Colour Me Green (Camren)

By bemineziam

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The past will get to lauren and her best memories will make her take rash decisions but will the bad memories... More

Chaper One Destroyed
Chapter Two Love Hangover
Chapter Three Expectations
Chapter Four Falling
Chapter Five A Kiss and A Diss
Chapter Six Last Shot
Chapter Seven Not In That Way
Chapter Eight June 11
Chapter Nine Lethal Control
Chapter Ten Grey
Chapter Twelve Sparkle
Chapter Thirteen Open
Chapter Fourteen Leaving
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter 7teen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19teen
Chapter 20
CMG 21
Ch;23 silly little things
30 Tea Talk
32 Awakening
34 Revolve
35 What Goes Around
36 Plan
37 Regret?
Chapter 38 Closure.
Chapter 39 Colour Me Green
Epilogue Part 40
Part 2 of Epilogue

Chapter Eleven Dont forget

404 7 0
By bemineziam

Its crazy to think that I would be the one to break up with Camila,to me she was my everything.But it wasn't right.I knew my parents would never accept us.i was in love with her but i knew this was the only way to let go of her.Days continued and things became complicated between Camila and I we acted as a couple but were never official again.Feelings got complicated and everything went downhill from there.-Flashback ends-

Laurens POV

I sat shocked by the words that escaped the younger ones mouth.I immidiatly called Ryan and asked where he was.I rushed over to his apartment seeing Camilas car already in front of his apartment.I quickly found a praking spot and ran out of my car to Ryans apartment.I didnt bother to knock as this was an emergency.As i tried to catch my breath i saw Camila on the couch next to Ryan both shocked with my arrival.

"Lauren are you okay" the younger man asked worried

"Yeah.."i murttered still trying to catch my breath

"Why'd you rush in"

"I talk to...Camila"i finally spat out

"We were in the middle of something but-"

"No this is very important like right now"i said walking over to the younger girl and dragging her into the room locking the door

"I was-"

"Nothing happened"

"What do you mean"

"I didnt sleep with you nothing happened i promise you,dont break his heart like this"

"But i was naked-"

"Nothing happened Camila"i said gripping the younger girl

"I left the bed after you knocked out I wouldnt sleep with you,you are martying my brother I wouldnt hurt him like this"


"No forget about it,dont hurt him over a lie"i said looking at the floor now

"Don't hurt him just don't"

"But im hurting you"

"Im hurt,but Ill get over it dont worry,Just know this what you are doing to me I would never do to you never in a million years but you'll be happy with my brother,sister-in-law"

The next morning would be the death of me.I really didnt even want to get up.I laid in bed remembering all the times inkissed Camila all the hugs all the smiles all the times she cried into my arms,all the times i protected her from anybody that tried to hurt her yet now she was the one hurting me.

Loving someone is being selfish.Because youll do anything to make them happy.Its being Selfish to yourself as you may get hurt just wanting them to be happy.I loved that girl with my body and soul,but this society doesnt care about love.It cares about power,money, and gender roles.Its pathetic and emberassing how ignorant many still are.Ill still love her no matter if the world tells me its wrong.Ill love her until my heart tells me its done.

I was interrupted by the ring of my phone on the counter.I quickly picked it up and answered.

"Hi baby are you ready to party"

"Uhm yeah im super excited Stevie"

"Yeah,I thought so uhm not to sound like a creep but can you come open the front door i felt bad just walking in"

"Oh my gosh are you seriously out there" I said quickly remocing myself from my sheets and walking to the front door

"How long have you been standing there you queer"i said laughing

"Uhm 15 minutes"she said with a smile

"Come in you butthead"

"I missed you,alot" she said hugging on to my body as i recipocrated

"Oh you were gone?"i said jokingly

"Yes i was you little turd"

"I missed you too"i said smiling at her now

"Are you ready for today"

"I dont think ill ever be ready to get hurt so i guess this is as ready as Ill ever be"

"We dont have to go if you dont want to I dont mind hanging out with you somewhere else"

"Its not about me,Its about Ryan"

"And Camila"

"You arent helping"

"I know but we have to get ready and we are going to run kate if we dont leave now"

"The salon wont go anywhere"

"Neither will we looking like this"

"Fine"i sighed as i grabbed my keys and purse to go get our makeup and hair done for their big day


I couldn't sleep all night.Her words taunted me.They were harsh but it was only understandable,after all the lies and secrets.It was all terrible.I guess her words were only a glimpse of what shes feeling i feel terrible but its the only right thing i can do i love Ryan he deserves to be happy.

"Are you ready baby" the older woman said entering the brightened room

"I don't think I can ever be ready mama"

"Of course you are baby it was your decision after all"

"What if im wrong"

"Do you love Ryan"


"Then you aren't wrong" Am I,i love him but am In love with him?

