Finally Together

By Chrisismyfav

108K 6.3K 2.9K

The sequel to Being Good Enough. Khadijah and Chris reunite after many years apart. But now everything has ch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
New Story
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Why I haven't been updating.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Twenty One

2.5K 176 120
By Chrisismyfav

Khadijah's POV

After 5 hours of shopping, I came back home. Chris sat there on the sofa facing the door, probably waiting for me. He looked mad at the world. Not that I cared, though. I've been having a great day. I bought multiple cute new outfits, had some delicious Chipotle, and got my nails done. I also sent in some job applications. Hopefully, I would get hired so that I don't have to spend all my time in this condo. The atmosphere was almost always tense and uncomfortable. Like now, for example. Chris marched over to me, angrily.

"Where the fuck you been?" Chris demanded.

It was obvious that I went shopping since the bags were in my hand but I guess he didn't notice.

"Out," I replied, mocking him. I said it the same way that he said it to me, yesterday.

I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my free arm.

"Don't fucking play. Why you didn't at least tell me where you was going?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Now you know how I feel when you're gone for a long time without telling me where you're at."

"That ain't even the same thing," Chris retorted.

"How is not?" I questioned.

"I been livin' here for years, I know my way around. But you, you could've went the wrong way and gotten kidnapped or raped."

"I doubt you would even care if that did happen," I muttered with a roll of my eyes.

Chris sucked his teeth. "Why would you even say some shit like that? You know I care about you."

"No, I don't know! I've been here for two days and you haven't shown me an ounce of affection."

"Khadijah, I have plans! I have a schedule! I'm not gon' change my whole life just 'cause you here," Chris responded.

Not even going to lie, what Chris said really hurt. Basically, he is not willing to put in a little effort to spend time with me or to make me happy. Boyfriend of the year, right?

"I don't want you to change your whole life so that it'll revolve around me. All I want is for you to take an hour out of your day to spend some time with your girlfriend. Is that really asking for a lot?"

I'm tired of this conversation, it's giving me a headache. I attempted to walk past Chris, again. This time I was successful. I went into the guest bedroom. If things between Chris and I don't get better, this is bound to become my permaneant bedroom instead of a guest. I placed my bags on the ground then threw myself on the bed. I was worn out from all the shopping but not enough that I would fall asleep. I decided to watch TV. I watched TV all day. I didn't leave the room except to use the bathroom or to eat. Chris and I didn't talk to eachother. I wasn't all that surprised when at 10 o'clock, the door opened and Chris left. He came back at around 2 in the morning.
When I felt myself waking up the next morning, I noticed that I was in the wrong room. Chris was laying right next to me with one arm loosely wrapped around my waist. As I got out of bed, I saw my shopping bags. So, I was in the right room. Chris came in last night and slept with me? I'm not complaining but it's just weird considering we had a really bad fight the previous day. Was this way of apologizing? I wanted Chris and I to be good again. I willing to forgive him if he's willing to change.

Chris was sleeping deeply. I didn't want to wake him. I silently got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After my 45 minute shower, I was starving. I went to the kitchen to see that Chris was already there. He was looking through some papers, probably bills. He must've heard my footsteps because he jumped out of his seat and came over to me. He placed both hands on my cheeks before pulling me in for a long kiss.

"Good morning, baby," Chris greeted, after he pulled away.

"H-hey," I said, a little breathless. I haven't had a kiss like that in a long, long time. This is a sign that things will change for the better.

"You hungry?" Chris asked. "I can cook something if you want."

I shook my head. "No, I-"

I got interuppted by a phone ringing. I could tell by the ring tone that it was mine. I walked back to the bedroom to get it. The name on the screen was Lana's Bakery. It was one of the places that I had applied to.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, is this Khadijah?" The woman inquired.

"Yeah, this is her."

"Hi, Khadijah!" The woman enthusiastically said. "This is Ciara, the general manager of Lana's Bakery. I have some good news! I'm calling to let you know that you've been hired."

"Really? I got told that they would call me back in 2-3 weeks?" I wondered.

