The bad boy fights

By 1Jordan1

674K 17.1K 3.5K

"And what if I don't Parker?" He asked, Smirking. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "I can easily go... More

Authors note
Tough love; Chapter one- Friends
Tough love; Chapter 2- The Coltons
Tough love; Chapter 3- Surpise bitch
Tough love- Chapter four; The deal
Tough love- Chapter Five; No show
Tough love- Chapter six; Being chased.
Tough love- Chapter seven; First lesson; Dont act like a shy away sheep.
Tough love- Chapter eight; Be normal
Tough love- Chapter nine; Lesson two; Fight.
Tough love- Chapter Ten; Karma's a bitch
Tough love- Chapter eleven; That day
Tough love- Chapter twelve; Unexpected.
Tough love- Chapter thirteen; Babysitting and rock climbing
Tough love-Chapter fourteen; Harley plus Zach equals pain
Tough love- Chapter fifteen; The party
Tough love- Chapter sixteen; Your in trouble boy.
Tough love- Chapter eighteen; Drinking games
Tough love- Chapter nineteen; New Partner
Tough love- Chapter twenty; The Ball.
Tough love- Chapter twenty one; Make up
Tough love- Chapter twenty two; Mad.
Tough love- Chapter twenty three; Avioding him.
Tough love- Chapter twenty four; R-A-P-E Get the fuck away from me!
Tough love- Chapter twenty five; Kiss his Macaroni and cheese covered lips.
Tough love- Chapter twenty six; interruptions
Tough love-Chapter twenty seven; Beach date
Tough love- Chapter twenty eight; PTA
Tough love- Chapter twenty nine; Hooked at the first kiss
Tough love- Chapter thirty; Great dinner and secrets
Tough love- Chapter thirty one; It all comed together
Tough love- Chapter thirty two; Make out and make up.
Tough love- Chapter thirty three; Well....
Tough love- Chapter thirty four; The dad
Tough love-Chapter thirty five; Kidnapped {Part one}
Tough love- Chapter thirty six; Kidnapped {Part two}
The bad boy fights- Chapter thirty seven; Kidnapped {Part three}
The bad boy fights- Chapter thirty eight; Kidnapped{Part four}
The bad boy fights- Chapter thirty nine; Rescue {Part one}
The bad boy fights- Chapter forty; Rescue {Part two}
The bad boy fights- Chapter forty one; Alive... Or dead?

Tough love- Chapter seventeen; Equus Bass 770.

14.4K 405 106
By 1Jordan1

[Tough love- Chapter seventeen; Equus Bass 770.]


"Ryder!" I yelled as him, the guys, and some other dudes I didn't even know came downstairs. Even Harley. If you added them all together, it would be about ten. "I see how it is Alee. The rest of us are just invisible." Austin said. Liam chuckled.

How could they be joking at a time like this?

"Don't take another step forward or I'll slice her throat." Will exclaimed, taking a few steps back. I bit my lip, holding back a cry. Austin put his hands up in surrender and stepped sideways to Zach. "Im just taking off the cuffs." He said, pulling out the key.

"How the hell do you have a key?" I asked, earning Will to tighten his grip on me. Austin smirked and unlocked Zach. "I have my ways, Alee."

Zach got free and tried taking steps towards me, but Will put the knife just a little into my skin. "Shit." I mumbled. That made Zach stop. He knew whenever I got hurt, I cursed. "Will.... let. Her. Go."

"Not until I see the money."

"I already told you, dammit! I don't fucking know!" He screamed. My god, they've already went through this!

"Will," Harley came towards us. "Put Alex down. She has nothing to do with where the money is." Harley shook his head and scoffed. "You may be right. But there is two motives of having her. One) She shot my damn tire while he was driving off with the money. And two) Zach cares about her, so he'll want to do anything he can to keep her safe."

I looked at Zach and he didn't bother denying it. I wish I could smile. Harley sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this brother." Brother?!

I didn't even get time to think about that before he pulled out a taser and shot him. I don't know how since there was only a little space between me and Will. But somehow Harley did. Will dropped me and fell to the ground, shaking like he had a crazed man.

