
By rain0205

40.2K 1K 65

"Wolves mate for life. I love you Youko Kurama." "I love you Moriko Chie. I will come and find you, be sure o... More

Meeting in Mystery
The Dark Mirror
New Beginnings
First Mission
Unwanted Invitation
First Fight
Disturbing Demons
Demon Speed
Blood and Roses are Red
Love is Strange
Death Tree
Suzuka's Gifts
From Silk to Thorns
Misleading Opponents
Needle in a Haystack
Final Fight Part 1
Final Fight Part 2
A Battle of Wits
Mission Briefing
Ghosts of the Past
The Sickness
Chapter Black
Shinobu Sensui
The Chase
Mind over Matter
Solitary Confinement
Blissful Ignorance
Impossible Choices
Mental Conflictions
Tortured Souls
Tree of Depravity, Reverse Man
Sacred Energy
Slim Chances
A Means to an End
Uneasy Peace
Moving On
Meeting Shiori
Unexpected Confrontation
Dizzying Intellect
Kurama vs San
Youko vs Moriko
The Demon World Tournament
Returning Home
The Beginning of the End
Now What
Endless Rain
The Next Step
Hiroki Revealed
Fate's Choice
Greatest Desires
The Final Battle
Saying Farewell

Wolf Games

1.3K 39 2
By rain0205

Kurama was walking away from the hospital, visiting hours being over now. Usually he would think about his mother and the road he was taking to cure her on the walk home but tonight, the time he spent with San earlier in the day had plagued him. The fox was instantly attracted to her, that much was true. San had been completely cut off from everyday life and he could smell a hint of demon on her. The girl had even revealed herself to be a demon and had told him that she knew he was not what he seemed. It wasn't as if other apparitions were ignorant to him, having dealt with them at a younger age, however, he couldn't shake her from his thoughts, from the conversation they had prior to his hospital visit.


San smiled at the boy called Shuuichi as their food was brought to them. As she reached to fumble for some money, he held up a hand, indicating that he would cover this one. The girl smiled in thanks and then began to eat. They sat in silence for a moment, trying to think of their next move. Kurama was attracted to this mysterious girl with the same tawny eyes of Moriko but he could not do anything that would betray his mate. Still, there was so much to her that he needed to know and something compelled him to dig despite a demon counterpart's feelings.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked suddenly, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Of course," he replied, his green eyes observing hers calmly.

"I'm not from this world. I also know that you aren't either," she said, very quietly.

"I don't understand..."

"Oh please. I'm sure your nose works as well as mine. I can smell the demon on you and I'm sure most of your interest in me is the fact that there's a hint of demon on me. We're both from Makai, let's not bother hiding it."

"Very well. What do you propose we do about this?"

"Well you clearly you don't want to kill me or you would have already. You're on a mission, I can see it in your eyes. What are you up to?"

Kurama did not react, holding her gaze while trying to figure out what her game was. He definitely was not expecting her to come clean so fast, he figured he would corner her into it but she surprised him and he was actually speechless. Only one person has ever done that to him, his beloved. Quickly shaking out of those thoughts, the pretense of his human exterior dropped and he reverted to his fighter persona, Kurama.

"I'm afraid that's classified," replied Kurama evenly.

"So you are planning something."

The fox didn't react at having been tricked into giving away the information she was seeking. Perhaps he was rusty, having not dealt with wolf games in the last fifteen years. When he took too long to respond she jumped in again.

"I'm much older than I look," she smirked, "And have been scheming longer than that. You're up to something, I wanna know what."

"I assure you, San, there's nothing of interest."

"I'm well trained if that's what you're worried about."

Kurama felt himself repressing a sigh. It wasn't his plan she was really interested in, of that he was sure. No, there was something else she was looking for and the fox wasn't too keen on giving anything of himself away. The only reason he had really come in this far was to make sure that she was not a threat, and to perhaps learn the nature of those tawny eyes. It seemed there was only going to be one way to do that.

"Being trained and fighting are two different things. I may only have a few days to spare in order to gauge your skill and make an informed decision," replied the fox.

"What do you mean you only have a few days?"

"I cannot discuss that with you. We are still strangers to one another."

"So I take it then you're not free tonight?"

"No. There is something I must take care of."

"Such as?"

"I cannot discuss that either. Let us first become acquainted. I shall try not to cause too much injury."

"You think you're that good?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I do not know what you're capable of. This will be a learning experience for both of us."

San smiled warmly, yet playfully at him. Kurama held her gaze and then the two of them made plans to meet again.


