Requiem - Michaeng [ENG]

Autorstwa Luuh493

8.7K 490 47

Myoui Mina is a multi-millionaire heiress who, after being pushed out of her life against her will for an ent... Więcej

Back For Good PT.1
Back For Good PT.2
Happy misfortunes
Looks Can Be Deceiving
In Good Company
Safe Harbor
A Night To Remember
Slow Steps
Love Countdown PT.1
Love Countdown PT.2
Hate you, Chaeyoung
Good News
Damn, You're Beautiful
Different Realities
Best Of Three
Maybe It's Love
Starting Something New
Use Your Imagination
All Of Me
Here Comes Trouble
Yesterday's fears
The Little Big Things PT.1
Special Chaeyoung PT.1
Special Chaeyoung Pt.2
Special Chaeyoung Pt.3
The Next Morning
The Little Big Things PT.2
Shock Treatment
The Purpose
You Don't Know Me
Old Days PT.1
Old Days PT.2
A Reason to Live
True Me
Love Is A Battlefield
No More Drama
The Peace That I Find
Strike One


133 8 0
Autorstwa Luuh493

The class was about to end and I found myself sitting in front of the piano strumming some song while waiting for my girlfriend. Three voices were echoing through the auditorium at the moment: Chaeyoung's, another student's and Wooyoung's. Yes, he is here, I had forgotten that they have classes together, but that's beside the point now. The moment that rough hair crossed the door, my mood changed drastically and Chaeyoung noticed.

At the beginning of the class I really let myself go, even though I complained about having to act as a monitor, I found myself incredibly willing to do my best for them. Mrs. Young made everything even more interesting when she decided to play a game and separated the class into two teams: Son and Myoui. It was really funny how happy some people were to be with us, Chaeyoung proved to be quite influential among the students. Who could have imagined, my girlfriend is popular.

But then Wooyoung arrived and the smile disappeared from my face. He insisted on going to Chaeyoung's team and she noticed my discomfort, her eyes were always attentive to mine, begging for patience from afar, and her lips curved into somewhat reassuring smiles. She was worried, but as angry as I was, I didn't want to ruin her fun too.

My problem wasn't her, I trusted Chaeyoung blindly. I know that sometimes people can misunderstand the cute way she always tries to treat everyone, but this was something I had to learn to deal with, as I had fallen in love with it myself. My real problem was the words he said to me the time we met at the bathroom, it made my head feel like hell every time we met and an immense desire to make him swallow each one of them took over me. I finished playing the song and without realizing it, I hit the bass keys with unnecessary force, drawing everyone's attention.

- Sorry - I said with a disconcerted smile and took a quick look at the trio in the audience area. Chaeyoung didn't seem to understand and I didn't feel like explaining.

- I don't remember there being such a drastic ending to this song – Mrs. Young surprised me by sitting next to me on the small bench.

- You know how I like more intensity than normal - I shrugged, lowering my gaze towards the keys again. I could see, from the corner of my eye, her face directed towards mine and completely still. - What? - I looked at her, giving up and seeing a smile appear simultaneously on our faces.

- You're in love, I've waited a long time for this day - my smile grew even wider with the surprise of her words.

- Did you wait? And how do you know I'm in love?

- Well, the two romantic songs told me a lot. And when they told me that Myoui Mina had declared herself to a girl from above the stage, I was very intrigued and started watching you in the corridors.

- Were you stalking me, Mrs. Young? - I joked, turning my body towards her and she laughed softly.

- I was curious! - she laughed again - And when I saw that your love interest is Chaeyoung, I was even happier. She's a great girl.

Her gaze changed direction and I did the same, throwing my head to the opposite side to observe my girlfriend. Chaeyoung was trying to encourage that student to be more open, throughout the class she remained quiet and silent, only answering if the question was directed at her. It was beautiful to see her concern for others and her determination to help.

- She was always very special. – Mrs. Young said almost in a sigh. - When I saw her for the first time, before the accident, she was alone, clutching tightly to her notebooks and looking down. I remember seeing her as a challenge and wondering if she would find it in my class.

- You love the problematic ones - I joked with a smile on the corner of my lips.

- What can I do? - She smiled winking at me. I myself was a target of her love - But she was still in the first semester, so we didn't meet much. That's when the accident happened, at the end of the year, and shocked everyone. The teachers spoke very highly of her, including her voice. No one knew for sure what happened, until this year she crossed the doors again and her eyes were covered with a huge white bandage, which surrounded her entire head. She was accompanied by her friend, I had seen them together a few times before, but nothing compared to how often I saw them now. Both were always together and, to my delight, attended my class. That's when I started to get closer. Chaeyoung was even quieter than before, this time for a plausible reason. Some students started teasing her in the corridors, making up jokes... It's disappointing to see these attitudes.

