ADAAVAT - E - ISHQ - TejRan's...

Por santhiyasuresh

140K 17.6K 3.1K

" Nafrat hai mujhse apse " she scowled at him who was standing with a expressionless face. " Mujhe bhi " he... Más

1. Meet the families
2. Reporting to duty
3. Admist the dark
4. Encounter no. 1
5. Complicated love
6. Youuu shuttt up!
7. Fire between them
8. First kiss
9. Teju in trouble
10. Breaking news
11. Marriage?
12. Nanu's plan
13. Karan vs nanu
14. Tale begins
15 . Biwii hai meri
16. Keep it secret
17 . Who is Riya?
18. Storm hits hard
19. Tashan at peak
20. Dur raho Mujhse
21. Punishments
22. Deep scar
23. Utsav Maharashtra
24. Fun at theme park
25. Let me go
26. Nani is sick
27. Separation
28. Truth
29. Neetu's Agony
30. Aftermath
31. Surprise
32. Star gazing and confession
33. Birthday special
34. Mission Ooty
35. Do or die, but never give up
36. Back to Mumbai
37. Take me as you want
38. Love at cafe
39. Punjab mei aapko swagat
40. Narazgi chodo
41. Red as tomato
42 - Mystery death investigation
43. Karwachauth
44. Kushnazeeb
45. On field investigation
46. Morning sickness
47. Forensic reports
48. Justice
50. Happy moments
51. Engagement
52. Rain dance and scoldings
53. Haat ka rangg
54. You and me? no, its Us :)
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
New story update

49. Underarrest

2K 283 46
Por santhiyasuresh

Karan " what's your connection with Baldev "

Jake " Before you say I don't know, he don't know.. Remember we know entire thing and just spill the facts "

Kuldeep " we work for him "

Om " You work for him ? You own bar and he does something else.. How did you both know each other "

Kuldeep " We both meet through rajveer bhai. He is one of his friend and we came to know him in one party "

Vijender " One day, he called us and said he wanted to meet us and we also agreed. We three met and he told he is doing something and he wanted our support. He wanted our men to gather people to work in the industry and he wanted our influence to do this illegal things and in return he said he will share his profit with us "

Jake " Baldev is not the owner of that industry, who is the real owner "

Kuldeep and vijender looked at each other and Karan tapped the table.

Karan " We know it's rajveer singh.  Hum bewakoof nahi hai and we also know that it was not baldev plan but Rajveer who was the mastermind behind it "

They gulped and Jake pulled his pistol " One more lie, I wont hesitate to finish your lives and trust me, no one would know about your disappearance "

Kuldeep " Don't do anything to us "

Karan " then stop lying.. So it was rajveer behind everything, isn't it? "

They nodded slowly. 

Karan " How did he kill her and why did he kill her at first"

Kuldeep " voh..she.. She got to know about his secret in the tossa industry "

Karan " What's the secret about that industry "

Vijender " they.. They manufacture.. Heavy.. Metal... Which is used in explosives and export them to different parts of world "

Jake " what's the use of these heavy metals and whom u r exporting it to "

Kuldeep " it's used in Explosives and we said and one blast, the place will never bloom after that "

Karan " Like hiroshima nagasakhi? "

They nodded and everyone were shocked to hear that.

Om " Bloody bastards, you are planing to destroy the world "

Karan " how long this was happening?"

Kuldeep " 6 months "

Jake " Did you export this anywhere in this 6 months "

They nodded " To albania and kajiskistan "

Om " The wanted nations of FDI , The terrorist attack can be expected "

Karan grabbed their jaws " do u even know what is all this? You are helping terrorist organization and this is the undeniable crime. "

Kuldeep " we don't know for whom they r exporting it, our work is to do what they say, We support them with manpower and thats all.. We don't know about terrorist attack and all "

Karan left him and slammed the table again " Who killed Aishwarya" he asked stressing each and every word and they knew there is no escape.

