
By rain0205

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"Wolves mate for life. I love you Youko Kurama." "I love you Moriko Chie. I will come and find you, be sure o... More

Meeting in Mystery
Wolf Games
The Dark Mirror
New Beginnings
First Mission
Unwanted Invitation
First Fight
Disturbing Demons
Demon Speed
Blood and Roses are Red
Love is Strange
Death Tree
Suzuka's Gifts
From Silk to Thorns
Misleading Opponents
Needle in a Haystack
Final Fight Part 1
Final Fight Part 2
A Battle of Wits
Ghosts of the Past
The Sickness
Chapter Black
Shinobu Sensui
The Chase
Mind over Matter
Solitary Confinement
Blissful Ignorance
Impossible Choices
Mental Conflictions
Tortured Souls
Tree of Depravity, Reverse Man
Sacred Energy
Slim Chances
A Means to an End
Uneasy Peace
Moving On
Meeting Shiori
Unexpected Confrontation
Dizzying Intellect
Kurama vs San
Youko vs Moriko
The Demon World Tournament
Returning Home
The Beginning of the End
Now What
Endless Rain
The Next Step
Hiroki Revealed
Fate's Choice
Greatest Desires
The Final Battle
Saying Farewell

Mission Briefing

457 19 0
By rain0205

Anger. That was all she could see in those green orbs in front of her. They bore into her tawny eyes, as she stood defiantly in front of her mate. Their plan was over, and Genkai had stepped forward, revealing herself the mastermind. San had also gotten rid of her disguise, and she was happy about it. She expected her mate to be vexed with her, but she was following orders, and he had to understand that. At least he wasn't in much more pain, that was something she hated seeing more than anger. Genkai and San stood in front of Botan, Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke.

"A tunnel? But how?" asked Yusuke. Yes, a tunnel, that was being drilled with Sakyo's technology. Someone had restored it, and was trying to carry out his last wish before death. That was his goal going into the Dark Tournament.

"There is a border zone dividing our world and there's. Somehow, there is a breach in that zone," said Genkai.

"It is known as the Pseudo Space," began Kurama. San stared intently, the defiance still evident in her eyes, "Time portals of it have been opened from time to time, allowing demons such as Hiei, San and myself to slip through. But they are rare, and quickly close, trapping us."

"Hn. You're wrong old hag. If there were a hole out of this vile world, I would have taken it," said Hiei.

"Getting you to believe me would have been a pain in the ass. I'll let you see it yourself," said Genkai. The room was silent, the others waiting for her to make a move.

"Enough suspense, where is it?" asked Yusuke.

"Mushiyori City."

"Mushiyori City?" exclaimed Yusuke, "That close? That's like a Sunday afternoon drive from here." San had no idea what they were talking about. She had only been around the city, isolated mostly at the temple She was brought out of her thoughts by buzzing noise.

"Uh, that must be Koenma," said Botan. She set down the case and opened it. They all gathered around to see what he had to say. San happened to fall in beside Kurama, and she sighed sadly. He looked at her, but her eyes were focused on the screen. He couldn't help but be angry at her, all the sorrow he felt over the past few weeks, and she didn't even tell him that she was alive. Instead, she just played a game, deceiving him.

"Botan, is Yusuke with you? This is an emergency!" San saw Koenma appear on the screen.

"We're all here Koenma. Is this about the border-tunnel?" asked Genkai.

"Genkai! I forgot I brought you back to life!"

"You're slow on the uptake this time. It seems that whoever's doing this is has used the typical 'long after the tournament' that caught even you off guard. In the last month, over thirty humans have come to me for help, suddenly finding themselves to have an assortment of supernatural powers. These two are prime examples," said Genkai, referring to Mitsunari and Kido standing beside San, "The traits of the effect may vary, but they share one thing in common. They all come from Mushiyori City."

"I guess a small part of me is happy that the influence hasn't stretched further yet. But that means that we've already advanced into stage two."

"Stage two? What does that mean? You moved into training pants?" asked Yusuke. San stifled a laugh.

"No. No it doesn't, but I'm not sure how much of it I can reveal. It is secret high classified information from the highest division of Rekai intelligence."

"Well how can I help you if I don't know anything?"

"You make an interesting point. Okay everyone, here's how it shakes down. There are four stages to such an apocalyptic breach. The first stage is demon energy thickens in the human world, allowing demon parasites to thrive. As the size of the breach increases, we move to stage two, in which normal humans find themselves blessed with super human powers. Now stage three is where things really heat up. Demon energy floods the streets, and low class monsters spawn at will. They aren't smart, or strong, but they are violent. In the fourth and final stage, the border tunnel breach retrieves a stabilized diameter over two kilometers, allowing total passage."