- She told me that - I interrupted her, gaining her attention, which previously seemed lost in the air that surrounded us - But I didn't know it was so serious.

- Well, since you started hanging out together I haven't seen it happen. I think you're good company for her. - I smiled at the realization. It was always nice to hear from other people that I wasn't as bad for her as I thought I was. - Anyway, I encouraged her in every way to talk, lose her fear of the people around her and finally I started to see changes. In the end, she just needed a little push, just like you.

Our eyes met. Her amusement against mine's astonishment, how could she compare my torment to Chaeyoung's purity?

- Let's not get into this conversation, please - I pleaded and she placed her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

- Today I am a proud lady, you are the granddaughters I never had. When Chaeyoung showed up here without those bandages, I don't even know how to explain how happy she made me feel.

My heart sank when I heard that. Her words sounded so... Painful, as if such a reality had been imposed as impossible upon her dreams regarding a family. I glanced at her surreptitiously, watching her stare at the piano keys but not actually doing so. Did she lose a child? Did she even have one?

- What are you whispering about there? - Chaeyoung surprised both of us, stopping next to me with an amused look.

- I was inviting you to sing at the hospital for the children - my mouth closed at the same moment it opened and I turned to face the lady, who was already standing next to me.

- You what? - I frowned trying to process the information.

- Yes, actually inviting you two. It's so beautiful to see you singing, I bet I won't be the only one who thinks that.

- But...

- Sure! - Chaeyoung ran over me, throwing her arms over my shoulders. I raised my head and she smiled at me, with that damn look in her eyes – Come on, love! - she said and immediately covered her mouth, the cracking of her skin indicating too much force.

Before I could understand anything, Mrs. Young burst out laughing and made her way to her table in the corner of the stage.

- Don't worry, I already know that you are a couple, Mina told me everything. - I squinted my eyes without understanding, already feeling Chaeyoung's gaze burning over my head. "I didn't say anything", I gestured silently to her, hearing another laugh from the teacher - You two are so cute together, I support it.

Chaeyoung blushed immediately, but as much as I loved admiring her embarrassed expression for something that involved me, I remembered that I needed to hurry to be at Sana's house.

- Okay, stop the awkward moment - I kissed Chaeyoung's hand before sneaking out of her reach and standing up - What day do you want us at the hospital?

- Can you go tomorrow?

- No - Chaeyoung said when I was about to say yes - I promised Haerin that we would spend the afternoon together. - She bit her lip and I nodded, looking back at the teacher.

- Sunday? - I looked at Chaeyoung again and she nodded.

- Sunday then! - I threw my backpack over my shoulders.

- After lunch! - the teacher smiled.

- Chaeyoung? - the three of us turned to look at the door, where Wooyoung had half of his body exposed and a smile on his face - Can you explain that thing to me again? Quickly!

- Wooyoung, I don't-

- Go. - Mrs. Young said, almost shooing Chaeyoung out of the room - Mina will help me take this pile of papers to the car.

I slowly moved my gaze from the old woman beside me with a hint of irritation to Chaeyoung, who seemed more confused than usual. I rolled my eyes and went to pick up the paper packets on the table. I don't know what Mrs. Young's intentions are, but she was definitely playing games with me. She loved them after all. I heard the door slam and Chaeyoung was no longer there, I snorted loudly and glared at the teacher, who was looking at me with a smile on her face.

- I'm glad you're having fun with all this - I hugged the packages to my chest and followed her towards the door.

- Don't be jealous of him, he helped her a lot after the accident. He's a very good boy.

- Why don't you date him then? - I snorted again making her laugh even more.

- I think he's not ready for so much experience. But that body tho...

I punched the door, opening it and took a deep breath, giving way to her, who was visibly holding back yet another laugh.

- Could you please stop this?

- I didn't know you were so jealous.

- It's not jealousy, okay?! I just don't like him and Chaeyoung defending him is enough for me.

- Why don't you like him? - She looked at me intrigued.

- Just because. - I snorted.

- Whatever you know, if you want Chaeyoung to think like you, you have to give her the opportunity to know too. There's no point in getting mad just waiting for her to guess.