Vijender " Rajveer bhai "

Jake " y did you said baldev name before "

Kuldeep " Bcoz we were instructed to tell him name if we get caught "

Om " We don't do interrogation without proof. The date where aishwarya was killed, baldev was in Albania as you said about the export things. He wasn't aware of this before.  And when he came back, he met you both after knowing what happened and you three had a tiff about it "

Vijender nodded " Yes, he didn't know about aishwarya before. She suspected everything and found the truth behind the industry. And one of her men saw her, she managed saying something and left the village.  When we followed her, we got to know that she was planing to submit all the reports to the medical council of India and the head ministry with a petition to ban the industry and punish all of us.  She reached medical council as well, but one of rajveer bhai men reported to us about this and we were instructed to kill her by him "

Shivam " How did you kill her "

Kuldeep " We... We kidnapped her when she was returning from her duty, she fought against us. We don't want to kill her by stabbing or something, we wanted the scene to be clean , so we kept her in our custody and waited for rajveer bhai "

Aishwarya was tied to the chair in the  dark room and one man entered wearing a tuxedo.  He splashed the cold water on her face and she woke up in a jerk.

Aishwarya " You bastard,leave me.. How dare u to kidnap me.. I wont leave you.. You fucking playing with human lives. Don't u feel ashamed " she spit on his face which made him agitated.

He pulled her hairs " How dare u to talk to me like this. What are you saying 'human lives ', y would I care about some human who will not be any benefit to me.  I want to own this world and this bio-metal poison will make me the emperor of this world.  But you won't be alive to see that.. So sad "

Aishwarya "  You will be never able to do that, I will destroy you.  My faith in God , he will punish you.. You bastard"

He growled and signalled his man to untie her, he dragged her and pushed her inside the radiation room..

She was exposed to heavy radiation which made her cells weak and she passed out immediately, they sprayed the chemical in her skin all over the body to mask the effect of the radiation  and throwed her body in the pond. 

Rajveer " she suicided bcoz of the stress in work and this is how the news should spread.  Police ka mei dheklunga "

Vijender "Baldev, should we tell him "

Rajveer " if he get to know, tell him you did that to save him, he should not know I did this "

Kuldeep " Yes bhai"

As expected police was asked to stay away from the case and everything went good for rajveer, but he doesn't know that aishwarya's faith in God will turn real. 

Om slapped vijender and kuldeep hard " You both are not meant to live.. What's her fault, what's her damn fault. She was trying to protect other people and you people destroyed her life and her..abhi maar deta hu"

He pulled his pistol but shivam was fast enough to grab him and karan signalled him to take him away. 

Karan " Your confession were recorded and don't try to change your statement infront of the majesty "
He said and walked to other room where Baldev was cuffed to seat. 

Baldev " What r u doing Karan, leave me.. I m Your chachu, you can't do this to me.. Leave me Karan "

Karan " Shame on you baldev, you r the biggest shame to the family. Don't ever try to play this family card on me Baldev, it won't take me a second to kill you now "

Jake held his arms and he walked to the other side of the room and Jake lead the investigation. 

Jake " Baldev, you were doing illegal things on the industry, you were manufacturing heavy metals for making explosive and trading it to terrorist organization ? all this is true?"

Baldev looked down, he knew that they knew everything already and this interrogation was just to record everything. 

Baldev " Yess.. But i don't know it was terrorist organization, I would have never agreed if i knew it.  I was asked to attend few meeting, I will go there and rajveer will handle everything in call.  My work is to just be a intermediate in everything "

Jake " How did you know rajveer "

Baldev looked at Karan who was standing with his back facing baldev
" After I got separated from my family, I couldnt do well in business.  One day ,I met Rajveer and he offered me partnership. He said he will make me the owner of his industry and I just need to follow his instructions. I was badly in need of money that time and I agreed instantly. I didn't know about anything before, all I did was sign wherever he asked me to and he give me heft of money for that.  One day, I planned to visit the industry and that's when i came to know what he doing behind that. I confronted him and asked him y he didn't tell me all this before, but he shut me up saying he was paying me to keep shut, if I open my mouth, he will kill me and my family.  He showed all the documents which is under my name and if anyone get to know about this secret , then I would be the one to be behind bars.  I got scared and I didn't know what to do.  I didn't want to go to jail or be in roads again.  I buried my humanity and worked for him. But trust me, I didn't know about this terrorist attack, I didn't kill that girl aishwarya.  I fought with kuldeep and vijender when I got to know about her, but they also said that it was to save me and the industry, I was badly stuck and I didn't know what to do. So I turned silent again "

