Disclosed Truce

Par ChanytheWoods

1.6K 244 481

She was taken away from them four years ago, ending their inseparable friendship. Now after all those years... Plus

Before You Read
Tree House Slumber
The Incident
Free Our Friend
Known By Association
Her Secret Plans
I'll Fight For You This Time
Freeing Lei
The First Note
Before It's Too Late
They're Connected
At All Cost
It Was A Man
One Hell of a Surprise
Strange Visits
Make the Decision

What Friends Are For

64 10 15
Par ChanytheWoods

Michelle shook her head as she watched her former friend exit the building. Blowing out a frustrated breath, Michelle's eyes landed on the lined up lockers. She hasten her way towards them, and instead of smacking them, like she desired, she leaned against one.

Turning on her back, she lowered her eyes to smooth floor. She did not mean to rile Cammi up. All she was trying to do was. reunite her friends. She missed them. She missed Lei.

Michelle's breathing slowed. She felt as if her throat became clogged. Oh no not the tears, no not here, she thought. Trying to divert her attention from the current situation Michelle began thinking of any and everything. It was better than being a big baby on her birthday.

"Chelle? You...uh okay?" Michelle's eyes shot the speaker. He curiously leaned his body against the locker beside her. His hazel green eyes searching hers. Michelle sent him a small smile and nodded.

Tucking the loose pieces of her hair behind her ear, Michelle conjured up a bigger smile. Rolling her eyes, and delaying the thought of Cammi, Michelle nodded once more. "I'm uh fine, Javon. I just..." she trailed off nervously. I'm just going to use you, Michelle thought, "...I uh need your help."

Javon's lips instantly curled into a smile. His red and grey braces giving him a great smile. Michelle use to beg her parents for braces. She knew she did not need them, but she loved the way they make people look. And looking at how great Javon's smile was, she once again adored braces.

"Anything for the birthday girl. Can't believe you need my help. Must be a birthday thing," Javon joked.

Michelle chuckled lightly. She placed a hand over one and began picking at her nails. What if he denied her request? She needed him. He was essential. "My um parents. They think, they think I'm going with you to a community college to pay for summer classes. I need to get out for a few hours. Can you like uh, not be home or in their sights til maybe nine...ish?"

Michelle held her breath waiting for a response. Even though Javon and she had created quite a bond, she still got nervous around him. She figured it came from the obvious crush she had on him. Javon was like no other. He was the type of student that cared about his future.

Going for a jock or someone crazy was not in Michelle. She liked Javon, he's safe, and he's a great friend. Plus, Javon appeared to be the only student that could keep up with Michelle and her lust for academic opportunities. Sure her friends kept her entertained, but it was as if Javon understood her. Perhaps she was overdoing it, and thinking all of this because she liked him.

Javon shrugged his small shoulders, "Yeah sure. Anything for you. Besides Chandler is looking for some company at work. I can land a few insights on how to be an assistant baseball coach. I have to ask though, where are you really headed?"

Can she trust Javon? He was trustworthy, but even for this, could she? She let Cammi know, and that only proved to bite her in the ass. Can she take a risk with Javon knowing?

"My cousin wants to hangout. We're going to a tattoo parlor. She's hoping she can convince me to one." No she can't trust him. Not with this information. "I'm only seventeen. But I want to live a little."

Javon raked a hand through his short, curly hair. The curls easily following his hand's command. Every small thing about him, Michelle admired. She cannot help it. From his light brown freckles, to his cool guy style. Most days Javon was sporting a different type of style, and wore it perfectly. He could go from skater boy to cool kid without missing a step. With his tall, lean figure it added to Michelle's appreciation.

"It's Taylor, isn't it?"

Michelle quickly nodded. He believed her. But he was not too far off with the thought of Taylor being so ridiculous. At least he believed her, that was all that mattered.

"I should get to class. Don't want to uh have your mom questioning my behavior." Michelle said. Though she loved talking with Javon, she also enjoyed being prompt and early. She will never let anyone, not even Javon, interrupt her goals.

He took a step back, laughing. "You're right. Mom will go nuts, and ask me if there's any boys or drugs involved in your three second slowness." They both shared a laugh before silence fell over. Michelle glanced around the almost empty hallway, then at Javon to find him staring. She turned her head quickly. Her body heating at the sight of that. "This weekend." Michelle glanced up. "This weekend, allow me to take you to do dinner. For uh you know your birthday."