Zach and Ryder both were immediately at my sides. Zach grabbed one hand while Ryder grabbed the other. Both of them pulled me up the stairs. When we got o the top, Zach went one way while Ryder went the other. Ryder immediately looked at Zach. "What the hell Z?! Im taking her!"

"Let me take her to Emma's. They won't look for her there. Besides. Regina lives next door. We can just stay over there." Who's Regina? What the hell? I am so lost here. Ryder looked at me and sighed. "Fine. I'll meet you up there. But know this, Zach. The only reason I'm letting you take her is because I know your a good driver," he then turned to me.

"Be safe." He kissed my forehead and went off. Zach hauled me to the garage and jumped into the divers seat. I didn't even get to buckle up before he was speeding out. I almost fell forward, but luckily found the seatbelt.

Zach went through his pocket before pulling out his phone and handing it to me. "Find Liam's number and call him. Once you do, put it on speaker." I nodded and did as I was instructed. I went through his contacts.... and I was surprised when I only saw a couple of girls numbers. I thought he would've had millions of others.

I found Liam's and put it on speaker. When he finally answered, it sounded like he was in a war zone. "Sup man!" He yelled.

"Liam. We're going to Emma's place and staying with Regina for a couple days to let things die down. Tell the guys."

"Got it."

With that, they hung up. I gave his phone back to him and he put in his pocket and sighed. "Zach.... what's going on? Im really scared because I'm clueless of everything."

He sighed and rubbed his face with one hand. "Look, I didn't expect them to go after you. I actually thought they were going to get my mom. They've done it before,"

"The money Zach. Why do they need the money?" he shook his head. "They were using it to buy drugs. Harley told me to steal it and bring it to him. So I did. But I didn't do it good enough and they chased me that night. So they still think I have it. And I'm not ratting my trainer out."

I sighed. "This is all new to me. I still don't get why they come after me?" He looked at me a minute before looking ahead again. "Because I care about you."

So he admitted it. He does care about me. I don't know how. He sometimes acts like I'm fucking shit.

We left the conversation at that. We didn't say anything more or do anything. The whole ride to Emma's.

When we finally got there, Zach just stopped long enough for me to get out. After he did, he drove into the garage of Regina's I'm guessing.

I was embraced in a hug as soon as I got out and I smiled. "Oh my god, Alex! I heard what happened, are you okay?" Emma yelled. I nodded. "Im fine Em. I promise." she smiled and seemed to relax. "Good."


So, turns out. Regina was the type of girl with all the secret hideouts in her home. So the guys stayed there.

We had already skipped two days of school and today all of us were meeting up to discuss if we should Go home or not. I hadn't talked to Zach in two days. Ryder came over check on me every morning and evening. We would usually talk, but it wasn't that long because he had 'business' to do back at Regina's.

I slumped down on the couch and laid on it longways, propping my feet on the couch also. I sighed and put an arm over my eyes. I've been quite board and lonely here with Emma. Most of the time, Shes at Regina's house with Liam and I'm all alone in the house. Ryder won't let me come over there. Asshole.

I felt someone move my feet from the couch and into the floor. I moved my arm to see Zach. He smirked and sat down where my feet were. "Sup Parker." I rolled my eyes and just put my feet on his lap. He didn't protest, just put his hands on my shins and rubbed small circles on it with his thumb, making me shiver.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked. He put a hand to his chest. "No, 'Hi' or 'Hello'?" He seems in a playful mood. I rolled my eyes. "Hi."


I shook my head and smiled. He was funny when he wanted to be. But he could also be a complete jerk. "So are you going to answer me or....?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Their over at Regina's packing up. Apparently since everyone was over there, they went ahead and talked it over. Will should back off for a while."

"That's good. And Why didn't I get to go? Ryder will let everyone over there except me." He shrugged. "I don't know. But don't worry, you have me To keep you company."

