
By rain0205

40.2K 1K 65

"Wolves mate for life. I love you Youko Kurama." "I love you Moriko Chie. I will come and find you, be sure o... More

Meeting in Mystery
Wolf Games
The Dark Mirror
New Beginnings
First Mission
Unwanted Invitation
First Fight
Disturbing Demons
Demon Speed
Blood and Roses are Red
Love is Strange
Death Tree
Suzuka's Gifts
From Silk to Thorns
Misleading Opponents
Needle in a Haystack
Final Fight Part 1
Final Fight Part 2
A Battle of Wits
Mission Briefing
Ghosts of the Past
The Sickness
Chapter Black
Shinobu Sensui
The Chase
Mind over Matter
Solitary Confinement
Blissful Ignorance
Impossible Choices
Mental Conflictions
Tortured Souls
Tree of Depravity, Reverse Man
Sacred Energy
Slim Chances
A Means to an End
Uneasy Peace
Moving On
Meeting Shiori
Unexpected Confrontation
Dizzying Intellect
Kurama vs San
Youko vs Moriko
The Demon World Tournament
Returning Home
The Beginning of the End
Now What
Endless Rain
The Next Step
Hiroki Revealed
Fate's Choice
Greatest Desires
The Final Battle
Saying Farewell


1.1K 27 0
By rain0205

The moonlight shone in the window, perfectly radiating on the creature lying next to him. Kurama couldn't sleep, he sat up in his bed thinking about his upcoming match. The path was clear, getting to his destination was the issue. There was so much at stake, the chance to lose everything that he had gained. Frowning, he looked down at San who appeared to be sleeping, laying on her right side with hair fanned out behind her. Her left arm had a slight reach towards him, naked, keeping the covers under her shoulder. His mark had stopped glowing, but it still stood out for all to see. Smiling lightly, he moved a strand of hair out of her face gently, admiring her beauty and feeling foolish for ever doubting that this was his mate. Lying down beside her, his emerald hues locked onto her delicate face.

The pressure was on him, not only did he have to make sure he stayed alive, he had to defeat Karasu - kill him - or else he would continue to pursue San. Her life was in danger, and it was his job to protect her. As much as he wanted to be able to do it, he had doubts about his own abilities should the worst occur. The wolf would be battling as well, however, he knew that Karasu wouldn't allow her to be killed. Kurama wished he had known about this earlier, could have prevented it from coming to this. San would have never told him if she believed his life in danger, regardless of what it meant for her.

The wolf opened her tawny eyes and stared directly into his. He was worried, she could see it, moving to pull him towards her and resting her head on top of his. The fight tomorrow filled her with anxiety, however, she would not burden him, only try to ease his troubles. No words needed to be said at this moment. San kissed him just as the sun began to rise. Dawn was here, bringing with it higher tensions. They still had a few moments, and the girl drifted off. Kurama kissed her cheek before leaving the room, giving one last look in her direction. The destination he had in mind was not far from his room, knocking lightly.

"Hn. I was wondering when you'd show up," said Hiei, opening his door.

"I'm sorry to bother you Hiei," said Kurama, stepping in.

The fox didn't move far from the closed entrance, his thoughts still haunting him. Coming here probably wasn't the best idea, but Hiei knew him, knew of his past, and that made him the best option. Genkai was gone, he didn't know of anyone else who could do this.

"Well? What do you want?"

"I have a favour to ask of you."


Kurama sighed, looking out the window. The sun was climbing higher, time getting closer. There was no more avoiding this, it had to be done now or he would miss the chance and the uncertainty would eat away at him. Setting his jaw, he found the gaze of the fire apparition, drawing in a breath before speaking.

"I'm going to be facing Karasu. This fight is personal, it stakes not only my life, but San's future. If I lose, he'll take her. If he does not die, he'll continue to pursue her no matter what happens to me. I'm sure you already knew who she was, and I will not question your reasons for keeping the information from me. I just got her back, I do not wish to lose her again. But this fight, it stakes everything on the two of us, and I cannot lose... I want to know if you will look after San for me."

Hiei stared at Kurama, face unreadable. If the fox was doing this, it meant that Karasu was someone he should be afraid of, someone with tremendous power. Someone that Kurama knew he couldn't defeat. It took a lot to spook the demon, the threat upon his mate a large motivator for him to win this. Yet, here he was, begging for help.

