The First Lost Girl

By HannahKateElkins

125K 3.4K 423

Peter Pan is the ruler of Neverland, or that's what he implies anyways. He and his Lost Boys have been enjoyi... More

First A/N
Character Profiles
Character Profiles
Chapter One: Freedom
Chapter Two: Neverland
Chapter Three: Someone's Here
Chapter Four: Are You Lost Little Girl?
Chapter Five: You...Called Me...A Lost Boy.
Chapter Six: Call me Rufio
Chapter Seven: So You Really Are Lost Arent You?
Chapter Eight: You're Quite The Gentleman Felix
Chapter Nine: Is This Real Or Am I Still Dreaming?
Chapter Ten: I Challenge Rufio
Chapter Eleven: Princess
Chapter Twelve: I Should Have Been There For You
Chapter Thirteen: You're My Princess
Chapter Fourteen: Girls Are Good For Some Things
Chapter Fifteen: Bath Day?
Chapter Sixteen: I Can Handle It
Chapter Seventeen: Judgement Day
Chapter Eighteen: The Sailor Returns
Chapter Nineteen: What Have I Done?
Chapter 20: I'm Captain Killian Jones And You My Dear Are On The Jolly Roger
Chapter Twenty-Two: You Are Forgiven. You Always Have Been
Chapter Twenty-Three: Lets Play!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Kill
Chapter Twenty-Five: Anything For You Princess
Chapter Twenty-Six: I Underestimated You Once Rufio But I Won't Do It Again
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Everything's Going To Be Okay
Chapter Twenty-Eight: It Wasn't A Dream Then
Chapter Twety-Nine: No Problem Princess
Chapter Thirty: Goodnight Princess
Chapter Thirty One: I Feel So Alone
Chapter Thirty-Two: Devin
Chapter Thirty-Three: Dance With Me
Chapter Thirty-Four: You're Like A Brother To Me
Chapter Thirty-Five: Any Last Words?
Chapter Thirty-Six: You Think I'm Afraid Of Death?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Where's Felix?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: It's Settled Then
Chapter Thirty-Nine: I Can't Leave Him! He Needs Me!
Chapter Forty: You Don't Look Too Good
Chapter Forty-One: You Love Him Don't You Lost Girl?
Chapter Forty-Two: I Want You To Smile For Me Princess

Chapter Twenty-One: Just One Step At A Time

2K 68 8
By HannahKateElkins

Devin's P.O.V.
Rufio had gone missing. She didn't show up for breakfast this morning and the last time anyone saw her was last night. Felix said that the last time he saw her, she was headed to the eastern beach. Where the pirates were. They could have caught her. Pan said that if no one finds her by nightfall, we were attacking the ship. We had all been looking. But she wasn't found yet. I was getting worried about her. She was so small. And pirates could easily over come her if they got the chance. She wasn't very strong compared to grown men. I should know...
I headed toward the eastern shore for my regular patrol. The sun was getting hot so I stayed under the shade for as long as I could. I'd be at the beach in a few minutes. The pirates had anchored their ship on that side of the island. I looked out over the horizon when I got to the beach. The ship was still there. I put my hand above my eyes to shade them. Something caught my eye in the shallow water closest to shore. I cautiously made my way out from under the brush and down to the water. I stopped in my tracks when I realized what it was.
"Rufio!" I called, running into the water. Her face was nearly submerged completely in the water and she was only in her undergarments. I quickly picked her up and walked back up to the shore, laying her down gently on the the sand. I put my ear to her chest, her skin was like ice. I didn't hear anything. I put my fingers against her neck, checking there for a beat too. I could feel the pulse, thank God. But it was weak, and almost undetectable. I pulled off my hood and wrapped her in it. She needed to get warm, or she'd die of hypothermia. I rushed my way back through the jungle, heading for camp.


