Sleeping With The Enemy

By natalieclar

79K 2.3K 141

Dylan is the rugby team captain and the most popular white guy in his school. His life is saved by a girl, a... More

Sleeping With The Enemy
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's note
Author's note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors's note
Chaper 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Charpter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Thank you.❤️
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 19

1.5K 70 4
By natalieclar

"Are you sure you are okay?"- Jay asked. He was concerned about Jessica's studies and wanted to help. They'd been the class for two hours practicing and since she had gotten physics under her belt, thanks to Thato , it was now time to conquer Maths and with Jay's help victory was inevitable.
"Yeah, I think I'm okay."- she smiled at him. She started packing her books. She was nervous because she still had to talk to him. And she really didn't know what to expect.
"What are you think so hard about?"- he asked her. She looked at him and found him smiling at her. "If it's the maths test than you know you are gonna be okay right?"
"No, no it's not maths."- she told him honestly. She stood up from her table. She was nervous but it was now or never and she'd never been one to keep things to herself.
"How come you have never tried to have sex with me?"- she asked him. He frowned at the question his eyes suddenly darkening, "What sort of question is that?"- his voice was a bit harsh so she flinched. He noticed and his eyes softened.
"Well it's definitely not a rhetorical one..."- she said fiercely. Her emotions taking her by surprise. "Please answer me!"
He took his time and during his silence Jessica was thinking of the worst answers she could conjure up in her head. Was he getting it from someone?
"What?"- he asked icily. Jessica looked at him and saw he was looking right back at her. He was enraged!
"What?"- she asked, confused.
"What did you say?"- he repeated himself this time he said it dangerously slow. Had she asked her question out loud. Oh no! She had. She looked at him and decided to back up her question with some courage.
"You heard me, are you sleeping with someone who is not me?"
He moved closer. "Of course not!"- he said through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. The storm in his eyes made him look incredibly dangerous and she liked it. So she poked him some more. "All we do is kiss! And with your track record..."
"My track record...?"-'he raised an eyebrow.
She stopped he was close now! Too close. She tried to move away but he caught her. She suddenly felt her courage fading and something creeped in but it wasn't fear...
She ran her tongue over dry lip. She looked at him and she saw it in it's most raw state, Lust!

He encircled her waist with his hands, picked her up and put her on a table in the class. He was in between her thighs now. He looked at her.
"Do you know how badly I want you. And all I have been trying to do is be patient with you?"- he asked, his voiced suddenly deeper than before. He let his hands roam her body. They started from her calves, then to her thighs and he opened them just a bit his hands suddenly on her inner thighs. She shivered and oh she liked. His eyes never left hers and she found herself drowning in the intensity of his emotions. His hands moved to her waist and gently pulled her to the edge of the table. Then they kissed. It was pure bliss. His lips were seducing hers. She shivered, she wasn't sure if it was the summer breeze or this dangerously delicious man that caused it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. His hands tightened around her waist bring her closer. Feeling the strength of him she whimpered against his lips. She explode his torso and liked what she found there. Muscles, she could feel them under his jersey and she wondered what it would feel like if they were both naked...
He ended the kiss on a gentle note, looked at her and said, "I want you!"
She was still dazed from the kiss but she nodded. She looked at him smile. She loved him. This wasn't a crush anymore. When she'd looked at him from afar she could only dream of what he was like. So basically he was an idea in her head. But in reality he was better. Everything she thought he was and more, way more.
She bit her lower lip and drew his attention to her lips.

"I need you to do me a favor."- she kissed him.
"Name it."- he didn't hesitate.
"I am ready... I want to be with you."
He looked surprised and to be honest she'd surprised herself. But she was in love and she knew it would never get better than this. She would never love someone as much as she loved this man.

She just walked passed him and said nothing. Dylan looked at her and felt his control slip. He'd been trying to reach her after what happened on the field and she'd ignored his calls just as she was ignoring him now. She was at her locker when a guy came, he recognized him, he was on the soccer team and probably part of Jay's squad. Dylan watched as they spoke and then he put his fingers under her chin almost as if he'd kiss her. He balled his hands into fist and clenched his jaw. He felt a hand pull him back. It was Kyle, "I don't think you want to cause a scene."
Dylan hadn't noticed but he'd taken a few steps forward. Kyle was right. So he'd wait. She laughed at something the guy said and it angered him some more. When they'd first talked she'd laughed like that at something he said and now she was giving it to someone else. He wanted to punch something. That guy's face maybe?

