Hero [T/S Relationship & Arra...

De WanderingDancer

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**Song-Inspired "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias** Ever been tied to a chair with a blindfold on after being beaten... Mais

Hero [T/S Relationship & Arranged Marriage]
Chapter 1---Another Day In Hell...Maybe Not
Chapter 2---Going Once, Twice...SOLD!
Chapter 3---New Life. Feelings? Nah! Same Old!
MUST READ! Important Author's Note :)
Chapter 5---Goodbye, Rags and Hello, Dresses!
Chapter 6---Carlos Hughes
Chapter 7---Green Light In My Eyes
Chapter 8---A House and A Home
Chapter 9---Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 10---May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Chapter 11---What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12---So Far, So Good...?
Chapter 13 --- A Day Out of Town
Chapter 14---Meet My Future Wife, Cassidy
Chapter 15---Take Me Back
Chapter 16 --- The Show Must Go On
Chapter 17 --- Until My Last Breath
Chapter 18 --- You're Perfect
Chapter 19 --- How?
Chapter 20 --- For Better or for Worse

Chapter 4---Just A Little Misunderstanding

734 17 2
De WanderingDancer

Cassidy's P.O.V.


He loves me!

He loves me?

He loves me!

He said he loves me?


No...no, no, no, no, no, NO!

When James said that, I rushed outside to get to my next class which was Music with the new teacher.

Oh my God. Did James really said those words?

'...because I love you, Cass.'

He didn't mean that, right?

'...because I love you, Cass.'

He probably just said that. Nothing more.

'...because I love you, Cass.'

It was now a mantra always chanting inside my head. I can't get the words out of my mind! It's driving me crazy!

"Miss Evans?!" Miss Klein caught my attention, making me jump and get a hold of myself. Was I lost in thoughts again?

"Y-yes, Miss Klein?" I cleared my throat.

"Are you alright, Cassidy?" that was when I realized that everyone was gone. I was the only student there inside the classroom. She walked towards where I was sitting and sat on one of the tables. "Is there something bothering you?" she asks in a concerned tone.

I lightly scratched my forehead. "No, Miss Klein." I lied.

"You're not yourself today. Would you tell me what's wrong?"

"I-I wish I could. But you won't really understand." I looked down at my hands.

"Tell me. That's what teachers do. Help their students not only with their studies, but also with what they're going through." she gave me a hopeful smile.

"It's really complicated. And I'm not really into telling random people about myself."

She nodded. "It looks like you only trust Mr. Hughes." she chuckled. Oh, thanks for reminding him again.

I scoffed. "I don't."

"Really? I thought you were with him. Earlier during lunch, he was looking for you and I told him I saw you walking near his office. And when I told him that, he was like a sprinter in the Olympics running out of the teacher's lounge." she starts laughing.

This woman likes James, I thought to myself. She likes him...maybe a lot. What can I say? She's giggling.

"He did?" I forced a laugh.

"Yup. He was so happy when I told him that. Did you two already talk?" yeah we talked alright.

"No." I lied again.

"Are you two related to each other? Uncle...cousin?" she shrugged. Future husband actually.

I just copied her shrug and looked outside the window.

"You should go see him. He looked like he wanted to say something to you that's really urgent and important."

He was just probably looking for me earlier. I ran off because I can't take it anymore. He was probably eavesdropping at our conversation.

"I will after school, Miss Klein." I smiled half-way.

She smiled sweetly. Wow, she's pretty. "That's the spirit." she held my shoulder. "I'll just write you a pass. What's you're next class?" holding a pass sheet, she pulled put a pen from her bag.

Oh crap I forgot it's Tuesday. "...E-English." I have double English today.

She cocked her head at my direction with widened eyes. "O-oh...with Mr. Hughes?" she stammered.

She likes him...


She started writing on the pass and when she was done, she ripped it off from the rest of the sheets and gave it to me.

"Thanks, Miss Klein." I grabbed my backpack.

"You're welcome. I hope we get to have a little girl talk sometime, okay?" her eyes twinkled.

"Maybe." I stood up.

"And Cassidy..."

"Yes, Miss Klein?"

She smiled again. "...you can trust me with anything."

I smiled back. "I'll try to remember that."

