The Walking Remix

By The_Walking_Remix

5.3K 95 40

What if the Walking Dead had happened differently? What if the group was just kids, instead of mainly adults... More

Major Editing Notice
Yet another notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
The second book is out!

Chapter 28

117 0 0
By The_Walking_Remix

As Kyle and the strange men got to there campsite, the men shoved Kyle to the ground.
"Ow. Jeez, what was that for?" Kyle asked nervously but angrily. Kyle tried to stand up but was kicked back down to the ground.
"Listen kid, if I were you I would listen to us. We are armed and are not afraid to take a gun to your head and pull the trigger, got it? 1 wrong move and your gone. And you better hope that-" One of the men said as they kicked Kyle in the side.
"Sorry.." Kyle said. He was really starting to realize that these men were not mentally stable, and most definitely not safe to be around.
"As I was saying, you better hope that your little 'group' of kids don't show up to try to take you, cause believe me, we aren't afraid to shoot them either."
"Oh no... No doubt their going to come and look for me.." Kyle thought.
"So, for the rest of the time we keep you, before we kill you of course-" One of the men said before being cut off.
"Kill me? Your eventually going to kill me?" Kyle asked.
"What? Ha! You thought we were going to keep you and we would all become best buddies until the day we died? Sorry buddy, that's not the case for you." The man said. Kyle gulped.
"Uhhhh.. Okay..." Kyle replied nervously. Then one of them pulled him up and brought him to where he would stay until they decided what to do with Kyle.
So instead of looking for his dad, Kyle ended up spending the rest of the four days doing whatever the two men told him to, while very secretly planning an escape with a few other kids that the men had taken as well. Back at the cabin, the group was starting to get really worried about Kyle. Since he knew the place, Caden went out to see if Kyle had came back or not.
"Did you find anything?" Nani asked when Caden got back. He shook his head.
"Nope." He replied sadly.
"What?" Tyler asked.
"He should be back by now. This is day five!" Venus exclaimed.
"What if he's hurt?" Mika asked.
"We can't look for him for another two days, remember?" Caden told her.
"WHAT?! Why can't we look now?!" Scarlett yelled.
"Because, Kyle told us not to look for him until seven days had past." Tyler replied.
"Oh no.... This cannot be happening right now! Where the heck is he? Or what happened to him?" Fawn asked nervously.
"I feel like this is my fault. I shouldn't have let Kyle go out there alone. I'm his sister, I should've followed him. And now I have the feeling he's lost, or hurt.  Or even... even... Dead..." Allena added trying not to cry. 
"Allena, it's not your fault. You asked him at least twice if you could come, and he said no. Don't blame yourself." Caden told her.
"Thanks." Allena replied.
"So... What are we going to do now?" Tyler asked.
"Wait." Venus said.
"Forget it. I-I'm not going to wait." Fawn said shyly.
"What?" Scarlett asked.
"Think about it guys. Kyle could be seriously hurt right now. And we're his friends, we have to go look for him." Fawn explained. 
"We can't do that." Caden said. 
"I honestly think she has a point Caden." Nani said. 
"Yeah!" Mika added. 
"I agree.  Waiting here for him to come back is killing me!" Tyler exclaimed. 
"We have to look for him.  I can't take it anymore." Allena said. 
"I think everyone wants to go!" Venus said.
"WE HAVE TO GO!!!!!!!" Fawn yelled. Since it was usually on a very rare occasion that Fawn yelled, the group kind of looked at her... For 5 whole minutes.
"Okaaaay...." Venus said.
"That's was... Weird." Tyler said.
"Why?" Fawn asked.
"Well your usually so, um, quiet, sometimes I forget your even here!" Tyler said sarcastically.
"Wow. Must take a mental note on THAT one." Fawn said offended.
"Anyways, as I was saying, we need to look for him. He's my boyfriend, and I know it sounds really cheesy, but I miss him, and I'm worried about him, and I don't care 1 little bit if he said not to look for him, cause brother, IM LOOKING FOR HIM!" Fawn said a little bit offended.
"Okay, okay.." Tyler said.
