Forced To Have A Family With...

By CloverHoran1998

180K 3.7K 314

When Jessica Rumley turned 18 she was told the worst news she could have possibly imagined. Jessica lives in... More

Forced To Have A Family With Niall Horan
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
NIALL IS NOW 20!!!!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

6.3K 146 11
By CloverHoran1998

Jessica's pov

We all arrived at the beach and me and the girs ran down to get a good spot on the beach, we all laid our towels down and i was on a end because i had to have his towel next to me incase of the papz turning up. The boys still hadnt caught up with us yet, but we didnt care we all stripped into our bikini's, i had a 2 peice green ruffly one, Jade had a 2 peice flowery one and Sam had a hot pink plain one on. We all layed down on our towels we covered our eyes with our glasses, i felt someones precene beside me, i looked and it was Niall staring at me, i looked around and noticed Harry staring at me as well, Josh and Liam had their eyes on Sam and then Louis and Zayn were staring at Jade 'Cut it our all of you' i shouted and they all acted like nothing happened and went into having a conversations with each other. They all ran into the water and left me and the girls to talk 'your right they do stare a lot dont they' Jade said and we all burst out giggling. About ten minutes letting i felt drops of water dripping on my body i opened my eyes to see Niall standing over me with his hair wet and just his trunks on 'Come on its time for the water' He said 'i'm fine thanks' i said and closed my eyes again, i was not prepared for what he done next... 'Niall put me down' i whined flirtly as i noticed papz taking pictures of us 'nope you cant come to the beach and not go in the water' he said 'i dont want to go in the water though its cold' i winged 'tough luck' he said as he was about to drop me 'do you really want everyone to think you dropped me because i dont know if you have noticed the papz taking pictures' i whispered in his ear, he didnt drop me instead he walked me over to the rest of the boys who were splashing 'Jessie' Josh said with an evil smirk 'no! dont even think about it Josh' i said burying my face in Nialls neck i felt a huge splash of water topple over onto me, luckily not on my face 'Josh why do you always do that, i hate being splashed' i whined and turned my head to look at the rest of the boys who all faced me 'Niall please put me down so i can get out' i said and he dropped me in the water .... OH CRAP I CANT BLOODY SWIM surely i should be above the water by now, i cant breath OMG i am going to die i cant breath, i didnt even think we were that deep, cnt breath running out of air.... suddenly everything went black.

Nialls pov

After i dropped her all the boys were laughing except Josh, i was laughing but then it stopped when i saw his face turning worried as she still hadnt come up out of the water its not even deep, 'I just remembered she cant swin' Josh said, i lifted her out of the water and checked her pulse, still breathing just unconcious 'Josh has this happened before?' i asked as i carried her out of the water 'urm yeah she will wake up soon, just keep trying to wake her up' he answered, i looked to the other boys who had worry written on their faces 'i reached her towels and put her down she is still unconcious 'omg did you drop her in the water?' Jade asked 'look before you shout he didnt know she couldnt swim' Harry said 'Jess wake up' i said shaking her shoulders 'thats not gonna work idiot just leave her and go back and play she will wake up soon' Sam said sounding annoyed 'well technically i am dating her so no i wont i will stay here' i said back 'whatever' she muttered and layed back down again. 

Half an hour later she still wasnt up, i checked her pulse still breathing 'Hey Josh how long is she usually out for?' i asked him 'last time i think it was up to nearly 2 hours, right Jade?' he answered 'urm yeah dont worry she will wake up soon' Jade said 'who said i was worrying, its making me look bad infront of the papz' i said sounding like i dont care when i am actually starting to like her, the feelings i had for whenn i was 14 are coming back and there is no way to stop them 'mate stop acting like you dont care when you do we aint stupid mate' Zayn said 'i do not like her' i argued back 'you keep telling yourself that but you are not fooling us' Liam muttered 'mate we have known you for two years we can tell when you care for someone' Harry said 'whatever shut drop it' i said and layed down on my towel.