"Total passage for who?" asked Botan.

"Yeah, just who do I have to fight?" asked Yusuke.

"With a tunnel that gigantic, apparitions all the way through the C and B classes will be able to pass between worlds," said Koenma.


"Reikai ranks every demon according to their power. I never told you this because there wasn't any point. But here's a nifty frame of reference. All the demons in the upper level B class are the same strength as Toguro."

"Toguro was just a B class?" Yusuke looked like he was ready to shit his pants. "Nearly killed us all and he's just a B class?"

"The Makai is an ancient world, and it's depths are endless. In truth, there are vast parts of it's territory that Reikai has absolutely no control over."

"Well I never knew that..." trailed Botan.

"Think of the demon world as a giant, underground building. Basement after basement stretching downward into an infinite void. Out of all that, we only control half of the first basement."

"Then you're a pretty crappy ruler," said Yusuke.

"It would be bloodbaths and armageddon if we tried to take it all at once. Our only choice had been to hold our ground and expand gradually over the centuries. We cannot awake the anger of the A class, and S class, or super A class that live at the bottom. Not even my father and all of his armies can beat the S class demons."

"Now Koenma, you and King Enma are not the fighting type. If you knew of such a danger, then surely you've taken precautions," said Genkai.

"Sure. To seal off the pseudo space around Makai, spirit world has raised a powerful kakai barrier."

"Oh great, barriers. And you had us worrying over nothing," said Botan. She then realized something, "Hold then, so why are demons still passing through?"

"We had to make priorities and stop the A and S class demons above all else, but even our resources are limited. The only way to make a barrier large enough was to spread the energy into a net."

"I see, like a filter."

"Yes. While B class demons can squeeze through, the larger A and S class demons are held at bay."

"NO!" exclaimed Yusuke, "How could you sign off on a plan like that? You intentionally made it so that hundreds of demons like Toguro can just prance on over here whenever they want?"

"You have to imagine the alternative, Yusuke. If just one S class demon crossed into the Ningenkai..."

"Would someone please just tell me what your talking about?" demanded Kuwabara. "Geeze man, you know it's not my fault that my powers aren't working right now, and I can't hear what Koenma's saying. We're a team you know, and teams don't leave a member in the dark. Just keep me in the loop!" The group was silent. San took a moment to look at them, and then at her mate. Her attention went back to Koenma. "Okay, now I'm worried... What's wrong guys?" San turned to him, and briefly summed up all that had been said so far. Kuwabara's face was contorted in horror. "My life, it's just starting, there are still things I need to do! I need to marry a girl, grow my first mustache! And now you're telling me that someone's digging a big hole, so that demons like Toguro can start attacking us all at once? And there's the A and the S guys that not even spirit world can control! Has hope truly left us? Is this the end of everything?"

"Get over it," Genkai put a stop to his drama. "We'll talk about our plan in a minute. But I need to rescue Kaito first. And by me, I mean you San."

"Why me? Are you that lazy that you can't do it yourself?" she grumbled at Genkai. She was still mad at the woman for making her hide from her mate. Kurama was surprised that San had said something like that to her.

"To test you," was Genkai's answer.

"Kaito? Oh, right, the book worm, I forgot about him," said Kuwabara. The group made their way back downstairs, using an alternative route this time. Kaito was in the same spot, clearly not going to move. San could feel Genkai glare at her, and she knelt down to put the soul back where it belonged. She could feel Kurama watching her the whole time. San stood, and then Kaito came to.

"A full house, I take it everything went as you planned, master Genkai," said Kaito.

"You played your part well," complimented Kurama. "You lost, but it was a stirring introduction."

"I wasn't playing along, I was trying my hardest to defeat you. For once, I wanted to see you lose. But I'll just have to wait a little longer."

"Nice thinking brain boy. So you put your soul on the line because he's beaten you in a few math quizzes? What if grandma or San hadn't been here to save you?" asked Yusuke.

"Simple. He would have faded into nothing," answered Genkai. Kuwabara gasped. "Kaito's a risk taker, that's why these three came to me for help in the first place. He removed Mitsunari's soul and they didn't know how to put it back. A soul is fragile without a body or ghost to protect it. In one full day, it would break apart."

"And yet, your curious mind could not help but pose the question," said Kurama.

