The Cover Girls (A One Direct...

By MyOwnSelf

103K 2.8K 621

Figuring out who you are is never easy. It's a labyrinth, one that you constantly feel alone and lost in. It'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Look Who's Knocking
Chapter 2 - Soapy Bubbles
Chapter 3 - No One Beats The Queen of Dance
Chapter 4 - Collarbones and Cups
Chapter 5 - Not So Sweet Goodbye
Chapter 6 - Here For You
Chapter 7 - It's ALWAYS A Good Time
Chapter 8 - The House Of April
Chapter 9 - Augustus Waters... 'Nuff Said
Chapter 10 - Russia: The Pancake Country
Chapter 11 - Video Diary Week 131
Chapter 12 - Bonding With Nialler
Chapter 13 - Tonight Tonight
Chapter 15 - Let's Take A Trip
Chapter 16 - Animal House
Chapter 17 - Twinsies
Chapter 18 - Love Is In the Air
Chapter 19 - The One I've Been Waiting For
Chapter 20 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)
Chapter 21 - You're Beautiful, It's True
Chapter 22 - Nerdy Nerds
Chapter 23 - This Feels Like Falling In Love
Chapter 24 - Shopping Buddies
Chapter 25 - Messy Twister
Chapter 26 - Harold's Birthday
Chapter 27 - Dancing In the Rain
Chapter 28 - She Finally Sees
Chapter 29 - Don't Leave
Chapter 30 - It'll All Be Okay
Chapter 31 - Together
Chapter 32 - A New Beginning
Chapter 33 - The Screams All Sound The Same
Chapter 34 - Stressed, But Snuggled
Chapter 35 - Makin' Bacon
Chapter 36 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 1)
Chapter 37 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 2)
Chapter 38 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 3)
Chapter 39 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 4)
Chapter 40 - Homesick
Chapter 41 - My Nightingale
Chapter 42 - Correct Assumptions
Chapter 43 - I Seem To Be Struck By You
Chapter 44 - Mixin' It Up
Chapter 45 - V is for Victory
Chapter 46 - Longer Than Five Seconds
Chapter 47 - Sisterly Instinct
Chapter 48 - Ridiculous News
Author's Note 12/6/14

Chapter 14 - Sleepyhead

2.3K 59 16
By MyOwnSelf

A/N: Why, hello my love-el-ly hedgehogs :) what's up?

So, time for some TCG! :D Sorry it's short. And late... Oops

TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS: What is your favorite movie?

~Grace xx 



"Has it uploaded yet?" Heather whined from her seat on the bed behind me. I was borrowing her laptop to post the new music video, even though it didn't have as good editing software as my Mac at home.

"Yeah, just went up," I said, refreshing the page then adding, "Wow. Already 700 views."

"Seriously?" Rikki asked, standing up and walking over to me. She'd always been nervous about being on the internet for all to see, and large view counts used to make her anxious, but by that point with the dozens of videos we'd made, she wasn't affected by it any longer.

"Mhm," I replied, refreshing again out of curiosity as the other girls gathered around, looking over my shoulder. That would have bothered Kris so much; she couldn't stand it when people watched what she was doing while she was doing it.

"Holy crap!" Erin exclaimed as the view count was raised to 3,000 views.

"How da fuq..." I said to myself. Clicking back to our channel's main page, I scrolled through the videos, getting more and more astonished at the sight of the view counts.

"56,000?!" Erin exclaimed, looking down at the screen.

"87,000?" Kris asked, sounding more calm but surprised, rather than Erin who was flipping out.

"Oh my god..." I trailed off, scrolling down to see the view count of our cover of So What by P!nk from a few months ago. "GUYS."

"What?!" Heather said, shoving her face into the screen.

"HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT, OH MY GOD, HOLY CRAP!" I shouted, pointing at the number to the bottom right of the video.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed again, jumping up from my seat as the five of us started to bounce around, screeching and hollering.

"What happened?!" Harry burst abruptly into the room, expression concerned, the boys fast on his tail.

"ONE OF OUR VIDEOS HAS 1,002,583 VIEWS!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, unable to contain my excitement.

The boys' reaction began with a little jumping on their heels, like they were still processing what was happening, but quickly turned into jumping up and down like absolute crazy people, screaming and shouting and whooping.

"THIS DOESN'T ACTUALLY SURPRISE ME, 'CAUSE YOU GIRLS ARE AMAZING!" Louis yelled, still jumping up and down like the rest of us.

I laughed at him, calming down and sitting down on the bed, everyone else following, tired from the excitement.

"I'm tired," The bed muffled my words as I fell back lazily.

"It's only like 3 o' clock." Erin chuckled.

As a reply, I curled up my legs, burrowing into a ball. "No."

"C'mon April, we'll make you food!" Kris tried to convince me, pulling at my legs.


"I got her," Louis said, "Someone make some food."

Soon I felt two muscly arms, wrapping around me, causing me to uncurl and fall limp against his chest, too lazy to care.

My eyes were closed as Louis got a better grip of me, tossing my body up an inch to grab me again and readjust his grip. The bounce made me jump, wildly flailing my arms until they were around Louis' shoulders as he held me bridal style.

"See, it's not that bad." Louis grinned with a silly expression.

"Humph." I huffed jokingly, burrowing my head into his chest, sleep feeling near.

"April, you can't fall asleep, you'll never get to bed tonight!" A voice tried to bring me back to complete consciousness after I felt the bumps of going down a staircase.

I could tell Louis had sat down as my feet felt the cool fabric of the couch and Louis shifting me so it was more like I was sitting in his lap, but I still held onto him tightly around his neck.

"April?" He shook me a bit, but again, I ignored any attempt to wake me up. I was tired, and therefore, I was going to sleep.


Groggily, I pulled my head from the soft pillow, looking around at the dark room.

I found my friends laid around the room at random, some softly snoring, some sounding like lawn mowers (cough, HARRY, cough). Although the one person I didn't find, was Louis.

I jumped in my place, startled, as a voice mumbled, "Hmm?"

Turning my head to face what I had thought was a pillow, I saw I was still in Louis' lap, his arms gripping me to his chest tightly, hair matted and flattened against his forehead.

"Louis?" I whispered.

"Go back to sleep April," He murmured, lifting a hand and gently pressing my head into the crook of his neck, "I'm here, it's fine."

I bit back a smile, afraid he might see my blush in the blueish light of early morning.

"Good night Louis." I said, already feeling my eyelids grow heavy.

"Good night April," He replied, kissing my hair softly, "Sleep tight."

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