Michelle's face lit with excitement. Her body shook with rattling nerves. Did he just-did he just ask her on like a date? Was this a date? No, this can't be a date. This was just dinner with a close friend. Who cares he asked her to dinner. Michelle did not even try to play off her excitement, she couldn't hold it.

"Dinner? Great! Just text me the details." This could not be happening-with Javon. Who knew turning seventeen would mean a possibility of a boyfriend? Michelle's excitement began to boil over as she reached for a hug. When she came to the realization of what she did, she quickly pulled away. "See you later." She hurried off to class.

She cannot blow it now. Javon may actually be interested. He had to be. Please let him be. She so badly wanted this.

The bell rang as soon as Michelle entered class. Everyone's eyes landed on her with mixed emotion. Michelle's eyes met her English teacher's green ones. "Saved by the bell?" That caused a few people to laugh.

Her teacher, Mrs. Henson nodded before saying. "Safe by the birthday. Happy birthday, Michelle."

"Thank you." She smiled.

She could not believe how wrong Javon and she was about his mother's reaction. They were both just sure her strict policy would appear, apparently a birthday means a lot to her.

Michelle tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear before proceeding further into the classroom. "Oh no wait. As a repercussion and reward you have to stand here while we serenade happy birthday to you." Mrs. Henson sat down a pack of papers, and sidestepped the wooden podium.

Her red pumps clicking against the metallic, quartzite floor as she made her way towards Michelle. Mrs. Henson's rectangular shaped body looked quite stunning in her black dress. Even with her hair in a simple ponytail, Michelle admired Mrs. Henson's beauty.

Though a lot of her peers call her masculine Michelle cares to disagree. Mrs. Henson has a certain grace about herself that Michelle adores. Besides, Mrs. Henson is more feminine than most of her annoying peers anyways.

Mrs. Henson wrapped her fat fingers around Michelle's shoulders as she pulled her to the podium. Michelle looked from the opened windows to Mrs. Henson's neatly done makeup. Her makeup always looks flawless. Everything about Mrs. Henson is perfect to Michelle, except her rules. Her rules can go.

"If I ask is this mandatory, would you reply yes?" Michelle cautiously asked. She doesn't mind being in front of a crowd, but if she can avoid it she will.

It's weird to explain, for Michelle. Though she is an active member in the debate club, DECA and FBLA, she still fears being in front of people. When it comes to her clubs she does not mind one bit. It is as if every fear she has ever had is absent during that time. Perhaps that is why Michelle is an avid member in each group.

"Class on three, we sing happy birthday to this beautiful girl. One...two, three." Mrs. Henson began singing along with the class.

Michelle could not help but blush and smile brightly. She did not make direct eye contact with anyone, she only looked beyond them. A quick glimpse showed everyone smiling and laughing as well. When the singing ended, Michelle embarrassingly said, "Thank you guys."

Mrs. Henson laughed, "Now you can go to your desk. Alright class back to misery."

After class ended, Michelle rushed out. She began searching for Cammi so she could apologize. It was wrong of her to bombard Cammi like that. She knew talking about Lei with Cammi was going to be hard on Cammi. But she was so blinded by an opportunity to reunite with her four friends.

In the midst of the crowded hallway, Michelle saw a sandy blond walking her way. Sad grey blue eyes captured her attention. The tan skin girl looked startled when she made eye contact with Michelle. Michelle grinned deeply. She found her.

"Bristle!" Michelle excited yelled. She rushed towards her.

To Michelle's dismay, Bristle began to back away. She started blending in with the oncoming peers. Michelle hurriedly, pushed past her fellow schoolmates and tried to keep track of Bristle. She finally had the chance to see Bristle and lost it just as quick.

As Michelle made her way to the hallway, where the thick line was thinning out, she looked all around her. All that was in her presence was students, the entrance to the staircase, and classrooms.

Michelle let out a deep breath. "Crap."

Disappointed and defeated, Michelle went to her next class. The rest of the day, Michelle kept thinking about Cammi and Bristle, and how they wanted no part of her. It hurt Michelle to know, through all of what they been through, those girls could so easily turn their back on her. It was like she never mattered to them.

