The Neighbors

By lindseyannhoude

1.8K 57 16

Aviary and Jennifer had just moved to a new flat in London, England and they were living a peaceful well if y... More

Moving to London
Thanks for the key
The Party
Texts and Proposals
Happy Birthday, Idiot
Pranks and Ambulance Trips
Careless Lovers
YouTube Filming and Cuddling
Bad News
We're Living In a House of Broken Souls
Dead but Alive
You Thought You Healed Didn't You?
Love Lost or Love Gained?
I Can Handle This
No Telling
Sibling Reunion
Fights and a Confession
Finally, You Understand.
Boundless Life

Oh, How Things Have Changed.

44 4 0
By lindseyannhoude

Aviary POV

"She's only been gone for three weeks. Are you sure it's not too soon?" I asked my fiancee Joe, who had insisted I call Jenni to come back to be my maid of honor. 

"Of course not, she's gonna need to be here for the actual wedding if she wants to do this. The wedding is in a week. You need to contact her now or never."  

"Alright. I'll call her." I said with a sigh, dialing her number in seconds. She picked up after two long rings. "Hey." I said calmly, hoping she wouldn't see through my act.

"Hey! How are you? Kian shh! I'm on the phone!" She giggled. 

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to come back and be my maid of honor." I asked timidly, trying to keep my cool. 

"Seriously? I would love to!" She said happily, I could hear her smile. 

"Awesome. You wouldn't mind coming back for me would you?" I cringed, hoping I didn't ruin everything.

She hesitated slightly "Of course. I need to go now. See you tomorrow. Don't tell anyone anything." She said sternly before she hung up. 

I'm gonna have my best friend back.

Jenni POV

"Kian! Kian stop!" I shouted, trying to move away from him put he had me pinned to the couch and was tickling my sides and stomach. I heard my phone ring and he stopped for me to answer but soon continued on. "Hey! How are you? Kian shh! I'm on the phone!" I squealed and he stopped long enough for me to hear her to ask me to be her maid of honor which I gladly accepted on the condition that I had to go back. "Of course. I need to go now. See you tomorrow. Don't tell anyone anything."  I said sternly before hanging up.

"What was that about?" Kian asked, laying next to me on my couch as Connor and Ricky sat on the couch opposite us. 

"I have to go back to England." I stated emotionlessly. 

"I thought it hurt too much to go back." Connor stated as I stood.

"It does." I said before leaving to go pack. 

"Okay, dress, shorts, t shirts, socks. . . Dan's jersey. Done" I listed off to myself before zipping up my bag and turning around to see Kian leaning against the door frame. "Oh, hey." I said, throwing my bag over my shoulder and setting my guitar case on the floor next to me.

"Do you really have to leave?" He asked, putting his arms around my waist causing me to gently grab his hands and set them back at his sides.

"Listen, I really care about you but I have no clue what's gonna be happening in London and I don't want to hurt you. This kills me." I said quietly as I let a tear fall down my face. 

"I should have told you how I felt about you, but it's too late now isn't it?" He asked, putting his hand on my cheek.

"I love you." I whispered before kissing him for the last time. I walked downstairs with him close behind and told the three of them what to do with my plants and things and gave them a key. "Thank you. See you guys in a while." I said before closing the door and walking to the airport.

I boarded my plane and started the longest flight of my life. 


"Here we go." I said to myself before setting my longboard down on the pavement and riding to my old flat. 

I reached it in a matter of five minutes and put on my hood so people wouldn't see my face in case I ran into anyone. They had installed an elevator and I got stuck in there with the one person I didn't want to see. Caspar.On the other hand, I could have some fun with this. 

"Hello dear, how have you been?" I asked, taking down my hood and shaking out my hair. Since I got back I had grown it out and dyed it black making my blue eyes pop I also had pierced my lip three times.His eyes widened and he just stared at me. I chuckled and set my long board against the side of the elevator. I noticed the elevator getting at my floor and right as the door opened I told him calmly "Next time I see you, I want to feel nothing." And I left riding my longboard which I'm pretty sure isn't aloud but I felt as though I could have done anything. I used my old key to get back in and saw Aviary, Joe, Dan and Phil on the couches, laughing and talking. "Guess who's back?" I yelled, causing all of them to turn their heads with stunned expressions. 

"Jenni!" Aviary squealed, running to give me a hug.

"Missed you." Joe said, giving me a hug after Aviary. 

"Amazing to see my beautiful sister again. I like that you've got the family hair color now." Phil said with a smile. I had been thinking of going back to my natural hair color in ages and jumped at the chance. 

I saw Dan standing a few feet away and I walked up to him and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. "Hello to you too." I whispered quickly, then turned back to Aviary. "Did Joseph over here move into my room or can I go back in?" 

She glanced at Joe, who had his arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder and gestured behind me. "Actually he did." I turned to see Caspar leaning against the door frame.

"Dan, Phil, do you guys have a spare room?" I asked, turning to them. 

"Of course." Phil said with a smile.

"Can we drop my stuff off? This stuff is killing me." I said with a smile. They nodded and I started to follow them out the door but stopped and whispered to Caspar, "I got what I wanted, I feel nothing."

Caspar POV

I had gotten into the elevator leading to my new flat, which was Jenni's old room in Aviary's and Joe's flat. A girl had walked in right before the door closed and I noticed how nice she looked in her skinny jeans and black sweatshirt.

"Hello dear, how have you been?" Jenni asked, taking down her hood and shaking out her hair. Her hair was at least six inches longer and black.My eyes widened all I could do was stare at her. Her blue eyes pierced into mine with every moment I spent looking into them.Her lip had three piercings on it and all I could think about is how they would feel on mine. She chuckled and set her longboard against the side of the elevator. I noticed the elevator getting at my floor and right as the door opened She told me calmly "Next time I see you, I want to feel nothing." and she set her longboard on the ground and rode away. 

