Tratie imagines

By 2gypsy

126K 2.5K 1.3K

Tratie imagines (Travis Stoll & Katie Gardner imagines) They will be random imagines/AU imagines as well, enj... More

*Sleepy Katie
*"Um do you wanna dance?"
*Soccer Tratie [AU]
*Valentine's Day
*High School Bestfriends AU
*Morning Tea
*St. Patricks Day
*First Day of Spring
*April Fool's Day
*Phone lock srcreens
*Floor sliding
*Suprise visit!
100 truths! *gasp*
*Love Story by Taylor Swift
*tricks and a treat
Thanksgiving story
*Tis the season...
St. Patrick's Day [2]
*What team?
*Besties for the Resties
*Fireworks [2]
*Possessed Nymphs?¿
*"How? I thought you were. . . Huh?"
*College AU
*Gingerbread houses
*Broken Heater
*Blind Date


3.3K 77 32
By 2gypsy

"What do you mean work with her? She nearly killed me this morning!" Travis exclaimed, his voice was raised more than usual.

"In my defense it was because I didn't know you were undercover." Katie calmly told him, acting as if it wasn't big deal.

"It doesn't matter because for this next assignment you two will be partners, got it?" Head agent Annabeth told the two. We wouldn't be here if you two would just get along, Annabeth thought. Originally, Katie was sent to the spy base in California because Travis and Katie just couldn't get along. They were constantly bickering (which often blew their covers) and anything else to mess the other one up. It was a nightmare. Annabeth really didn't want to send Travis away this time so hopefully, on this mission the two can finally work together. Without killing each other.

"Fine. What's the mission anyways?" Katie asked. Annabeth gave her a grim smile.

"Stop Gaea's arrival to our Gala tonight. Many agents are coming from the California branch and as you both are aware Gaea has been our number one "bad guy" for just a little bit over a year now. There have been hints that she will make an appearance tonight, don't let her get there got it?" Annabeth said, a hint of nervousness was heard in her voice. Katie and Travis nodded, Travis grabbing the file about Gaea from Annabeth's hands.

As the two started to walk away Annabeth called out to them, "Do whatever it takes you two. I'm sick and tired of that bit-"

"Okay we got it!" Travis shouted back to Annabeth. He turned to Katie and said, "So, how do we track her down?" Katie just rolled her eyes.

"Have you not been doing your job? She's in New York, most likely by Long Island. My guess is that she is in Hicksville or somewhere close to there." Katie said, ignoring Travis' little laugh. "Who comes up with these town names? They really need new people for that."

"Oh grow up Travis." Katie scolded him, "C'mon, let's get back to work. I prefer not to get in trouble for allowing Gaea into the Galla tonight." "Whatever you say Katie-Kat." "Shut up Travis." He just gave her a mischievous smile, "I prefer not to but okay."
After about 3 hours of analyzing data, gathering info from other agents, and a lunch break ("I won't shut up until we both eat lunch Katie, I need food to operate.") Travis and Katie finally found out Gaea's exact location and geared up. Since they only had about an hour and a half until the Gala Travis and Katie had to operate quickly.

They were outside Gaea's house (more like mansion), okay not directly outside but a few houses away from Gaea's house/mansion. The thing was covered in vines and looked like it hadn't been taken care of in years. Thankfully her house was a little farther away from her neighbors otherwise Travis and Katie would've had to get a new plan.

"Yo Katie-Kat, do you see her?" Travis said into his little microphone. Katie heard it through her earpiece, and responded with "no".

"She's probably outback?" Travis questioned. Katie made her way towards the back of Gaea's house, staying close to the trees that surrounded the left side of the house.

"I don't see her. Wait! Nevermind, I see her very clearly. We're a go." Katie whispered. Katie took out the little grenade, pulled the top, and let it fly. The grenade hit the ground and did nothing but get the attention of Gaea and some of her workers. Gaea spotted Katie and commanded her workers to get her. "Uh, start the car Travis. Like, right now."

"Why what happened?" He asked. "It. Didn't. Go. Off. Now start the damn car!" Katie practically yelled at him through her earpiece. Soon enough Travis arrived with the car and Katie running towards him, followed by Gaea and her workers.

Then a huge explosion happened. We are talking about an explosion as huge as the ones you see in movies. The whole house caught on fire and some of Gaea's workers, Gaea, and Katie got stuck in it somehow.

Travis quickly got out of the car and pulled out his gun. "Katie?" He yelled, covering his eyes from the smoke. "Katie?" After about a minute of searching through the smoke, Travis found Katie and Gaea fighting, surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke. Travis was just about to pull the trigger on his gun but Katie beat him to it. She pushed Gaea towards the burning house and shot Gaea straight through her forehead and another shot went through Gaea's chest. Katie turned around and saw Travis standing there, star struck.

