The Truth (ON HOLD)

By Trvp_Qveenx03

19.9K 696 175

There's some things that you just don't know.... More

Not An Update
Chapter 13


1.9K 62 18
By Trvp_Qveenx03


When August told me about that dream he had I was a little thrown but the part that got me was when he said Alyssa sent him a naked picture I've been out a lot lately and I've noticed a lot of shit I just haven't said much but I wish that girl would try and catch a come up on my man she gone catch the come up on my fist and foot to her face all games aside.

Right now I was getting ready to take the kids out just to spend some time with with them I gave Elijah a quick bath and got him dressed in all grey to match my outfit which consisted of gray leggings a gray tank top and my gray snake skin 11's I had my hair piled on top of my head with light makeup. I leaned down and blowed on his cheeks and he started giggling and blowing spit bubbles, I laughed and picked him up and put him in his car seat and strapped him in my baby boy was getting so big.

"Mommy I'm ready" AJ said walking into the room I turned around and he had a black and white fit he had a black t shirt with the sleeves rolled up a pair of white cargos and his Taxi's he had on his little gold chain and bracelet with his Saints snapback, this little boy a little too much like his father.

"Alright baby are your sisters ready?" I asked putting some diapers and wipes into Elijah's baby bag.

"No their taking forever to get ready" he said groaning. I looked at him and chuckled this Lil boy man he is really something else.

"Go tell em I said hurry up or I'm leaving them" I said as I picked up Elijah and went downstairs to make some bottles and get him some juice.

As I was putting everything together Nayla and Zoey walked downstairs with the exact same thing on, I swear these two, they both had on a white daddy's girl T-shirt and a pair of baby blue shorts and their fruity pebbles, when I say August spoils these children he spoils them to the max but he knows when to put his foot down.

"You two are gonna drive your brother crazy what took you guys so long" I asked watching them walk in the kitchen.

"We didn't know which shoe to wear so we had to keep searching" Zoey said climbing up into the seat.

"Mhmm go grab some snacks and give em to me so I can put them in the bag and we get going" I said shaking my head. August walked downstairs in basketball shorts and a T-shirt and hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek as soon as he did Elijah started crying.

"Oh so I can't touch mommy?" He asked tickling his sides making him laugh.

"I swear there's something wrong with everyone in this house" I said shaking my head

"Oh please you love us we all know it" August said going to get himself something to eat.

Just then the doorbell rang and August and I looked at each other and he went over and pulled open the door and shortly after he walked in with Alyssa she looked at me and smiled, I sent one back and took the snacks up off the counter and put them in the bag.

"Morning everyone, Nayla you ready to go?" She said smiling.

"Mommy I wanna go with Cat" she said frowning.

"Well where are you guys planning to go?" She asked glancing up at me.

"I'm just taking them out to spend time with them probably gonna go shopping then out for ice cream and then probably go watch a movie" I said shrugging.

"And you leaving me behind oh hell now lemme hop in the shower" August said getting out the kitchen, I stared at him kind of confused as to why he still so damn childish but then I realize heck I married his childish ass so I can't complain plus I love the man.

"Well then.....alright so I guess I'll just come and pick you up later you have fun and don't give Cat and your dad any trouble alright I love you baby girl" she said hugging her and kissing her forehead, Alyssa's not a bad mom I just ain't feeling some of the shit I been peeping but I know August is smarter than he was a few years back.

"Okay mommy I love you too" she said kissing her cheek.

I zipped up the baby bag then went into the hallway closet and pulled Elijah's stroller out and took it out to the car and put it in the trunk, just as I was stepping back in August ran down the stairs in something similar to what AJ had on and I shook my head as I walked back in he came up behind me and held onto my waist and we waddled into the kitchen and Alyssa was holding Elijah rocking slightly.

"He uh started fussing so I took him out I hope you don't mind" she said bouncing him.

"No no I don't but we're gonna leave out we'll probably be back around 8 or 9 and if you still want to you can come pick up Nayla" I said pulling my phone out my pocket cause it was ringing.


