His White Rose {Tamaki Suoh x...

By daisluvsyou

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A slow-burn romance fanfic in where: The new student of Ouran Academy, (Y/N), finds out about the infamous Ho... More

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By daisluvsyou

"I'm home," (Y/N) tiredly said as she walked through the door to her house. To avoid suspicion from Ryuk, the girl had been dropped off by the limo everybody was in a few minutes before they arrived at her house.

"Hey!" Carla greeted with a smile. It seemed she'd just come from the kitchen, as she was holding a rather large box of cookies.

The pair walked to (Y/N)'s room, happily sharing the cookies between themselves. "How was the Open Day for you guys at the Host Club?" (Y/N) asked, curious to see what Carla would say.

The red head took a bite from the crumbling treat and giggled. "It was good... we had some pretty weird people in today though," she said, shaking her head happily with a laugh as she remembered some of the customers that day. "Oh yeah - the group left early, so the club had to end early. I didn't go though, they said they were going to some girl's school..?" she added, wracking her brains for the school's name.

"Lobelia?" (Y/N) smirked as she asked the question, watching her best friend's face flash a very confused look.

Swallowing the cookie, Carla sceptically said her next words. "Yeah... how'd you know that?" 

The girl looked around, checking for nearby people. She realised they were currently passing Ryuk's room, so decided to keep her mouth shut for a little longer... just until they got to her room. "Lucky guess," she shrugged with an airy chuckle.


(Y/N)'s bedroom shut and almost immediately, (Y/N) spilled the truth. "I knew they were at Lobelia! I was at Lobelia with them!" she hurriedly said, a large smile plastered on her usually neutral face. 

That, for one, was not something Carla was expecting. "What?" she asked, struggling to not choke on her food from the pure shock of the news. 

"Yeah... I-"

"You spoke to them again? How did it go? God, I wish I came now... that would've been so fun to see you!" she interrupted, questions flowing out of her mouth faster than she wanted them too.

(Y/N) gave a hearty laugh. "So many questions, Carls!"

"Well, answer them!" she practically yelled, dashing to the bed - their usual gossip spot.

"Well, I was basically kidnapped by some girls from Lobelia who called themselves the 'Zuka Club'," she began, making her way to the bed where Carla was eagerly awaiting her.

"The Zuka Club! The Hosts sometimes mention them. They're very... interested in women, right?"

The girl let out a massive laugh, "You wouldn't even know, my friend."

"Is it that bad?" she asked through a grimace, cringing internally as she watched (Y/N) nod.

"So anyway, they made me play the lead in their play but, when it came to the performance, the people on lighting pointed spotlights on the Host Club in the audience! Then, this is the weirdest part, Benibara, the girl playing the love interest, said she'd kiss me in front of Tamaki and before I knew it, we were being lifted up on a platform! She made advances on me and I managed to escape thankfully, well, until the last attempt she made to kiss me. She knocked me off the platform! So I was plummeting toward the ground but-"

"TAMAKI CAUGHT YOU!" screamed Carla, kicking her feet around and giggling at the blonde's actions to save her best friend.

"YES!" (Y/N) yelled back, matching the highly enthusiastic tone Carla held in her sentence before.

"That's so dreamyyyy," Carla whined, burying her face in one of (Y/N)'s plushies.

(Y/N) nodded, a little blush coming to her cheeks. "I know, I know..." she trailed off, a little embarrassed how flustered she was getting over what had already happened. "But, on the car ride home, Kyoya put my head on Tamaki's shoulder, too! He woke me up, which was really sweet, and he offered to walk me home, but I said no because of Ryuk."

"Poor Tamaki," Carla said, her lip jutted out in a pout, obviously just messing around and joking, earning a laugh from (Y/N).

"I know, poor him not being able to spend more time with me," she agreed, following the joking manner Carla used. "But, on my way home, it got me thinking. Seeing him again, him being there for me even though I hadn't been there for him... it made me feel weird. Then I realised I had butterflies..."

"I knew you'd never get over him!" Carla excitedly said, snapping her fingers as if she was proving a point to herself. "Honestly, I'm so glad," she smiled a smile of relief. "You guys are literally what I think about like 70% of the time," she sheepishly admitted, averting her eyes and grinning a little.

"Weirdo," joked (Y/N). "Why do you think about us?"

Carla rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. "Oh, come on! It's soooo obvious you both like each other. I think about what it'll be like when you guys finally confess."

(Y/N) scoffed, "That won't happen."

Just then, a smirk appeared on Carla's lips. A playful smirk, a mischievous smirk. "But..." she started, her smirk cracking into an even larger and more sly one. "Ryuk's out of town next week, right?"