My only thought was, Why can't I hate you?


I had been talking and trying to have fun with everyone but I was just going through the motions. It wasn't the same without Jenni here. Every day I fell more and more in love with her even though she was thousands of miles away. So, when I saw her again, all black attire, raven black hair, and lip piercings, my heart practically burst with all the love I had for her. After saying hello to everyone else she walked up to me, hugged me, and kissed my cheek. "Hello to you too." She whispered before turning back to Aviary to ask about her room and after finding out it now belonged to Caspar, asked us if we had a spare room, and I just nodded along with Phil like an idiot. I followed Phil out and I could have sworn I heard Jenni whisper to Caspar, "I got what I wanted, I feel nothing." She jogged to walk next to me and we didn't say anything as Phil unlocked the door and we walked in. 

"Ah, back again. I didn't know you guys had a spare room." She said happily, setting her bag down next to the couch.

"Oh, yeah. Uh, we actually don't. I have no idea why I said that." Phil stated.

"That's fine. I can sleep on the couch." She said with a smile. Oh, every day I keep falling more in love with that smile.

"No. You are not sleeping on the couch." I said, grabbing her bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

"What do you want me to do then?" She asked, standing.

"You can sleep in my room." I stated. Great job now you can say she's sleeping in your bedroom without you. Nice one Dan.

"Alright." She said, and as though she sensed my disorient at myself she grabbed her bag and whispered "You don't have to sleep on the couch." And she walked into my room and set her bag on my bed and her guitar by the piano before grabbing her camera out of her bag and setting it up on a tripod next to my piano. "I learned to sing. I hope you don't mind doing another collab." She said happily before leaving and tracing her finger over my shoulders as she walked past.


"Well someone has changed a bit eh Caspar?" I asked with a smile as I sat down on the couch opposite him. 

He sighed and put his head in his hands. "She is amazing. I didn't think she could get more beautiful."

I heard the crack of thunder outside and the patter of rain on the windowsill and sighed. "Caspar, I hate to say this to you but this one is on you."

The thunder boomed again and he walked to the window and put his hand on the glass. Without turning, he said quietly" You hear that? The rain is my tears, and the thunder is my heart breaking."

Aviary POV

"Joseph Love, what do you want the color scheme for the wedding to be?" I yelled from the other room. I had been looking at different colors for hours and still couldn't decide.

"Anything that goes with white." He responded, and I heard him chuckle a little. 

"Not helping!" I replied back, trying to be stern but I couldn't help but laugh. 

Jenni POV

"Night Phil!" Dan and I said in unison as Phil went to go to bed. "I think it's time for that collab. But first, can you listen to something I have been working on?" I asked as we headed for his room. 

"Alright, I'm ready to listen." Dan said happily as he sat down on his bed. I grabbed my guitar from it's case that I had to go back to the airport to get but I had finally gotten it back and I put the strap around my neck and started strumming

"True friends lie underneath,
The witty words I don't believe
I can't believe a dang thing they say anymore 

Lie! Lie! Liar!
Liar, you'll pay for your sins

Lie! Lie! Liar!
Liar, you'll pay for your sins

So tell me how does it feel,
How does it feel to be like you?
I think your mouth should be quiet
'Cause it never tells the truth now,
So tell me, so tell me why,
Why does it have to be this way?
Why can't things ever change?

I'm falling over and over again
From all the words that you have said
It's written on my heart for everyone to see

From the place I was, to the place I am, to the place I want to be
From the mountains I've been climbing over and under and over

So tell me how does it feel,
How does it feel to be like you?
I think your mouth should be quiet
'Cause it never tells the truth.
So tell me, so tell me why,
Why does it have to be this way?
Why can't things ever change?

So come down now, come down from your tower now
Come down now from your tower, oh

Come down, come down from your tower
Come down, come down, come down from your tower
Come down, come down from your tower
Come down, come down from your tower
Come down, come down from your tower
Come down, come down from your tower."

I looked up from the strings to see Dan had gotten his camera out and was recording me. I blushed and covered my face. "Hey! Don't film me, I look horrendous." 

"Please, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He said happily until a few seconds later he realized what he had said and his face turned bright red.

"You wanna play something I learned a little while ago?" I asked, moving towards the piano.

"Of course." He said with a smile as he sat into his piano chair.

"Alright, so this is how it goes." I said, guiding his hands along the piano, gently humming the tune. "Got it?"

"Got it." He said with a smile.

" Here goes nothing." I stared. 

"And you thought the lions were bad

Well they tried to kill my brothers
And for every king that died
Oh they would crown another
And it's harder than you think
Telling dreams from one another
And you thought the lions were bad
Well they tried to kill my brothers

And felled in the night
By the ones you think you love
They will come for you
And felled in the night
By the ones you think you love
They will come for you

Oh, to see what it means to be free
Of the shackles and the dreams
That you claim to see

And felled in the night
By the ones you think you love
They will come for you
And felled in the night
By the ones you think you love
They will come for you" I looked at him and smiled widely, happy to be back with him.

"You are amazing." He said quietly as we moved to stand next to his bed.

"I'm sorry I left." I whispered "I thought that if I went away long enough I would forget the reason why I left."


"I'm sorry I left." She whispered "I thought that if I went away I would forget the reason why I left." 

I shook my head and pulled her closer to me by putting my hand on the small of her back. I smiled and I kissed her. Because to me, she is the world and there is nothing more to see.

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