"Hello is this Mrs. Alsina?"

"Yes this is she, how may I help you"

"This is Craig from Idiana Productions (made up) I was calling you about a job offer and we were wondering if you could come in today"

"Um that's amazing and all but today's my only free day I have to spend with my husband and kids is it possible I can come in at another time?" I said as Elijah started getting fussy again, I picked him up and rocked him gently.

"Sure of course how does tomorrow at 12:00 sharp sound to you?"

"That sounds great thank you Craig" I said smiling.

"No problem enjoy your day Mrs. Alsina"

"You too bye" I said before hanging up.

I saw August watching and I gave him that little 'I'll tell you later' look and strapped Elijah back in, and grabbed his bag.

"Baby I'll carry him cmon, Lil beasts let's go!" August yelled making Elijah laugh. I looked at him and shook my head, he gone be just like his damn father, I put Elijah's bag in between the front seats and got into the drivers seat while August strapped him in and the kids go in and fixed themselves.

About 30 minutes later we were pulling up to the mall Zoey and Nayla hadn't stopped talking since they got in the car together, I looked at August as I parked the car he put in his headphones 5 minutes into the ride cause he said they were talking to much mind you whose kids are they?? We got out and I helped the girls out while August took the stroller from the back AJ crawled over the seat and climbed down and went to where his sisters were standing, I took Elijah's car seat out and hooked him into the stroller then made sure the car was locked up properly before heading towards the mall entrance.
"Babe what exactly we getting from here?" August asked as we watched the kids in front of us.

"Whatever the kids want today is about them plus I need to get them some stuff for school" I said looking at Elijah through the net of the stroller.

"Ohh okay then, you feeling okay? I kind of noticed ya attitude shift this morning" I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, its just that dream you were talking about is kind of stuck on me, I don't know what would happen if it came true I'd hate to leave my kids like that especially my little Lijah even though he's getting bigger I wouldn't want either of my kids without a mom not to mention that whole Alyssa thing don't get me wrong I don't hate the girl or anything shit we kind of cool I love her daughter like my own I just noticed a few things I don't like that she does" I said shrugging.

"You know you don't have to worry about anything I'm yours and I'm not going anywhere remember its death do us part and I plan on sticking to it and even if one of us dies before the other I pray it don't happen though I wouldn't even thin about moving on cause I love you way to much to try and replace my first love" he said sincerely, I could tell he was serious cause when I looked at him he was already watching me.

"I love you August, I don't know where I'd be without you" I said smiling up at him.

"I love you too Cat and the feelings mutual I can't imagine not being with you, some of my best years have been with you and I'm thankful God put you in my life" he said smiling as well, he leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Mommy can get we go to that store??" Zo asked pointing this toy store that had just anything little girls liked.

"I am not going in there dad can we go to the game store?" AJ said looking at August, we looked at each other and sighed.

"Alright how about this AJ you go with your dad I'll go with your sisters and we'll meet up around 2 at the food court?" I said looking between all of them. They nodded and I kissed August bye along with AJ and Lijah since August wanted to take him.

"Alright Zo Lala let's go" I said taking both their hands as we went into the store, as soon as we stepped in I knew we weren't leaving anytime soon cause of all the toys and stuff in here jot to mention everything was pink..I hate pink.

~1 hour later~

We were finally leaving this store and headed to a clothing store and I think these girls completely forgot I only had two hands but because I love them I'm gonna let them have their fun a bunch of people stopped me and asked for pictures and autographs.

"Mommy I'm hungry" Zoey said rubbing her stomach. I chuckled and looked around and pulled out my phone.

"Let mommy text daddy and see where him and your brothers are okay?" I ended up calling him cause I couldn't keep my arm up long enough to send the text.

"Heyy beautiful what's up?"

"Nothing much me and the girls are about to head to the food court where are you guys?"

"At the food court waiting for you guys your 15 minutes late baby girl I was about to call out the police squad" I laughed and shook my head.

"Where are you I don't see you guys!" I said pouting.