"Hn. Only until he's dead. She's on her own after that."

Better than nothing, "I understand."

Kurama turned to leave, still troubled by all that plagued him.


The fox stopped in his tracks, door halfway open with his hand on the handle.

"You better not lose. I don't want to babysit her. And if you die, you weren't really worth her time."

"Always a pleasure Hiei," and with that he left.

When he returned to his room, San was still in bed, probably knowing he had left but chose not to question him about it. The window caught his eye, sinking down onto the bed beside her. San's hand sneaked into his and he squeezed it absently. This feeling of dread would not leave their minds, and it greatly disturbed him. It seemed that this whole tournament had much more meaning now that his mate was with him again. Even as a human, Moriko was a big part of his life and being here with San was no different than his demon life with her. At least this way, he could still be with her and she accepted him just as he was, demon and human. San found him, just as she promised and remained loyal to him all this time. So much was wasted in the games they played before now and it felt like it would be ripped away in mere moments. Tearing his eyes from the window, he met her tawny gaze, keeping his face neutral. Bringing the back of her hand to his lips, he planted a soft kiss there, lingering before he spoke softly to her.

"We should start getting ready."

San nodded once, however, remained in bed still. Kurama waited patiently for her, holding her gaze even as she began to rise from the mattress. They shared a moment, one that could not be described in words. It was funny how this boy could be her mate, they weren't very similar. It was easy to miss him, yet, she stuck around him, not knowing why until now. The wolf realized over the time she spent with him as a human, she did love him just as she loved Youko. The void left behind at the separation was full, making her feel at ease just to be in his presence. Finally, she nodded at him and began to dress. He was ready, it was nearly time. When she was finished, he took her hand and the two of them walked silently to meet the others.


"It's time to kick some ass," said Yusuke, as they stepped out of the hotel.

"Right," agreed Kuwabara.

Kurama nodded while Hiei said nothing. The five of them walked the short distance to the stadium. They waited by their door for Juri to announce them. The waiting, it felt like an eternity. San prepared for her match, utilizing every one of her skills in order to defeat the mystery demon. The wolf had many things in her inventory, knowing she would have to fight as a human, that she wasn't worried about. It was Kurama she felt anxious for, knowing his plan of action and wishing it would be enough. San did not show her concerns, did not reach for her mate, she was going to prove she was not weak when she faced Karasu.

"One question," said Kurama, breaking the silence. San turned to him, finding solace in his eyes. They calmed her down even though she knew he was internally struggling, "Have you arranged for Koenma to be present at this match?"

"I did, but the little twirp hasn't shown up yet," answered Yusuke.

"I don't get it, why does Koenma need to be here?" asked Kuwabara.

"It's mandatory for tournament rules. He needs to be here," replied San.

"And if he isn't, we are disqualified," added Kurama.

"I still don't see why the old hag can't be here," said Kuwabara.

"I told you, she's sick," insisted Yusuke.

"Aha! It just so happens I know a secret remedy that cures all kinds of sickness. Let me think, you hang upside down for a while, then you eat five large lemons, drink some two-day old tea with pepper in it and then wrap yourself in seaweed," rambled Kuwabara.

San snorted, quirking a brow in the teen's direction as her tawny eyes lit up. Kurama's gaze found her, relieved to see that she was taking a moment to dismiss her fears. No matter how well she tried to hide it, the fox always knew how she was feeling. It was his wish to only keep a smile on her face.

"So tell me, what's it like living in a constant haze of stupidity?" asked Hiei.

This made her grin widen and Kurama noticed the short fire apparition was looking at her. Hiei respected her despite his negative exterior, and Kurama was thankful for that as well, knowing that even after Hiei killed Karasu - should Kurama fail - the small demon would continue to watch her, whether she knew it or not.

"I've had enough of your lip half-pint!" yelled Kuwabara.