Jake " If u r getting money from rajveer, then y did you asked the property from Karan, was it a plan to distract him from the case "

Baldev nodded " Yes, we thought family pressure and stuff will keep him distracted,  I visited him again and I even threatened him to spoil his life again, all this was just to distract him "

Karan " To hell with you and your explanation, you will be behind bars for the crime u did, you just didn't agree to Rajveer, you fucking spoiled and killed many in this.. "

Jake " Karan, calm down. We need some more details " he calmed him down and asked him to leave. 

Jake " Details of your meeting in albania "

Baldev looked at Jake " I don't know much, but " he shared the details where and when he met them and Jake recorded everything. 

He stood up to leave when baldev whispered " Kill me but don't tell my family about my darkest truth, they won't be able to bear it "

Jake fisted his hands" you should have thought this before doing the crime baldev, before being quiet on his doings, before being oblivious to everything that happened around you"

He left the place and the screen freezes with the three criminals thinking about their future. 


Karan on call " Yes sir, I need to meet the majesty as soon as possible, it's important

Yes sir, it would be fine..

Thank you so much,we will be there "

Karan to his team " We will report them infront of majesty, rajveer is a big personality and we need a arrest warrant before taking him in our custody and we have enough evidence against him  now "

Om " moreover it's not just a murder case sir, it's terrorism and he won't be able to escape "

Karan " Yes, you r right "

Jake " All the evidence are recorded and we have backup as well. All we need to do now is,  take them safely to the majesty "

Om " We will sir "

They all nodded and time skipped. They were on their way to the courtroom. 

Other side,

Rajveer was apprehensive, he could feel that something was not right.  He called kuldeep but it went unanswered and he was restless now.  He was about to tell his men to look for the duo but then received call from Kuldeep.

Kuldeep " Yes bhai "

Rajveer " where the hell are you kuldeep, y didn't u pick the call or call me before "

Kuldeep " sorry bhai, me and vijender are on our way back to city and some signal issues.. Isiliye "

Rajveer " okay, come and meet me today. What about baldev ? Did he asked anything again? "

Kuldeep " no bhai, he didn't and he won't. He will be the one to suffer then"

Rajveer " okay bye "

The call ended and rajveer heaves a sigh of relief. He checked the CCTV and everything was under control, but little did he knew that it was all controlled by one man. 

Back to squad,

Om " Yaar manoj.. Tu kamaal ka ladka hai, I swear , you r tech genius man "

Shivam " seriously, if u haven't changed the voice and talk to rajveer, he would get suspicious ,but u nailed it "

Karan nodded in acknowledgement and manoj chotu got shied and he didn't say anything.  He was making sure they don't mess with CCTV and calls. 

They reached the court room and everything went in a skip, they confessed everything and the team submitted all the forensic and toxicology reports and  with evidence thy collected from Aishwarya house and the village. 

They also showed the video proof of kashyap wife and the recording of confession by the three men. The majesty issues arrest warrant against Rajveer and he sentenced the other three for life time punishment to Dihar Jain for their crime against the nation. 

Majesty " I am issuing the arrest warrant against the accused no. 1 Rajveer Singh for the crime mentioned below., he was proved as a prime accused in the murder of Dr. Aishwarya Singh, who was killed few days before and declared as a anti national for his crime against the nation by trading heavy metals to the illegal organizations. The case will be proceed by the CBI and Mr. Karankundrra and his team will be with them. I will ask the ministry to inform the FDI about the terrorist attack "

Karan nodded as he recited the last sentence and he took the letter with determination, his team was happy to give justice to aishwarya. 

