Caged By Him

By moonchild80

9.4M 215K 93.8K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 96

19.9K 537 121
By moonchild80

A few weeks later:

Tristan's POV:

"I've got eyes on them." Elijah says on the other end of the call as I nod to myself, tapping my finger against the wooden desk.

"Good." I sigh. "Let me know when it's done. Security's been disabled. You should be in an out in an hour. The jet's waiting for you. I sent the coordinates." I inform him.

"Got it, boss." He whispers before hanging up. I place my phone down and knit my brows. My part is done and all I can do is wait for confirmation that it's complete, that safety been assured.

I've been building up to this moment close to a year now and any missed detail would result in disaster. I have the most experience in this area so I spent every waking second working on the plan considering I won't be present.

This better be wrapped up and over with because my patience is wearing thin. I'm more than ready to put all of this behind me in order to focus on more pressing matters.

At that thought, my eyes drift over to the pictures of Aurora on my desk: One of her on our wedding day. Another on the yacht on our honeymoon in Greece. Then one where she is holding Eric up and smiling up at him. The last one was captured in the garden where she sits barefoot, visibly pregnant and surrounded by flowers with a faint smile on her lips as the sunlight emanating from behind her overwhelms her blue eyes.

I remember that day vividly. She was eight months pregnant with Eric and she'd been upset because of some comments some strangers made about her age: that she was too young to be pregnant. It had made her insecure and I found her sitting in the garden, keeping to herself.

The people who have made those comments have been tracked down and penalized accordingly just like anyone who upset her. I made sure of that and I couldn't care less about what their intentions were. They all suffered the same fate time after time.

I sigh to myself as my gaze lingers over her face. She's but a few feet away from me and I miss her. Though the feeling's much less severe compared to a few months back...


I sat at the bar after a long day of work. It's been precisely 198 days since I've been gone. By now, everyone thinks I'm six feet under. Namely my family.

I watch apathetically as the waiter pours my fourth glass of the night. As mundane as it sounds, alcohol became an outlet to drown my sorrows in.

"Hello." A feminine voice asks besides me as I knock back my glass of whiskey. The waiter immediately refills it. "Do you mind if I take a seat here?" She asks, attempting to sound seductive but failing miserably.

"Not interested." I reply, not even bothering to spare her a glance. She eventually scurries off to the middle aged man on the other end of the bar.

My wedding ring burns a hole in my pocket, serving as a reminder of my vows to her. I promised her on that day that I'd protect her and that's what I'm doing. That's what I'll keep doing as long as I live.

Nevertheless, I can't help but imagine the look on her face when she heard the news. I'm constantly haunted by the sound of her cries and the strong possibility that she's miserable and alone.

Some days, I miss her so much I want to burn the entire word and bridge the distance between us. The only glimmer of hope I have is the faint possibility of seeing her again.

Not to mention, my son is experiencing countless milestones without my presence. I'm not there to tuck him at night or watch over him. She's bearing that burden all on her own.

I lingered in the bar until I wasn't allowed any more drinks before I made it back to the room and passed out...

End of flashback.

A familiar whine pulls me out of my thoughts and I watch my son reach over for something on the desk as I tighten my grip on him.

"What is it, buddy?" I ask as he attempts to pull away. "You want the phone?" I question, grabbing it and handing it over to him. He tries his best to grip it in his small hands but ends up shaking it a few times and tossing it away.

"Dada." He cries, wriggling in my hold and gesturing over to the phone he just flung over the carpet. I sigh to myself and lean down. I grab it and place it in his lap then slump back on my chair.

That finally silences him and he quietly stares at the screen. He's been at it all morning. Waking me up at seven was one thing but I've been staring at my laptop all morning with nothing to show for my day.

I had to pull him away from Aurora so she can rest. She's had a horrible day yesterday: severe cramping to the point where she was crying and I had to rush her to the doctor. There was nothing wrong and eventually, her pain subsided and she fell into a deep slumber.

Evidently, this pregnancy is proving to be much more challenging than her last. It was hard to miss through the way she's been behaving. I'd done a decent job keeping up with her so far but I'm not complaining. It's clearly much more tiring for her to feel uncomfortable and in pain everyday.

My calls with Dr Chambers became a daily occurrence. I'd call whenever I have a question or a concern I need relief from. Moreover, it was the only way to put Aurora at ease. With our history, she gets worried easily and the least I can do is relieve her from it.

Speaking of which, it was time to check in on her. She should be awake by now and she normally stops by the office considering I've been working from home since I've gotten back. I pick Eric up and head towards our bedroom to find her laying in bed, looking over the window.

"Good morning." She smiles, propping herself up on the bed as we walk in.

"I didn't want to bother you but he wanted to see you." I tell her, placing Eric on the bed then kissing her forehead.