-She was playing with you Shuuichi. She has other intentions on her mind.-

-While that may be true Youko, I do not intend on betraying our mate.-

-How soon will we be able to find her?-

-I wish I knew. When I turn myself in after apprehending the Dark Mirror, I plan to converse with King Enma concerning her whereabouts.-

-My patience is wearing very thin Shuuichi.-

-My apologies Youko.-

The question as to her true identity still remained. Was she Moriko? Her eyes were the same, hair, just a slight difference. Kurama couldn't help but notice that she took off her shoes when they were outside and that she, for the most part, and lack of a better term, seemed like a lone wolf. Her game was going to be hard to decipher and despite the poor timing of it, he was actually looking forward to more interactions with her. As he continued on his path, his thoughts consumed him, his surroundings a blur. Having this wolf drop in on him so suddenly was not helping all the other issues he was dealing with. It wasn't until he reached the edge of the forest that he received a wake-up call.

-One is wondering what you are doing here?-

Speak of a devil, the white wolf that he encountered that curiously had no scent sounded her voice in his mind with her telepathy. The fox looked and saw her sitting on her haunches, her tawny eyes boring into him. The past two days he had been haunted by those eyes, the ones that belonged to his beloved. Between this and the dreams, he was starting to wonder how much more he could possibly take. Not that it mattered, the Dark Mirror would ensure his fate and perhaps some closure to the last fifteen years.

-I must meet with others in the forest- he replied kindly.

-Members of your pack?-

-No, I do not belong to a pack anymore.-

-Man-things do not belong in a pack, but the other part of you does. Why do you need to go there?-

-I have an errand to run.-

-You man-things seem to have many of them. One will accompany you.-

-As you wish.-

Kurama did not show any outward sign that he was extremely thrown for a loop at the situation thrust upon him. The two walked leisurely through the forest, where, San did not know. Her nose picked up two other demons in the distance and she assumed that was their destination. There was a small clearing that was surrounded by energy. It was not very powerful but any human would be good to steer clear of it. As they came to the other demons, San recognized the one called Hiei, a fire apparition.

"I see you brought your pet with you," Hiei stated, not even turning around to look at him.

"You have a pet now?" asked the strange and bulky demon.

San gazed at him, sitting beside Kurama and memorizing everything about him. She did not like the feeling she got from him.

"A wolf, if you believe that."

"Don't," warned the fox in that dangerous voice.

San looked up at him, noticing his face was cold and slightly hurt by that statement. It was subtle and very hard to catch. What was wrong with wolves?

"It's almost time. Your bitch will have to stay here. I'm sure she'll find you after we get back," said Hiei, turning to look at them.

The wolf growled at him for calling her a bitch two days in a row.

-One thinks you should stop him from saying such things- she told Kurama and Hiei.

-I'm sure he doesn't mean any offence to you- Kurama replied.

-Hn- was Hiei's response.

"Are we going to get this show on the road or what?" asked the bigger demon.

"Patience Gouki, we still have to wait another couple of minutes," replied Kurama. He then turned to look at the wolf sitting by his side, "My apologies, friend but you will have to remain here. I cannot take you to where I am going, but I will return shortly if all goes well," he was afraid of those eyes, but stood his ground, staring into them.

The wolf snorted once and then turned, running deeper into the forest. Kurama watched her go, desperate to quell the feelings he had been repressing since her arrival. It was time to focus, tearing his gaze away and ready for his mission.


"Youko, is it really necessary?" she asks her lover, as they lay in the tree of her former den.

"It is koishii, he jeopordizes our whole mission everytime. He needs to be taught a lesson," he speaks softly in her ear, pulling her closer to him.

"But it is betrayal! I do not approve of this kitsune, I think there are other methods that would work better."

"I'm sorry beloved, this is the only way he will learn."

"He could be killed!"

"Your vision says that will not take place."

"My visions can be obstructed if something else comes into play that I have not foreseen, that has been proven before. And I hardly think anyone would want to live their lives forever in darkness."

"It's going to happen Moriko, so just let it be," it was not a request, but a command.

He was using his power as pack leader, not her lover and as a member of the pack, she had no choice but to obey. The wolf sits up from the bed, out of his comforting embrace and pulls her knees to her chest. One tear falls, hating that she is powerless to help her friend. Youko watches her for a moment, knowing he has hurt her and hates every moment of it. He moves, putting his legs on either side of her - mindful of her tail - and pulls her back into his arms. His tongue traces the salty tear that falls from her eye and down her cheek, before speaking again.

"I wish there was another way beloved, but there is not. Yomi is not the type that learns from listening, he learns from action. I cannot think of anything another solution. I know that the two of you are friends, but this must be done and you know it. I'm sorry beloved."

"I know my precious kitsune. It is just sad to think that I have this power and yet, I am powerless to stop the course of events. What good is it if I cannot stop all the suffering?"