Karan shared the news with media and rajveer was shocked to see it on television, but before he could escape, the CBI entered his office and he was arrested.  He was sentenced to death.

The long day came to end and Karan hugged him team. 

Karan " I know you don't get the appreciation you deseve but boys, I am so proud of you and I want to do something with your permission "

Manoj " Sir? "

Karan gave them the mask and outfit he had for them, designed by teju. He wanted to give them after finishing the case and they wore the jacket, with their team name print

" Squad Invincible "

They wore the mask and Karan clicked their picture, he asked manoj to open a social media page with the name and they shared their first image in that, they made sure that none gets to know about the IP address of the page. 

He shared the first image of the team and wrote " Squad invincible on duty again #finallyjusticeforaishwarya"

The pic went viral as the media always wanted to know about the squad and first time seeing their appearance eventhoigh with mask, it really didn't matter and the netizens started appreciating them for doing incredible job. Some were confused and curious to know the faces behind the mask but it would never be revealed.

Jake " I hope it doesn't end in risk "

Karan " It won't.. Trust me "

They all smiles, some little part of them also yearned for this appreciation and today they were happy to know people do acknowledge their work.

They all reached their homes, kundrra mansion was quiet, they didn't expect this from baldev but he knows they will be fine soon. Sitesh hugged Karan, he was proud of him.

Sitesh " You proved you were the best always.. I am so proud of you champ "

Karan nodded and walked to his dadi,  she was quiet, she couldn't believe that her own child was behind such a crime.  Even though no one know the other three accused person, Karan informed his family about the truth through his father.. He doesn't want to hide things from them.

Karan " I m sorry dadi, I did my duty and "

Dadi nodded no " he deserve this and he is not my son anymore. He cannot be the son of this family, he is a disgrace and we don't want to talk about him "

Dadu " No one will utter his name or talk about him.  It's my final word "

They all nodded and retired to their room, teju hugged Karan knowing his inner turmoil.  He was quiet emotional,  even though he doesn't know, baldev was still his father figure and he was once fond of him in his childhood until he changed his behavior for money. 

Teju was there for him " Let it out sunny, don't keep it inside you.  I know you r not well, he don't deserve your tears in real, u know that right and I m so proud of you, you bought justice for Aishwarya, she would be at peace now atleast "

He hugged her back and the night was quiet after all..

Other side,

Om stood infront of the door where he least expected to be at this hour, he knock the door and the elder women opened it. 

" Aap " she was shocked to see the man who came with his daughters friend few days before. 

He gave the letter he had with him to the lady and she opened it to read . He left without saying anything and she cried holding the letter to her heart.

Maa, Papa, I don't know if u will ever find this letter or not.  Papa, you always say na, we should save people if they r in trouble and help them as much as we could. You always say no,i m born to save people and serve for nation. I m doing something to save this nation from some people and if I get succeed in that, I will be with you but if something happen to me, I will.. I may not see you anymore. I love you both so much, I am so blessed to be a daughter of both, darr toh lagta hai, m
Kahi kuch hojaye toh , but I can't be selfish na papa, you didn't raise me like that.  Don't cry for me if I m gone ,I will miss you both

Aapki Pari, Aishwarya "

" Aishwaryaaa betaa " she cried and he wiped his lone tear which came on his eyes hearing her scream. 

Him And teju found this letter from her safe box and he requested the team to give the letter to him. He wanted to give it to her parents, the letter was for them, he feel bad for the girl and his heart wrench seeing her parents tears, the one who don't have them, know the value to their tears and love. .

Jake was awake, waiting for om and when he entered the house , he immediately took him for a hug and the silence was enough to tell that they r there for each other.


Hiyaaaa, I hope you will like this chapter and please share your views on this story, I really want to know your inputs on this case and the investigation.

2more chapter to go...

I m ending this story soon bcoz I m not in a proper state of mind to progress the story, I don't want to make it boring or uninterested. It's already 49 parts and I guess the potential of the story had reached its saturation. Thank you so much for all the love and support


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