The First Lost Girl


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Peter Pan is the ruler of Neverland, or that's what he implies anyways. He and his Lost Boys have been enjoyi... Еще

First A/N
Character Profiles
Character Profiles
Chapter One: Freedom
Chapter Two: Neverland
Chapter Three: Someone's Here
Chapter Four: Are You Lost Little Girl?
Chapter Five: You...Called Me...A Lost Boy.
Chapter Six: Call me Rufio
Chapter Seven: So You Really Are Lost Arent You?
Chapter Eight: You're Quite The Gentleman Felix
Chapter Nine: Is This Real Or Am I Still Dreaming?
Chapter Ten: I Challenge Rufio
Chapter Eleven: Princess
Chapter Twelve: I Should Have Been There For You
Chapter Thirteen: You're My Princess
Chapter Fourteen: Girls Are Good For Some Things
Chapter Fifteen: Bath Day?
Chapter Sixteen: I Can Handle It
Chapter Seventeen: Judgement Day
Chapter Eighteen: The Sailor Returns
Chapter Nineteen: What Have I Done?
Chapter Twenty-One: Just One Step At A Time
Chapter Twenty-Two: You Are Forgiven. You Always Have Been
Chapter Twenty-Three: Lets Play!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Kill
Chapter Twenty-Five: Anything For You Princess
Chapter Twenty-Six: I Underestimated You Once Rufio But I Won't Do It Again
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Everything's Going To Be Okay
Chapter Twenty-Eight: It Wasn't A Dream Then
Chapter Twety-Nine: No Problem Princess
Chapter Thirty: Goodnight Princess
Chapter Thirty One: I Feel So Alone
Chapter Thirty-Two: Devin
Chapter Thirty-Three: Dance With Me
Chapter Thirty-Four: You're Like A Brother To Me
Chapter Thirty-Five: Any Last Words?
Chapter Thirty-Six: You Think I'm Afraid Of Death?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Where's Felix?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: It's Settled Then
Chapter Thirty-Nine: I Can't Leave Him! He Needs Me!
Chapter Forty: You Don't Look Too Good
Chapter Forty-One: You Love Him Don't You Lost Girl?
Chapter Forty-Two: I Want You To Smile For Me Princess

Chapter 20: I'm Captain Killian Jones And You My Dear Are On The Jolly Roger

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Rufio's P.O.V.
I ran until I couldn't anymore. Collapsing under a tall tree, I cried into the crook of my arm. How could he? He was my friend. My best friend...


