His White Rose {Tamaki Suoh x...

By daisluvsyou

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A slow-burn romance fanfic in where: The new student of Ouran Academy, (Y/N), finds out about the infamous Ho... More

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By daisluvsyou

Play the video and enjoy! Preferably read the lyrics alongside the voice ^_^

Lightly, Tamaki's fingers pressed on the delicate piano keys. Obeying, the grand piano in his house sung a saddening yet beautiful tune - 'Let You Break My Heart Again' by Laufey.

As the tune progressed, and the lyrics were soon to come, Tamaki sorrowfully recalled the beautiful girl the song he was covering was aimed at. (Y/N).

With a shaky breath, Tamaki sung out the first verse.

Feeling kind of sick tonight
all I've had is coffee and leftover pie
it's no wonder why.
Still, you take up all my mind.
I don't even think that you care like I do,
I should stop
heaven knows I've tried.

The boy smiled as he sung, playing perfectly on the ivory keys of the piano. He had one person in mind and one person only: (Y/N). His mind flourished with happy memories that left a bittersweet taste on his tongue. He was thrilled to have shared those moments with her, yet devastated he could never share any more with her.

One day, I will stop falling in love with you.
Some day, someone will like me
like I like you.
Until then, I'll drink my coffee,
eat my pie, pretend that we are
then, of course, I'll let you
break my heart

Despite what Tamaki had been told - that (Y/N) didn't like Ryuk - he couldn't believe it for a moment. The blonde constantly compared himself to the brunette, realising he had nothing like Ryuk did. He wasn't serious nor was he money driven - he cared for his friends, family and guests at his club the most, he was nothing like Ryuk, so certainly not cut out to be (Y/N)'s.

The troubled boy went to sing the second verse but was cut off by on of his maids. "Tamaki, as beautiful as your music is, you need to get ready for school," she sweetly reminded.

"Of course," he said, removing his fingers from the keys. He looked up, his blonde locks covering his butterfly-inducing eyes, and gave his maid his signature charming smile. "I shall be ready soon," he politely informed as the maid scurried away.

Sometimes, he was thankful he had such long and fluffy hair, as it hid his eyes. Of course, it was no good for business, but it was good to conceal tears. As he wiped his damp eyes, he swiped away any sad memory of (Y/N), deciding to put on his positive and optimistic demeanour.

The boy checked his watch. 6:45AM read the time - Tamaki knew it was (Y/N)'s favourite time, when everything was so peaceful as the sun slowly rose. He smiled, letting his mind wonder about what his dearest (Y/N) could be up to.


(Y/N) checked her clock. 6:45AM read the time - it was her favourite time, the time when everything was so peaceful as the sun slowly rose. She remembered telling Tamaki her favourite time was dawn... She smiled, letting her mind wonder about what her dearest Tamaki could be up to.

Steadily, a hauntingly beautiful melody filled the music room of (Y/N)'s house. The piece was called, 'Isabella's lullaby' and featured in an anime (Y/N) enjoyed. The soft tune fled the violin and waltzed around the room drearily. Interestingly, since the girl's ban on seeing her friends, more of her violin pieces featured sad elements; furthermore, Yuri, who'd been (Y/N)'s main friend at school since the ban, had introduced the girl to gothic literature, as well as more novels and poems featuring dark topics. She felt darkness reflected how she was feeling - without the Host Club and Tamaki... the girl was lost.

(Y/N) carefully placed the bow back on its stand along with the violin once complete with practicing for the day. She gazed out of the window in silence, melancholily observing the garden below. A white rose caught her eye, reminding (Y/N) of the boy whom she liked so dearly. "Tamaki," she sighed out almost inaudibly, slowly rubbing her arms; a show of affection Tamaki used to practice on her. With a frown, she looked at the rest of the flowers, which she noticed had begun to wilt - each rose planted to represent the Hosts... dying. She tried her best to keep composed, it was an upsetting sight for her.

