The Quiet Girl

By stori99

9K 801 25

I'm the girl from school nobody notices. I'm the one the mean girls always make fun of when one of the guys d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Rachel's POV)
Chapter 17 (Ghost's POV)
Chapter 18 (Derrick's POV)
Chapter 19 (Jasmine POV)
Chapter 20
Chanter 21
Chapter 22
Rachel (Chapter 23)
Chapter 24 (Derrick)
Ghost (Chapter 25)
Jasmine (Chapter 26)
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

199 19 1
By stori99

Raphael and I wake up around noon and roll out of bed. I grab one of his shirts and button it up.

Suddenly, he grabs and hugs me.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, because I couldn't stop thinking about everything I put you through."

I hug him tight. "It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay."

He nods and let's go of me. I get the kids and he fixes breakfast. Later on that day, I enrolled the kids into school.

Raphael and I decided we should get settled before we attack.


In the months that pass, I've become skilled and expecting. I have told Raphael and he barely wants me moving. The twins are running around the house, finally finding comfort in it. Now that is nearly finished. All that's really left is painting the inside living room.

I don't care what he says, we're taking them down tomorrow. It's been months and I'm ready.

I head outside and watch the twins play on the playground Raphael made.

The twins still have memories of their parents not important ones. Hopefully they'll disappear.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Raphael. He kisses my lips then takes a seat right next to me.

"I could take them down by myself." He encourages.

"If I thought you could, I wouldn't have demanded to come with. It's final, I'm going."

He sighs and kisses my forehead. "Alright, remember we have a full day tomorrow. Bright and early we take them down then, we have your doctor's appointment and finally our wedding."

I smile. I really never thought this would happen. "I know. You've told me a million times."

He wraps his arm around me. "Yeah, because you'll forget."

I shake my head playfully, then a serious question comes to mind. "Do you want this?"

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"The kids. They're all my baggage. I shouldn't drag you down."

He cups my face in his hands. "I want you and since they're a part of you, that means I want them and I will protect them too. I said I'd love anything that is a part of you."

"Raphael, I love you."

He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Ew!" The twins yells.

I smile at them. "Be quiet."

They giggle and go back to playing.

I stand up from the chair and Raphael grabs my wrist.

"Where you going?" He asks.

"To go get Malcolm." I answer.

He stand and presses his body against my back. His hands caress my breasts. He's lucky our backs are facing the twins or he'd get punched.

He gets a little rougher, causing me to moan.

"I always liked that you liked it rough." Raphael smirks.

My knees become noodles at his words and my face heats up.

His hands slowly wonder down my body and hikes up my dress. His fingers wonder up my legs until they reach my center. I grab a fistful of his pants and release a small moan.

"When you get back. I want you in our room naked. I want to taste you. I want you to quench my thirst."

"O-okay." I tell him, before my throat closes.

He takes his fingers out and my dress falls.

I turn and face him, knowing my face is bright red.

"Don't forget your gun." He reminds.

I nod and walk back inside the house. I grab a hidden gun and then slide it in my purse.

I get in the car and drive to the school and park. I wait around with the other parents then I see a woman out of the ordinary.

She has short straight black hair and high cheek bones. It's like looking into a mirror. This bitch! I should shoot her!

She locks eyes with me and frowns. She turns to walk away. No she doesn't! I walk after her and she walks faster.

"Don't make a pregnant woman run!" I call out to her.

She stops and looks at me. "You're pregnant?"

I nod and move closer to her.

"Are you married?"

"No, but now it's my turn to ask questions. What's wrong with you?"

She chuckles. "Look Jasmine, I'm sorry, it's just you kids didn't need to be around us."

"Why couldn't you let that be my decision?! You abandoned me at birth then Derrick adopted me then I finally found out the truth and you both abandoned me again!"

"You'll see it was for the best. You can have a better life now."

"You fucking bitch!" I shout.

She snarls at me. "I am still your mother!"

"You are not my mother! You will never be my mother again!"

She glares at me then walks away. "Just take care of my kids!"

My body shakes with anger. "I hope they catch you and send you back to India!"

She stops, then continues to walk away. I hate her! I turn on my heels and go back to see Malcolm waiting for me.

I rush him into the car and drive back home.

"Jasmine what's up?" Malcolm asks.

"Have you seen Rachel around?" I ask, as I shove him in the house.

"No. I haven't." He answers.

Rapid footsteps are heard coming towards us.

The twins come and hug him then they come to me.

Raphael comes downstairs and smirks at me.

He hugs me tight. Oh God, he smells so good.