Jessica's pov

i woke up on a beach how the hell did i get here, urg my stomach feels all twisty and turning and i feel like i am abo---- i jumped up and ran to the nearest toilets, my legs feeling like jelly but i carried on running i opened the doors and ran to the nearest cubicle and threw up in the toilets 'OMG JESSICA ARE YOU OK?' Jade screamed running in, it wasnt until then i had realised my massive headache, my throat strated to itch as i threw another load of liquid into the toilets, 'w-w-what h-h-happened?' i asked my throat sounded really croaky and hurt like if my throat has tons of scratches. 'Well Niall didnt know that you couldnt swim so he dropped you in the water as a joke and then by the time he realised you wasnt surfacing to the top of the water you have already black out and by the looks you inhaled lots of sea water which is now causing you throwing up' Sam said 'h-h-how long was i out for?' i asked barely a whisper to save my throat from the pain 'Urm nearl 2 and a half hours' Jade answered handing me a bottle of water 'thanks' i said before drinking some of the water. i tried standing up but i had no power to lift my body weight i felt so weak 'here come on lets help you back, and go back to yours' Sam said as they both helped me to my feet and back to the towels 'Jess are you ok?' Harry asked i just ignored him, i couldnt be bothered to speak my throat hurt to much to waist my voice on them 'her throat hurts from all the salt water she inhaled' Sam said to him 'Niall carry her to the car' Jade ordered and he came and picked me up bridle style. We all got in the car and we drove home in silence. Niall carried me inside the house and set me down on the sofa. Jade, Sam and Josh all went to hang and the boys place for a couple of hours which left me and Niall alone..... GREAT (note my sarcasm) 'You ok?' he asked me 'what do you care?' i hissed back 'look Jess i am sorry ok, i am sorry about everything in school and i am sorry about what happened today i didnt know you couldnt swim' he said 'i couldve died you idiot and you could have asked and you should have remembered when we were friends' i said getting more annoyed as he walked over and sat next to me 'Look Jess how was i to know that you never tryed learning how to swim, and i said i am sorry what else am i supposed to do?!' he said on the verge of screaming it 'you shouldnt of picked me up in the first place Niall, i asked you to put me down and you didnt listen, until the secod time and you could have ut me down nicely inste----' he interupted me by placing his lips on myn, i pushed him off of me 'NIALL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???!!' i screamed at him moving away from him, he didnt answer he just stormed out of the house.

Its been 2 hours and he is still not home just then the door open i expected to see Niall but instead my 3 bestfriends walked in 'How you feeling?' Josh asked 'like crap i just want to forget the day ever happened can you go and get my drinks out the kitcchen please?' i asked him 'no you are not turning to alcohol on this no way' he said 'please i just want to forget' i whined as Jade and Sam walked in with a glass of water 'wheres Niall?' Sam asked 'i dunno' i said shrugging my shoulders 'well your dating him so you should know' Josh said, urg i had to tell them 'look we arent dating ok its all fake, our parents told us we have to get get married in 5 months but i am sorry i didnt tell you guys only Jade and Niall's band mates know, we werent suppoesed to tell you because we cant let anyone find out' i said in one breath they looked at me in shock 'when did this happen?' Sam asked 'the day before i left' i said 'Thats why Niall said earlier that he was staying because he is PRACTICALLY dating her' Jade added highlighting the word PRACTICALLY 'oh right' Josh muttered 'well we wont tell anyone we promise' Sam said 'thanks guys' i said 'so whyy did Niall leave then and when?' Jade asked 'urm well we kinda had a fight then he kissed me then i yelled at him and then he left about 2 hours ago' i said 'we knew he liked you, but he kept denying it at the beach, he kept trying to wake you up and then he kept asking how long you normally black out for and he kept checking your pulse to make sure your were alive' Sam yelled 'oh great' i muttered 'oh come on Jessie you could do a lot worse than Niall you have to admit he is quite the looker' Jade said 'but Jade i cant just forget about him bullying me for two years and act like nothing happened' i said 'wait he bullied you for 2 years when did this happen?' Josh asked 'urm about a year before Sam joined and a couple of months before you joined' i told Josh 'but when i joined you were the most popular person in the school, everyone loved and still does love you' Josh said confused 'i was popular before but then they all agreed with Niall and then he left and everyone was back to loving me again' i answered 'oh that explains it then' Sam said and we burst out laughing.

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