"Well you didn't have to shoot her twice you know." was the only thing he could manage to saw.

Katie made her way towards him and just gave him a look like, are you serious right now? "Just doing my job Stoll. You should just stick to the tech stuff though, you weren't that much help."

"Excuse you, I brought the car over. I think that's pretty helpful. What if the grenade didn't go off. I'm pretty sure you would've been dead then." Travis told Katie, looking her dead in the eyes.

Katie looked down. "I suppose..."
"Whatever, this is all done with. We can go to the Ga-" Travis stopped his sentence and tackled Katie to the ground.

"Get off of me Travis! You smell and you're hurting my slightly cut arm!" Katie yelled. Travis just took his gun and shot the guy, most likely a worker of Gaea.

When Travis got off of Katie, she saw the dead worker and immediately thanked and apologized to Travis. "See, I did to help out." He said with a smirk.

"Are you seriously joking right now? You could've, I mean we could've gotten hurt or killed!" Katie said to him, her voice was filled with anger and fear. Travis just smiled though, "Actually only you would've but I decided to let you live. Especially after Annabeth saying that we shouldn't kill each other. And I certainly wasn't going to let someone else do that for me." Katie punched him in the arm. "Ow!" "You deserved it you little sh-" "okay I get it. C'mon, let's go get ready for the Gala."

The two headed back towards the car and arrived back at headquarters 45 minutes before the Gala started. Agent Beauregard (aka Silena) pulled Katie from Travis and immediately started doing her makeup and getting a dress for Katie. About 30 minutes later, Katie's hair was done, dress was on, and her arm was bandaged (but no one could see it because of the dress. Katie looked like a movie star. The black dress for her nicely and her makeup was perfect (for once she actually looked good with eyeliner on and not like a raccoon). Never underestimate an agent with French manicure.

Katie headed towards where the Gala was being held and found some other agents there. She talked to agent LaRue for a few minutes before being tapped on her shoulder.

"Congrats today Ms. Gardner, I'm glad we can now enjoy the Gala peacefully." said Agent Chase (Annabeth). Katie was too shocked to answer because she has never seen Annabeth in a dress. And boy did she look like a goddess (she had a dress that looked like one that would belong to a goddess as well). "Let me guess, Silena helped you too right?" Katie asked.

"It took a lot of convincing but yes." Annabeth said. Agent Jackson joined them and asked if he could borrow Annabeth for a few minutes to discuss some things. Before she left, Annabeth said "Be careful with that arm Katie." I thought no one could see that Katie thought to herself. "You're forgetting who you we're talking with Ms. Gardner. I know everything about my agents." Annabeth said, giving her one last look before catching up with Agent Jackson. Katie stood there wormer get how Annabeth knew everything. She shuddered at the thought of that.

"Looking good Katie-Kat." A voice said to her. Katie turned around and saw Travis standing behind her with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I would say the same to you but, you know. You're you so... yikes." Katie teased him (he was actually looking pretty hot for someone who just got done fighting less than an hour ago). Travis pretended to be offended. "And after all we've been through today you repay me with hurtful words? I thought we changed Katie-Kat."

Katie scoffed, "Oh please, what we did today was what I did at least four times a week in California."

Travis stepped closer to her. "Maybe, but a handsome agent wasn't there to save you in California now was there?" He questioned her. Katie's eyes widened, realizing how close they were. "I-uh. No..."

"Relax Katie," Travis said while stepping back, "I was just messing with you." He flashed her one of his (slightly) devilish grins.

"I hate you Stoll."
"Nah, you just can barely tolerate me. That'll change soon enough." He said, looking at Katie.

"I doubt it." She said, rolling her eyes. "This is our longest conversation, I think we've made improvement." Travis stated.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending tonight's Gala. We are very honored to have agents here from California and lucky enough to have a peaceful party as well." Annabeth exclaimed. Pretty soon some water spilled was spilled on the floor by none other than Agent Jackson himself.

"Well, almost peaceful." Ammabeth joked. Agent Jackson looked really embarrassed. "Umm, let's dance everybody?" He said to get the attention off him.

A few minutes later, all the water was cleaned up and everyone was dancing.

"Care to dance Ms. Gardner?" Travis asked.
"Care to stop making jokes tonight Mr. Stoll?"
Travis grinned, "I can certainly try."
"Then what are we waiting for?"

And with that, the two agents danced the night away. Well, until a small explosion went off by the food area.

To be continued... Maybe?


That was kinda bad... Whoops. Hopefully it makes sense? I wrote it today after seeing a writing prompt on Weheartit (my user is 2gypsy on there😉).

["I have to work with him/her?! S/he nearly killed me today!"]

I am SOOOO sorry I haven't been updating. I had tennis tournaments basically all of last week of July and I saw 5 seconds of summer in concert on July 31st!!! (They were awesome!)

Hopefully you guys liked it?

Lots of dat love,

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