The hall cleared and it was just them: he and Kyle. Her and two of her friends. She looked at her and he knew she could feel his eyes on her. But she stubbornly refused to look at him. It infuriated him and decided she would not get away with making look a fool.
"Think about this Dylan!"- Kyle advised. But Dylan wasn't having any of it. He walked up to her and he knew Kyle wasn't far behind. Her friends saw him and they widened their eyes and nudged Happy, signaling her to look back. She turned and her eyes met his. They were standing face to face.

"What was that?"- Dylan asked.
She gave him an insignificant look and said, "what was what?"
He laughed but it harsh and humourless, "games were never your thing!"
"How would you know??? I don't even know me."
The silence stretched out. And he could almost choke from the tension and having 3 other people here didn't make things easy. He turned to Kyle and gave him the signal that he'd be fine. His temper was in check now. Kyle nodded and left.

She also told her friends to leave. They'd been hesitant at first but then they'd left. Now she was looking at him look at her. A part of her wanted to cry another one wanted to punch the daylight out of him. He'd hurt her and maybe she'd hurt him all in the name of loyalty.
"I have been calling!"
"I know."- she said defiantly. He'd phoned: a lot! And so many times he'd been tempted to pick up and talk to him but her pride wouldn't let her.
"Is that all you have to say? What did I do wrong?"-he asked.
The look of disbelief replaced her poker face, "You have to ask? I can't do this."
She felt tears threatening to fall. He stood in her path and put his hands on the wall behind on either side. He was close. Everything about him invaded her senses. She hadn't seen him in so long that the mere sight of him threatened to break her defenses.
"Tell me, Happy?"- he said loudly. And that made her eyes darken in defiance.
"You should know!"- she raised her voice little to loudly. He checked the coast and figured no one heard them. He took her by her wrist and started heading for the door.
"Where are you talking me?"- she asked as she missed some of her steps because of his long strides.

They were far away from the classes. He stopped walking and looked at her.
"Say what you have to say then!"- he said roughly.
"I have nothing to say to you."
He wanted to smash his fist against the wall. What was her problem? He'd tried to contact her and she'd just ignored him. He hated being weak and running after a person but he needed answers.
"Speak!"- he bit out.
"Fine!"- she lifted her chin up. "I think we made a mistake thinking that this would work. We barely know each other and maybe we got caught up in the hype and..."- she choked on her words. She wasn't going to do this. He wouldn't let her.
"Did Jay put you up to this?"- he asked. He didn't know where question came from; it just slipped out.
"What? No. Jay didn't put me up to anything. I have a brain you know and eyes."
And eyes???
"What is the last part supposed to mean?"
She looked at the far end of the buildings. The picture of Dylan and that witch, on the other side of the field and with his hands around her. She hated them, hated him for what he'd done.
"I saw you see me from across the field. And you stood there and did nothing." She laughed a cold, humourless laugh. "Oh, no. You did something. Just not for me but for that witch!"
His eyes turned black then. His jaw clenched. He took a step forward and she wanted to take a step back but her dignity wouldn't let her. She took him in starting from his toes till the top of his head. She'd missed looking at him. Missed his scent. Missed him.
"What did you want me to do?"- he asked through gritted teeth. "You'd beat the living shit out of her."
"Are you serious? I have scratches on my face that were caused by her. What? Was I supposed have scars instead of scratches in order for you to react?"
He kept quiet. And it annoyed her. She felt her tears at the rim of her eyes. And he... He was calm. They both were angry but the difference was that her rage brought her to tears and his calmed him.
"Like I said, we shouldn't have done this."- she turned to walk away but he was quick. He pulled her back by the elbow. And in that instant they were face to face.
"I won't let you make her the reason to call us off. I stood by her because she is all I know. Old habits die hard, I guess."
He loosened his grip on her. He knew him, she thought to herself. He hadn't in her life for long but she knew him. And she was afraid that she loved all that she knew.
"You don't need to worry about her."- he told her.
He moved his hands from her elbow to her cheeks, cupping them. He looked at her. He made her heart skip a beat. She would never get tired of looking at him because he was that beautiful. He kissed her and his kiss held the apology she so needed to feel more than hear. The world around them faded and her nerves tingled. Being with was the greatest; one she knew she'd probably regret.
"I am not giving up on this, okay?"
She looked at him. This was it, she mused. Her teenage love. The one she'd been told would change everything: her rational reasoning, cautious streak and more. She nodded in agreement but it meant more, she was giving into what this newly found love would bring...

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