"One of our former employees quit yesterday," Ciara explained.

"Thank you so much!" I said, excited. "When's the soonest that I can come in?"

I was extremely happy to have something to do. It's not that fun to sit around all day. This job can also take my mind off of Chris. We're happy for now but knowing how volatile our relationship is, I doubt it'll last for a long time.

"Come as soon as can, today. I'll be here to train you."

"Okay, I'll be there."

We both said our goodbyes before having up. I went back out to the kitchen. Chris was still there. He looked expectantly at me.

"I got hired!" I cheered.

"Really? Where at?" Chris asked.

"A place called Lana's Bakery. I should go get dressed because I gotta be there soon," I said.

"Want me to drive you?"

"Please," I said with a small smile. I don't what happened to Chris overnight but I'm pleased about it.

After we both done getting ready, we got into the car and started driving.

"We should celebrate tonight," Chris suggested.

"Me getting a job?" I wondered.

"Mhm. We could go out to eat or something like that. You wanna?"

"Yeah, I'd actually really like that," I said.

"Where you wanna go?"

"Doesn't really matter."

"Let's go to Urasawa."

"What? No, that's way too expensive," I exclaimed.

"Don't worry 'bout how much it's costs."

"Chris, let's go somewhere else. I don't want you to spend all your money on me."

"Dijah, you're my girl. I'll spend all my money on you if it makes you smile."

A light pink blush formed on my face. Gosh, Chris is so cute. Nobody is ever able to get my heart racing like he is. Nobody can make me feel so special.

"Chris, I love you so much," I cheesed.

He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips.

"I love you too, babygirl."

We soon approached the store.

Chris pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Have a good day baby."
As soon as I got into the bakery, Ciara greeted me.

"Hello, welcome to Lana's Bakery," She said. "That's how you have to greet every single customer."

I nodded my head. "Got it."

"Good. Now, let's fix your appearance. You're hair has to be up every day. Even though, you're not a baker, you still handle food when you hand it to the customer. And also," Ciara tossed me a black shirt with pink writing. "Wear this every day."

"What else?"

Ciara lead me to behind the front counter.

"Always have a huge smile on your face," She instructed. The customer doesn't care if you're having a bad day. Also, whenever you tell someone the price make sure you say the words just and only. It makes the price sound really cheap."

For the next 20 minutes, Ciara showed me how to use the cash register. I also watched her handle several customers. It didn't seem to hard. I felt like I could do this.

"When can I do something?" I questioned.

"The next customer is yours," Ciara said.

The bell above the door chimed meaning someone came in. I hopped behind the counter and put on my best smile.

"Hello, welcome to Lana's Bakery. What can I get for you?"

"Can I have 3 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies?" A man asked.

He looked really familiar. I remembered his voice from somewhere. I felt like I knew this guy but I couldn't put my finger on who exactly he was.

"That'll be only $4.00," I said.

The guy paid and I grabbed the 3 cookies from behind me.

"Here you go. I hope you enjoy. And have a good day."

The guy grabbed the food and started to walk away. But then he turned around to look at me.

"Do you remember me, Khadijah? My name is James."

I searched my brain for any memories of someone named James. Finally, I remembered. James was the guy that I went on a date type thing with.

"Oh my gosh, hi james!" I semi-shouted.

Even though, I didn't take a huge liking to James at first, I threw my arms around him for a tight hug. He hesitated at first but eventually hugged me back. I hugged for two reasons. Number one, I was in a great mood. Number two, it was great to see someone familiar since everything in L.A was new to me. I didn't know James well, but I knew him nonetheless.

At that moment, I was thrilled to see James. Looking back at it, I should've acted like I didn't know him. Who knew that one guy would end up causing so much drama?

Hey everyone! Any thoughts on this chapter? Don't forget to comment and vote.

Also, please go follow my twin Standoffish_ She has an amazing Chris Brown fanfic that deserves waaay more recognition. She's also a sweetheart so make sure to give her stories some attention. Love you boo! -Khadijah

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