Unwanted Wife (Gruvia- Fairyt...

By gruviax_

159K 4.2K 2K

"Do you even mean a single word you just said ?" She asked me, her eyes tearing up by the second. "What shoul... More

Marry me
4 Ed
40 (END)


3.6K 115 26
By gruviax_

Hey guys....hope you like my fanfic...be sure to comment and rate

And once again" thankyou for reading and for all your support "
I really appreciate all your support....it gives me courage to keep on writing this book.

He looked at me, he was smiling, but I could still see the hate and the greed  through his black eyes.

He took me to meet his business partners.

Is it fun for him to use me as a tool in front all of his co-workers?

"Juvia, this is my co-worker his name is Sting Eucliffe" Gray intruduced me."This is Juvia,  my fiancé."

"Hello it's nice to meet you, I am Juvia Lockser" I smiled, as I greeted him.

"Ju..juvia...that name is so familiar" Sting said.

The man in front of me, indeed did  look really familiar.

"Juvia-nee... Is that you? I always came over to your place to play when I was was small."

Oh my, How could I forget?

It was Sting.

"Oh. Its little Sting."  I  put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "You have grown up so much. I even couldn't recognize you. I could still remember you running to me and crying because of Gajeel."

Sting's face turned red. He still gets affected like this. "Geez. Your face is all red." I chuckled. "You haven't changed at all.." I teased. 

"Juvia-nee. At first I thought you were a model.." Sting complimented me.

I was suprised by his sudden statement.

"Gray, you're  a lucky guy! Treasure her, she is the best girl you could ever get." Sting told Gray.

"I will...." Gray said as he held me  closer towards him and tightened his grip around my waist.

"I am a lucky man aren't I?" Gray whispered into my ears.

How could he act like this?

"Hell..you are.?" Sting said as he patted Gray's shoulder.

Yukino made her way towards us. "Sorry to interrupt you, Juvia San." Yukino said timidly.

"Yukino ..what is it?" I asked.

"Yu...yuki..yukino." Sting stuttered.

"St..stin.sting" Yukino  said, her eyes widened. "

Sting grabbed her wrist.

"What do you think your doing?" Yukino demanded.

I assumed they had something going on between each other. 

"Come with me.." Sting pulled her.

"Let me go." Yukino yelled.

Yukino was refusing to go with Sting. "Do you need something from her?" I asked.

"Juvi-nee I am borrowing  her for a while." Sting said with an amused look on his face.

"Let me go..sting!" Yukino tried to push him away.

Sting  grabbed her wrist and started walking to the elevator.

I went after Yukino but Gray pulled me back.

"What the hell do you think your doing!  Don't you dare follow them." He hissed.

"Why are you doing this to me, Gray? Let me go" I pleaded.

"This is our engagement party. So shut the hell up. Instead of running after them, try to stop resisting me when I try to hold you."  Gray took me around as his puppet and showed me around to his workers and friends. His hand was wrapped around my waist. He kissed me on my cheeks to show them that he loves me.

 He should get an Oscar for his acting.  His parents walked towards me.

"What do you think you're doing?" His Father harshly hissed at Gray.

"What is it?" Gray asked.

"There are reporters here....I told you to block them" 

I felt his hands get tense.  He was afraid of his father.

"I already did." Gray replied.

"You dare lie to me. Then why the hell are  they here?!" His father asked.

I've never seen Gray like this. "I don't know.."

" I don't know." His father mocked."Go to them and finish answering their questions. Don't you dare tell them that this was an arranged marriage." He ordered Gray.

"I understand " Gray replied.

"After the reporters leave, go to room 301 with Juvia .If you come back here..there will be other reporters here as well. I will meet you after the party." His father said and left.

"Yes.." Gray mumbeled.



Why was he even here? I tried everything possibly to get away from him.

"Get in the elevator." Sting ordered. He was must want an explanation.

"No." I said stubbornly

"Are you seriously gonna do this the hard way?" He leaned closer "Wh..what do you mean?"

In an instant, he picked me up. "What the hell are you..doing?" I yelled

"Can't you see. I am carrying you, since you won't listen to me." He said

Ofcourse I know you are carrying me. "Sting..let me go." I warned.

"You're coming with me! I deserve to know why you ran away from me." Sting muttered.

He walked towards the exit "Let me go....where the hell are you taking me?" He put me down right next to his car.

"Get in." He opened the door.

"No.." He came closer towards me and pinned me on to the car. "Stop it."