"We should look for him." Venus said.
"Thank you!!!!" Fawn said.
"Yeah, we should look for him!" Allena exclaimed.
"Exactly." Fawn said.
"But Fawn..." Scarlett whimpered.
"What is it Scar?" Fawn asked.
"W-what about M-Morning?.. We can't just leave her!" Scarlett said sadly.
"Oh don't worry about that Scar! We will just bring her!" Fawn exclaimed.
"How?" Caden asked.
"Well... Um.." Fawn said unsure of what to say.
"A WAGON!!!!!!!" Mika exclaimed proudly.
"What?" Allena asked.
"A wagon. We could bring Morning in a wagon I found near the cabin yesterday! It even has more room so we could put our bags that we will pack in it!" Mika exclaimed.
"Mika..." Fawn started.
"What?" Mika asked.
"YOUR A GENIOS!!!!" Fawn said happily.
"Now everyone go pack your bags, and don't worry about packing too heavy, because we have a wagon, plus a newborn fawn doesn't take up a ton of space..." Tyler instructed. After that, everyone loaded their bags in the wagon plus Morning, and then they set off in the direction that they thought that Kyle went. They were walking for about 6 hours, when Fawn stopped.
"Oh my gosh , oh my gosh, oh my gosh..." Fawn said worriedly.
"It's ok Fawn, it's going to be ok." Allena reassured.
"G-guys....." Fawn said nervously.
"What?" Nani asked.
"I need a moment." Fawn said before she went off into the bush for 5 minutes.
"Poor Fawn, this has been really hard on her.." Tyler said.
"That's it.. I'm going to go see if she is ok!" Nani said before running off to go find Fawn. When she did find Fawn, Fawn was sitting on a tree stump with a squirrel in her hands, crying.
"Fawn what's wrong? You can talk to me if you want.." Nani said comfortingly.
"I-I just.. I don't want to go through what I did with my parents, I just don't want to.. I don't want Kyle to be dead, I don't want him to die in front of me.." Fawn said quietly.
"It's ok Fawn, he's going to be ok. We are going to find him, I promise." Nani said.
"I.. I'm just really worried. " Fawn said.
"I know, but it's going to be okay.." Nani reassured.
"I feel like this is my fault. Maybe the military took him to get revenge for letting me and Scarlett go. Maybe they.. Maybe they are going to- going to.. Oh I can't even say it!!!" Fawn cried.
"That's a good point, but I doubt it is going to happen Fawn. Let's go back to the group, we need to find Kyle, and we will find Kyle! I know it! And one more thing, why are you petting a squirrel?" Nani asked.
"Oh.. Sometimes being near animals makes me feel better." Fawn answered.
"Oh.. Ok!" Nani said.
"I'm sorry that I freaked out, I think I just had an anxiety attack." Fawn said ashamed.
"It's ok ! We are all under a lot of stress right now and it's hard on us! Don't worry!" Nani said supportively.
After a few more minutes, Allena and Scarlett came running through the trees.
"There you guys are!" Allena exclaimed.
"Fawn what's wrong?" Scarlett asked.
"Oh... Nothing Scar. I just... got a little worried that's all." Fawn replied.
"About what?" Scarlett asked.
"Oh... You know.  Just Kyle being lost and all." Fawn answered. 
"I know exactly how you feel.  Ever since day three of him being gone I've been freaking out inside.  I'm really worried too.  Especially because... Well... You know what, Never mind!" Allena said. 
"What is it?" Fawn asked.
"Oh nothing.  Just forget I ever said anything!" Allena replied nervously.
"Allena, are you hiding something?" Scarlett asked skeptically. 
"Okay, okay.  I am." She sighed. 
"What's wrong?" Nani asked. 
"Well... Oh man how do I put this... You know how Kyle and I are both the same age, but with a five month age difference?" She began.
"Yeah?" Fawn said.
"There's a reason for it.  Kyle and I don't have the same parents.  In fact we're not even step siblings.  I-I'm... a foster kid." Allena said quietly. 
"What?" Scarlett asked. 
"Seriously? What about Kyle?" Nani asked. 
"No.  It's just me." Allena replied. 
"How did that happen?" Fawn asked somewhat sympathetically. 