"It is apart of you and I am sure it will guide you in the future. It has already brought you to me," he whispers in her ear, holding her tighter. She nuzzles her cheek into his.

"I love you Youko."

"I love you," he whispers, his voice husky and light, his mouth capturing hers.


He walks the familiar path to his treasure. The tree is ancient but she is still fresh, her scent mingling with that of the plants hovering everywhere. There is but a problem this time, however, two scents that he did not recognize where surrounding the area. The fox walks up to the tree and gets in his usual way. Upon entering, the unfamiliar aromas are stronger, knowing that these were intruders and seeing signs of a struggle. Searching for his treasure, he finds the seal has been taken along with the wolf demon. This angers him. For decades he had been trying to best the wolf but somehow, she always seemed to get the better of him. It seemed as if at some points he would be so impressed with her that he would just leave and try again at a later date.

The fox barely ponders this as he starts to track her, following the trail led by the intruders. His nose leads him more toward where the former den of the wolf clan existed, where she was once in power nearly five centuries ago. But who would remember such a thing now? He is lucky that the aroma of her is still lingering or he may have never found this place. The hunter can sense the wards trying to keep him out, they are similar to hers but not nearly as powerful. How could such pathetic weaklings manage to get ahold of her? A malicious smile forms along his lips, he will have a chance to play. Finding his prey, he sees her tied by the wrists, dangling from a tree, while the two cubs beat her. Their tactics are unimpressive and he finds himself irritated that she would be so careless. The seal of the Wolf clan catches his eye, clutched in the hands of his new enemies.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Look at your throne Queen Moriko Chie, look at what you deserted, and for what? You're a cold blooded killer!" declares one of them, punching her again.

The wolf is dazed and she appears to be weak, too weak to even think of an escape. She is stained with her own blood, fresh and old which tells him this has been going on for days. Her clothes are ripped and then he sees something that makes him nearly lose himself in his own rage. Down her legs, dangerously close to her hips is more of that crimson liquid, some of it fresh as it travels its journey downward. He growls and then comes out of hiding to attack.

With his weapon in hand, he easily kills one pup. He eyes the other one, bloodthirsty. Her scent is all over him and knows that this is the one he wishes to play with.

"Leave here kitsune, this is no business of yours!" the foolish cub yells at him.

"You have taken what is rightfully mine, I will have it back," he states simply.

"What I have is the seal of the Wolf clan, not fox, and a filthy murdering traitorous whore. There is nothing here for you, now leave and let me finish up my work."

The fox laughs, the seeds he had thrown growing around the feet of his enemy. He toyed with him, before murdering him and then turning the she-wolf hanging from the tree. Those tawny hues are glazed over, hardly comprehending the awareness aroud her, however, enough to show him gratitude for what had just transpired. He stares at her for but a moment before cutting her down, helping her stand until she is able to walk on her own. She grabs the seal and the two of them walk back without saying a word. They come upon her den and then they cease their movements.

Youko looks at her, into her tawny eyes. When the wolf brings her gaze up to those golden orbs, she sets her jaw before nodding once and then handing him the seal of the Wolf clan. He stares at it, her offering for saving her life. In that moment he realizes the treasure he desired was not this meaningless thing, but the wolf herself. Five centuries had passed and the two of them had toyed with one another, yet he kept coming back. It becomes clear that he could have had it at any time if he so well choose to but here and now, he just wanted her. Her head is downcast as she patiently waits for him to take his payment. The fox smirks, putting his hand on hers and takes a step towards her, bring her chin up with his other hand before kissing her with longing.

He can tell she is alarmed so he only pulls her closer, wrapping his nine tails around her. The seal falls forgotten as he moves his hand to stroke up and down her back lightly. The wolf pulls him as close as possible, showing him this is something she has wanted herself. They pull back slowly, tawny meeting golden. Her vision has once again come true, she can see the love for her in his eyes. He was her only visitor, friend, companion, enemy, and possibly now, lover. They pull away from each other and she leaves her door open as she walks into her den. He waits and then sees as she reappears with clothes in her hands. Nodding in understanding, he takes her hand and leads her to the river he knows is nearby. They are still silent but words are not needed at this time.

Respectfully, he stands with is back to her as she bathes, trying to focus on the sound of the waterfall over the sounds of her discomfort. He turns when a wave of water hits him. The fox is met with her playful smirk and he raises a brow at her. Moriko uses her finger to tell him to come to her and he wastes no time in removing his clothing before diving in. Powerful strokes take him to where he is sure she was sitting but quickly realizes she has moved. Without warning, he is pulled beneath the top. He tries to grasp her but she is too fast for him, and she swims away. They both surface and he sees her more towards the waterfall. The wolf motions for him to follow and he does almost eagerly. They end up behind it.

"How long can you hold your breath kitsune?" she asks.

