The Justice Wolf

By TheSarahB

244 47 1

The story of Alpha Enzo and Sophia Justice as they overcome an unfathomable amount of betrayal. It's a st... More

Welcome Home
V Card
Playing House
Coming to terms
Hook, Line and Sinker
Loose ends
Room mate
Justice HQ
Honey im home
Wakeup call
Moving in
Opening up
The cabin
Dont do it
Cant keep her
A Luna that belongs
The best news
Laying ghosts to rest
Two become four
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

A dream come true

8 1 0
By TheSarahB

Enzo - present day - Royal Crest pack

I woke from my slumber with an hour to spare before our guests start to arrive.  I stretch my aching limbs and sit up yawning.  I don't remember ever feeling tired like this?.  I suspect it's got something to do with me being alone and not gaining the strength I would from being a mated pair. 

No matter what I thought it always came back to that.  I think back to 5 years ago when something inside me tugged and dissipated and the reason my mother thinks my mate has passed away.

I've scoured every pack on this planet and came up empty.  I thought that the goddess may have made a mistake and my mate was in Solar but I've visited the surrounding packs of my Uncles Kingdom and nothing pulled at me their either. 

The only place I have ever felt an Aiken of anything that could be classed as peace for me and Reme is spending time in my uncles kingdom.  But of course I have duties here now so I can't keep gallivanting to the Solar. 

I reminisce over the the magical forest that Reme loves to run in, seeing and running with the grey wolves which we both love so much.   I had never seen a grey wolf until I visited my uncle's kingdom and theres hundreds their all in one place.

Shaking those fond memories away, I walk to the shower turning it on until I see steam rising from the huge cubicle.  I strip and stand under the hot rainfall and try my best to wash away today's bitter thoughts. 

My mind was becoming a void for depressing thoughts and self doubt. Am I good enough? I always wanted to be the best Alpha the realm has seen, certainly here on earth anyway.  I always feel like I'm falling short on that by not giving our pack the Luna they so desperately want and deserve.

Once dry, I moisturise my body much to Reme's dismay, "got to keep in tip top condition for our mate" I tell him and he snorts in return.   I dress in slacks and a form fitting tailored button down.  I style my hair in the mirror and sigh when I see my tired face staring back at me. I used to be happy with my appearance but I cant help the self loathing staring back at me.

With one last glance I straighten my back and make my way down to the Hall for dinner.

"Alpha?" your father's in the library if you want to join him for a drink?", my head Omega informs me.  "Thanks Con I'll head that way" I reply cheerily grateful for something strong to settle my nerves.

Upon opening the library door my father is facing the fire with his back to me holding a glass of Scotch.  Care to join me son?  He says without turning my way. I oblige and pour another tumbler from the wet bar. 

"You seem distracted Dad, everything ok?"  "Just reminiscing son", "we've had some good times in this pack house have we not?" 

I smile and take a sip of scotch.  "Just remember we all love you", he says sadly.  I nudge him with my shoulder, "I know that, you sentimental old fool", bringing a smile to his lips.  I guess my mother is upsetting him again with her incessant worry over my lack of a mate.

Before I can say or think anything else the doorbell rings and that's our cue to drink up. 

"Not so fast" my father says.  "Your uncle is joining us here for a drink first, "whilst your mother greets the other guests".  I smile at that, it'll be good to spend some time together before we get going with the formalities.  On that thought my mother knocks on the door "surprise" she says before ushering the King in to the Library and closing the door. 

"Harry" my father shouts before embracing his brother.  "Leon" it's so good to see you the king says hugging him back just as tight.  I feel slightly jealous of the bond they share as siblings but as if sensing me my uncle opens the gap "get in here my boy" and so I do, Reme wagging his tail in the presence of his king an uncle sharing a hug. 

I pour my uncle a few fingers in a tumbler and we move to sit by the fire to catch up.  "What's it been 2 years?, my father says.  "Too long" my uncle says sighing. 

Are you any closer to finding the Warlock my father asks?.  With that my uncles face drops.  "No and I don't think we will be for some time now".  "Why?" my father and I ask at the same time. 

My uncle Harry takes a deep breath and gives us a run down on the events of the last couple of years.  "And you see, I said goodbye to them today" that's why I decided to come for a visit, he says. 

He's talking about the Justice twins.  The very same unobtainable half of the duet that I have crushed on since seeing her that one time all that time ago. They are legendary in our world because of him.  He often tells us of their talents. They've solved more crimes than any other protector in history and I relish in any snippets I hear about them.

Reme sends me an image of the she wolf. She's still like some mythical Angel, with blonde, almost white hair, beautiful tan skin and a body like a wet dream. I wonder if we have built her up over the years to be this beautiful and appealing or if she is in fact this lovely. She's the only she wolf that Remi is happy to project images of which has always baffled me. There was no bond when I sat near her that day.

