Heart Of A Jaguar.

By Maroon1479

30.8K 1.7K 203

Thalia always wanted a regular life. Packing and moving to different town after town was her normal though. H... More

{Escaping Into The Night.}
{Peck On The Nose.}
{Picking Fights.}
{Jaguar Spots.}
{First Date Gone Bad.}
{Sneaking Out.}
{Bloody Chocolate.}
{Stupid Dogs, Smart Cats.}
{Marriage Proposals.}
{Prone To Danger.}
{Meet The Parents.}
{Moonlight Comfort.}
{Family and Respect.}
{Getting Through.}
{You Don't Own Me.}
{The Truth.}
{Little Shadow.}
{To Get Back What's Ours.}
{Jaguar Mafia.}
{Jaguar Moon.}
{No Peace.}
{The Threat Is Real.}
{Swallowing My Pride.}

{A New Story.}

882 51 4
By Maroon1479

Nineteen Years Later

I gave Neriah the tray of hamburger and she took it out to Rian who was brickering with my dad about the grill up. Neriah was always a helpful girl. My middle child but not long ago the baby. She was willing to do anything to have my attention. Shes is eleven years old growing into her teen years though. Not gonna be hard soon.

I followed beside her out onto the deck. My oldest Alijah was splashing inside the pool with some of the neighborhood friends and cousins since he turned fiften today.

My mom was bouncing Peyton on her lap as she played with him. Peyton was my last baby and growing so quickly. Already six months, I forgot how fast they grow. He was suprise baby, a miracle one since I had surgery to make I fix. My children was born as regular Jaguar, it's gonna be hard to teach them when their sixteen but that's why the gate was fixed up downstairs. I'll raise them like how Peter did. He did teach us how to control ourselves with our short time with them.

My mom placed Peyton down in the bouncing seat. He brought one of his foot up to his mouth, chewing on it. It was so damn cute.

"Well you two stop it." Kavan said walking out of the pool and over to Rian and dad. "Look, I'll just do it. Settled."

"No." dad said. "I love grilling, it's my thing."

"It's my grill though." Rian said. "Aron, just relax. Take a load off and enjoy your grandson birthday."

They all agrued. My mom and I shook our heads at the men fighting over who to finish grilling. Neriah rushed to pool and jumped in.

I helped Bell, Kavan wife, peel the corn and got it ready to put on the grill.

"I still can't believe you had another one." she said as she smiled down at Peyton who giggled. "I wish Kavan would be excited about having more like Rian was. I have three boys, when am I gonna get a girl?"

Mom chuckled, "If it's meant to happen it will. Don't rush things."


Rian crawled in bed, "When are your parents gonna move out again?" he asked. I hit him and brought my finger up to my mouth. My parents moved in a year ago after having some trouble paying for their home. I think it's because my dad wanted to watch us. Sure, I didn't very much like them living here either but their my parents. And my mom helps allot with Peyton.

"When their ready." I said. "You see Neriah offer every chance we called one of the kids to help? We spend equal amount of time with the kids. I wonder why she still feels the need to act like shed doesnt get any."

"She's still having a hard adjustment to the new arrival." he said. "And we both kind of spoiled her a little to much."

I nodded agreeing. So I did spoil my kids a little but it wasn't like they were ungrateful. I just wanted to give them everything I never really had. We lived here in Bloomsburg for almost twenty years now. Everything was safe, quiet. Moving here was the best thing that could have happened in my life. It was amazing to stay in one place for a long amount of time. I gave my kids a safe comfortable life where they didn't feel scared of anything.

I'm happy and I'm glad nothing changed. I finally felt like life was perfect. Rian leaned over with a look I knew to well and he kissed me. I giggled as he pressed me down on the bed, holding my hands down.

Then I heard something from the kitchen. My head turned quickly towards the door as Rian kissed my neck.

"One of the kids is up." I said. "It's one in the morning."

"Probably just Alijah grabbing a snack--"

I smelt this strange smell in the air. It smelt dirty and gross like garbage. I pushed Rian away and stood up. "No, it's not. I smell someone else in the house." I said. I got up from the bed and quickly ran downstairs to kitchen. I quickly turned in the kitchen light as I growled at the feeling of being threat.

I saw a little girl at the fridge. She looked at me in shock and fear from being redhanded. She was only about four or five years old. She was a mess in her nightgown that was dirty. Her long dark hair needed a brush. Her face had dirt on her cheek. She was holding a burger in her hand, her mouth full. Rian ran over behind me, also taken back.

She dropped the burger and ran towards the door. "Whoa!" I yelled as I ran over to the door and blocked her way. She swallowed the food as she stepped back and she looked scared.

"You're--you're a Jaguar." she said.

Arching my eyebrow, I relaxed my body so she wouldn't seem like she was in trouble, "And so are you, aren't you?" I asked and she nodded. "Where are you from? Where's your family?"

"I ran away! Mama gone and daddy mean!" she yelled, making me feel bad for her. She didn't have an easy life apparently.

I lowered down on my knees, "My name Thalia, I won't hurt you okay? You want food?" I asked. She stared at me for a moment before nodding. I held my arms out and she quickly ran into them. I picked her up and set her down on the counter. I grabbed some leftover food from the fridge and fixed her up a plate. She quickly ate it as if she hasn't eaten in a long time and I'm sure she hasn't. I got this strange feeling coming from her. This sense feeling in my body near her. I didn't get this feeling around my parents or mu children. I do get it when Aunt Hala comes to visit though. "What's your name?"

"Bonnie." she said through a mouth full of Italian pasta salad.

Hey guys, this is the last chapter! Go check out The Lost Jaguar, it's a story about a boy name Ben! It's already up. It's not a sequel about Thalia but set in the same world. Sometime later though, Thalia will be back.

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