"As long as it takes," is his answer.

Moriko smirks at him and then goes under. The fox follows and they swim in the underwater cavern. It seems to take them a while before they resurface in a cave only accessible by the channel they were just in. It shines in phosphorus and from the walls surrounding them that reflect off the pool, the two of them sitting in front of one another. He kisses her, feeling her now naked body against his, making him hunger. She gives in, knowing what they both want and showing him so.

"Wolves mate for life. If you do not want me for all eternity, then I suggest you leave now while you still have the choice," she whispers in his ear.

"I'd have no other way... beloved," he replies back in his husky voice.

It is the first time he calls her this, and it certainly won't be the last. The fox kisses her again and they mate. It is a union that will last a lifetime, even after death. Afterwards, they lie in the cave and he presses his lips to her back, on her left shoulder blade. One gentle kiss is placed there and then bites it, making his mark. She does not cry out in pain but in eagerness, willing to spend the rest of her days with this fox, just as he is marking her as his. What is left is what looks just like a tattoo, a blue and purple rose with silver pedals falling freely, the mark of the Legendary Bandit, Youko Kurama.



The wolf let out a sorrowful howl at her own memories. It was the beginning of the rest of their lives together and she was the happiest youki in all of the Makai. With him, everything seemed to matter more, seemed to have more of a purpose, even if they were just scavenging gems and odd artifacts. San missed her lover more than anything. His strong embrace, his scent, his eyes, his nine tails wrapped around her for support or warmth, the sound of his voice... She missed waking up with him, missed how they would run or play on their spare time, missed how they would hunt just for sport and not food. San shed one tear in her wolf form, she had to find him and somehow, she knew that this "Shuuichi" was the key to all of that.

San awoke to the smell of a human wandering into the forest, heading toward where the demons had once vacated. Rising from her resting place, she headed to the owner of the scent. As she got closer, she noticed something different. Before her was that Urameshi kid, the one from her vision that is next in line to be Genkai's disciple, but in his place walking with him, was Raizen? What was he doing there? Strange, there wasn't any youki on him, barely even a trace of reiki. Who was this Urameshi fellow? He seemed to know where he was going so San decided to follow him.

A change in the air told her that the demons had returned. Urameshi was obviously hunting them so she vacated her watch over him and ran to Shuuichi. The three of them had indeed returned, their treasure's with malicious smiles on their face. She saw Hiei chopping trees, turning them into small demons. He got the sword, Gouki got the ball, and Shuuichi had the mirror. How oddly appropriate. The wolf lolled her tongue to one side in laughter. He seemed to be off on his own and San wondered what was on his mind.

-The Reikai Tantei approaches- she spoke in his mind, hopefully without Hiei hearing.

She walked up beside him and stared up into his green eyes.

-Understood- he replied to her, nodding once before taking a step forward.

"I apologize, but I'm withdrawing," he stated to the other two.

"What do you mean? You want to leave us?" Hiei questioned.

"That's right..."

"Coward. You're acting like a typical human."

"We don't need to give part of the loot to a person like you. Hand over the Dark Mirror," said Gouki.

"That won't do, I shall be needing this," said Kurama in his calm voice.

Gouki did not look happy. San bared her fangs at him, getting ready to strike when he did. "I won't allow your reckless actions!" he bellowed, getting ready to swing at Kurama. San was in position, she was not going to allow harm to come to him, "With my own powers, I will take back the mirror!"

"Yo, hang on!" the voice of Urameshi came into play. He stepped out of the shadows and everyone turned to face him. "Why don't you just give me the treasures and then continue on your argument afterwards."

-One thinks this would be the best time to leave. Not too far, however, it would be good to observe his actions- San stated at Kurama.

-Agreed, though I do not care remain. Let's hope you can keep up with me- was his last statement before disappearing.

San lolled her tongue out again before taking off and catching up to him in no time. She ran past him, hoping he could keep up with her now. When she reached the edge of the forest, she dropped to her haunches and waited patiently. It didn't take long for him to meet her there.

-That boy has tremendous power at his disposal, he just needs to realize it- she spoke.

-I could not sense anything. I'm amazed you're faster than a demon like myself-

-It is nothing. One likes to hunt. What will you do with that?-

-I am sure you will be around to observe. I must go now.-

-One will find you again- she stated, before running back into the forest.

San wanted to see how Urameshi did since he was hopefully going to be Genkai's next disciple. It was rumoured that this boy had an abnormal power within him and if he proved unworthy of Genkai, well then the wolf was simply going to have to remove him until another desciple was ready to take over. On top of that, there had to be a reason that Raizen had come here to Ningenkai when she was absolutely certain he was unable to cross. Perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her, either way, the woman who watches would be there to observe as she always had.



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