"I thought I'd find you in here," said Carla from the doorway, slowly making her way toward the girl. (Y/N) and Carla were obviously still friends, but Carla had begun to notice a significant difference in her friend's attitude, which had made her less inclined to be friends with (Y/N). The girl was no longer excited for school, no longer smiley and no longer had any personality of her own - she was Ryuk's. He controlled her like a puppeteer would a puppet - something Carla despised.

"Hi, Carls," (Y/N) blandly said, back faced toward the girl. The grey winter clouds seemed to illuminate (Y/N) from the darkness and shadows that surrounded her. Quickly, she wiped her eyes, making sure when Carla saw her there'd be no tears.

(Y/N) felt Carla's hand on her shoulder. "It's school time," said the redhead maid sweetly.

The girl nodded, "Okay," she said glumly. "I'll be down in a bit."

"No, I believe you need to come now." Carla's hand tightened its grip, alarming (Y/N). Scepticism rose within the girl as she tried to read her maid's expression: scarily neutral. As far as (Y/N) was aware, Carla had taken over for (Y/N) in the Host Club by playing the cello instead, and because of this, (Y/N) wasn't sure the 'important thing' in question was actually a plan to make her meet the Hosts again.

"Fine," snapped (Y/N). For the first time, (Y/N) felt annoyance toward Carla. As she made her way to the car, she berated herself for being so rude to her best friend. She wanted to apologise, but couldn't find the courage to as Carla was giving her the silent treatment. It was only now (Y/N) realised how much Ryuk had corrupted her - she'd never get annoyed with Carla, like, ever. Still, she knew worse things would happen if she disobeyed him.


Taking her seat next to Yuri, (Y/N) pulled out her textbook. A quick glance to the side revealed Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru and Carla gloomily looking in (Y/N)'s direction, causing the girl to panic. Her eyes darted away as her body heated from the nervousness her old friends sparked within her.

When the boys had bailed Carla from prison, Tamaki had also pleaded with his father (the Chairman of Ouran) to give Carla a place at the school on scholarship. Luckily, he obliged and shortly after, Carla began going to school with them. It was great for the Hosts, but not for (Y/N) who couldn't bear to even stand near the Host Club.

The bell rung and students filed out the doorways from their classrooms, including (Y/N) and Yuri. "Would you like to come to the library with me today?" Yuri asked politely, fiddling with a strand of her gorgeous purple hair.

(Y/N) nodded in response. "Of course," she started, "I need to use the restroom first, though. I'll see you there?"

The girls parted in the hallway, Yuri making her way to the library and (Y/N) making hers to the bathrooms. Pulling open the door to the bathrooms, (Y/N) was met with a hoard of girls. She sighed, bracing herself for what was to come. Ever since she'd quit the Host Club, many girls had begun to bully her; rumours  had been circulating (Y/N) was kicked out of the club because she tried to flirt with the Hosts, while others speculated there was a failed romance between one of the Hosts and (Y/N), causing her to quit out of embarrassment. The Ouran girls had never liked her, but now (Y/N) was out of the Host Club, they could make fun of her without worrying they'd get kicked out of the club themselves.

Trudging to an empty stall, (Y/N) did her best to ignore the foul words being shouted at her. The noisy group of many girls hadn't subsided once (Y/N) left her stall, meaning they had something planned.

The girl had barely any time to leave her cubicle before a rabid girl had grabbed her by the shirt collar and pinned her to a wall. The girl was Aubrey, Ouran's famed bully. Funnily enough, not only was she known for being a bully, but also for having the biggest crush on Tamaki.

She had long, pink hair and striking blue eyes. Scruffily placed on her head was an icy blue bow, which matched her eye colour almost perfectly.

"What's up, slut?" she snarled, leaning above (Y/N) with a predatorial grin. Her friend group snickered at the interaction. For such a prestigious school, it was impressive Aubrey's friendship group were allowed to attend - then again, they only acted horribly behind closed doors.

(Y/N) let out a tired sigh, she was used to events like these by now. "Aubrey, I don't know how many more times I'll need to tell you this before you get it into your head but: I am not a slut."