"That reminds me..." San mused out loud. She then held out her hand to the territorial humans, "You guys owe me double," she told them, smiling.

"Double? What the hell are you talking about?" asked Yusuke.

"These idiots placed bets on you and Kurama. I suppose they just had to pass the time, but while we're on the subject, I get ¥200," said Genkai.

"Wait a second, bet on what?"

"There were two bets going. I bet Kaito that he would lose against Kurama because well, let's face it, I always have the utmost faith in him," San began her explanation, giving her mate a nasty look at that last comment, "The other bet was whether or not you would guess right about Mitsunari. I bet that you would, everyone else bet against you."

"Thanks grandma, good to know you don't have faith in me," scoffed Yusuke.

"Well it would be easier if you didn't get kidnapped in the first place dimwit," retorted Genkai. The boys emptied their pockets, paying what they owed to Genkai and San.

"Well, why don't I give myself a proper introduction now," said Kaito, moving on. "Yu Kaito. I have the power of taboo."

"My name's Asato Kido. My power is shadow."

"Mitsunari Yanagisawa, and I call my talent copy."

"Like I told you, they all live in Mushiyori City. It's been a full month since they developed their powers and there are many others like them," said Genkai.

"That's only a few weeks after the closing of the Dark Tournament," said Kurama.

"Yeah, and that was only at the beginning of stage two right? So that means it was just days after I fought Toguro when this whole tunnel business got started..." trailed Yusuke. That infuriating buzzing noise made its sound again.

"We just finished calculating the growth rate in that tunnel guys," said Koenma, once he appeared on the screen. "It's bad. As is, we'll be at stage four in three weeks."

"Three weeks?" exclaimed Yusuke. "There's got to be something we can do. Can't you like, close the hole back up?"

"The only way is to stop the tunnel's creator. This isn't a normal hole, it isn't physical yet. It's a distortion in space time, 1.3 kilometers. Once it gets to 2 kilometers, it stabilizes, changing from energy to physical space. You don't use a drill to dig a hole like this, you use a psychic, nested at the center point."

"So you know where the guy is, and if he's beat down, we're all okay. Then I guess all I've got to do is turn his brain into mush."

"Not so fast Yusuke," said Genkai.

"You guys know the city right? So then take me to that hole!" demanded Yusuke of the three humans standing beside San and behind Genkai. The old woman just flipped Yusuke upside down and let him fall on his head. "Damnit! What is this, be bitchy day?"

"Here's a brilliant concept, try learning from your mistakes! What I wouldn't give for a successor with a brain..."

"Thanks Genkai," San had to throw in there.

"Shut up, you've been intolerable since you came back to life. Dimwit, do you know how much trouble I went to planning this whole ordeal? The whole point of tonight was to teach you one thing, you cannot go into this without understanding your enemies powers. You will lose."

"And you've gone deaf again!" said Yusuke, standing up, "Koenma said we can't wait."

"If the tunnel completes, we're doomed," said Kuwabara.

"That still allows us three weeks, and three questions to answer. How many fighters are in their group? Who is their leader? And, what's the true nature of their powers? Without those answers, attacking would be suicide," said Genkai. Hiei stepped forward.

"Koenma. If these fools are done, I have my own question. In what class do you rank me?" asked Hiei.

"Hiei..." Kurama trailed.

"What? It's a fair question. If Rekai lackies are going to place a letter on me, then I deserve to know."

"Oh very well Hiei, I'll tell you. As I've said, the Toguro brothers were considered an upper B. As of the end of the Dark Tournament, you were ranked in the middle of B class," said Koenma. Hiei didn't look too happy with that answer.

"Underestimate me even now?"

"For the record, when you fought Yusuke, you only had an upper D class ranking. But in less than a year, you've jumped up nearly two full classes, quite an astounding feat to be sure. You have much to be proud of."

"You're a child, don't bother me," said Hiei, walking away.

"Come on," said Yusuke.

"You already have your fox, your wolf, your clown and your hag. I'm not going to watch you anymore."

"You're just going to walk away?" asked Kuwabara, outraged.

"This is your world to look after, not mine. I don't intend to hinder your cause, but I'm not going to help it either."

"Coward. Real men help when they're needed."

"Save that idealism for your fairy tales," said Hiei, walking away. The door closed behind him.

"Well I'm not going to shed any tears Hiei! I'm happy you're gone!" Kuwabara called after him, "He's the same selfish punk he was from the start."

"Yeah, he's the same. He'll come and rescue us at the end when we need him the most," said Yusuke.