When school was over, Michelle had felt a surge of optimism rush through her. She wondered if including Lei in her life again, would reunite the five. Getting into her red 2012 Hyundai Sonata, Michelle was now determined more than ever.

"Hey, you've avoided me long enough girl. Happy birthday!" Michelle snapped out of her deep thoughts, and looked out of her window. Her brunette friend smiled brightly, with a bear in hand. Her plump friend even had on the pink dress Michelle bought her for her birthday. Her apple shape body really brought out the dress.

Michelle shook her head, "You shouldn't have, Kimmie."

Kimmie opened Michelle's door, "It's not like you turn seventeen everyday. Besides, I've been so antsy to get you this. You've always yearned for one, so as your best friend, here ya go."

Michelle examined the life-size bear. It's furry paws held a heart that had words imprinted on it. The words read: Best Friends Forever.

"Aw, don't make me cry." Michelle rushed to her friends side and squeezed her into a hug. Kimmie smelt like a fresh floral breeze. Kimmie's flat, thin hair whipping wildly. "You are the greatest friend, ever. My parents refused to get me one of these things-ugh, I love you Kimmie." Michelle pulled away.

She examined the fluffy bear in awe. Now Michelle had a cuddle buddy.

"Your hair. Down? It's so beautiful. You look fabo today, as usual. So where are you headed off?" Kimmie's eyes scanned Michelle's car then Michelle. Her joyful expression changed into a confused one. "Are you being bad girl?"

Michelle giggled, "Truthfully, yes." She remembered her mission, and realized that she was on a strict time schedule. "I will text you everything, but if I'm going to make it in time to the tattoo parlor with cuzo, I have to go now. But thank you, again, for this."

Kimmie nodded and took two steps back. "I see. Be sure to fill me in tomorrow. Have fun, and don't get too inked. You're being total bad assness right now, so I want all the details. Like all of em', the smell of the tattoo guy's beard."

Michelle only laughed. Kimmie had always been a comedic character. That was why they got along so well, Michelle enjoyed laughing, and Kimmie loved joking.

Back in Michelle's car, she kept looking over at her passenger seat with joy. Her bear that she named, the Kimster, sat still covered with the seat belt. Michelle knew when she made it home she was going to make her parents regret that vacuous decision.

On her way to Lei, Michelle made only stop...bathroom break. She also had to create a chaotic background when not only Javon called but Kimmie as well. When her dad called, Michelle pretended she was getting terrible reception. It worked.

When she made it to her destination, Michelle expected to see an eerie building shadowed by darkness and obsolete material, instead she came face to face with a clean setting. Garley's four story building stretched a block long. Behind it were three other buildings, they were not as big but noticeable.

The building looked more of a public library than a juvenile center. What reminded Michelle that it was, were the barbed fence protectively wrapped around the entrance of the center. Parking her car in between a truck, twice its size and a minivan, Michelle shut off her engine and exited the car.

Straightening her dress, her smile grew. She was going to be able to see her best friend. Before continuing on, Michelle pulled out her phone and turned on its front camera. She scanned her bland features and nodded. Her hair and makeup still laid in place. Nodding with acceptance, Michelle placed her phone back into her purse.

With her head held high, she made her way to the entrance of the large grey gates. She refused to allow those intimidating gates to get to her. She was going to see Lei, no matter what. She had come that far to just back out.

The gates slowly opened, with creaking sounds that made her shudder. This just reminded her to always listen to her parents-well, after this action, that is. When the gate came to a stop, Michelle proceeded on.

Before the building laid healthy green grass and a concrete pathway. She cautiously, as well as curious, made her way further to the building. She was met with two large black doors. A buzzer sat to the left of her on the brick wall. She lifted her arm and stretched it. Once she pressed the circle button, a loud buzzing sound went off for a few seconds.

The door automatically opened, and Michelle walked through. Cool air instantly slapped against her exposed legs and arms. Michelle hurriedly untied her jean jacket from her waist and put it on.

A small office was to her left, while a muscular security guard stood outside the door.  He gestured for her to come to him. With obedience, Michelle stiffly nodded her head and did so. The security guard did not look to be more than thirty years old, and Michelle could already tell he had enough experience to share for the both of them. His rough exterior frightened her, not for herself but for Lei. She feared the place may had already taken Lei's soul.

"First timer?" the guard asked. His deep voice revealed tiredness.