"It's a bit of a long story, but I'll try to make it short.  When ever I was born, the doctors had no idea that I had an emotional problem, so my parents obviously kept me.  But when I was about four, I fainted for the first time.  My parents completely freaked out and took me to the hospital to see what was wrong.  After running a few tests on me and asking me and my parents some questions, the doctor figured out that I had this issue, and wouldn't be able to control my emotions nearly as well as you guys. After that for the most part my parents were still supportive of me, and tried to help me handle my emotions better.  But when I was 7... It just all stopped.  My parents said they had to be harder on me.  And... they started to abuse me.  They yelled at me for getting upset, freaked me out for the heck of it, and... sometimes... they told me they wished I wasn't even born.  So when I was 9 someone figured out what was going on and called child services on my parents.  They put me in child care until they found someone else who would take care of me.  6 months later they found somebody, which just happened to be Kyle's parents.  So... yeah." Allena explained.  After that, the other three just stared at her for a whole minute. 
"Woah..." Scarlett said. 
"That's terrible! I feel so bad for you!" Nani cried. 
"How could anyone do that? It's not your fault!" Fawn asked. 
"Thanks guys.  I don't really know why my parents did it.  They never gave me an answer.  I guess they just... didn't want me anymore..." Allena replied sadly.
"Well... Your parents are just JERKS!!! I hope they got bit by a zombie.  And then someone shot them." Scarlett yelled. 
"Thanks! Although I will admit, sometimes I wish that too!!!" Allena giggled.
"Say... How come neither you or Kyle told us this until now?" Nani asked.
"This may sound stupid... but... I was afraid that you guys might've thought that I was weird.  Kyle already told you guys about my problem, and then I was just worried... If my own parents didn't like me, what would that say for you guys? Plus Kyle said that he'd let me tell you guys when I had to, since it was mainly my problem." Allena explained.
"Allena that's not true! I don't think any of us would have minded!" Nani said. 
"Yeah... I know.  I feel bad for saying it." She replied shamefully. 
"But I could see why you might not have wanted us to know about it! No matter what, we like you!" Fawn added.
"Aww thanks guys!" Allena exclaimed.
"I'm still really worried about Kyle though..." Fawn said worriedly.
"Don't worry, I know we will find him!" Allena said as the girls began to walk back to the rest of the group.
"I sure hope so!" Scarlett said nervously. Around 1 hour of walking later, Scarlett and Mika ran off into the bushes. No one noticed till around 5 minutes later.
"Wait, where is Mika and Scarlett?" Fawn asked the group.
"Oh great!!! Now we're missing 3 people!" Tyler said sarcastically. Fawn then shot him a death stare.
"Sorry.. Um.. Bad timing!" Tyler said nervously as he slowly backed away from Fawn.
"No, seriously, where the HECK are they?" Nani asked.
"Oh no.." Allena said nervously.
"It's ok guys, we will find them.." Caden reassured.
"Well there is no use looking for them, we will have to just wait for them to come to us. I know Mika and Scarlett, and they will come back." Nani added. And it seemed as if Nani could predict the future, because exactly 5 minutes later, guess who showed up.
"Hey guys!" Mika exclaimed clearly out of breath.
"Girls, we were worried SICK?! Where the heck were you?" Caden asked.
"Us? Well we were just playing a game of spy!" Scarlett beamed.
"Oh really.. In the middle of a DANG apocalypse?!" Nani asked.
"Mhmmm!!!" Mika said.
"And when we where playing the spy game, we found real live bad guys!!!" Scarlett exclaimed.
"What?!" Fawn asked skeptically.
"That's right! And get this..." Scarlett said.
"What?" Allena asked.
"WE FOUND KYLE!!!!!" Scarlett and Mika said in unison.
"What, where, where is he? We need to go get him!!!" Fawn exclaimed.
"Wait.. You mentioned bad guys, then you mentioned Kyle. Does that mean?.." Allena asked nervously.
"Yeah. Kyle is being held captive by these meanies!!! He looks really beat up too, he's got scratches and scrapes all over him!" Mika said sadly.
"What.. No- no this can't be happening.. No.." Fawn said sadly.
"WHO WOULD DO THAT TO KYLE?!" Allena said madly.
"Well let's stop talking about it and go find out!" Venus suggested, and that is what they did.

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