The Walking Remix

By The_Walking_Remix

5.3K 95 40

What if the Walking Dead had happened differently? What if the group was just kids, instead of mainly adults... More

Major Editing Notice
Yet another notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
The second book is out!

Chapter 27

74 0 0
By The_Walking_Remix

After a little more talking, The group let Kyle go to find his dad two days later.  So he started to pack his things and get ready to leave. He still didn't want anyone following him, or even looking for him if he didn't come back when the fifth day came.  Just as he was about to leave, Allena, Fawn, Tyler and Nani came to try and get him to change his mind and let one of them come. 
"Hey guys." Kyle said when he saw them.
"Hello." Tyler replied.
"So... You're leaving now?" Nani asked.
"In a few minutes, yes." He answered.
"Oh my gosh I'm gonna miss you!" Fawn cried.  "Unless..." She added.
"Oh Fawn..." Kyle sighed.  "I know you're my girlfriend, and I really like you, but we've been over this 3 times! I'm not letting anyone come with me.  Or look for me if I get lost." 
"Isn't the whole lost thing a little harsh?" Tyler asked.
"Well... It's for the best.  It's better I get lost or hurt then all of you." Kyle replied.
"But.... What will I do without you?" Allena asked sadly. 
"I don't know.  I promise nothing will happen to me, okay? But if I don't come back, promise me you won't look for me." He said.
"We can't just leave you out there! You'll DIE." Nani exclaimed.
"Dude, just let us at least look for you after a few days." Tyler added.
"I don't know..." Kyle started. 
"Please? I'm not letting this happen." Fawn asked.
"Neither am I." Allena said. 
"You know what? Okay.  You can look for me.  But, only after seven days have past." Kyle finally said after a few moments. 
"YES!!!" Tyler yelled.
"I don't know about that..." Fawn said nervously.
"Seven days is a long time!" Allena cried.
"Well It might take me me a bit longer to find dad then I said. What good would it be if you guys went looking for me and I wasn't even lost or hurt?" Kyle explained.
"True. But does it have to be seven days? I can't wait that long!!" Fawn cried.
"That extra three days is almost as long as you would've been gone." Nani added.
"Well... I'll try not to get lost okay? Just let me have those three days to get back." Kyle asked. They all thought about it for a moment.
"Okaaaaay." Tyler said.
Just then Allena ran up and hugged Kyle.
"Be careful okay?" She asked quietly.
"I will. I promise." He replied hugging her as well. 
After a few more minutes, He said goodbye to the rest of the group and left.  He went back to where the group had originally came from before they found the cabin and Caden, and found his way out of the woods from there.  The sun was beginning to go down, and he was just about to stop walking, when two men approached him.
"Hey little guy!" One exclaimed.
"Hi...?" Kyle replied skeptically.
"What's your name?" The other one asked.
"Kyle. Why do you ask?" He said.
"You're out here alone! It's not safe for a boy your age to be wondering around in the middle of an apocalypse!" The one who spoke first answered.
"Do you have a group?" The second one asked him.
"Yeah I do. I'm looking for my dad and I thought it would be dangerous, so I told all of them to stay there and not follow me." He explained. Then Kyle started walking again. 10 seconds later the men were in front of him.
"Seriously, can I help you guys with something?" Kyle asked.
"You're really brave to come out here by yourself you know." The second one stated not answering his question.
"We'd like to invite you to join our group!" The first one added.
"Uhh... I'm good honestly. But thanks!" Kyle said nervously. Then he tried to walk away again, but the first one grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.
"Did it LOOK like I was asking?" He asked harshly.
"Well...." Kyle started not knowing how to reply.
"Come with us little boy. Or you'll regret it." The second one threatened.
"I'm not that young!" Kyle protested.
"Come on!" The first one commanded attempting to make Kyle go with him. Then Kyle ran off really fast.
"NEVER!!!" He yelled.  The men ran after him.  After a whole minute, they caught up to him.  The second man tripped Kyle, and he fell.  Then the first one pulled him up to his feet. 
"Why the heck do you want me in your group anyway?" Kyle asked.
"Well you see here... I'll admit. We're both kinda sick in the head. Because that's what the Apocolypse can do to people sometimes!" The first one started.
"So we obviously don't have the skills or strength to survive on our own anymore. Now here we are, sometimes convincing sometimes forcing the strongest, bravest and smartest people out there." The second one added.
"That's ridiculous. I'm not going!" Kyle exclaimed.
All of the sudden, the second one pulled out a gun.
"I did say force." He said.
"Uuuhhh." Kyle said really nervously.
"Now you have two choices. Either come with us, or this goes through your head." The first one threatened. Kyle stared at him in fear.
"P-please... just let me go. I have a group that really wanted to come, and they're all waiting for me to come back." He asked.
"Nope. That's not an option kid." The second one replied.
"Okay..." He said quietly. Then the first one grabbed his arm and started walking to where their camp was.

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