Michelle quickly nodded. "Uh yes, I'm here to see a friend. Well of course...where do I go?"

The guard annoyedly rolled his eyes, "Through these doors. It will take you to the visitation center. You only have forty-five minutes left before visitation is over. I suggest you come earlier for now on."

Again, Michelle hurried and nodded, "Thank you. Any other useful tips?"

"Yeah, don't end up in here." He then dismissed her.

It did not take long for Michelle to find the visitation office. A office went presented itself with bright lights inside. Whoever was in there, Michelle was sure died from overheating.

Realizing time was not her side, Michelle hurried to the window. Inside was two small desk accompanied by two women. In front of them were multiple TVs displaying different angles of the visitation room. There were more people in there than Michelle expected.

"Hi uh...here to see a friend," Michelle said happily. She is so close. Lei is only a few more minutes away.

One of the women, a curly-haired heavy set one, lifted her eyes from the computer to Michelle's. Her eyes showed pure boredom. Michelle's excitement persisted.

"Her name?" The woman impatiently asked.

"Oh uh Lei Thao." Michelle nodded.

The woman looked to her peer, "That's a first. That child only gets a visits from adults. Wonder what changed."

The other woman, a much smaller one, laughed, "It's a new day, girl. Anything possible."

Michelle began twisting a finger into another impatiently. She nibbled down on her lower lip trying to contain her rude comments. The women were having a conversation about her friend, when she could be talking to Lei. They're wasting time.

"Take this and walk through the metal detector." The heavy set woman reached her brown arm out to the counter. There she placed a sticky paper that said 'visitor.'

Michelle took into her hands, and briskly placed it on her chest. She pivoted her feet to the direction of the metal detector and walked through it. Confused, she was met with the thick woman. The woman looked as if she gained a few extra pounds from being inside the office. Her makeup did not help her look at all. It was too bright for her complexion and the red lipstick was horrid.

"Place all your valuables here." The woman tapped on a faded blue bucket.

Cautiously, Michelle asked, "I will get these all back, right?"

The woman exhaled loudly. "Don't worry, baby, your belongings have no interest in me."

Michelle nodded. "Okay." She placed her purse into the bucket, slowly. Giving it one last look, her small fingers wrapped around her neck. In seconds, her necklace her father bought her was off, too.

"Anything else?"

"No." Michelle said.

The woman stood back, gave Michelle a once over and laughed to herself. It was as if she told herself some inside joke. She grabbed the bucket and carried it into the room. After a few more moments past, she reemerged. "Go through the detector again for assurance."

Michelle did not say anything, she only obeyed. When it did not sound off this time the woman fanned her to proceed down the hallway. It was cut short by double doors. Before even reaching them, Michelle's wondrous eyes peered inside of the large windows. The juvenile's sat in blue jumpsuits across from their visitors, while guards stood in corners carefully watching.

Pushing open the cool doors, the chattering became ominous. Out in the hall it did sound as loud. Those windows must be specially made for situations similar to those.

She found a free table in the middle of the room. Keeping her eyes on other girls, she made her way to the table. One girl was crying her eyes off to who looked to be her parents, their stares were cold ones. Michelle wondered what the girl did to get in there.

Another girl, glared at a boy around Michelle's age. She was saying something that Michelle could not decipher, but Michelle knew it was nothing good.

Seated, she looked around anxious. Her fingers jolted around on the metal table in front of it. The time is almost here. She is so, so close to seeing Lei. Will Lei recognize her, or will she hate her?

Michelle's eyes shot up just in time to see a girl walk into the room. The first thing to capture Michelle's attention were the bruises. The small faced girl was covered in marks and cuts. A black eye looked to be in it's early stages, with a slit above one of her eyebrows. Her then lip was busted, with dry blood.

When the pale girl's eyes landed on Michelle's, Michelle almost felt fear. Those eyes held nothing, but anger. Her hair was in a high ponytail, revealing a butterfly tattoo on her neck. How'd she get a tattoo in jail?

Even though it had been years, Michelle noticed how much skinnier the girl had gotten. Is the food there destroying her body? Or was she refusing to eat? These questions and more filled Michelle's brain. But still, even through it all, Michelle managed to feel excitement.

"Why the hell are you here?" The girl asked standing beside the provided seat.

Lei stared down at her, eyes blazing in anger. Michelle then felt fear-a lot of it.


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