We crossed the entire campus until we reached the teachers' parking lot and that words never left my mind. I wanted to be mad at her, but Mrs. Young had a point. I would really need to tell Chaeyoung what happened, and only then be angry or happy with what she would do after that.

- I don't like your teaching methods – I broke the silence looking at her through the window of her car.

- Rest assured that life doesn't teach you better - she winked at me and left, leaving me standing there with a smile on my face.

The way back home was silent. I needed to drop Chaeyoung off at her house first, since she would be Dahyun's distraction until it was time for the party. Then I would pick up Momo and my clothes and then we would go to Sana's house. My head wouldn't stop spinning.

- Are you angry? - Chaeyoung asked, lowering the radio's volume almost to zero. I had my left arm resting on the door and my head rested on my hand, while the other remained fixed on the steering wheel.

- No, why? - I glanced towards her, but then quickly looked back at the traffic in front of me. I wasn't mad, in fact, I had already forgotten Wooyoung, but the headache remained.

- Because you look angry. I didn't want to leave, but Mrs. Young asked and I thought-

- What did he want with you? - I interrupted her. My voice was so calm that I surprised myself.

- He was going to take a test after lunch and I was teaching him about the history of classical music.

- I loved this subject... - I sighed. A silence settled in the car. I took my head off the support of my hand and looked at Chaeyoung who was watching me with some curiosity - What?

- Aren't you really mad?

- It's not a lack of will, believe me. – I straightened my body in the seat as I drove the car into the lane in front of your hotel.

- Have I ever told you that you are the best girlfriend in the world? – Chaeyoung leaned over me, holding my face with one of her hands to give me a very long peck.

- No, because you're a terrible girlfriend - I joked, still with my eyes closed, feeling a smile forming on her lips. I love when she does that.

- Am I? - her teeth scratched my lip lightly, her hot breath and the taste of her words making me shiver - I promise that tonight I will redeem myself with you.

- And how do you intend to do that? - I whispered provocatively, but she moved away, making me open my eyes.

- Secret. - Chaeyoung unlocked the door and got out of the car, blowing me an air kiss before disappearing inside the building.

I honked my horn at Peter, one of the doormen who was waving at me, and now I set off on my way home. I picked up Momo on the sidewalk of the building and we ended up changing route, something had gone wrong and the two of us were now responsible for buying the drinks and snacks. I stopped at the first little store I found and didn't stop myself from hiding my discomfort at being in that place, doing exactly the one thing I was fighting with all my might to avoid.

It was like teasing a hungry dog with a piece of steak just above his snout and hoping he doesn't bite it. Thank God Momo left me in charge of the snacks and went to get the drinks alone. It's not like I was an alcoholic and couldn't stand even the smell of alcohol, but it was really difficult to contain all those feelings that came to my mind because of it at a moment like that.

It didn't take long and we were already at Sana's house running from one place to the other to take care of everything. It wouldn't be the party of the year, but something close. We were determined to do our best and I was counting on the presence of some - many - people, as my invitation was not something very private.

Night fell and we were ready to start. I decided to dress to kill, Chaeyoung implied to do something more tonight and I couldn't stay behind. I was all in black leather. Skin-tight leather pants, boots and a buttoned, sleeveless vest, revealing a red top with a type of scales covering it, which shined more than anything else.

I remained reclining on the kitchen counter exchanging messages with Chaeyoung when an uproar broke out in the living room. I looked back only to see a crowd of teenagers crossing the door amidst shouting and banging, and a desperate Sana asking me for help.

“I need to go help Sana. Let me know when you arrive! <3”

- Hey! – I put my phone in my pocket and shouted, already climbing the first two steps of the stairs and attracting the attention of everyone there.

- Mina! - someone called.

- Mina! Mina! Mina!

It soon became a chorus and everyone was shouting my name. I was confused and happy in the same intensity. The feeling of admiration they still gave me was undeniably good, even if it wasn't for the right reasons.

- Guys, everyone in the backyard area. If you happen to enter the house, be careful and don't climb those stairs! If I catch something broken here I swear I'll hunt it down one by one until I find the person responsible. And if I find anyone even looking up there for too long, I'll throw them out. Understood?

It was a mix of screams and complaints as they headed towards the house's backyard.

- Thank you – Sana sighed, coming towards me - Now I'm rethinking whether it was a good idea to have this party here.

- Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. - I threw my arm around her shoulders and sent her my happiest smile.

