No Regrets, Just LOVE||Cross...

By GuminaLumina

41.3K 826 351

From sweet and savory to misery and melancholy, a little compendium of short stories about being in love with... More

Cross Fight B-daman x Reader One Shots
Samuru||Shut Up||
Novu||Gentleman JUST Don't Kiss and Tell||
Simon||Boys Be Ambitious||
Kamon||A Day At a Restaurant||
Byakuga||Straight-Faced Boy||
Kaito||Under the Moonlight||
Author's Note
||New year's Changes||
Basara|| Darkness Can Be Your Light||
Mitsuru||MAJI LOVE 1000%||
Riki & Samuru||Mysterious Miracle||
Yuki||Summer Festival||
Author's Note #2
||(Special) Various|| Fiesta
Kamon||Here's your Order, Sir!
Ken||Reminiscing in The Merry-Go-Round||
Yuki||Moon Viewing Recital||AU
Riki||Yesterday Evening||AU
Reggie||R.P.G ~Rocking Playing Games||
||Hiatus Note||
||Guys, I'm still alive||
Kamon||Lost Time Memory||AU
Request||Samuru|| Confession Rehearsal|| AU
Request||Roma||Heart a la Mode
Riki||The Rock City Girl||
Older!Riki||A Simple Case of 'JEALOUSY'||
Older!Byakuya||On the Wings of Love||
Request||Novu||Ghost Story||
Extra #1: When Author is Jealous!
Request||Simon||Get Over that Darn Fear, Already!!!||
Request||Roma||One Man's Wish||
Riki(Season Special)|| 'Tis The Season To Fall in Love||
Samuru(Season Special)||Remembering You||
This New Year...I Want Him To...
Novu||Duet? More Like Do-Not!||
The Big Comeback
||Can I Have This Dance?||AU
||Can I Have This Dance||AU||2
Asuka||One Day Boyfriend|||
Request||Samuru||Living The Bitter Life||
Request||Basara|| Irresistible||
Like I'm Gonna Lose You||AU||1
Samuru||Butterfly (pt.1)
Go Go Go|| Goodbye Everyone|||

Byakuga||Female Structural||

642 14 11
By GuminaLumina


Calling him "pretty boy" was a normal occurrence. He'll just brush it off or his companion would take care of it. But, in the inside he was hurt. Always shielded by his strong facade, he'll never break down and cry like any other coward. The (h/c) haired companion always pitied him and tried to open him up, but always gives up easily.

There relationship was simply "Acquaintances with Benefits". He'll get the benefit by getting protected, while she'll risk her life to protect him purposely. He held no feelings for her, more or less. But, he just lived the life being protect by a shield, strong and soft. She will be just a tool to him.


"Hey, gurl hang out with us~?" slurred out a voice, loosely wrapping an arm around the male's torso. "Let me go, filthy pig" he gritted his teeth and pushed the man a few distance away. "Ey, feisty" he continued to harass the white haired B-shot. 

A gust of wind passed them both and a force knocked the man down. "Obey his words, don't mess with the higher class people of the world" a female voice said, word dripping in toxic. The fallen male stood up and tried to punch the girl.

She quickly took hold of his arm and delivered a hard knee kick in his stomach. He stumbled back and hit a lamp post, then passed out. "See this, don't deal with people with higher standards than you. Or you'll feel the wrath of your actions" she warned the man, walking near him. She got her B-Daman and shot a marble at his shoes. 

"Interacting with people, such as master, is a waste of time" she muttered and bowed to the male watching. "Forgive me that I am late, sire". He nodded and walked away the girl trailing behind him. "I almost got harassed by a pig. Again. No apologies can save you now" he spoke in the most monotone and scariest voice he could muster. Intimidating the girl further. 

"B-But, at least I protected you. Isn't that what matters?" the girl tried to fight back only to be slapped by the white haired male. She fell to the ground, clutching her swollen cheek. Byakuya snorted and turned his head at her. 

"Words can't change your fate, slave"


Days after, (y/n) received her punishment by confiscating her B-Daman. She tried not to react by the outcome and released her anger by training. Kicking and screaming in her room. Salty tears streaming down her face. She wasn't special, she wasn't made for this, she was just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life until the world decide to mess with her.

"W-why did I have to go through this. Why did I have pity for him. HE'S NOTHING BUT A WASTE OF FREAKING TIME!!!"  she screamed in agony as she collapsed on her bed. 

"Life just had be so evil and mess with my fate" she muttered. The girl sat up and went out of her room and went for fresh air, not forgetting to change.


"Now where was that restaurant "she pondered in search for her favorite restaurant where she would sneak off when she had her free time. The (h/c) haired girl looked in any direction trying to pinpoint it. And when she did, she quickly ran inside.

To be greeted by her favorite person in the world.