I woke up in an unfamiliar place. It was a dark room, made of wooden planks. I was in a bed, not made of animal skins and furs, like I was used to, but it was made of cotton blankets and sheets. I sat up to look around, but couldn't see much in the dark. Suddenly, a door opened on the far side of the room. A chubby man with a beard walked in, dressed in shabby clothes and a bright red hat, which caught my attention.
"Ah, you're awake!" He said, almost gleefully.
"If you will m'lady, the captain wants you up stairs."
I decided that this man was quite decent, so I got out of the bed and walked over to where he held the door open.
As we walked down the hallway, the floor swayed, and for a split second, I lost my balance, but the man caught me and stood me up right.
"Are we on a-"
"Boat? Yes we are." He said with a smile. I returned the smile. I'd never been on a boat before.
We continued the walk through the corridor and emerged onto the main deck, the smell of salt water hitting my nose.
"Captain!" The man called.
"Yes Smee?" I heard an accented voice answer.
"The girl is awake."
"Well then bring her up here."
"I did, she's right here captain." Smee told him.
I turned to watch as the captain came walking down the small flight of stairs. His eyes widened.
"You have her up here without restraints?! What were you thinking Smee?! Thrasher! Grab her!"
I felt someone grab my hands and hold them firmly behind my back. I craned my neck to see that it was a tall and muscular man.
I turned back to the captain. He studied me for a second and I did the same to him.
He was a tall and handsome man, with dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes, dressed in almost all black leather. I noticed with a gasp that in place of his left hand, was a sharp metal hook. The captain smirked when he realized I had seen it.
"Pretty isn't it? Do you like it?"
"Well it's certainly fancier than a hand." I answered true fully.
"I didn't expect you to be so polite." He chuckled.
"Who are you and where am I?"
"Forgive me, I haven't been using my manners." He said chuckling. "I'm Captain Killian Jones, and you my dear, are on the Jolly Roger."
I looked around at the boat. It was very nice.
"Who might you be?"
"My name's Rufio."
He smirked.
"Now, may I ask, why am I here?"
"Ah yes. You see, as we were exploring the island some of my men came upon you sleeping in the midst of the jungle, no place for a lady, so we brought you here to be safe."
"I thank you for your kindness and generosity, but Neverland isn't dangerous, or at least not for someone who knows as much about it as me."
"Do you live on the island?"
"I do."
"Then maybe you can help me with something."
"What would that be?"
"I'm on a hunt for a demon. And I need information on him."
"A demon?" I didn't know there were any demons in Neverland.
"Aye. Some people mistake him for a boy, but I know better. You may know him by Peter Pan."
"Pan? But he isn't a demon, he takes care of us, and he-"
"Us? There's more of you?"
I bit my lip. Maybe I was saying too much. This man was starting to show his true colors.
"Why are you after Pan?"
"Peter Pan is responsible for my brother's death. I vowed to avenge his life, and I always keep my promises."
"So you're going to kill Pan?!"
"That I am. He deserves what's coming to him." He said with a scowl. I had heard those words before. My eyes widened with shock but I didn't say anything.
"Now lass, your going to tell me about Pan. A hunter must know about his prey so that he'll know the best way to kill him."
I was angry now. This man dared to talk about Pan like an animal?! He was not an animal. He may be a smug little boy but he wasn't any sort of demon. He was my friend.
"Why would you think I would tell you how to kill Pan?" I spat.
"Because I can grant you safe passage off the island, you wouldn't have to worry about him harming you if you turn on him."
"I don't want to leave. Neverland is my home."
"It's not that good of a home you know." The captain growled, getting a bit annoyed now.
"How dare you. Neverland is my home, and Pan is my friend. I will not betray him."
Now the captain was the one who was angry. He grabbed me by the chin and raked his hook from my temple to my ear. I cried out in pain as the burning sensation spread across my face.
"Now, Rufio, you're going to tell me everything you know about Pan, his whereabouts, his weaknesses, everything!" He yelled. He backed up to where he had been standing before and held up his hook, now bloody on the tip. "Unless you want to feel more of what this can do."
I glared at him.
"I don't think so, captain." As he lunged again, I lifted both my feet in the air, using the man behind me as leverage, and pushed off of Killian's chest, so that I flipped my legs past the man holding my hand's head. He lost his grip and I landed behind him. Without hesitation, I ran to the edge of the boat and started to climb up on the railing.
"Stop her! Grab her now!" The captain was screaming at his crew, but I had already jumped.
"No!" He yelled.
Before I could think, I was submerged in cold water. Immediately I began to sink. The water had soaked into the dress and became too heavy for me. I was going to drown unless I did something. I began madly ripping at the laces of my dress, trying to unlace it and escape from it. I was running out of air and sinking fast. I began to panic, jerking and trashing around trying to escape. Finally the dress slipped off, leaving me in only my undergarments...a bra Thomas had called it. We had been sitting at the bonfire eating dinner. The boys had laughed and snickered when I asked. They were definitely going to laugh about this. Me walking around in only a bra and underwear.
Even though I had only been away over night, I missed them. I didn't want to be away from them anymore. I swam as fast as I could to the surface, breaking free and gasping for breath. Air had never felt so wonderful. I looked back at the ship. I could hear the captain barking orders to his crew. He must've thought I had drowned. I wondered how long I had been under the water. I silently dove back under the water, headed for the island. The boat had been a couple miles off. I doubted I was going to make it, but I had to try. I kept the boys on my mind as I swam, occasionally coming up for air.
Beau. The little boy that had been so kind to me, even when he didn't know who I was. He hated baths and tried to hide whenever Pan announced that it was bath day. He especially loved being dirty and was usually covered in it. He was like my little brother.
Tootles. He was Caleb's friend, and was always up to something. He was quite the little prankster. Once he had almost gotten me to eat the small, blue, berries that grew on a small bush. They would have made me sick all day, like Beau had been, except that was on his own doing. He would never had Beau do that, they were best friends. Even though it was hardly dangerous, Felix had yelled at Tootles for trying to "poison" me. He was always so protective. Felix...
I could feel the burning in my arms and legs, and my lungs could hardly keep up with this sort of breathing method. I erased Felix from my mind for now and thought of the Twins, Patch and Prentiss. They looked a few years older than Tootles and both had dark hair and their faces were always covered in dirt. They were both intelligent when it came to the island and all of the plants in it. They were the doctors of the Lost Boys whenever someone was hurt or sick. And I would always help them. They taught me about the different mixtures of plants and what they could be used for.
Nibs. He mostly kept to himself and was very quiet. Most of the time he would sit on the side and observe the boys as they played a game. He knew nearly everything there was to know about each and every one of the Lost Boys. I liked to talk to him sometimes. He seemed to appreciate it too.
Dean. He was a decently attractive boy who loved a good fight. He also loved to run.
Curly. A tall and thin boy that was handy with a knife and wood. He was humorous, although most of his jukes were a bit crude.
Emer, he was crafty and loved to do my hair.
Luscious, a strong boy who loved to show off. Curly was one of his best friends.
Thomas. He was smart and curious. He knew how to have a good time whether it was time to work or not. He was friends with many of the other Lost Boys.
Blade, another friend of Curly's
Twitch, like his name said, he was restless and most times couldn't sit still.
Devin, he didn't talk to me anymore. Not after what happened. And Felix made sure that he stayed away from me. Felix... I began to see spots.
Vester, he was creative.
Sweet, the newest lost boy. And similar to Twitch, his name described him.
Pan, the leader of us all. He may be smug and wreck-less but he kept us safe and rescued us from the beginning. Leadership was truly his place in Neverland...
And Felix. I was feeling dizzy and could barely see. The sand brushed against my knees and I stopped swimming. I had made it to the shore line, and couldn't go any further. I couldn't feel my arms or legs anymore, they had gone numb from their over extended use and the cold water wasn't helping. I knew I had to get out but I couldn't move. I had no energy left. My vision began to go dark.
Felix. The tall, strong, intelligent boy who had always been there for me. Always...

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