We turned on the sound and went to the kitchen to help Momo prepare the drinks. After a while of drinking everything, I started to enjoy preparing my own exotic drinks and I didn't see much difficulty in doing so. I know I shouldn't get too close, but neither of them knew how to mix water with sugar, let alone alcohol with juice. We weren't alone for long, every now and then a group of people would come in to get their own cocktails or refill the jelly shots table. I would just fill my belly with water until I felt my pocket shake. It was Chaeyoung.

“We’re already on the court, get everyone ready!!!”

- Guys! The birthday girl is arriving, everyone gets down until the lights come on and I want the happiest scream of your life. - Momo practically ordered. - When you see her, shout remembering that there is alcohol only  because of her.

I heard the sound of an engine approaching and signaled everyone to hide. I ran into the house, turning off some lights, and positioning myself next to the backyard switch.

I was so nervously excited that I had to remind myself that I was holding my breath to keep from choking to death. Sana welcomed the girls and the murmurs of their conversations got closer and closer, until Dahyun's silhouette appeared in the doorway. I turned on the switch seeing a huge mass rise up and shout the most excited "Happy Birthday" I've ever seen as fireworks rose to the skies surprising even me. I don't remember us agreeing on that.

- Oh my God, you are ridiculous! No way! - Dahyun shouted once we were all gathered together. - I suspected it, but I never thought it would actually happen.

- Happy birthday, Dubu! - Momo joked with a smile on her face, jumping in for a hug that soon became a group hug and then we were all hugging each other, laughing.

- Who are all these people? Are them from college?

- Thank Mina for that, she made the invitation a truly irresistible announcement. - Chaeyoung said, coming towards me and holding her body to mine in a side hug - You look sexy. - she whispered in my ear before kissing my face.

- So it was you? Everyone in my class was talking about the ad on the college radio and the damn paper they were holding in their hands... Urgh! I couldn't decipher it.

I shrugged with a cocky smile and we engaged in a fun conversation while Dahyun greeted some classmates who were present.

- Mina! - A boy in my class, I think Sam was his name, shouted at me, holding up a tray - They ran out of jelly shots.

I called him with a gesture and released Chaeyoung, receiving her questioning look.

- I'll be right back, love, I'll prepare more in the kitchen.

- I'll go with you - we exchanged a smile and entered the crowd, hand in hand. I took my place behind the counter, getting everything I needed and Chaeyoung remained on the other side watching every movement.

- Even without looking at you, I can feel you eating me with your eyes - I wiped my hands, sending her a smile before pouring the liquid mixture into the small molds.

- You're frustrating - she sighed, making me laugh.

- Am I frustrating? Could you explain better?

- You are beautiful, popular, rich, you have personality and you know how to dress. I can't compete and I don't particularly like losing.

I looked up at her in a questioning and at the same time amused way. Chaeyoung looked me up and down, and it took a while for her to find my face.

- Who said anything about competing? You easily beat me in every other aspect.

- But you know how to do absolutely everything! And you look good on anything you wear... - She looked at me with real indignation, so it was almost impossible to wipe the smile off my face.

- And who said it's different with you?

- Please, you don't have to flatter me so much. If I wore sweatpants and a baggy top without doing my hair, I would look like a street kid.

- The most beautiful street kid I've ever seen - I gave her my best smile.

- I love it when you smile like that. Your eyes are almost in a line and your gums showing is so cute.

- Then I'll make sure I never do it again - Chaeyoung muttered a very long and sly no, as I put the jelly molds in the fridge and took out the ones that were already there.

- How do you do this? - Chaeyoung approached, looking at the small colorful molds.

- Basically the jar of gelatin, that little bag of powder, and a lot of vodka.

- Is it strong?

- Don't even try. - I cut, already knowing the purpose of all these questions. From the corner of my eye, I could see her watching me with a face like a puppy who had fallen over from moving.

- Minari...

- You won't prove it.

- But they are so cute...

I sighed loudly, finishing assembling the cups and putting my hands under the cold tap water.

- So are poisonous snakes.

Chaeyoung tilted her head to the side, she seemed to really try to understand me, when in fact I had said something stupid. I smiled at her innocence and gave her a peck as I dried my hands.

- You know you don't have to give up drinking completely.

- What do you mean? - I glanced at her, opening the refrigerator door and carrying the two forms inside carefully - Are you encouraging me to be an alcoholic again?

- No? Just saying that you can drink something from time to time. Needing to control yourself all the time around something like this seems to affect you more.

I closed the fridge, turning on my feet to look at her and validate the truth of her words. Did Chaeyoung want me to drink again? Had she perhaps forgotten the result of such a thing in Korea?