"Hey, (y/n). I see your back. What's the problem or in any case what's the order" the voice of her bestfriend immediately brightened her day. She looked at him in the eyes and smiled: "One vegetable salad on the go". The boy smiled and ran off to tell his sister.

Kamon Godai, her beacon in times like this. He'd always her frown upside-down. Amidst to her, he had romantic feeling her the girl. He hated the way Byakuya treated her. Like a toy. He would do anything to get her back to normal, trying to push back his feelings. But he enjoyed moments like that.

Anyways, (y/n) sat down and stuffed as many green leafy vegetables in her mouth. Trying remember the taste of it before going back to her hell. She swallowed, as the boy toke a seat in front of her. She plastered a fake smile at him and continued to eat. He quickly noticed the flash of sadness in her eyes before replacing them with an obvious fake smile. "Hey, I know your trying to hide it. But tell me what's wrong" he spoke with the most sincere word he could muster. 

She gulped and waved her hands frantically. "No nothing wrong. Just thinking about my next training session with my mentor" she said, clenching her hand into a fist underneath the table. "Don't even try to lie, (y/n). Your eyes is telling another otherwise. Just tell me what's wrong" his stubbornness was eating him. 'Hold it in (y/n). Hold back the tears' she tried to blinking away any signs of tears and bit her lip.

"It's nothing seriously" she managed to say. (y/n) stood up and ran out of the restaurant. "I'M SO SORRY!!!" she yelled and shut the door, leaving Kamon to mope in anger.


'(y/n) where are you' Byakuya thought, trying to free himself from his 'friends's' grip. "Uh-uh Byakuya. Not time" the voice of his captor echoed in his ears, a smirk adorning his lips. Byakuya's heart started to beat faster than normally. His friend choked Byakuya, the white haired male's back met the cemented wall making him cough. 

"Aw, the pretty boy is about to cry. Tch, this is a good opportunity for blackmail. "Pretty boy crying because of teasing". Your weaker than I thought" his voice was dripping in malice and disgust. Byakuya couldn't hold it anymore. Big blobs of salty tears flowed down his cheeks. He started to hiccup. 

It's all over, he's reputation is gone.

Suddenly the weight on his neck was gone. Sounds of punching and kicking could be heard. A silhouette was beating up his 'friend'. "DON'T. MESS. WITH. PEOPLE WITH. HIGHER. STANDARDS. THAT. YOU!!!" a feminine voice screamed, landing a hard kick on his ribcage, maybe even breaking some bones. 

Byakuya was surprised. (y/n) was there, even if he got angry with her. She was still faithful to him. He sniffled as he tried to stop crying, which he failed at. 

Finishing business with the victim, she turned to Byakuya with blood-shot eyes, like him and bowed. "Sorry for being late, si-" she was cut by someone wrapping their arms around her. Byakuya was hugging her while crying. "Stupid idiot. I thought you left me" he muttered, not even bothering what situation their in. 

"M-my A-apologies, sire" she stuttered out. Byakuya seems to hold his hiccups until an arm was placed on his back. "Sire, I'd say, holding back your cries doesn't make things easier" (y/n) spoke in a tone she never used with Byakuya, other than formality. He got the message and released a shaky breathe and continued to let silent tears flow. 

After Byakuya was calmed down, he faced (y/n) with a black gaze. No trace of embarrassment nor anger. Just very black. "Let's go it's getting late" he said wiping traces of tears. "Y-yes s-"

"Byakuya, just Byakuya" 

The girl was shocked by the sudden kindness of her once cold sire, but accepted it. "Very well then...Byakuya. Let's go home" she stood up and followed him. Disappearing into the night.

 [We always seem to find a way to f*ck things up

At the worst time, you know

We've never been the smartest

You know you could have anyone

But standing on the edge I said

I don't want no one else]

"I shouldn't have treated you like that (y/n). I'm very sorry for my stupid actions..."


Too OOC, too OOC /shot. Okay, this is a request from @maskedtigress. I hope I did it right, because when I read it, it drifts far away from the original plot. Oh goodness please please turn out right. OKay, okay enough of the rant. I realized that many are requesting, and it feels like I'm getting noticed or something like that. And, I would like to let you guys see my recent request list, which are:

||Roma||One Man's Wish||

||Older!Byakuya||On the Wings of Love||

||Older!Riki||A Simple Case of Jealously|| 


And some. The song on the media is: 

Go Go Go - Sleeping With Siren

(Used to be): Coma - ensou ft. GUMI Megpoid

(in the game Cytus, which I strongly recommend to those who play osu and other rhythm games. Try to translate the lyrics 'cause I know I can understand, mwahahahahha!!!. Anyways hope you guys enjoy.)

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Plot belongs to me

B-Daman characters are not mine

You belong to Byakuya :3

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