"It's hard to predict what he'll do. Humanity's destruction was Hiei's dream. These new developments leave him much to consider," said Kurama. His eyes were back on his mate. He was still angry. The room was silent for a few moments.

"So, what now?" Kuwabara spoke up.

"We move into the city at sunrise and begin scouting. These three will go with us, they could be of some use," answered Genkai.

"You guys game for that?" asked Yusuke.

"What do you think? It's our home town man, we're not going to watch it turn into some demon parade," said Mitsunari.

"Yes, we've already been given our powers. The way I see it, we can either help out the humans or the demons and to tell you the truth, I prefer my own kind," said Kaito.

"Same goes for me. I'm not letting anybody take my turf," said Kido.

"Nice. Now the next job for all of you is to get what sleep you can. In the morning, we'll divide into two teams so we can cover more territory. Until we know more, no one goes home and no one leaves the group. Now I'm returning to the temple with these four, whoever else wants to come better move fast," said Genkai.

Everyone began to pile out of the house. Kurama waited a moment, until everyone was a safe distance away. He walked out of the doors, and saw his mate standing by a tree in the yard. She was looking at the moonlight, her back towards him. She could feel his hateful eyes on her, and wondered when he would speak. He didn't know where to begin.

"San," he spoke. It was a start. She turned to look at him, her eyes full of that same defiance. "How long have you been alive?" he demanded of her.

"Since the weekend before I started school," she answered coldly.

"You hid yourself."

"Yes. Yes I did, how very observant of you."

"You had no right to do that. I know you like to play games, but that was just sick."

"You think I had a choice?"

"You always have a choice."

She grunted, looking away for just a moment, before facing him again, "Just like you have a choice dear."


"You didn't even bother to come visiting my grave!" she pointed a finger in accusation, "'Oh, my mates dead, and I feel terrible, but I'm not going to take the time out of my stupid human life to go see her or pay my respects, I'm just going to stick my nose in a text book and hope my guilt goes away'. You bastard. You demand of me when you can't even acknowledge where you're in the wrong? Fuck you."

"How dare you mock me like that."

"There's no how about it, I just did. Maybe you wanted me to die. Couldn't let Karasu have me, because I'm just a prize right? Another treasure to add to your collection. If I just so happen to die, sure, you feel guilty, but you go on as if it's nothing. You're no better than he is," she seethed. Kurama growled at her.

"Do not. Mock. My pain," he warned her.

"Why? What are you going to do? Rip the mark off my shoulder? Go ahead. I'd rather die then know that I'm just another collection to you," she spat at him. She tore her gaze away from him, putting a hand to her head, and looking as if she were wiping away a tear. When she looked, her tawny eyes were still hard, "I'm going to the temple. Come talk to me when you get your brain back, you're acting pretty stupid right now," and she turned her back to him.

"I forbid you to leave right now."

She turned her head slightly, "You are not pack leader," were her last words before she jumped out of sight. Kuama's eyes were fixed on the spot she had just occupied. He lashed out in anger, at the defenseless tree before him. There wasn't a memory he could recall that involved a fight like this. She completely ignored his command, and that wasn't allowed upon the wolf's code. She broke it, and had she still been in the clan, she would be severely punished. If she were with Karasu, she would be severely punished for ignoring a command. That was a big difference between him and the demon that pursued her. She had freedom, she had the choice to ignore commands. The wolf code was too deeply set in her mind that she didn't know another way. Maybe being human changed that now, and he would have to learn how to work with her all over again. Then again, maybe not. He wasn't pack leader, so she was free to ignore him, aside from the fact that he was her mate.

Despite all of these thoughts, she was right. He was being unreasonable, not even giving her a chance. He had to control his temper. She didn't deserve that, and she wouldn't retort like that unless she had a good reason for doing what she did. He knew this, but still could not control his emotions. He looked in the direction of the temple. He wasn't sure if he should go there tonight, but there wouldn't be time tomorrow. He missed her terribly over the time that she was presumed dead. Had they not fought, she would be here to take away all that pain and anguish, but he drove her to leave. He reached into his hair, pulling out the Dragonite seed that he had stashed there years ago. It was his original plan to bring it to life with her after the tournament. The Dragonite plant was a sacred bond among mates, binding them together in such a way that if it were broken, they would die. It had to live off of each of their powers, or else it would die, taking their lives with it. He wanted to do this with her, wanted to make this possible. He put the seed away, staring in the direction of the temple once more. He had to fix this, and quickly.


just want to say a quick thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read and review my story :)

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