"Okay." she whispered.

Leaving Miss Klein's classroom is a struggle. I have English next which means James is teaching my next class. Not to mention that I'm twenty minutes late! How did I manage to not be myself for a period and twenty minutes?!

But still...I'll have to face James. I can't just cut English everyday. And I forgot about Hannah! She'll kill me! Then again, I remember that she has another class to go to.

I stood in front of James' classroom and my shaking hand held the doorknob while the other knocked at the wooden door.

I slowly twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

"It's nice for you to join us, Miss Evans." James said with his teacher voice.

I said nothing and just handed him my pass before finding my seat at the usual. At the back.

James read the pass and just threw it in his drawer in his table. "This will be the last time, Miss Evans..."

"Yes, sir." I slumped.

"Going back to our discussion, for the benefit of Miss Evans here, this year, we'll be taking up 'Romeo and Juliet'..."

I am doing my best not to look at him.

"...and we all know that in their time, they only had one way of communication and that is through?"

"Letters." a red-head in front said.

"That's right. And we'll be doing the same thing. On every period, I'll only be discussing our lesson for thirty minutes, and for the rest of the period, you'll be practicing in writting your letters..."


"Your final project will be a letter. Everyday, I'll be checking your letters, I'll see if there will be any corrections in grammar and in spelling. I'll give them back the next day for you to look at the corrections I made and try to not do them again."

We'll be writing letters?

"To all the females, you should begin your letters with 'Dear, Romeo', and for the males, 'Dear Juliet'. You will act as if you are Romeo or Juliet themselves."

...how apt.

"Right now..." he looked at his wristwatch. "We don't have much time left, so your first letter will be recorded as an assignment instead."

Everyone in class groaned.

"I know, I know...but should I record it as an assignment or as a quiz?"

There came silence.

"...I thought so...now I'm giving you the time to do your draft so when you get home, you'll just transfer them on a new clean sheet of paper. You can do it now." he sat down on his chair.


I finished my draft in just five minutes. For the rest of the period, I just stared outside the window just to avoid James' gaze. I should run the second the bell will ring.


"Let's call it a day class. I'll be expecting everyone's letters tomorrow."

Darn, why is this class so slow in getting out of the room? Hurry up, people!

"Miss Evans..." I heard James say as he was collecting his things and puts them in his messenger bag.

"Yes, sir?"

"Stay for a while. We need to talk." demanding he is.

I walked to his table. "Can't I just see you in your office?"

He froze for a bit. "No. There are still a lot of people in the school."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want to talk."

"You always do."

"No, I want it seriously done right now."

"Fine." I walked to the closest seat possible and threw my bag on the table. "Let's talk."

"Why did you run off at lunch?" he whispered.

"Where? At the cafeteria or in your office?" I folded my arms over my chest.


I looked at the floor. "...I didn't expect you to say those words to me."

He frowned. "What words?"

I just shook my head. "Nothing. Words that are false and words that only hurt me."

He crouched down and looked at me with sad eyes. "That I l--"

"Stop." I interrupted him. "I don't wanna hear it. I heard it before and they fooled me. They were nothing but lies."

"Do I look like I'm fooling you?" he scoffed.

Honestly, 50/50. "...who knows?" I shrugged.

"I do. Because I'm the one saying it."

I can't do this anymore. Tears want to flow down my face. "Can't I just go home, get my things, then give my family what they want? I just want this day to end..."

He didn't answer back, maybe he was shocked with what I said.

He just shook his head. "Then I'm coming with you."

I grabbed my bag and stood up. "No. You are not gonna." I headed out the classroom.

"Do you want them to beat you?" I froze. He didn't just ask me that, right?

I let out a deep sigh.

"I thought so..."


James' P.O.V.

I get it. Cassidy's philophobic.

For those who do not know what philophobic is, philophobic is an adjective formed by the noun 'philophobia'. Philophobia means the fear of love...falling in love to be exact.

And when she said that she wanted to go home, images of Cassidy being abused came into my mind. I haven't seen her getting beaten with my own eyes, but still.

If I help Cassidy get her stuff, there is no way her family can lay a finger on her. If it will only take her five minutes to get her stuff out of that Lion's Den, then I'll make it less.