"Stop what..." He said with a smirk.

"Stop what you're doing!I have changed. I'm not the old yukino anymore." I wanted him to leave me alone.

"I have changed" he was laughing. " You changed?" Did you change because your sister died..." Sting said.

"She isn't dead..."I muttered. He pinned both of my hands against the car. Is he crazy?

"Stop this! why are you still doing this to me." He looked straight into my eyes.

"Do I look like I am going to hurt you? why are you running away from me." His eyes were locked on mine. He loosened his grip on my hands and wrapped his hands around my waist...he grabbed me closer to him and kissed me.

Why was he kissing me? He held my hands tightly so that I wouldn't stop him.



I opened my eyes and I saw the tears running down her cheeks.

I let her go.."Are you really going to be like this. You also learned to cry in the past 6 years. It was just a kiss, we have done it before..so why in the world are you crying."

I tried to touch her face" Don't touch me with those filthy hands." She muttered.

She pushed me away and ran to the building.

She still hates me.

"Yu..yukino."I groaned.

I got into my car.

"Tch..tch..tch... Failed again."

I turned around and saw Rogue on the seat. How long was he in here for? "Yo...what the hell are you doing in my car." I asked. "You scared the hell out of me "

"I was sleeping." He said yawning "Idiot...forcing a kiss, spying on her. You do everything a moron would do! If you like her, tell her you like her...it's been years already since you liked her. Doing things like this won't help you get her."

Rogue was right. "You're the same.. Aren't you not going to meet her?" I asked

"What's the point?" Rogue ran his hands through his head. "I didn't even visit Juvia-nee when she is sick. Anyways, Who is the one thats marrying her?"

" It's Gray.." I replied.

"Great...How's he treating her?" He asked.

"Like a puppet, they don't have anything. " I replied.  Gray was using her as if she was a puppet. "There is nothing going on between them."

"If something happens to my sister. I will take destroy him. That stupid brother of hers will kill me if something happens, he already took away half my allowance because  I let her have my car." Rogue said.

"You don't need to take care of it...she has skills of an underworld mafia agent"

"She does..but she is a total idiot when it comes to Gray, she won't even raise a finger against him." Rogue said.

Juvia was following Gray, she did everything he asked.

"I mean you're completely like her when it comes to Minerva."

"Shut up, go take care of yukino first. I'll take care of Minerva later." Rogue said annoyed.



I watched Juvia, she hadn't noticed me. "Director, it's time to meet Silver  Fullbuster." Chelia said.

"I know....I know Chelia.Who are they?" I asked.

She pointed to them"That man over there is Gray fullbuster. He is silvers son... and the women next to him is Juvia Lockser,  his fiancé "

"ah.....really "



I hated answering questions."How long has it been since you both met?" The reporter asked.

"1 year" Juvia answered.

3 freakin days..]

"Where did you both meet?" The man asked.

" At a conference, we met each other through a mutual friend." I responded.

"Did you know she was the daughter of the chairman of Lockser cooperation?" 

"I did".

The reporter in the red t-shirt started to target her. I wanted to punch him.

"There are rumours that you were in a mental hospital .." He asked pointing the mic to Juvia.

How dare he say that to Juvia?

"Mental hospital." She whispered. " I don't want to share my personal life"

"Is it true...that you killed?" The report asked. "what was the experience you had when the kidnapper took you? Is it true you had a sister. Where is she? You were away from the public for years and years..." The reporters kept on asking here these questions.

I felt her hands trembling against mine.

I held her hand.

"One more word from any of you and I will nullify your reporters license and I will take all the broadcasting stations under my control. Apologize to my fiancé." I ordered.

"W have everything you just said recorded...we could make you and your company go bankrupt if this airs." The man in the red said.

Bankrupt? You fool....

"Go ahead... I wonder if you would air it if I show you this." I challenged them.

I took my recorder out. Their exact words were repeated.

"You invaded article 88 section 33. you invaded the privacy of an innocent person and tried to get the information of something he/she does not want to share. I could make each one of you stay in prison for maximum of 5 years. If any of this is revealed to the public..you know what's going to happen to each one of you.."

The reporters trembled in fear. How dare they mess with what's mine?

"Juvia ....lets go." I pulled her closer towards my chest, and left the lobby. 

Thanks for reading....be sure to comment and rate.....it's because  your guys encouragement that I am able to keep on writing....thx for all the comment and rate....sorry for the grammar mistakes..o

Once again thx for reading😍

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