"Malcolm, you should start on your homework. Girls, it's time to take a nap."

They grunt in protest.

I pick them up and take them to their room and set them in bed.

Once they leave I'm face to face with Raphael.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I saw Rachel while I was out."

He sighs and ushers me to our room.

"Did she hurt you?"

I shake my head. "We talked, well actually, I yelled at her."

"So you don't think anything of it?"

"I don't think so."

He smashes his lips to mine and climbs on top of me.

He takes his fingers in my hair and he sucks on my bottom lip. His lips go down to my jawline then slowly down to my neck.

"You would wear a dress when I want to see your whole body." He mutters, bringing his skilled hands to my breasts.

"Raphael, just rip it. I want to feel you skin on skin."

He snickers. "No. I'm going to move slow and you'll have to deal."

He runs his smooth hand over breasts. He slides his other hand up my legs slowly and brings his lips to mine.

His kiss is passionate and slow. God, I hate when he does that to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.

He lifts his hand higher up my dress and I feel his long fingers graze my stomach.

"Lift your arms." He demands in a husky voice.

I look at him and he looks so different like this. When he's turned on he looks like an animal about to devour his prey. The sexy thing is I like it.

I arch my back, pushing my chest to him even more. He takes off my dress and tosses it across the room.

His hand roughly caress my breasts as he spreads kisses down my stomach.

I wrap my legs around his waist, then he licks my most deepest place over my panties.

I let out a moan of approval. He's moving so painfully slow.

He bites my hip then gets the thin fabric of my panties in between his teeth.

He yanks it down. I gasp in surprise.

He looks at me, making complete eye contact as he kisses and caresses my thighs.

He spreads my legs wider and caresses my ass. I toss my head back then I feel his tongue enter me.

In and out and in and out.

"So wet." He whispers sucking on me.

I moan, then he drives his face deeper in me.

"Raphael." I moan, closing my eyes.

He circles his tongue in me.

I'm feel myself slipping. I'm about to....

"Ah." I groan in release.

He pulls his head up looking at me with a deep lust.

A knock at the door stops him from continuing.

"Who is it?" Ghost asks.

"It's Malcolm."

"What do you need?" I ask sitting up.

Raphael grabs me and flips me over. He grinds his hips into me.

I bite back a moan.

"The twins are crying."

Raphael unbuckles his pants and let's long shaft rub against me.

"Just hand them some cookies."

"I already tried to, but they said they had a bad dream."

I groan.

Raphael let's me up. I grab a long shirt and walk out of our room. I look down and meet Malcolm's embarrassed gaze.

I smirk. "How much do you know about sex?"

He looks up at me in shock. We don't really have this conversation but Malcolm is about to be ten soon and ten year olds nowadays can't keep up with the virginity.

"I know I stick my thing into a girl's private part and if we do it raw, a baby will come out of her nine months later."

I laugh. "That's right, that's why you gotta have a baby with your wife."

"But Raphael isn't your husband."

"But he will be tomorrow, and Malcolm you should always try to do better." I tell him walking to the Twins' room.

I pick them up in my arms and wipe their faces.

"What's wrong girls?"

"Jasmine." Arshi cries.

I pick her up. Arshi is the sensitive one.

"Mommy." Aaliyah calls sniveling.

I hug them tight. "It was just a dream babies. Go back to sleep."

They climb back in their beds and I walk out and back to our room.

Raphael waits for me. "What happened?"

"Just a bad dream, but if Rachel found Malcolm don't you think they found the twins?"

"I'll handle it if she does."

"I think we should let her."


"Look she hasn't seem then in a year and she's not going anywhere, we should let this go."

He opens his mouth then thinks about what he's going to say. "Your pregnancy hormones are acting up."

I laugh and hit his chest.

"But if you're sure, then fine."

I hug him. "Thanks."

Soon enough it gets dark and I make sure everyone is asleep.

I climb into bed with Raphael.

He wraps his arms around me. "You haven't had any problems with your legs right?"

"No I haven't had any problems with my legs as long as I've been pregnant."

He kisses the back of my neck. "Good, but let's go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

I close my eyes and sleep.

My alarm goes off early in the morning.

I turn to Raphael and he sits up.

"I'll start breakfast." He inform them kisses my forehead and leaves.

I get up and get into some loose clothes. I grab a hand full of rings and a book bag. I grab pens and my armor necklace.

Today is the day Treyvon and Andre died for. I will make things right!

I walk downsides, careful not to wake the kids up.

Raphael grabs my a plate with a sandwich and chips.

"We leave in an hour." He informs.

I nod and rest my foot and finish getting ready.