"Cassidy." I called for her. She slowly turned around to face me. "Wait for me here, I'll take you to your place and we'll get your things. We'll just meet my parents there...what do you say?"

She didn't even flinch, but she rose an eyebrow instead.

"Wait for me here." I repeated. "I'll just get my keys."

"Sure." she answered dryly.

"Cass, I mean it. Stay here and wait for me."

She looks outside the window. "Did I say anything that would tell you that I'll run away? Does it look like I'll run away?"

I can't believe her right now. "Why are you so bipolar?" I scratched my head.

I saw her roll her eyes at me. I just ignored her and left the classroom. I got my keys in my office. I locked up the office and fished out my BlackBerry to call up my mom.

I waited for her to answer, but all I got was a voice mail.

"Hey, mom. I'll be helping Cassidy at home with you know what. I'll just see you there, and please, let's make it quick. I'm worried for Cassidy. We need to do it fast. Bye, love you."

I pressed end and ran to the classroom to see Cassidy scribbling. She had a sketch pad and she held a marker, and she was angrily scribbling at the innocent paper. Her face was angry, sad, and most of all...hurt. Her face was turning red.

I entered the room, but still she hasn't noticed me. "Cass?" I said softly, and she became more aggressive with scribbling.

She scribbled, and scribbled, until she had enough. She threw the marker and the sketch pad and screamed at the top of her lungs before breaking down again.

Oh, Cassidy...

I walked to where she was seated and tried to comfort her, but of course, she wouldn't stop. I held both of her shoulders and said soothing words, but she kept on hitting me. What's going on?

"Cass...shh...what's wrong?" I tried to calm down.

"E-e-everything is, James! I can't take it anymore!" she sobbed and yelled.

"What do you mean, Cass?" these are the times that I pity her and don't understand her at the same time.

She shook her head and just continued crying. I let her cry on my shoulder. Mom told me to show her little acts of trust, kindness, and love to her.


Now I get it! I told her earlier, but she won't believe me because of what she experienced.

"Cass, try to calm down, please..." I begged. Whenever she panics like this, I'm scared that she might have a fit or something.

Slowly, her sobs began to lessen and tears became deep breaths, but her body, especially her legs and hands were shaking and ice cold.

"That's it, Cass." I began to rub circles on her back.

Eventually, in each passing second, she stops, but today, she broke down numerous times already. After today, I'll have to take her to my dad and get her fully-examined.

I'll look what kind of damage her family did to her. I'll be surprised if she only had broken ribs, but I doubt that.

"Cass?" I started shaking her a bit, but still she wouldn't respond, so I started shaking her with more force.

At first she didn't move, but then her eyes widened and they were filled with fear. "...daddy?" she croaked. Oh no, I must done what I think her father does. I shouldn't have done it.

What've you done, James?

"Stay away from me." she warned.

"Cassidy?" now I'm afraid of her.

"You, devil! Stay away from me!" she wasn't shouting, but her voice was threatening.

"Cassidy, it's me, Ja--"

She ran to the corner of the classroom which scared me more. "I know who you are! Get the hell out of my life!"

I started walking one slow step at a time until I was only a few feet away from where she was standing.

"I-I-I'm not a-afraid to fight you." she stammered courageously.

"Cassidy!" I snapped.

I looked at her fragile body, she was shaking again, but she didn't talk anymore. She started crying again. I'm surprised. What's happening to her?

"James?" she whispered, tears were streaming down her face. I nodded abd she cursed to the wind. "I-I'm so, so sorry, James. I'm so sorry!" she suddenly threw her arms around me.

"Shh, Cassidy..."


Silence. Cassidy and I were in the classroom. She was motionless again. This time she looked better.

"Are you feeling better, Cass?" I asked her softly.

She took a deep breath before nodding.



I nodded. "We should go. Climb in my car, I'll take you to yours."

"But my car---"

"Just get it tomorrow. Right now, you need someone to look after you for a while." I explained. I don't want her to be the headline of the morning paper or in the arbituary section.

"...okay." she whispered.

I made sure that no one else is here but us two. I checked everywhere, and the coast was clear. I stood beside Cassidy as we walked toward the car.

