
By lovethynybackup

117K 5.1K 788

"You're never going to be good enough like Braylen." "Braylens smarter and prettier." Brooklynn Jones is cons... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
UPDATE !!! 10/27/16

Chapter 2

5.7K 241 75
By lovethynybackup


I walked through the crowded hallway of the school and felt myself getting a little timid. I feel closed in like I'm gonna stop breathing any minute. I finally got to my locker and quickly grabbed my stuff for biology. My one friend Paige came up to me smiling.

"Hey brookey!" She said closing my locker for me

"Wassup" I sighed holding everything I needed

"Nothing but I'm going home a little early so I won't be able to be with you at lunch"

Shit. I don't wanna sit alone

"Okay it's fine" i lied

"You sure?" She asked concerned

"Yes positive" I reassured her with one of my fake smiles that I know way too well of how to put on

"Okay well .... did you do the homework?"

"Honestly no." I cried all night and forgot to do it

"Wow this is only like the second time you've missed an homework assignment" she said surprised

"I know but it is what it is" I sat down at my desk in the front and she went to hers in the back

Ms.Wilson came into the room and began teaching but my mind was focused on Kayden..I looked back and he was smiling and laughing with his friends. He's so sexy. My eyes scanned over his pink perfect lips and I instinctively licked mine. Shit stop

"Brooklynn pay attention!" Ms.Wilson said sharply

I froze and slowly turned my head back forward. I was so embarrassed I wanted to cry. Everyone looked at me and some people laughed. I raised my hand

"May I be excused please?" I said my voice cracking in the process

"Quick. You already aren't paying attention"

I didn't even here half the shit she said because I quickly got up and ran out. My vision became blurry and I felt tears slide down my cheeks. That's so embarrassing. He probably thinks I'm crazy now. I went into the girls bath room and locked myself in the stall and began crying.

My mind kept on thinking of what just happened not even 3 minutes ago. I grabbed some tissue and wiped my eyes. After a few minutes of steadying my breath I came out and stood in front of the mirror washing my hands. I'm pretty.... just not as pretty as Braylenn. She's better, she's smarter, prettier. I slammed my hands on the mirror in front of me and it cracked a bit.

"Fuck" I gasped as I looked at my bloody hands

"Shit shit shit" I whispered as I scrubbed my hands again

I straightened my hair down and fixed my clothes. I turned and seen my skirt was a little too short. I tried pulling it down some but it still was high. I sighed and rolled my eyes walking out the bathroom.

Once I got in front of Ms.Wilson room I gave another few breaths and slowly turned the door nob. Everyone looked when it was fully open and I was walking in. I looked at my desk and quickly sat down. The tension in the room was high and the only thing I was waiting to hear was the bell ring.

"Okay class 5 more minutes and your dismissed"

I groaned and put my head on the desk. I just wanna get out of here?

Braylenn went to another school. She went to a nice private school and I'm here at this public crazy school. Craziest part about it is I'm smarter then her and get better grades then her. I heard the bell ring and grabbed my books. I got up only to be tripped and fall forward. I frowned and looked up to see Mya smiling.

"Sorry" she said walking away

"Bitch" I mumbled shaking my head

I felt someone grab my hand and I quickly looked up. Kayden helped me on my feet. I didn't wanna see him because I'm nervous ever since I embarrassed myself and now this. Paige gave me my books that were once sprawled over the floor.

"Thank you" I said to Kayden as I tried walking away

"Wait" he pulled me back and sighed "You think about tutoring me?"

"Ye-yes sure" I stuttered

He smiled bright showing his perfect white teeth "Aight when we start?"

"Whenever you want" I said pulling on mh ear lobe in a nervous way

"How's today sound? In the Library, my house ... my car where ever you want to go"

"Umm" I walked out and he followed beside me "We can go to the library"

"Aight meet me there after school"

"Okay b-b see you" I went the other way


It was finally the end of the day and I was headed to the library. I grabbed my bag and coat then slammed my locker shut. I tied my shoe and continued walking out. I walked down the hall and seen Kayden sitting at the table. In out, in out. I breathed and then walked in. He saw me and put his phone away.

"Hello" I said shyly as I sat down next to him

"Hey" he focused his attention on me as I took out my books.

"You need help with the homework?" I asked softly

"Yea just teach me how to do it"

"Okay." I took his pencil and taught him how to do it. As I explained it I noticed he looked at my lips. I could have stopped breathing but I tried to forget about it. My phone started ringing and I sighed.

"Hello?" Answered clearly irritated

"Where are you!" My mom yelled

"At the library studying. I've been behind in my classes and I'm tryna catch up"

"You have an half an hour to be home or your locked out this house!"

"Fine ok" I hung up and rolled my eyes

"Who was that?" He asked putting the pencil down

"My mom. I have to be home in 30 minutes"

"Okay.." he put his books and stuff down and faced my way "Want me to take you home?"

"Yes please"

"Come on we can have extra time to talk" I stared at him as he put his books and stuff in book bag and got up

I grabbed my bag and followed him out the school. We got to his Range Rover and got in. I really wanna know more about him but I dont think he wants to know stuff about me. I heard him get in and I became nervous.

"You wanna get something to eat?" He pulled off

"Is it gonna be fast cause .... my mom will kill me"

"Yes it'll be fast" he laughed as he turned


I eat my burger and listened to him talk.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked me


He sighed "Uhmm..... how do you sleep at night. Like what position?"

I laughed "I lay on my stomach" I said softly. I was still a little shy and couldn't believe he would talk to me so long.

"Shoe size?"

"What the ---..... 4 1/2"

"You have small feet then"

I smiled

"lemme think.....what's your middle name"

"I don't like it!" I said smiling

"Tell me" he put his hand on my thigh and I couldn't move or talk

"U-Uhhmm. I-Its Asiria"

"That's nice. Fits you perfectly"

I blushed but tried to hide it "Thanks."

"Aight well imma get you home" he threw our stuff away and made his way to my house

"Bye.." I said getting out and waving

"Bye see you tomorrow"

I walked up to my door and knocked. My mom stood there frowning and then let me in. Whats her problem?

"Who was that?"

"A friend of mine" I tried going upstairs

"get your ass down here now" she said looking at me like I was less then her

I stood in front of her I fucking hate you

"Who. We're. You. With!?" She paused between each word

"A friend. Kayden..a friend"

"Surprised he's even interested in you. Get his number maybe he can get with Braylenn"

My eyes stung from the tears that were threatening to come out my eyes.

"Leave me alone" i ran up to my room.and shut and locked the door.

I got in the shower and cried. When I got out I also cried myself to sleep.

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