"Good morning, my love." She gasps with a huge smile when Eric crawls to her. She holds him against her and playfully kisses his face as he giggles. His hands grasp her cheeks, she places her nose against his and they both fall into laughter.

"How are you feeling?" I ask as she readjusts her hold on him and places him in her lap. I run my hand over her over the top of her hair, feeling her silky hair beneath my palm.

"I'm okay." She nods. "Just a bit tired." She adds, leaning back against the headboard. "Thank you for looking after me yesterday."

"Baby, it's my job to take care of you." I remind her. "Breakfast is ready for you and I have a business meeting to get through before Aylina and Isaac arrive." I inform her as I stare down at my phone.

"I didn't know they were coming today." She gives a faint smile, her brows raising.

"Neither did I but apparently, they wanted to see you." I reply, swiveling my watch around my wrist. "However, I can call it off if you're not up for it." I suggest and she shakes her head.

"It's fine. I can use the company." She shrugs and I nod in response. I wanted us to have the day to ourselves before my younger siblings disrupted it. I don't recall the last time they willingly wanted to spend time with me. But just like everyone she crosses paths with, they took a strong liking to her. She's much more likeable than I am. Her kindness is something couldn't replicate.

Isaac and Aylina were always loud and disruptive whereas Aurora's quiet and reserved. Yet despite the drastic disparities, she has the ability to effortlessly get along with everyone.

"I'll help you get dressed." I usher, grasping on her arms and lifting her up from the bed...

Aurora's POV:

"Girl, you have no idea how I've missed you." Aylina sighs, sipping her coffee. "You're the only person I can really vent to." I smile to myself as I place the bowl of fruit in front of Eric, who's strapped in his baby high chair in the kitchen.

"That's not true." I shyly reply, appreciating her comment. I thought all those months I spent alone would put a strain on my relationship with them. But here we were, just like old times, sitting around the kitchen island like nothing has happened.

"It is." Isaac chimes in. "Believe it or not, there are more interesting things to do than to listen to her piss and moan all day." He playfully teases as she pins him with a glare.

She turns back to me with a mischievous look. "Isaac cried once because he missed you." She blurts out and he shifts in his chair, startled. 

"I did not fucking cry." He snaps, sitting up from his chair. "I just missed the food." He nervously corrects, making me giggle.

That does not sound at all like Isaac. Although, he and I have grown close as time passed. He says I'm the only one who can get Tristan off his back when he gets 'unbearable'. And he's also become a brother to me.

"If it's just the food, I can rectify that." I reply, changing the subject and sparing him the embarrassment. "I'm clearly stuck with the wrong sister." He comments and we all burst into laughter.

They sat there, catching me up with their lives in details as I cooked. I had nothing to tell about the past eight months. I'd spent most of it in solitude with my son. In contrary, Isaac and Aylina's were highly eventful especially with how Tristan's 'passing' affected the family.

"Isaac." I hear Tristan's harsh voice and loud footsteps as he marches towards me. "What did I say?" He strides in with an angry face. "Stop asking her to cook for you."

"I'm not the one who said anything so technically, she's doing it out of sheer will." Isaac playfully replies, searching Tristan's face for a reaction. "You could learn a thing or two."

"It's okay." I smile when he scowls at Isaac. "I don't mind." I tell him as he walks me towards the chair to sit me down.

He softens his face and turns to me, his eyes roaming over my face. "You shouldn't be on your feet for that long. You heard what the doctor said about-" He starts but I'm quick to interrupt him.

"Tristan." I softly say his name. "I'll be fine, I promise." He latches on to me with a worried look and I shake my head at his stubbornness. I'm convinced he wants to encase me or chain me to him so he can keep a close eye on me at all times.

He eventually caves and nods, leaving us to resume his work upstairs. The following hours went by swiftly and already, Aylina and Isaac have gone home and I was alone with Eric again.

I pick him up from his chair and as soon as I do he leans his head into my neck, indicating he's tired. I take him upstairs, feeding him then putting him down for a nap.

I grab the monitor and knock the door to Tristan's office. "Come in." He answers, allowing me to peak inside. His large body is slumped on his desk, leaning back against his chair with his phone against his ear.

He tilts his head towards me then looks down at his lap. I do as he says and march over to sit on his lap as he always demands. His hand grip my upper thigh as he wraps his arm around me.

"Good job. Let me know when you land." He talks into the phone with a blank expression on his face before hanging up and turning to me.

His gaze softens as he places a soft kiss on my cheek and gives my thigh a gentle rub before turning his attention to the screen.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, curious as to who he was talking to. "That was Elijah." He states. "The mission's complete and everyone's safe." He confirms, smiling.

"That's incredible." I gasp, startled. "Congratulations." I grab his hand and intertwine it in mine. "I'm so proud of you." I admit in admiration. His commitment and perseverance to save complete strangers has been nothing short of inspiring. I had to let him know that.