"Baby turn left" he said chuckling I turned and saw him then hung up, I nudged the girls and pointed to where he was and the ran up to him, I took my time mainly cause I was tired.

"You look tired princess" he said taking the bags from me he kissed my forehead.

"I am tired your daughters ran me tired I can eat right now" I said pushing the hairs that fell out my bun during the day behind my ear.

"Well how about you sit down and I go get everyone's food? I already know you want something from Panda Express AJ already told me what he wants, I'll take my little drama queens with me" he said chuckling.

"If Nayla's going I'm not going" Zoey said sitting down, I was kind of shocked that she said that especially when she seemed fine not that long ago.

"I'm going" Nayla said folding her arms, I looked between the two of them and thought about what the hell could've been going on.

"Well...okay they baby Ima be back cmon Nay" August said taking her hand.

"Alright then" I said pecking his lips. I took Elijah out of the stroller and held him close. "Mmmm mommy missed her little baby did you miss me Lijah?" I asked kissing his cheek repeatedly, he giggled and kicked his legs.

"Excuse me ma'am you have some really adorable children" some random lady said walking up to my table.

"Oh thank you guys say thank you to the nice lady" I said nudging them they both looked up from the games they were playing and smiled.

"Thank you miss" I could tell her heart melted the second he smiled.

"Your welcome, how old are they?"

"Him and his twin sister are about to 6 this little guy right here is 3 months and 3 weeks"

"Ohh okay well their really adorable kids have a nice day"

"Thank you, you too" I said smiling, I watched her walk away.

After a few moments I look up and notice Zo is missing and her phone is sitting on the table. I put Lijah in his stroller, strap him in and begin to frantically look around.

"AJ, keep an eye on Nayla and Lijah. Understand me.!!"

I immediately begin to look around. Yelling out her name and screaming. I start asking people if they seen her, giving my baby description out to random strangers.

"ZO!!!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

August sets the food down then comes rushing over to me. He rubs my arms then starts looking around calling her name.

"ZO BABY IF YOU CAN HEAR ME PLEASE COME TO MOMMY!!!" I shout trying to get her attention.

"August where's my baby!!?? Why won't she answer me!??!?!?" I shout at him.

"ZO BABY GIRL WHERE ARE YOU!!" August shouts.

Security begins to rush over to us. I explain to them what happened. Tell them that she wouldn't wander off unless it was something that provoked her to. Security starts trying to calm me down.


"Ma'am we will find her just please calm down." The officer says then unhooks his walkie. "We have a code red, look down the mall and inform police we have a missing child. I repeat we have a missing child. This is not a drill."

I look at August, and the tears that's been trying to break through, finally come pouring and flowing out my eyes and down my cheeks. August yanks me up and pulls me into his arms and holds me tight.

"Did you call her phone?" August asks me.

"Her phone is sitting on the table." I say tripping over my words.

I bury my face into August chest, grip his shirt tight and ball my eyes out. I can't believe this. I took my eyes off of her for a few moments and now I have a chance of not even seeing her again. This is all my fault.

*1 hour later*

"We've found her!!!" Someone shouts over the walkie.

I jump up from off August lap. Eyes puffy and nose stuffed. August jumps up also and we both look at the Officer.

"Where is she?" He replies back over the walkie.

"She is in BarbieLand with a family friend." The other Officer replies back.

"WHAT FAMILY FRIEND?!" August yells.

"What family friend?" The officer says into the Walkie.

"He says his name is Deckard." The officer replies.

"Bring me my daughter now." I say through clenched teeth.

A few moments later Deckard and Zo comes walking into the food court holding each others hand. August rushes by me and hauls off and punches Deckard in his face. Deckard goes falling back onto the floor and holding his jaw. Zo rushes over to me and hugs me. I pick her up and hug her extremely tight.

"Don't ever scare mommy like that again. Please don't." I whisper to her.


















Cliffy , sorry this took so long I had mega writers block and after a long, long complicated and switch up with my sis I got this done.

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