My father clears his throat bringing me back to the now and away from thoughts of the girl that I fantasies about.  As if I would be blessed with someone like her even giving me the time of day.

"Yes" my wolf and I are extremely sad that they've left the Kingdom" my uncle says.  Sword has claimed them as family, he says and my father and I spit our scotch back in to our glasses in surprise. 

"How can that be?" My father asks.  "Hell if I know" he says.  "You know after visiting her quarters, I had to ask if you had masterminded her living arrangements he says to me.  "How so" I ask confused.  "She had conjured up a near replica to your quarters in the Kingdom he says. 

How odd I think to myself before another feeling of giddiness washes over me at the thought of her feeling relaxed in the same style of den as I do.  My father wiggles his brows, she may be it son.  It would explain why you haven't felt the bond whilst hers is Hybernated during her duties.  "You like the same decor", he adds, to which I laugh. 

My uncle looks like he may have seen a ghost, "it would explain why my wolf see's her as family too" he says looking excited at the prospect. 

Suddenly I start to feel hopeful and for the first time in forever the bond within my chest tugs.  "I smile when I tell them both what happened, "see, my father says, I've got a great feeling about this. 

I never thought about her bond. I wouldn't have felt anything, of course I wouldn't have. But then the self doubt comes back at me. That would be like a human getting together with their a list celebrity crush. It just doesn't happen. I can't even bring myself to think that I would be blessed enough to have her. It's ridiculous.

With renewed energy my uncle clasps my shoulders "this revelation could change everything my boy". Reme spins around in my mind chasing his tail in excitement as my cheeks heat in embarrassment at their assumptions. I think I would die if she could hear this conversion right now. What a laugh she would have at my expense.

We leave the library and head towards my mother and the guests in the great hall but now that I have just the slightest possibility of a mate I can't help the spring in my step, I feel like a changed man even if it is make believe.

The aura in the room is bearable due to the happiness radiating off of the three of us Alpha's and in turn the pack are at ease.  I worried for them earlier in the day, having the king of our species sat in their dining hall is not an easy feat.

"Let me introduce you to some of my ranks" the king says, so I follow him along politely. I meet several acquaintances of the twins, so I fish for any snippets of information on my possible dream mate.  I hear endless stories of the intelligence displayed by them and I mostly feel intimidated. She's somehow just been raised another level on my already towering pedestal.

A few minutes later the bell goes off asking us to sit at the table for the banquet my mother has arranged. I walk to my seat at the Head of the table with my father and the king sat either side of me and my beta and mother sat to the side of them.

The Kings men sit further down the long table and all the other pack members sit on circular tables in front of us.  Just as I am admiring the efforts my mother has gone too to make this place look so beautiful a sweep of jet black hair rounds the Hall doorway.

Something lures me to follow that head of Black hair but I shake it off "Reme do you feel anything?" He lifts his head from his nap and yawns" I guess not then. 

We get through the first and second course and the conversation, food and wine has been entertaining to say the least and just as desert is being brought to the table I see that luring black hair again. 

Something keeps nudging me to go and find the owner of said hair but again Reme is settled so I know it can't be my mate.  Black hair is something I have never considered her having. My fantasies have always involved light coloured hair when any thought of my mate spring to mind. It's what I've always been attracted to. Odd, very odd. 

"Mother, please thank the kitchen staff, I'm so proud, "it was like dining in a Michelin restaurant tonight" I tell her and my father and the king nod in agreement.  "If you will excuse me for a moment while I nip to the rest room" I say winking at my guests.

I make my way out of the Hall remembering the Black haired female, and as I round the corner she is stood with her back to me talking to the King's beta.  He nod's at me and turns to leave and then it's just the two of us. 

For a moment I stand still behind her.  She isn't what I would deem as attractive.  Nearly 6 foot tall with a masculine figure. But my feet move on their own accord forcing me to approach her like a thread pulling me in.

When i reach her, everything turns to slow motion as she turns around and although I try to prevent it, something will's me to look at her in the eyes.  

My eyes start on her lower legs and continue slowly rising over her body.  I reach her thighs, and my automatic thought is again manly, her torso, manly too, and up to her breasts, Non existent I note to myself.

I'm a breast man, a massive fan since seeing the blonde Angels huge rack. Disappointment flows over me for some reason. Then my eyes move to her shoulders, chin, nose and there's still nothing remarkable about her at all.

I finally pluck the courage to stare head on and when I do our worlds collide and boy am I blown away. 

She is suddenly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  I am ashamed that not two moments prior, I thought the exact opposite. 

Reme is now howling in my head and at the same time we both repeat the word I have been waiting 10 years to say "mate".