The doors opened just after that. Juri had announced them, revealing them behind the door. They stepped through it, making their way to the sides of the ring. The crowd was shouting things to them, like normal. San ignored them, the joy she felt seconds ago vanishing. That familiar pressure was back on and she took a deep breath. Kurama put an arm around her, knowing that she was stressing. She was worried about him, about all of them, but mostly him. She didn't want to see him get killed, she didn't want to be stuck with Karasu for eternity. This was the beginning of the end

"I'd really like to every one of these jerk faces a thing or two about manors! Besides, all this shouting's giving me a headache," said Kuwabara.

Moments later, Team Toguro entered the stadium. The five fighters came from the shadows and approached the ring, Karasu eying down Kurama and San. The wolf tensed, fists clenched at her side as her nostrils flared in anger. Kurama did not remove his gaze from his enemy, did not reach for her nor show any sign of fear, merely indifference at the apparitions presence. San was keeping herself together as best she could and he would stand by her side, be her pillar of strength until this abomination was defeated. She would not show weakness, always one to bare her fangs when the situation called for it and he was always there to back her up. This was no different.

There was a problem now. The team owners were supposed to be present for these matches and neither team had theirs around. Koenma was supposed to be here, and whoever managed Team Toguro had a mandatory presence as well. Without them, both teams would be forced to forfeit - which wouldn't make a difference because the fighting would commence no matter what. San did not remove her gaze of the demon that wished to claim her, the thick air between them almost ready to make her choke. The faint scent of roses filled her nostrils, calming her slightly knowing that her mate was finally with her. Kurama would not stop until she was safe and that was comfort she had been yearning for. The door opening on the Toguro side drew her away from her own thoughts.

"It's him!" said Yusuke.

"Right, uh, which him?" asked Kuwabara.

His question went unanswered. The crowd was growing impatient while waiting for the Urameshi team to present their owner. This was a stupid rule, it shouldn't even exist. Finally, right when Juri was about to disqualify their team, Koenma appeared, making a very dramatic entrance San noted,

"It's a giant Koenma!"

"So what kept you, a diaper change?" asked Yusuke.

"Look Yusuke, I'm doing this because I have to. Highly important people like me shouldn't risk their lives, but I don't have much of a choice," replied Koenma.

Finally, everything was in place, no more delays. They were prepared for the fight. San took another deep breath, facing her fate. This was the moment of truth, and she had no choice but to be ready.

"Wait a minute," said Juri, "You can't just switch, we need proof that the original fighter is dead."

"It doesn't matter," said the owner of Team Toguro, "The alternate fighter they have now wasn't intended to be a substitute in the first place. Just continue."

"Well, okay..." said Juri skeptically, "Fighters, take your positions!" she announced.

San turned to look at Kurama one last time and then proceeded to the ring. Just as she suspected, that other demon she noticed earlier in the tournament was coming to join her. His piercing red eyes were glued to her and she glared at him, wondering why he was meant to fight her. The wolf held her position, arms crossed and leaning on one leg as she waited patiently.

"The first match, Wakato vs. San. It was requested that San stay in her own skin, whatever that means. You may begin!"

"Stay in her own skin? What does that mean?" asked Kuwabara.

"It means they do not wish her to change into a wolf to fight," answered Kurama.

"But, can she fight as a human?"

"Stupid, she went through more of Genkai's training than I did," said Yusuke.

San didn't move, having no idea where to even begin. Wakato had never fought before, never had a need and that made her extremely suspicious. Why was this demon hand-picked to fight her? The history between Genkai and Toguro could only suggest that she was known to her enemy, and that didn't include her dealings with Karasu. Something about this apparition was familiar, like she had known him in her previous life. Wakato continued to stare at her, his evil eyes appearing to laugh at her. The wolf growled at him and he disappeared - or so it looked like - before came down hard with an elbow at her. San was easily able to dodge, countering with a thunderous kick to the head, making him fly back. She followed it up with a spirit punch the gut and yet another kick in the chest. Her moves were swift, barely giving him time to think. The next attack was blocked and he threw her back toward her team, however, she landed on her feet, staring at him. Wakato stood tall, a smug smirk on his face.

"You don't remember me, do you my Queen?" he asked.

The fact that he knew who she was didn't come as a shock, it was more so that he was implying that they had crossed paths before. Still, San kept her face neutral, refusing to let any of her emotions show while she was in combat.

"Sorry, must not be that important," she sniffed.

"We met many years ago. I took something from you that day, something that brought you where you are now. I believe you called it Akatsuki."