- That's not even remotely a good idea - I sighed, moving towards her and placing myself between her legs, my hands flat on the cold counter.

- Maybe not. Or maybe it could be. Running away from your fears is not the best way to overcome them.

She looked at me so intensely that even the last hair on my body stood on end with the weight of her words. I know she was worried and that she only wanted the best for me, but that subject was not so welcome to me, much less open to discussion in that way.

When I was in the mental institute I suffered in an unimaginable way, due to withdrawal. There were days when I just looked for a way to take my own life, because that desire slowly consuming me inside was simply unbearable. It hurt me just remembering, but despite the insane and totally foul methods of that place, within a year I found myself free from any of those desires. I myself changed my way of thinking and, excluding the anger towards my father, today I am not half as dark as I used to be.

- Why are you insisting on this so much? You don't even drink - I threw my hand through my hair, combing it to one side. The words came out a little harsher than I wanted and my eyes immediately returned to the curious brown one in front of me.

- I know, but... - she sighed, running her hand over her face - You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't insist so much.

I took a deep breath and placed my hands on her thighs, slowly rubbing them up and down.

- Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that I still don't know how to deal with these matters well. It's like an open wound, the slightest touch makes me react like this - I pursed my lips in a crooked smile and she tried hard to return the gesture.

- So you're sensitive, huh? - She said after a short break, the sentence sounded full of fun and provocation, making me truly laugh and look down at her mouth.

- Using this tone to change the atmosphere between us is generally my role, isn't it? - I leaned closer to her body, sliding my hands behind it.

- It's part of today, I have something special for you - her lip slid into her mouth, coming back slightly moistened and making me lose some of the little sense I had left. As I leaned towards her, Chaeyoung bent her body backwards, eventually making it impossible for me to reach her.

- Don't tease me. - I looked into her eyes firmly.

- What happens if I don't obey? - one of my eyebrows rose at the presumption of her words and she seemed to like it.

- You don't really want to know - I said in a low voice.

- Tell me - I ran my vision over her entire face before focusing on her mouth, which was now completely close to mine, it was then that from the corner of my eye I saw a familiar silhouette pass through the door and cut off all my concentration.

- I'm going to punish you - I whispered, placing my lips over hers and quickly moving away, leaving her disconcerted.

I then ran to the door and threw myself at the blonde who I hadn't seen in a while.

- Appearing out of nowhere as always, Myoui - he squeezed me in his arms, taking my feet off the ground completely.

- Where have you been, Yeonjun? I haven't seen you in a thousand years - I slapped his arm and he let me go, laughing.

- I had to travel for work. In fact it was more of a gig. A friend asked me to help him with a renovation and it ended up being too quick so I couldn't say goodbye. Look on the bright side, now we're even!

I laughed, rolling my eyes and noticed that Chaeyoung was looking at us from afar with a strange expression. I smiled at her, but I wasn't welcomed.

- Who's that? - I raised my right hand without even taking my eyes off her, I was trying to get an answer through her gaze. - Are you... Are you dating?

- Yes, but I think she's irritated for some reason. - I felt the cold touch on my hand and finally turned to look at him. My ring in the focus of his attention.

- Let me guess, this was your idea? It looks very expensive.

- Yes! But you won't guess the best part: it was my father's idea and he paid for both rings.

- What?!

I pulled Yeonjun by the hand towards the backyard, I needed to update him on absolutely everything in my life and the calm atmosphere there would be more appreciated rather than the noise in the living room. We sat on a lounger near the pool and I dumped everything that had happened so far on him. Yeonjun was a great listener, and that's one of the reasons I loved having him around so much. Between laughter and surprised looks, he was now rubbing his hair, looking at me in disbelief at my father's super change.

- Of everything you told me, this is the hardest to swallow. Akira being nice to you? I swear I need to see it in person.

- Even I couldn't believe it, but he's really convincing me that he's changed. Which is good, I kind of missed it.

- I already knew that, it was only you who pretended not to know that all that anger was needy - he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his chest and I chuckled. I was so childish around him. It was a kind of loving freedom that I loved.

- I wouldn't use the word needy... - I raised my face to look at him, but for the first time I felt strange doing so. His eyes were on mine in such an intense way, they sparkled and gave a sigh of admiration that reminded me of myself when I watched Chaeyoung.

- Love..?

Suddenly the world around me became present again. Chaeyoung was standing in front of us looking at me with some indignation. I swallowed hard, breaking away from Yeonjun. I knew that tone and she didn't seem happy at all, but inside I laughed at finally seeing her jealous.

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