I wanted to just hold her hand, but it's too risky. We're still in the campus. Someone might see us or worse...CCTVs.

I fastened Cassidy with her seatbelt, and then I ran to the driver's seat. I threw my bag at the backseat, and I grabbed Cassidy's bag and threw her bag at the back with mine.

I started driving, thinking if I should go straight to Cassidy's but I decided not to. Instead, I drove to 7 Eleven to grab something for Cassidy.

I pulled up at a parking area in front of the store, and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"You're gonna buy something?" she spoke up, finally.

"Yeah. You want anything?" she might want something else.

"No, thanks. I'm fine." she said with a soft smile.

Then I remembered something. There was a paperbag at the backseat and that is for Cassidy. I planned on giving it later, but on what I experienced the whole day, I might just give it now than later.

I grabbed the paperbag and gave it to her.

She rose an eyebrow. "W-what's this?" she asked, examining the paperbag.

I smiled. "Really...what is this?"

I smirked. "My, my, my. Mrs. Cassidy Hughes, you are a Straight-A Student, and you don't even know what a paperbag is?"

She glared at me for a moment. "First of all, we're not yet married. And second, I know what a paperbag is. All I wanna know is why did you give me this, and what's it for?"

"Look inside the bag." I whispered.


Cassidy's P.O.V.

Seriously, what's this for?

I peeped in the bag and fished out a gift-wrapped box. It was wrapped in yellow special wrapping paper, and a big, bright sunshine yellow bow on top.

I looked at James and he was wearing a smirk.


"Before you can persuade me to not give you this, I really want you to have this. It'll be useful to you, and you need it. So, open it up."

Need? I didn't answer back, but just stared at the present in front of me.

"It won't kill to open your present right?"

I continued to look at the present. I don't normally receive presents, and I'm not sure when was the last time that I received a present.

I gently pulled off the ribbon, and then I started tearing off the wrapper until I saw a box of an iPhone 4S.

iPhone 4S?!

Danny has one of these! He has the 3G model. Mom and dad bought it for his birthday two years ago, while I got...nothing but pain. I always do.

What a birthday.

"Y-you bought me an iPhone?" I asked in 100% disbelief.

"Why don't you open the box itself and find out?" his smile is adorable.

I opened the box, and there is really an iPhone in there. It was white. Danny's iPhone is black.

James got the phone from my hand and he showed me where to turn it on. When it turned on, there was a picture of a beautiful butterfly as a background.

All I could say was wow.

"Do you know how to use it?" James asked.

"Do I look like I know how?"

He chuckled. "Okay. When unlocking, just slide the button with an arrow..."

He showed me the ropes with using a phone as well as texting and calling. He even showed me the music playlist. He said that he already customized it for me.

"...thanks, James."


James' P.O.V.

I was at the cashier to pay for the bottles of water I bought for me and Cassidy. I told her that if she needed anything or if something's wrong, she can call me through her new phone.

Her eyes glistened when she saw the phone. And I can already tell that she loves it.

"James?" I heard a female voice call my name. I turned around to see Chloe behind me holding a cup of coffee.

"Chloe." I greeted with a smile as the cashier handed me the plastic bag.

"Fancy seeing you here!" she grinned.

"Just bought something for the road." I lifted up the plastic bag for her to see.

"Oh..." she nodded. "Wait. Two water bottles? Whose is the other one?...hmm, you're with your girl right now!"

I smirked. "You guessed right."

Cassidy...my girl...

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend!"

"Fianceé actually."

Chloe's eyes widened and her mouth was shaped in an 'O'. "Seriously?! Mr. James Hughes is engaged?"

I laughed. "Yes, I am."

"Let me guess, you just proposed to her now when you found out I was also engaged."

"Like I'd do that." I rolled my eyes.

Just then my phone started ringing. I looked at the Caller I.D. and it was Cassidy.

"One moment." I told Chloe.

"Sure, go right ahead." she smiled.

I answered the phone. "Hey, babe." I addressed Cassidy.

"Tick tock, James. Hurry up please." I heard the other end.

"Sure I will be right over. Love you." I smirked.

"Shut up, James." she said and ended the conversation.

I placed my phone in my pocket as I bade goodbye to Chloe.