"Pan! I found her!" I yelled, as I came into the clearing. Several of the boys looked up and rushed over.
"Rufio!" Beau called, running over. He was one of the most worried about Rufio, they were basically brother and sister.
Felix made it to us first, his face full of concern. Pan came in after. Their eyes widened when they saw her.
"She's alive, but barely." I informed Pan.
"Where'd you find her?"
"Eastern beach...she was in the water. Unconscious."
The boys started crowding around. Felix picked her up from my arms and cradled her in his own. He glared at me.
"Where are her clothes, Devin?" He growled. Yes, I had my past with Rufio, but he didn't need to remind me.
"I don't know, Felix. Why don't you ask the pirates who kidnapped her?" I retorted. Pan didn't understand what Felix was getting at but he seemed to sense something was up.
Patch came up and felt her pulse as Felix looked down at her face.
"Get her in her bed, now." He ordered. "She needs to get warm immediately. Prentiss, she's got a cut, tracing her hair line, maybe a half a millimeter deep, and a bruise on her right cheek. Filthy pirates..."
Felix seemed to have a guilty expression on his face but I paid no mind. He turned and carried her to his tent. I listened as Patch continued calling orders for the boys. Beau was getting extra blankets, Prentiss was getting medicine, Thomas was getting a hot pan to warm Rufio's bed, and I was getting water. We all set out, saving Rufio's life on the top of our priority list.

Felix's P.O.V.
I gently laid Rufio in her bed and took off the now wet cloak, tossed it aside and cover her body with the dry blankets, trying to get her warm. This was all my fault. If hadn't hurt her she wouldn't have run away, the pirates wouldn't have kidnapped her, and she wouldn't be... I erased the thought from my mind.
"You're going to be okay." I whispered to her. "I promise."
Several of the boys came in carrying supplies. A hot pan was put at the bottom of her bed under the blankets, her cut was cleaned and medicine was applied. More blankets were brought in and laid on her for extra warmth. Devin came in with water and set the skin down next to her.
"She'll be thirsty when she wakes up." He said before turning and leaving. Good riddance.
After all the commotion died down, I was left with Rufio, who was still unconscious. I tried to make sure she was as comfortable as possible.
I sat, Indian style, by Rufio's bed and watched her, silently begging her to wake up.


I stayed up half of the night with her, watching her as she slept. Patch would come every now and then to get the pan that had gone cool and switch it out for a hot one, check her pulse, and other things. Then he would leave, mumbling about what he'd need to get for her.
Her cheeks were rosy now. A good sign. She was warm again.
"Please." I whispered, brushing a piece of hair out of her face. "Please wake up."
I blinked back a few tears. "This is all my fault. I did this to you. I hurt you..." I looked at her face. This sweet girl's beautiful face. She was so innocent. And I had hurt her. How could I? I had betrayed one of my best friends.
"I'm sorry Rufio." I whispered, putting my forehead to hers. "I'm so sorry...I hope one day you will forgive me."
I sat back up, closing my eyes and hanging my head. I did it...
"I already have, Felix." I heard her whisper. My eyes snapped open and I jerked my head up. Her eyes were only slightly open. She was looking at me, her blue eyes filled with forgiveness. I felt a smile break across my face.
"Rufio! You're awake!" I leaned across her and hugged her the best I could in the position we were in.
"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."
"No Felix. It wasn't you. They could have taken anyone." Her voice came again, weak and tired.
"So they did take you?"
She gave a small nod.
Her eyes shot wide open as if she had just remembered something and she quickly sat up, her blanket falling off her chest.
"Where's Pan?!"
"What? I don't know. Somewhere in the camp."
I heard an excited gasp from the front of the tent. I turned to see Beau in the doorway, a grin on his face. He disappeared only for a minute before returning with the rest of the boys. They all crowded in to see Rufio. I watched as her expression went from happy to embarrassed in a split second. She grabbed her blanket and pulled it over her chest. That's when I realized she didn't have anything but her underclothes on. I stood up.
"You can talk to her later boys. But right now you've gotta go."
"What? Why?" Beau asked, confused. Devin seemed to catch on and started to heard the boys out the door.
"C'mon boys, let Rufio get dressed."
A few of the older boys chuckled before leaving the room with the others. And all was quiet again.
I turned back to Rufio, who's face was burning red with embarrassment. I chuckled and walked back over to her.
"I can't get up." She whispered, face seeming to redden even further.
"Oh...Do you need help?" She nodded, almost undetectably.
"Okay." I stood up and held my hands out. She grabbed one, using her other hand to press a blanket against her chest, the rest of it automatically draping over the front side of her body. She slipped her legs out of her bed and tried to stand up on her own, but I could feel how weak she was just by holding her hand, and even then she couldn't hold on too well. I helped her stand up and used my other hand to steady her by her waist. She took a step and nearly collapsed. I caught her before she did and stood her back up.
"This might take longer than I thought." She mumbled.
"That's okay." I answered chuckling. "Just one step at a time."

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