Raphael, get ready and an hour later we're walking to the car.

Raphael bought another car a little while back. It's a big black truck and I surprisingly love it.

We get in and he hugs me tight.

"I love you."

"You better, because I love you too."

He chuckles and starts the truck.

He drives until we are right about a block away from the agencie's headquarters.

"Alright, Raphael I can get us in the roof. The computers and stuff is about four floors below the roof, but if if we go in through the front door there's more floors."

"How will you get us to the top?"

I get out of the car and he does too.

I tap the string in my back pack and it transforms into metal wings. The memory of Treyvon jumping off a roof and saving me with these comes back to mind.

He grabs my waist. "Let's get this done."

I nod and take off.

Fuck I'm flying!

My chest starts to feel tight, but I have to keep going.

Do I?! Do I really?!

"Jasmine, stay focused. You got this."

I suck in some air and we land.

My legs feel weak when I hit the ground. I activate my full body armor and two guns.

I take lead. I memorized everything in every floor of this stupid building. I go in and take the stairs, leaving small bombs on each floor. We get down to the computer room.

Easy enough right?

I open the door and see a large group guarding the computers. Agnus is leading them.

"You're supposed to be dead." I hiss.

"You're supposed to be Derrick." She snarls.

"I'll beat your ass on his behalf." I announce, aiming the gun and not hesitating to shoot.

She ducks and rolls causing my bullet to hit the person behind her.

I cuss.

Raphael, gets a gun and starts shooting.

"Agnus, me and you have something in common. We hate Derrick."

She laughs and shoots at me.

I dodge and roll closing distance between us.

"I love him. I always will, and will never stop." She demands walking away from me and sending three guys in her place.

They charge.

Raphael shoots one and as the others are distracted I kill them.

"You making a pregnant woman fight?" I announce.

She snarls at me sending ten men at me and Raphael. We're back to back.

Fire is blazing until I hear his shotgun runs out of bullets.

I get in front of him as a bullet is aimed at his chest. It bounced off my armor and hit the wall. I have him ammunition and shoot the rest.

"You bitch! Handle me yourself!"

"Ha! Jasmine, please I'm not coming over there. I, at least, want to play. I want to see how long you can keep moving like this before you miscarry."

I shoot at her. "Fuck you!"

She sends fifteen men to us.

"At least I have kids!" I yell, shooting with Raphael is harmony.

Seven men down.

"At least I'm not desperate!"

Three more down.

"At least I haven't got people to do my dirty work!" I shout, killing the rest.

Raphael and I run towards the computer, but a man grabs me and body slams me.

Raphael shoots him.

I get up and protect him while he gets into the computer.

Suddenly the men stop rushing. That doesn't mean I stop shooting.

"That's enough Jasmine, Jesus!" Agnus assures.

She turns to the men. "Dismissed."

She kicks her gun over to me. "You passed. "

"I passed what?" I ask.

"You're training for our agency. This was all a test!" She chirps.

The door opens and Derrick and Rachel walk in.

"Wait what?" I demand enraged.

"Yes, for example, Derrick and I faked our marriage. You're not our real daughter. Those files from Ghost were fakes. Your real parents are dead from a car accident. The twins are not ours either." Rachel informs.

"So who the fuck are you?" I ask her.

"My real name is Helena and I'm a fellow agent." She answers.

"Aren't you happy you passed Jasmine?" Derrick asks.

"Andre died because of this!"

"Only the strong survive." Agnus informs.

Rage takes over my body.

"I'm going to go."

"But we need to-"

"I'm going to fucking go. Not another word about it." I hiss.

Raphael and I leave and I plant the rest of the bombs on the way out.

We get back in his trunk and he drives off.

"Blow it up now." I hiss.

He does and we drive satisfied to my doctor's appointment.

We're the first called and he checks the baby.

"Your twins are fine."

I grit my teeth.

"Sons?" Raphael asks.

"Sons." The doctor informs.

Raphael hugs me. I smile, knowing he wanted a son, but twins?

At the end of the appointment we pay and go back to the car.

"Thank you for not bringing it up. I will not talk about it right now." I tell him.

He nods and kisses my forehead.

We pick up Malcolm and the twins from daycare and head to a courthouse.

We quickly run inside and get married. It was nothing special, but at least I was marrying the person I love.

We kiss and its official, this is the happiest worst day of my life and I will never forget it.

"Raphael, I love you."

"I love you more Baby Girl and I'm sorry this had to happen."

Heyyy guys! Please don't hate me. This is the last chapter of the book. I hope you enjoy and please leaving your votes and comments.

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