
By casey-dawson

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The first dawsey book I wrote was written before the season 3 finale had aired. Now I want to write this new... More

Skipped a Beat
How did I get Here?
Out for Blood
Shots Fired
Lets just Keep Things the Same
You Know her Best
She looked so Pale
Not Here Not Now
I am going to be a Father
I Couldn't Stop Thinking About You
I'll Need an Answer
I've Been Thinking...
I'm Moving Back to Ambo
That's Our Baby
Accept the Fact
We got it
All Figured Out
I Hate Shopping
You Never Know
So Beautiful
That is Amazing
You Make Everything Look Easy
The Worst Thing Possible
Anything at All
Heads Up
Never Did I Think
Let it Go
He was going to take me
Our Future
The Powers Out
Just Shaken
I Need a Favour
You Sound Like Matt
I've Got You
She's Going to be Okay
We Never Picked a Name
Like You
Admit you're tired
Bad Habits
We Made Him

He Loves You

2.3K 40 13
By casey-dawson


Truck and Squad were out on a call when Connie rushed into the locker room. "Shay, I just got word from Boden, somethings wrong with Gabby. He wants you to get her and go to med, Casey's still at the fire." So much rushed through my mind. "What's Casey doing?" "He'll be on his way once the fire is under control, chief can't have him leave now." "Okay." I grabbed my jacket and ran out to Rafferty in the common room. "We have to go, it's Dawson." She nodded and got up straight away as we set out sirens blaring. It didn't take us long to reach Gabby and Casey's place and as I got out and ran in Rafferty grabbed the kit and followed me in.

"Gabby!" She was leaning against the couch with her head down but looked up when I reached her. "Somethings wrong," she cried, "something's really wrong." "Alright honey we are are going to get you to med and Casey is going to meet us there." She nodded in agony as Rafferty checked her vitals. "Alright let's go. Can you walk Gabby?" Rafferty asked. She shook her head and so we both put her arms around our shoulders and supported her as we made our way down to the ambo. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly with her teeth gritted and eyes closed. "Deep breaths Gabby. Deep breaths." Her respirations were quick are sharp, almost as if she was struggling to get enough air into her lungs. "It was so sudden Shay. I was fine and then all of a sudden it was so severe I couldn't move. It's too early." "Gabby listen to me, you need to breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth." She nodded and I placed an oxygen mask over her face. "Main this is 61, notify med we are coming in with a pregnant women, just under 8 months with severe abdominal pain and had a fall late in the second trimester." "Copy that 61."


All I could think about was Gabby. Chief and I loaded into his buggy and headed towards med where Gabby would be. "Copy 61?" I asked. "Go for 61," Shays voice came onto my radio. "It's Casey. How's Gabby?" "We are on our way to med now, she's in pain but responsive." "And the baby?" "Vitals aren't great but there's a heart beat. I'll update you if anything happens." "Copy that. Tell Gabby I love her."


"Matt says he loves you," I smiled before readjusting the oxygen mask over Gabbys face. She smiled a small smile before grabbing the railing of the gurney and clenching her teeth shut again. "Gabby you've got to breath." I checked her pulse and then the baby's before listing the other vitals. "ETA?" "5 minutes out," Rafferty said. Suddenly her stats started dropping. "Gabby you still with me." "Yeah." I grabbed the light and shon it into her eyes. "Talk to me, what's going on?" "I-I'm starting to get dizzy." "Stay with me. Tell me about the nursery." She started telling me about the new clothes she'd bought the other week, and how Matt had made her a rocking chair. I can't find any reason as to why her stats are dropping as fast as they are. "Shay the pain isn't going away," she whispered. "What do you mean?" "It's not going away." I pressed my hands against her stomach and she flinched in pain. I looked down to see blood pooling on the gurney. "Has your water broken Gabby?" She shook her head. "Rafferty she's haemorrhaging. Possible placental abruption. You need to get us there now." "Two minutes out." "She doesn't have two minutes if she keeps bleeding at the rate she is." Dawson slowly trailed off her sentence and stopped talking. "Gabby stay with me. We are nearly there." I rubbed her sternum with my nuckles. "Keep talking to me Gabby." "I- just want...Matt," she mumbled. "Hang on. I'll get him." I grabbed my radio. "Casey copy?" "I've got you Shay." "She's haemorrhaging heavily and she's about to slip out. Get her to talk to you." I placed the radio next to Gabbys ear. "Gabby baby can you hear me?" "M-Matt?" "Yeah, listen Gabby you're going to be just fine. Stay awake for me okay?" "I'm so dizzy." "We are nearly there Gabs, I'll be there in 2 minutes. Hang on baby."

We pulled up and I jumped out with the gurney. "30 year old female. 33 weeks pregnant, started haemorrhaging on the way here. Stats are dropping," I said as two emergency doctors walked over as we rushed in. Instantly I recognised one of them to be Caseys sister Christie. "Christie," Gabby mumbled reaching for her hand. "My baby." "You're going to be fine Gabby stay with me okay?"


We wheeled Gabby into the emergency bay and unstrapped her off the gurney. She was bleeding heavily, and if she lost much more blood we were going to loose her. "Gabby do you know what blood type you are?" "A-Neg," she whispered so quietly it was barely audible. "Alright I want two bags of A-Neg blood on standby. I want her in surgery now. Get this baby out and stop the bleeding. "Gabby!" I could tell it was Matt by his voice as he ran into the room. I turned around. "Matt she's going to be okay, calm down." "Christie what's going on? Where are they taking her?" "She's going into emergency surgery. She's bleeding heavily Matt." He ran his hands through his hair and I placed my hand on his shoulder. "It's high risk so you can't be with her. I've got the best two surgeons on it, plus a midwife and myself. I promise I'll update you once everything's done." "I can't loose her Christie, I just can't." "Right now you need to be positive, for Gabby and for your baby. I'll talk to you soon Matt."

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