Fire and Water

By swim_fast24

500 38 9

When Amber's hair catches fire one day her whole world literally burned. Taken into a group of girls who all... More

Fire and Water
Chapter Six: Fires Point
Sisters have a Power Chapter 7
Learning is not always Pretty
Pain, but Safe
No Title Needed
U mean to tell me?
Your not real
The Single Pringle just Broke
Im Famous?
Cliff diving
The Sweet Smell of Discovery
Screams are Helpful
Would you like to Jump off a Cliff?
A Match that Will Burn
Finding the Flower
You can't make Me
Piece by Piece
What have I Done
The Loss I now Burden
Burned Toast
The Rock
Dead but Alive then Dead Again
Running Water
Hiding Dawn
The Girl with the Blue Eyes
Is it Okay to Punch Someone if there is a Reason?

Twenty Four Seven

5 1 0
By swim_fast24

BAM! POW! Ice shot through the roof of the headquarters. I ran away as fast I could. I could see Autumn trying to create a shield to protect her from the wind that was causing her to fall over. Water was running toward her. They had become better fighters and friends in the past few weeks. I kept my eyes on Ice. She walked casually because she discovered she could turn almost invisible. She just showed a little glint of ice particles. The building was now on fire. I looked up and saw an ice bomb about it hit Autumn and Water.

"NOOOOOO!" I yelled
I jumped up and ran as fast as I could but I was too late. The ice particle hit the red leaf shield and it exploded into bits and pieces. Bam, gone like that. They laid there stunned. I ran toward Ice.

"It's you, Rosetta, and me, we got to work together!" I screamed as I shot a flame at an ice bomb, which melted into a puddle.

"No! I work alone."

I decided not to argue, because we would be killed if I did. I ran toward Rosetta who was using vines to protect her.

"Okay listen, the plan is to get that monster right there to fall, and then I will melt it."

" Okay, but what about ice"

"She's being Ice, let's go!"

We took down that baby like it was a fight for the last cookie. The Ice monster or as I called it "The Salted Ice" hit the floor as soon as Rosetta surrounded it with vines and instantly vaporized when I touched it.

"Yes!" I screamed as the background and the floor became white and I was standing there I front of the crew that controlled the situation

"Congratulations Fire and Rosetta you have completed the 5th situation, you only have 5 more!"

I hugged Rosetta, she was the newest member and she had beat those who have been here since the beginning.

The thing is anyone that gets hurt in the situation, actually get hurt. They don't die or anything like that, but if they get seriously injured they stay that way. It's a situation I call twenty four seven, that means you've gotta watch yourself all the time, even when your in a simulation.

Thats what happened to Fire and Autumn. They didn't stir when the simulation was over. The workers just picked them up and wheeled them off.

"Why didn't I pass the simulation?" Said ice in her squeaky girl voice.

"The objective Ms Ice is to help your partners, not hide and let the others do the work. "

She stormed off with her heels clicking against the white tile flooring.

"Man that girl is just"

"A drama queen yep" said autumn, as we laughed.

I changed back into my casual outfit, which was a grey hoodie, shorts, and my bright orange converse. I had to have some sort of color that matched my powers so I chose orange. I had learned to change clothes with the snap of my fingers. I am the only one who's figured it out. It took me 3 months when we were stuck in isolation because of my mistake so I had plenty of time to learn to tricks.

I also had learned how to burst completely into flames. It took a very long time but once I figured one emotion that triggered it, it was all good.

That emotion was love.

Hey guys so this chapter was a little bit of a new info chapter so next chapter with be the action packed chapter so stay tuned


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