"I guess"

"Mija they are here to do your hair and makeup okay we don't want to be late do we"

"No mama" after all I was doing this for them not for me always putting their happiness in front of mine

"Im so happy for you Camila, you know I've been waiting so long for this day" of course she has shes always loved Ryan and I to get married "I know he'll make you the happiest woman alive"

"Aren't you the happiest mama"

"Well yeah im married to your father but im sure you and Ryan wont fall short,he loves you immensely its endearing the spark in his eye when he looks at you you know" No i don't know i thought to myself

"Thanks mama"

"Its for your happiness baby this is all for you" But I was doing all of this for them


So many memories flooded my brain,All the words and promises we had made to each other,all the plans that we had for each other all the love we had expressed physically and emotionally.I had poured my soul into her and she decided to let go of it. Not for herself but for our families.


"Camz" i said as i entangled her fingers in between mine i kissed her hand and starred at it

"Yeah baby"

"I love you"i said facing her on the small bed wrapping my legs in between hers

"I love you too baby" she said looking straight into my eyes "One day we will get married and both od us will have our long elegant dresses baby it'll be the best"

"I don't mind getting an uglier dress than yours im fine with wearing jeans and a shirt as long as I'm marrying the love of my life"

"And who could that be?" the brown eyed girl said smirking

"Mhm i don't know im still looking for her" i said kissing her cheek 

"I think I've found my other half Lauren"

"Really can i meet her"

"She has the most beautiful eyes and absolutely completes my heart shes a perfect match and her names Lauren Juaregui"


The bells began to ring and the doors opened. Camilas head looked up towards the end of her destination.There Ryan stood in plain admiration as the rest of the crowd did except for one person.Laurens head faced the ground trying to stay composed.

The center of attention being the brown eyed girl.The first time all eyes were on her but she knew the green eyes that admired her the most weren't to be seen.She continued to walk holding in the tears,the older man holding her hand doing the same.The reason for their tears completely different.As they reached Ryan and the priest Camila turned to her right to look for the green eyes instead of Ryans the one she should have been looking at.She didnt find them.The older man handed the younger lady to her soon to be husband.

To the green eyed girl the church lasted more than she could have anticipated. Her heart pounded so loudly she thought the whole room could hear it.She was deaf to all sound around her until the words she never wanted to hear were said.

"Ryan Jauregui do you take Camila Cabello as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Yes I do" the dark haired man stated without hesitation,Laurens eyes still glued to the floor

"Camila Cabello do you take Ryan Jauregui as your lawfully wedded husband?" Laurens eyes rose and she met them with the brown eyes filled with tears both of them ready to collapse and end something that was so special that would never be able to be ever again until death due them part.

"I do"


"Did you forget
That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
'Bout me" 

One shot taken by the green eyed girl.Her hair still presentable.She had to go back home and redo her makeup which had been completely damaged by the "i do's".

It's like we didn't even happen to her it hurt so much to see her happy knowing how much i was hurting

"Did you regret
Ever standing by my side
Did you forget
What we were feeling inside
Now I'm left to forget
About us"

Two shots.The green eyes a tender green,grey beginning to appear.Still stable,still thinking,still hurting.

 Am i the only one left with the feeling of us?With the memory of us?

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it

Third,fourth,and fifth shot.A wine glass that wasnt supposed to reach her hands.

How could she forget us?All the words all the kisses all the tears,we went trough so much to end like this?

So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand
Never again
Please don't forget
Don't forget

We had it all

We were just about to fall
Even more in love
Than we were before
I won't forget
I won't forget
About us

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it

At all

And at last
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget
Please don't forget about us

  She wont forget about us but maybe I should its the only way to move on.  

But somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song
But you won't sing along
You've forgotten
About us
Don't forget

One too many,completely gone.Her eyes a dark grey,with only a glimpse of green.Unstable her body the only conscious thing.Her heart and brain there physically but not emotionally.Her actions careless.


"Fucken shit"the green eyed girl said gripping her head but quickly having to run to the restroom.

"Are you okay" Stevie said running after the sound of her best friend dealing with the consequences of the night before

"No,I what happened"

"You drank, ALOT"

"Really i didnt notice" the sarcasm obvious

"Whose party did we go to"

"The Jaureguis"


"I hate to break it to you and bring you heartache to your already headache,but your brothers wedding with Camila"


"Yeah fuck your breath stinks you need to brush your teeth Jauregui you stink of martini and tequila with a side of whatever the hell you ate yesterday"

"Shit sorry"

"It's alright,uhm feeling any better than yesterday morning because i know for sure you didnt feel anything yesterday afternoon and night"

"I just dont want to ever see her again in my life Stevie"

"Well they've gone on their honeymoon so you wont have to deal with them for about a week"

"No,i wont see her for longer than that"

"What do you mean?"


Hi sorry for not writing in a while and i know some of the chapters are all over the place but thank you for reading please vote and comment if you want me to continue writing as i might stop since i dont feel this fanfic is doing good.Have a good day and please comment if you want me to continue writing.

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