The wolf narrowed he eyes, "You..."

Wakato laughed, "Yes, me. I ruined your life and killed your brother. I used his energy and turned him into one of those stupid spheres that sell for next to nothing!" he yelled, continuing his infuriating laughter, "I have hunted your kind for years, trying to capture as many of you as I can. Your kind is so easy, trained poorly, especially after you were forced out. I use you pathetic demons for many things, but mostly..." and Wakato began to power up, "... I kill you all for fun!"

San was growling, all intelligent thought leaving her. There was no doubt in her mind now, this demon must die. His fist made contact with her face and she flew back. The wolf caught herself, powering her spirit energy as he came to drop kick her but she dodged. To the untrained eye, it looked like they were blurs, moving across the ring, both of them landing hits to the other.

"Hn. She's not using her brain, she'll get killed at the rate she's going," said Hiei.

"Yes. I suspect they used this demon on purpose, to distract her from rational thought. Toguro knew who San was, and would know of her strength. This demon may be tough, however, they would've known she was fighting today and knew that she could easily defeat him so long as she had a clear mind," noted Kurama.

"What do you mean?" asked Yusuke.

"San is nearly as old as I am. She was trained in combat at her place of birth, and then underwent intense stealth training under me. Finally, she was trained by Genkai. She has many fighting styles at her disposal, and that makes her dangerous. Toguro knew this and there isn't a youki in all of Makai that doesn't know of us and our upbringing. It's ingenious, distract her by filling her with rage, then, she cannot focus on the techniques needed to fight Wakato. She fell for it, though the murder of her brother is a touchy subject."

"How come?"

"It was the reason she was banished from her realm in the first place, she was framed for it. It is wise to never speak of it. We now know Wakato is the reason that she went through everything up until now."

"But wait, if she wasn't banished from her realm, she wouldn't have met you and be here right?" asked Kuwabara.

"Indeed," the fox sighed, "It was a painful time for her until we mated. Everything she ever knew was gone, never to return. Her whole life was ripped away and she was forced to cope with an entire world turned upside down, values lost and upbringing a lie. San had to do that alone.."

"Tough break," said Yusuke.

The wolf was in complete shock of this turn of events. Here before her was the reason she lost her brother, the only family she had left. San had to kill him, had to make him pay for what he had done. If only he would stop moving so fast. There had to be some way to get him to stand still. And then she thought of it, reaching into her pocket without him noticing, while she dodged his attacks and laid her weapons down around the ring. The wolf lost track of Wakato for a mere moment, allowing him to land a hard kick to the back of her head. San flew across the ring once more, landing too close to Karasu for her comfort. It was of no matter, rising to her feet once more and facing her opponent with malice written on her face.

"Try not to lose focus, my Queen," said Karasu from behind her.

San ignored him, shifting her attention solely on Wakato, however, when he reached out a hand and touched her bare ankle she froze. Body tense, her breath caught in her throat as all the horrors of a future with him promised flashed before her eyes. The more he taunted her, the better it would be when he claimed her as his. The apparition wasn't even sure what it was about her that intrigued him so much, but he knew he would have fun.


The wolf shook herself from his grasp, hardly hearing the warning coming from her mate. It was enough to narrowly escape Wakato's grip. The demon was fast though, and he grabbed her by the throat, lifting her into the air. Wakato continued his infuriating laughter, cutting off her airways which made her grow light headed. This was not going according to plan, she had to focus on her next attack or she would die out here.

"You are pathetic. A great warrior in our world reduced to a weak human. How the might have fallen Moriko. I don't see why the Legendary Bandit mated with you, nor why Karasu here wants you so badly. You have no idea how much I wish I could kill you right now, feed your corpse to the worms and sell you for peanuts, right next to your brother. I wonder, would you want that? To be reunited with him?"

Wakato taunted her and San was slowly losing the ability to breathe. She had to do something, she couldn't lose. The wolf began to swing her legs, summoning as much strength as she could in human form and kicked him in the face, breaking free. As soon as her feet touched the ground she rolled away from hm, coughing as her lungs were desperate for air. As composed as she could be, she started to discreetly feed her energy into those seeds she had tossed around carelessly, waiting until her weapon was ready for him. Wakato stood, unsheathing his sword. The apparition was quite angry. Good.