"Future wifey?" she asked.

"Yup. Misses me already."

"Oh my God, James, let's just flatten your head a bit, shall we?" she giggled.

"Well, I'd better go. You okay by yourself here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Waiting for my fiancé to pick me up here." she nodded.

"I'd better go. See you tomorrow, Chloe." I headed for the door.

She waved her hand. "See ya, James!"

I entered the car to see Cassidy sound tripping. Pat on the back, James.

"What took you so long?" she asked.

"Miss Klein was up for a chit-chat." I gave her a bottle of water.

"Miss Samantha Klein or Miss Chloe Klein?" she browsed through the playlist.

"Chloe Klein." I opened my bottle of water and drank 1/4 of it.

"Oh..." she mumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothing...and thanks again for the phone, James." she smiled at me.

"You're welcome."


We were only a few blocks away from Cassidy's house and she has been quiet lately.

I received a text from my mom saying that they're already at Cassidy's house, and that they're waiting for us to arrive.

"Everything's gonna be fine, Cassidy." I told her.

She looked at me and smiled as a reply.

We pulled over at the driveway, and Cassidy and I both got off the car at the same time.

Why was it so quiet in their neighborhood? If it was this quiet, wouldn't they hear Cassidy scream? Wouldn't they hear the beatings and all?

Once that I held the doorknob of their house, I already felt the negative energy. I looked at Cassidy and she nodded, signalling me that I should open the door.

I opened the door and Cassidy went in first. Our parents were at the living room, talking. When they saw us together, they smiled. Although I'm not sure if they were true.

"Just in time!" my mom grinned.

"Shall we get it started?" Cassidy's father asks.

"Well..." dad laid a briefcase on the coffee table. "Here is the $20,000,000 I promised and..." he reached for some keys in his pockets. "...your keys to your new home in Beverly Hills." he gave them to Cassidy's mother.

I was watching Cassidy the whole time. Her face was disappointed. Not angry, not sad, not hurt, but disappointed. Her arms were folded over her chest and whenever dad gave something to her family, she shakes her head.

"It was great working with you." Cassidy's father shook hands with my dad.

"Cassidy, dear, where are your things?" my mom asked her.

"U-uh, upstairs." Cassidy replied.

"Go help her, James." mom smiled.

"I'll get them myself, Cass. Stay here." I whispered in her ear.

She nodded.

I went upstairs to find her room. I saw her brother in his room. He looked devastated. Then he saw me. He pointed at the neighboring door to my left which is, I believe, Cassidy's room.

I entered the room to see three duffel bags on the floor near the bedroom door.

I grabbed them all and slinged two of them on my shoulders as I held the third bag.

"Hey..." Cassidy's brother startled me.

"Hey." I said back.

"Take care of her, bro. She means a lot to me."

What? I thought he also abused her? This family is going nuts.

"I will." I promised him.

He had his hands in his pockets and he nodded.

I climbed down the stairs to see Cassidy hugging her mom. When I reached the bottom, I asked permission to put them in my car, and I think I can leave Cassidy with my parents.


Cassidy's P.O.V.

This is it! My new life is gonna start right after I step out of this house. I gave my mom a hug. There was something in that hug that...felt like something. I don't know. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I was looking around to look for Danny, but he was nowhere to be found.

Lastly, I gave my dad a quick hug before leaving.

"Watch your back, Cass."


Author's Note: hi!!!

Hi everyone, sorry for the long wait! Again! :( I was really thinking long and hard on this chapter. My original chapter here will actually be on the next two, so I figured that I may be rushing the story and we don't want that :)

I gained so many new readers with this story!! Emeged. I didn't expect to have better feedback here than in For Better Or For Worse!

I don't know what's up with this story because I'm surprised to see 600+ reads with only 3 chapters published XD I only had less than a hundred with FBOFW when it had 3 chapters..so yeah.. :)


this chapter is dedicated to everyone who is reading this story and who love it so much. I didn't really expect it at all :)

Got my bangs back thanks to SherwinSings :) and SoulReader1016 told me that I look like Nina Dobrev with my hair :P :)) 

Twitter: @Ms_Sunshine25

IG: @rhia_petrova_salvatore



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