"There you go, then, there's when you'll confess!" she beamed widely and proudly at her matchmaking skills. Cupid was no longer the archer - she was.

At the mention of there actually being a possibility to confess, or at least talk to Tamaki, (Y/N)'s heart dropped. "But... I don't want to confess, Carla. I have Ryuk," she mused sadly, her body language becoming more closed off and upset.

"He's a dick, (Y/N)!" she exclaimed, a little too loudly. For a while, she looked at (Y/N), trying to figure out what to say since her last comment had been a bust. "Look," she eventually said, calmer and more sensible than before. "Tamaki is an amazing friend to you. Confessing isn't something you have to do, but I'd strongly advise to at least meet up with him so you can talk it all out."

The girl remained quiet for a bit. "Yeah, you're right," she nodded, gaining the confidence to look upright again. "He's great... and he needs to hear what's been going on. It's only fair." A huge grin appeared on Carla's cheery face, lighting up (Y/N)'s own face. "How should we do this then?"

"A flash mob?" she joked, causing the girl to eyeroll. "I'm not really sure. Oh, I know! Let's ask Yuri!" With that, Carla snatched her phone from her back pyjama pocket and began dialling Yuri's number. A few short rings later, Yuri answered. "Yuri!" sung Carla happily. "(Y/N)'s gonna confess! She's finally going to do it! Minor setback: we can't figure out how..." she smiled awkwardly.

From the other side of the phone, Yuri began to list a whole bunch of ways the girl could reveal her crush on Tamaki. One idea that particularly caught (Y/N)'s attention was the suggestion of writing a letter. 

"Thanks Yuri, bye bye!" said Carla with a smile, hanging up the phone. "A letter, huh?" she asked, nudging her friend and causing her cheeks to shoot bright red.

"I- I don't think I want it to explain things on the letter, I think I'll give it to him as more of an invitation... does that make sense? Like, I'll invite him here and we can chat," she explained curiously.

"It does! In fact, that sounds perfect." 

The two girls leapt up from the bed, scouring the room for pens, highlighters, colours, washi-tape and all other art supplies. If they were making an invite, they'd go all out. "Here!" hummed a satisfied (Y/N), who'd dropped the many craft supplied from her arms onto her bed.

"Score!" Carla smiled, punching the air in celebration. "This will be the coolest invite ever!" she yelled, jumping up and down excitedly on the spot.

It wasn't much longer until they'd constructed the final piece. Surprisingly, when it came to writing the invite, it took no time at all for (Y/N) to write everything down, probably because she'd been wanting to say everything for ages, but her subconscious mind had just locked the words away.

"Can you give this to him at the club tomorrow? Tell him it's from me, obviously," asked (Y/N), holding up the pretty, tea-stained and slightly crumpled letter, which had been decorated with a white rose from (Y/N)'s Host Club section of her garden. Inside, the message was simple, sweet yet intriguing, something that'd for sure make Tamaki want to visit. Furthermore, the promise of Ryuk's absence would make the visit all the more enticing.

Carla nodded, "You bet!" she smiled, carefully taking the delicate card and putting it neatly in her school bag. She yawned, stretching hugely. "I'm pretty tired, see you tomorrow! Goodnight."

"Night!" called (Y/N) back merrily, watching her friend exit her room. 

A mixture of butterflies and nerves floated around her stomach in anticipation for the next day, where Tamaki, the guy she'd been crushing on for eternity, would finally receive the key to (Y/N)'s heart. It was up to him whether he wanted to use the key and open her heart, or if he wanted to throw the key away, keeping (Y/N)'s heart caged forever.


"Hi Tamaki," smiled Carla, sliding up to the blonde once he was free of customers.

He smiled, "Hey! What's up?" he asked. As Carla slid the fragile letter slowly toward the boy, his eyes locked on and his hand reached out to grab it. "For me? From... you?" the boy asked, a little confused as to why Carla would be giving him a letter.

"For you, from (Y/N)," she finalized with a nod.

Instantly, the boy's cheeks flushed red. "(Y/N)?" he repeated, fidgeting with the edges of the pretty paper. "W- Well, thank you," he nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. It was clear he was flustered despite his futile efforts to make it seem the opposite.

As the boy's hands trembled closer to the seal of the letter, one thought was racing around in his mind: 'This is from (Y/N)!'

Gently, he pulled apart the white wax seal. As he unfolded the letter, tension and suspense lingering passionately in the air, creating a heavy and overwhelming feeling for the boy, his heartbeat quickened. His eyes darted from one side of the paper to the other, nervous to read what had been written on the letter. 

With a sharp inhale, Tamaki opened the letter.

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