"Just wait my Queen, I have more in store for you," said Wakato.

San felt him power up, his energy flowing all around him. Energy shot in a wide radius and the wolf put up a shield until it passed. His sword began to glow green, indicating trouble that she would have been paying attention to. The attack she was working on wasn't ready yet, she still needed more time and that was a luxury running out. Utilizing his demon speed, the apparition came at her. San dodged his attack, getting a nick on her cheek, her left arm and finally, taking a powerful blow to the right side.


Kurama's spoke automatically, the smell of her blood filling the air. The wolf landed right in front of Karasu, who casually made his way toward her.

"Don't worry my Queen, I won't let him kill you," whispered the evil apparition.

A hand reached out and cupped her cheek so tenderly, forcing her gaze upon her pursuer. Again she froze, unable to dismiss the horrors that plagued her at his touch. San was locked onto those eyes, breath caught in her throat as fear coursed through her body. Karasu ran a thumb along the cut on her cheek, bringing the blood beneath the mask and licking it.

"You taste so sweet. Soon you will be mine."

Kurama's anger wished to consume him, feeling the pain of the gash in her side. San held her wound as she stood - weakly Kurama noticed. His emerald hues were hard and he didn't like how Karasu was able to taunt her. It looked like she dragged herself away from him, blood staining her clothes and dripping on the ring, leaving a trail wherever she went as she inched toward her mate. Wakato was laughing at her still, preparing for his next attack. Finally, he began to charge her and it looked like she wasn't going to get away in time.

"Damnit San, move!" yelled Yusuke.

"She's... not going to make it," said Kuwabara.


"San..." Kurama trailed.

"Now!" she yelled.

The ring was engulfed in green, as vines came up from all around the ground and made their way towards Wakato. They wrapped themselves around her enemy, completely immobilizing him. The wolf dropped to her knees while Wakato and the others looked in shock at what just happened. Blood loss was causing her to feel dizzy, she had minimal time to act before she passed out.

"Murderer... meet the Vines of Destiny."

"What have you done to me?" he cried, as the vines continued to squash him.

"The seeds I threw around the ring feed off of both our energies. They decide from the energy they get who deserves to die. Only the purest of hearts are spared. Since you had already admitted to killing my brother, I knew they would choose you over me. I have never killed for the sheer fun of it, only to survive, just as I have now. They will crush you completely, devour you. There is no escape from them," she explained, "You killed my brother, that is true, but you did not ruin my life. Because of you, I met Youko and mated with him. It was my true destiny, and you were merely a pawn in it."

The appendages continued to curl around her enemy, slithering around his body until it was no longer in view. Tawny eyes locked onto her target, she heard a muffled scream and then knew that Wakato was dead. After a few moments, she willed the vines to disperse, leaving nothing but a bloody corpse, half eaten and blood flowing toward the ends of the ring. Juri declared the match a draw since they were both down for the same amount of time. It was good enough for San, body slumping in defeat as she began to fall toward the ground - only to be caught by the arms of her mate. Kurama held her gently as he carried her back to the rest of the team.

"Thanks," she smiled at him.

"That was a dangerous thing to do San. I've always hated it when you used those vines," he told her.

Despite the reprimand, he kissed her forehead gingerly.

"I had to, I couldn't think of anything else at the moment," she explained.

Once they were on the sidelines again he allowed her feet to touch the ground. San closed her eyes for a few seconds, focusing on her wound. The bleeding had stopped but there was still a long way to go.

"One day you might encounter an enemy with a heart more pure than you, and your vines will crush you instead."

"It was hard to focus Kurama. I know, I fell right into their trap, that was their goal from the beginning. They didn't count on my stubbornness though."

"No, love, but I did. I was certain you would prevail even blinded by your own rage."

"Of course! I got to say though, I feel a hell of a lot better knowing that I may have saved the rest of my clan from at least one of these idiots."

"It still amazes me how you continue to care for them after all they've done to you."

"I can't help it, I was once their ruler. I'm sure not all of them believed in the treason, I know I had at least one friend who stuck by me."

"What happened to them?"


Kurama sighed, "You heal fast. Come now, it's time we rejoin the others."

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