson? I like it. I like it a lot." She was smiling down at our new baby boy and so was I.

I can't believe how far we've come. At first it was hard, but it was all worth it if this was the result.

I would've never believed you if someone had said that this was my fate. In fact, I would've laughed in your face. It's ironic how you think that a person exactly like you, but hidden behind a shell, would be all yours. Even if you had to work really really hard to get it.

"I love you. Both of you." I smiled kissing my mates and baby boys forehead.

"I love you guys to." Emma whispered before planting a soft sweet kiss on my lips.

We just stayed int he hospital for a few hours not saying anything. Just staring at Kyle and each other.

I will never stop loving Emma or Kyle and from now on, I gonna show both of them just how much they mean to me.

Because... You can't change love and fate.


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