"Oh yay, I'm going to die today." I said sarcastically. He punched my knee. "Ow! That hurt!" I yelled, shooting into a sitting position and grabbing my knee. Zach just laughed. "Your a baby." I smirked and cocked my head. "I thought I was a loser?"

"That too." I shook my head. "Asshole."


I smiled and kicked him. He just laughed and stood, knocking my feet back onto the floor. "Come on." I moved and sat on the edge of the couch looking up at him. "What?"

"Come on." He said, motioning towards the door. I grabbed my Adidas high tops and slid them on, standing up and following him. "Where are we going?" I asked. He smirked and opened the door for me. Okay, he's acting weird. I turned around to tell him he was, and saw him staring at my butt.

Oh.... That's why he's opening doors for me now.

I punched his chest and he laughed, going through the door also. "Hey, at least I don't smack it or do what Austin does and drools over it." I squeezed my eyebrows together. "Austin?"

He nodded and got into his car. I got into the passenger side. "Can you not tell?" He asked, putting in the key and backing out. "Tell what?" He laughed and shook his head. "Your way more clueless than I thought, Parker." I shoved his shoulder. "Tell me!" I commanded. He kept laughing. "Austin likes you."

"What?" I asked. There's no way Austin likes me. He's just a friend. I can't see him anything more than that. That would just be.... Ew
No. "Well.... he doesn't 'like' you per say. But he has an attraction towards you." Okay that makes a little more since. I smirked and coked my head again. "Is it the same with you?"

He smirked and looked at me. "Yep."


"You brought me to a race?..... that doesn't even have any cars racing?" I asked. He laughed and drove through a gate, leading to the track. "Thats because we're the racers."

"What?" He smirked and stopped right behind a black Equus Bass 770. He got out and walked towards it. I immediately followed. "So.... Ryder thought it was time you needed a car.... and this one just seemed to fit you perfect so I told him I get this one. He was going I give it to you but with all the busy and Will shit going on-"

I ran up to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his torso. "Oh my god thank you! I love it so much!" I screamed. He laughed and wrapped this arms around me. "Thank your brother Parker, I just suggested this one." I pulled back and smiled up at him. "I still love it anyways."

I ran over to the car and jumped into the divers seat. The seats were a nice, black, cool leather. It smelt like a new car and I smiled, putting my hands on the wheel and getting the feeling of it.

"You can't really drive without the keys, dummy." I looked at the passenger side to see Zach getting in and throwing me the keys. I caught them. "What are you doing?" I asked. He scoffed and buckled his seatbelt. "You think I'm going to pass up the opportunity to ride in and Equus bass?" He shook his head. "Your crazy."

I laughed and put the key in the ignition. I heard the engine roar up and smiled, I changed gears and pressed down on the pedal. We sped off and I smiled, rolling down my window as we went around the track. I whooped and Zach laughed, sticking his head out the window and yelling also.

Driving a fast ass car like this.... was amazing. I was in charge and I could go as fast as I wished. I looked down to see how fat I was going.


I smiled and pressed down harder on the gas, making it shoot up to 110mph.

After around ten laps, Zach told me to stop by his car, so I slowed down to a stop. He got out of my new car and got into his own. "How about we make a bet. Two laps. If I win this race... you have to spend the night at my house." I rolled my eyes. "And if I win, you have to announce to the whole school that your gay." He smirked and winked.

"Your on, Parker."

We both drove off to an incredulous speed and I smirked, seeing as though I was just a tiny bit in front of him. He smirked and picked up his speed. I did also and then we were side by side again.

I pressed down as hard as I could on the gas and went way ahead of him, once I did, I drove my car right in front of his. We rounded a turn and he tried getting around me. I noticed by the mirror and drove in front of him. He just shook his head. Im so glad I could actually see through the windshield.

We went around another curve and since Zach had been right behind me, we were both towards the outside wall, so he slid in beside me and rolled down his passenger window. "Bye loser!" He yelled, speeding off to the finish line.

I sighed and came to a stop. I got out and leaned against my door, crossing my arms. He got out and waked over to me, smirking. He put one hand on my car behind me and leaned in close. "Looks like you'll be sped I g the night."

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