Aubrey suddenly yanked (Y/N) closer. "You say that, but I see you getting into that car with Ryuk after school. You started doing that, what, a day after you left the Host Club? They finally figured your plan out, y'know, the plan you work at the club and flirt with all of the boys? Well, I bet you just couldn't stand not having male attention and... I guess that's where Ryuk comes in to play," she said in a mocking tone. "Pathetic," she spat.

"It's not like that at all."

Aubrey stopped, shock and dread written all over her face as a voice that wasn't (Y/N)'s spoke. Slowly, she turned around. "C- Carla!" spluttered Aubrey, embarrassment drenching her tone. "Fancy seeing you here!"

"Save it," she sassily said, miming at Aubrey to zip her lips. "As I'm sure you're aware, I am now a part of the Host Club," she began, talking snootily as if she had more power than Aubrey. "(Y/N)'s absence from the Host Club was nothing more than a personal circumstance of her own. Now, I don't appreciate you calling her a 'slut', neither would the other Hosts, I'm sure," she cockily said, dangling the likes of the Hosts right in front of Aubrey's face. The bully began to vigorously shake her head, but Carla ignored it. "If you're calling (Y/N) such foul names, do you think this of me, too? I did take her place after all. If you think that's the truth, I know a certain blonde would adore to hear this. Something tells me he wouldn't mind excommunicating one of his 'Princesses'... especially not you."

Aubrey stammered an apology before running out of the bathroom, gang of friends closely following behind. "Thanks," (Y/N) gave a half-arsed smile to Carla and made her way to the sinks to was her hands.

Foamy soap fell into (Y/N)'s cupped hand as Carla sauntered over, question at the ready. "Is that all?"

(Y/N) nodded, "Yes," she replied, shaking the water droplets off of her hand. "Thanks," she said once more before leaving the bathrooms.

"Seriously, (Y/N)?" Carla scoffed, following hot on her friend's trail. They both walked through the corridors, although it was clear Carla was only tagging along from the faster pace she walked at to keep up with (Y/N). "God, you're so boring these days!" she called out frustratedly, earning a little bit of attention from students in the hallway.

"Okay," (Y/N) said, biting her tongue to keep herself calm. Never in a million years would she have thought her and Carla would argue, but Ryuk's new rules were making it rather hard for (Y/N) to be friends with Carla without being reminded of the Host Club.

As (Y/N) turned the corner into the corridor where the Library was, so did Carla. "There you are, Carla!" happily said a voice - the very voice which terrified (Y/N).

So concentrated on (Y/N), Carla didn't acknowledge the voice. However, that was changed when the owner of the voice put their hand of Carla's shoulder. "Carla," they spoke.

"Oh, hey, Tamaki. Sorry, I can't talk right now," she hurriedly said, keeping her eyes fixated on (Y/N), who was inching closer to the Library with every second.

"Was that (Y/N)?" he asked, an apparent sadness about his voice. He gazed longingly down the hallway, watching as his crush's figure slipped into the double doors that belonged to the Library. Quickly, his mind flashed to that same morning when he'd played the ballad for her, overwhelming sadness flocking him as he remembered the very true fact that they could never be together.

"Fuck," Carla whispered to herself as she watched (Y/N) disappear. Bringing herself back to reality, Carla weakly answered Tamaki's question with a plain and simple answer - "Yes."

The blonde sighed, "Wow." Trying to cheer himself up, he smiled, "Even though she'd ignoring us, I can't help but notice how pretty she is."

Now it was Carla's turn to snap Tamaki out of it. Roughly, she shook him, causing the lovestruck boy to float back to reality. "Sorry," he grumbled as Carla rolled her eyes.

"Let's just go to the club," she huffed, giving up on (Y/N) for the day.


Ryuk scanned the library, eyes eventually landing on (Y/N) and Yuri, who were huddled in the corner of the Library over a wooden table. He smiled as he saw his fiancée enjoying a book.

"I saw you ignored Tamaki, good going my love," Ryuk praised once he had made his way over to (Y/N). He had watched the scene unfold in the hallway and decided to pop into the Library to applaud the girl.