He grabs my hand and kisses it. "Thank you, baby." He nods, tightening his grip on me.

I watch his handsome face turn to the side and he looks back towards his screen. "What are you doing?" I question, looking over to his laptop.

"I'm going over the list before I send it to our lead architect. Tell me if I'm missing anything." He informs me. So far, Tristan had kept me very involved with the planning process. He's constantly asking for my input and approval.

I didn't get to decide before. This mansion was a prepackaged gift from Tristan when we got engaged. I still cherish it but we agree on the fact that after everything that's happened, we're in dire need of a fresh start.

According to him, I can have anything I desire in the new mansion. Although, I'm still short on ideas. Tristan is much more acquainted with the lavish life than I am.

He walks me through the main parts which I help contribute for. I wanted to personalize the space outside so he granted me the liberty to select any additional. Since he bought the entire property, the pond down the forest was ours as well which meant the possibilities were endless.

He decided one of the rooms would be designated as a library he'd dedicated to me. Tailored towards my love for reading. We sat there brainstorming plans to present to our architect. From the pool, to the guest rooms, to the vast space outside. 

My only stipulation is that I wanted to decide what to do with the space outside. Aside from the pool, and the various sports amenities, I yearned to create the most beautiful enchanting garden imaginable. Somewhere I can escape to, and play with my babies. That thought makes me smile to myself.

My eyes glance over to the list that's written on his screen. "An elevator?" I read the words displayed. "What for?" I ask. The mansion he's building will be much more massive than this one, I just wasn't aware to what extent.

I turn to him and a devious smirk tugs on his features. "Consider it me being thoughtful." He starts. "I plan on getting you pregnant many more times after this one, baby. You'll need help moving around." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

Heat swarms my face and a familiar knot settles in my core. I clear my throat to eliminate the dryness and curtain my face with my hair.

How do I even reply to that?

"What about Eric's room?" I finally reply, trying to change the subject and conceal my embarrassment.

I look away from him as he grips my inner thigh with his large hand. "Let's talk about our room instead."

Oh, Lord.

"I have lots of plans for you there, my love." He seductively implies, his voice deepening to that tone that makes my knees buckle.

I'm convinced he's trying to torture me. I'm pregnant, sexually frustrated and my hormones are in disarray. To top it off, he can't make it go away like he usually does.

We found out during my last visit to the doctor that in order to lower the risk of triggering contractions, I have to refrain from penetrative sex until I deliver. I that sounded easier when she said it considering I only had six weeks left.

But I haven't felt so frustrated in my life. There was a moment several months ago when Tristan was gone where I repressed all of my sexual desires. Because I knew I wouldn't be having sex again. However, they were wide awake now and begging to be satiated.

And here he was, back with me, looking more handsome and gorgeous as he ever has and I can't even touch him or we'll both get carried away. 

"How does that sound to you, hm?" He whispers against me as he places a kiss on my cheek. I simply pant in response, failing to muster up any logical sentence.

His index finger moves to turn my face towards him. Our eyes meet and lock for a moment before he trails down to look at my parted lips. Without any hesitation, his lips land on mine in a sensual kiss. Not harsh. But gentler with passion so intense I forget my name.

He was the first to pull away, grabbing my hand that's on his chest. "Fuck. Baby, we can't." He growls under his breath, his jaw tensing.

"Why?" I pant, my eyes roaming over his face. I can see how reluctant he is. The vein on his temple is pulsing and his breathing is unsteady. He's never turned me down before but I know it's just because he's afraid he'll be too rough on me. He usually is and I've never had complaints.

"Because if we do, I won't be able to hold back." He admits. "And I don't want to hurt you." He tells me, his other hand tightening around the leather on the chair.

Tristan's never been a rule follower. In fact, his stubbornness leads him to do the exact opposite of what he's told. But I know that he wouldn't want to do anything that'll harm me or the baby.

I need him to have sex with me. I don't care if it's not allowed. I'm too frustrated to care at this point. My body is just begging for a release only he can give me.

"Please." I whine. "I need you." I whisper against him as I trace kisses along his jawline. I feel him tense beneath me and before I can react, he grabs my face and kisses me harshly.

He did not need any convincing. I moan into the kiss before easing in and immersing myself in the way he tastes, the way his big hands are cupping my face.

He inches down lower and marks my neck as I pant, my hands exploring his chest. I push myself against him, desperate for more of his touch.

I'm doing this on purpose. I can tell he's on the fence, on the brink of pulling away again and I can't let that happen. I know his weak spot from the things we've done so far.

I'm also well aware that I'm in no position to attempt to be seductive or entice him. I'm far from being desirable at the moment with how fat and swollen I am. But I've gone past caring at this point. Any rational thought I have has been clouded by pure lust.