At that moment the bond kicks in to place and I feel threads tying myself to this beauty, and then the most amazing drool worthy scent hits me, blackberry and Bay.  Her scent is much like the human perfume, artificial.  Odd, but I'm wired to love it non the less. 

After what feels like an eternity staring in to each others eyes, her cheeks redden and Reme purs in satisfaction.  "Hi" she says, and at the sound of her voice my appendage goes hard and Remi is yelling at me to mate her.  

I try to compose myself and rain my wolf in but my knees feel week and I am unable to voice a coherent word. 

Somehow I pluck up the courage to grab her hand and lead her to the library. 

I hoped the sparks coming from our joined hands would be like nothing I've ever felt but it's more like a tingling sensation then full blown sparks. 

She looks down at our entwined hands "feels amazing doesn't it?" I nod thinking that perhaps i'm defected in some way hardly feeling them at all but I try and show her how happy I am with a giant smile.

Once we reach the door to the library I pull her to me and do the one thing I've been waiting 10 years for.  May I kiss you?  Again she blushes but nods eagerly waiting for me to make a move. 

I kiss her with everything I have, she is soft, tastes like blackberries and surprisingly fits me perfectly given her giant stature.

We are moaning and grinding against each other within seconds and before I know it she's straddling my waist and rubbing herself on my cock over and over again. 

I'm holding her up against the wall when she goes to undo my slacks and I'm not going to stop this for anything. I've waited too damn long for this. 

Suddenly, the library door opens and my mother comes strolling in "son?" She says eyeing us both. 

My sexy little mate looks embarrassed and pissed off at the same time so she snuggles in to my side.

"What's your name Beautiful?" "Cara", "my names Cara", "Alpha", she says in the sweetest voice I'd ever heard. 

I bristle at my Luna calling me Alpha.  It's Enzo, always Enzo for you my love, at my admission she gives me the dreamiest look I have ever seen. 

"Mum this is Cara my mate" I say with pride evident in my voice.  It's then that I see a strange look cross her face almost like a cringe but she rights herself before I hear her screeching in excitement "son is it true?  Is this your mate?" "Yes, "yes it is, I say back just as excited as she is. 

My mother approaches us both and grabs Cara for a big hug, she then comes to me and does the same.  "I'm so happy I could burst for you" she says.  "I'll leave you both to some privacy for a few" she says before closing the door again. 

"Cara" I say soothingly, "my sweet Cara", "are you from the Kings pack"?  "I am" she says sweetly.  "I'm part of the Kings personal warrior guard". 

My heart fills with pride for my strong mate.

"Can I hold you for a few moments?" I ask.  She nods with so much enthusiasm I chuckle.  I grab her waist and she puts her arms around my shoulders.

Deciding I need more, I hike her up so she is straddling me and she melts in to my body perfectly.  She weighs quite a bit but nothing I can't handle so we stay that way for a while, she probably thinks I'm strange just wanting to hold her but I have waited so long for this feeling that I just want to soak it up for a few minutes more. 

I kiss her again when she looks up at me, softer this time, like we have all the time in the world.  I can smell her arousal now and Reme is once again begging me to mate and mark her. 

Before things get out of hand I pop her back on the ground.  I want to discuss mating and marking before making assumptions and force her hand. 

"Can I introduce you to my pack Luna"?  At hearing this from my voice her eyes go wide and a shit eating grin appears on her face.  I guess my little mate likes the sound of her being Luna.  "I would be honoured Enzo" she says and the sound of her saying my name sends a shiver down my spine. 

We walk hand in hand back to the Hall and I catch her again on the way for another chaste kiss.  I can't keep my hands off Cara, its like a lust fuelled bomb has clouded my brain. "Are you ready?" I ask her and she nods excitedly. 

We walk in to the Hall hand in hand.  Everyone looks up at us in anticipation as I announce "Mother, Father, my King and pack, may I introduce you to Cara my mate and the long awaited Luna of the Royal Crest Pack".

The room erupts in to cheers and claps and I could not have been happier. My eyes roam around the room, seeing the joy reflected in my packs eyes but when I reach my uncle and father, their eyes tell a different story, confusion or anger maybe?

They both jostle from their thoughts and reluctantly raise their hands to join the rest of my pack in clapping and sharing the joy for their Alpha and Luna. "Luna" how long have I waited to say those words I thought to myself looking at my shy mate and hoping that she felt loved and welcomed by everyone.

As I make my way to the head of the table Cara heads back to her warrior post, "not so fast my beautiful mate", "I can't let you go tonight, sit with me please?" She smiles brightly and I watch as an adorable pink tinges her cheeks.

I sit Cara on my lap and boy is that a mistake, I am about to explode out of my slacks as she wriggles her bottom against me.

My mate is a little minx I figure and its going to be a long torturous night.

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