(Y/N) shot a look to Yuri, who gave a small, encouraging smile back. The girl turned to Ryuk, "Thanks," she said, quickly swivelling back round to face Yuri on her chair, showing clearly she didn't want him there.

The brunette boy's hand snaked its way around (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Don't be like that," he warmly joked, automatically making (Y/N)'s eyes roll in annoyance.

"I'm not being like anything," she coldly stated.

"You damn are," he snapped, voice raising a little louder.

"Okay, sorry," steadily replied (Y/N) after Yuri had kicked her leg under the table to remind her to keep calm. "Did you enjoy talking to Teruhashi? It seemed you did," quietly asked (Y/N), wanting to stir the pot. 'You can take the girl out of the Host Club, but not the Host Club out of the girl,' she chuckled to herself, realising how much she was influenced by the twins and their mannerisms, even if she hadn't spoken to them in a while.

Ryuk's cheeks reddened in anger. "Are you accusing me of anything?" he barked.

"Talking... to... a girl?" (Y/N) replied, deliberately making herself sound confused to make it seem his question was something he could easily answer - which he could, of course.

"Don't be a smartass (Y/N)," he scarily said, voice raising as his anger levels did, too.

"Excuse me," chimed a timid, pretty voice. It was Monika, a student at Ouran, who also helped at the Library. "This is a Library, so if you can't keep your voice down, I am going to have to ask you to leave." The ginger haired girl's polite statement didn't stand a chance against an infuriated Ryuk.

"Fine," he scoffed, holding his hands up sarcastically in defence. "Guess I'll fuck off then, shall I?" he asked, storming out of the Library, leaving poor Monika in shock.

"Sorry, Monika," apologised Yuri on behalf of (Y/N), who's head was now leaning on the wooden table.

"It's completely okay, you two! I'd rather get shouted at than have everyone's peace ruined by some jerk," she informed with a heart-warming smile. "Enjoy your books!" she gleamed before walking back to the library desk.


"I'm not boring." (Y/N)'s thumbs hovered over the 'send' button, conflicted whether to text Carla or not.

"Fuck it," she mumbled to herself, pressing send. Carla's words from that school day had stuck with (Y/N), haunting her up to the very moment she sent the text at 11PM.

(Y/N) positioned herself lying directly upwards, staring into the darkness as she awaited a reply from her maid. The girl reckoned five minutes had passed with no sign of Carla.

Approaching ten minutes, (Y/N)'s bedroom door opened slightly, a small slit of light seeping into the otherwise darkened room. "(Y/N)?" Carla whispered, causing the girl to shoot up from her bed.

"Hey," she lazily said through a yawn.

"Of course you're not boring. I was just mad and I'm sorry for saying that," maturely said Carla, perched on the end of (Y/N)'s bed.

In the darkness, (Y/N) smiled. "Good." There was a little silence. It seemed, for the first time in a while, they weren't at each other's throats. "I, um... I wanted to apologise for being so dull and horrible to you," gulped (Y/N).

A hand was placed on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "It's okay," comforted Carla, "you're under stress, I understand. I'm sorry for being horrible too."


The girls had made up and, come 12AM, had already gossiped about what was new in the Host Club.

"I miss hanging with you at school," huffed (Y/N) sadly.

"I miss you being with us! It's tricky being the only girl there - sure, Haruhi is there but she's acting male 80% of the time."

(Y/N) chuckled. "Now you know my pain."

The two slid into another (un-awkward) silence, eventually being broken by Carla. "I have a plan."

"Plan for what?" dumbly asked (Y/N).

"Hanging out with us, idiot."

"Tell me!"

"I think, if executed correctly, you'll be able to talk to loverboy," Carla mischievously said with a grin.

"Loverboy?" (Y/N) questioned.

"God, what I'd do to have a smart best friend," joked Carla with a giggle, causing (Y/N) to playfully hit her. "Tamaki. I mean Tamaki."

"I can talk to Tamaki in school and without Ryuk knowing?"

Carla nodded.

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