I move away from his lips and nip at his ear, my hands gripping his broad shoulders. "Mhm." I moan against him. "You smell so nice." I whisper, placing a kiss against his jaw and drowning myself in his masculine scent.

"Fuck it." He sighs, picking me up from the chair with ease. I gasp as he tightens his grip on me and walks me towards our bedroom where he places me on the bed and towers over me.

Well, that was quick.

"Take off your clothes." He commands, clasping his arms behind his back and looking down on me. I frown in confusion, realization dawning on me. "But-"

"There are other ways I can make you cum, baby." He clarifies and my core clenches. "Get undressed. Now."

Tristan's POV:

"Lie down on your back." I order as I circle the bed where she sits, breathless, naked and so ready for me.

She swallows before doing as told and lying down on her back, propping the pillow behind her. "There we go." I praise.

I take off my watch and place it on the bedside table as I keep my eyes on her. I slowly roll up the sleeves to my shirt and fold them to reveal my forearms.

Moving over to her, I balance myself on top of her with two of my hands placed on each side of her face. I lean down and kiss her reddened lips.

I hold myself up with one hand while the other reaches down between her thighs. I groan when I find out she's wet for me. "Does this sweet little pussy miss being touched, hm?" I tauntingly ask, trying to see her reaction. She simply moans in response.

"Tell me." I order, my thumb playing against her swollen clit. She's so on edge that it's making me want to tease her just to see how much she'll beg me. Although, that can't be good for her. She's not in the position for me to do what I want. This is about what she wants.

"Y-Yes." She gasps. "God, yes." She strains out, her body writhing on the bed. "Please." She pants breathlessly, trembling beneath my hold.

"Please what?" I ask, my voice deep and gravelly. "You want to come, hm?"

She nods frantically, her glossy blue eyes staring up at me with lust and she takes her lower lip between her teeth.


If she thinks she's turned on, then she hasn't felt how hard I am for her. I've never gone this far without fucking her. And just the sight of her laying there begging me to tongue fuck her is enough to make me lose control.

I've always found her sexier when she's pregnant.

I dip my head down and trail my lips against her hard nipples, grazing them slightly before I reach between her thighs. I pull her legs off the bed and over my shoulders, kissing her inner thighs.

I look up and she's got her head thrown back, her chest is rising up and down and her lower lip is between her teeth.

I look away and focus on her pussy that's glistening with wetness in front of me. I take her clit between my lips and suck on it gently as she cries out. Her soft voice going straight to my cock that's bulging against my zipper.

I don't stop. I lick her folds, lapping up her arousal as I circle her clit with my thumb. I'm addicted to the way she tastes and it's been eight months since I've had my fix.

"Fuck. I can eat this pussy all day." I groan, my tongue moving up her slit in slow, leasurely licks before it plunges inside her tight hole.

She flinches and her back moves away but I clasp my arms around her thighs, rendering her. "Oh God." She pants. "I-I can't, I-." She stutters, barely able to speak as I flick my tongue against her clit and moving my middle finger to stroke her wet hole.

"There we go." I smirk, feeling her clench against my finger. "That feels good, doesn't it?"

Since I can't force my cock into her tight little wet mess and pound her into oblivion, this will have to do for now.

She grinds against my face, trying her best to reach a release that only I can provide. That thought makes me smirk against her pussy before I give a long swirl of my tongue and pulling away.

"No-" She whines, tightening her legs around me and locking my head in. I place a kiss on her pussy then circle my tongue against her clit, sucking and swirling till I feel her body tensing and tightening.

She cries out, her hands fisting the sheets. Her legs shake uncontrollably but I hold her down and continue eating her out till she cums all over my face. I lap it up as much as I can before dropping her shaking legs down and standing up.

"Are you okay?" I ask, moving her slick hair from her face. She nods, her weary eyes meeting mine. "Feeling better?" I ask and she nods with satisfaction, smiling against the pillow. "Thank you fo..." She slurs, yawning as her eyes struggle to stay open. I smile to myself as I reach over and place her properly on the bed, sliding her nightgown and underwear on then pushing the covers on top of her.

I observe her as she gets comfortable and quickly falls asleep, worn out, before I retreat from the room and head towards the shower...

Hey guys. I hope you're doing well <3

So I know I disappear a lot but just know that I'll always be back. And anyways, the story is pretty much finished (for real this time). I just want to publish some extra chapters before it's completed.

Also, I've noticed that Wattpad wants to take away PMs and I'm absolutely heartbroken 😭😭 I love talking to everyone who messages me there and I have so many memories with you guys.

There is a petition that one of my lovely readers posted on my wall earlier today so make sure to sign it. Other than that, I'll try to create a social media account where you guys can message me privately and I can talk to you :)

Lots of love xoxo

Published: April 27th 2024.

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