A dance journey

By dance_moms5543

12.1K 214 71

Claire is a dancer at the Aldc. When abby starts a reality show she invites Claire to be on her competition t... More

Season 1 (cast)
The competition begins
Wildly inappropriate
Cheerleader Blues
Stealing the Show
When Stars Collide
Dying to dance
She's a fighter
Love on the Dance Floor
From ballerina's to Showgirls
Cathy brings it on
It all ends here
Season 1 stats
Season 2 cast
Everyone's Replaceable
Return of the Candy Apples
Brooke's Turning Point
No one likes a bully
brooke's back
Jill on the rampage
bullets and Claire's ballet
Miami Heat Wave and Cassandra's dilemma
Melissa pleads the 5th and Sabrina introduces some romance
Chloe vs Claire & Waiting for Joffrey
Abbygeddon and Claire the Ballerina
The Battle Begins, Claire vs Chloe Part 2?
Night of the Living Dancers
I Know What You Did Last Competition
Maddie and Claire have a secret
How Do You Like Them Apples
Worst Birthday Party Ever
Guess Who's Back
Season 2 Sabrina Does A House Tour

The runaway mom and the dancer who lost her passion

172 6 2
By dance_moms5543

It was late at night, but I wanted to scroll through Instagram. While scrolling I found an account. There was a picture of me and Anastasia. Followed by a caption and lots of comments.



I found this screenshot from the last episode, which shows Anastasia dancing at YAGP with Claire sitting on the ground watching her. Who do you all think is better? You should've won.

Comments 41K

Anastasia. fan- Anastasia is better. Claire said so in the interview. She dances beyond her years. Claire dances for her age level.

Dance.2341- Claire is better.

Reply to @Dance.2341, Dance.Moms1215- That is a false statement. Claire isn't the good dancer that Abby makes her out to be, Anastasia, Quinn, Danni, Chloe, and all of Abby's girls are better than Claire and Maddie.


I scrolled far down through the comments and noticed a name I knew.


My heart stopped. I didn't know she had an Instagram. I found myself clicking on her page.

It must be a new account, she only had 3 posts. I clicked on the most recent one

While scrolling through the photo dump. I found myself crying. I know I wasn't the best, but I was still a good dancer. I'm a good dancer. I soon heard my door creak open. It was Cassandra.

"Claire, are you okay?" She asked tired

I wiped my tears, never would I let her see weakness. "No, go to bed, Cass."

"Are you crying? Is it because of Anastasia? Or one of Cathy's girls?" She said

"No, just go to bed, I'm fine," I told her.


"I said I'm fine Cassandra! GO TO BED!" I yelled

She quickly hurried out of my room, and I wrapped the covers tightly around myself. I know she knows why I was crying.


"Let's go girls." Abby yelled. "get in here, shaking the lead out."

We all gathered in a line.

"Now, Hollywood Vibe last week. You did an ok job. I thought it could have been better. Moving on. This week we are going to Fire and Ice right here in Pittsburgh."

The other girls were happy. I found myself letting out a sigh of relief. Maybe the candy apples wouldn't be there.

I then caught Cassandra looking at me. And I quickly looked away.

"And I have a reputation to uphold. It's much more difficult to walk in and compete against people you know than a bunch of strangers. Ok. Let's get to the pyramid. I hate to do this, but Kendall, you are back on probation."

As Abby stated those words, the room went still. Not only to me but to everyone. I looked over at Kendall, looking at her heartbroken face, and then to her mother, who started to yell.

"This is ridiculous, Abby. What more do you want from her? She was in a winning trio, and she's at the bottom."

"Your head is distended, your shoulders are hunched, your rib cage is open." Abby listed.

Me and Maddie quickly engulfed Kendall in a hug.

"Are you kidding me? You're kidding me, right?" Jill yelled

"No. She doesn't make the corrections. I have been telling her since the audition about her posture, and it has not improved once." Abby told her


Christi interview:

"Jill, be careful what you wish for. You're always demanding more special parts and attention for Kendall well you're back on probation. You got it."


"You know what? You should be on probation, not my daughter." Jill yelled

Kendall was full-on crying now and her mother was getting really angry at Abby. We just held on to her tightly. I could feel her small body shaking, and for a moment, I was scared she could feel mine too.


Abby interview:

"Kendall was on the bottom of the pyramid. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of Jill. If I would, she would be the one that's there. Jill, you are on my last nerve."


"I don't even know why I'm here. You have nothing nice to say to her since the second we got here! You know what Abby? She does a lot right." Jill said

"She turns like a top." Abby said, "But that's what's good. I don't need to fix that."


Sabrina interview:

"I was not surprised by Jill's reaction to Kendall being on the bottom. But I was hoping she wouldn't take it too hard and leave."


"there's a lot of studios out there who would love what she does right. And you know what Abby? We are going to one of those studios. I'm not putting up with this crap anymore. We're done." Jill said while grabbing Kendall away from us.

And then my heart sank. Those were the words that I was not hoping for. My eyes started stinging while the world blurred. But I held my head up high and bit my cheek, hard. I started to taste metal, but, I kept biting. But even with my eyes closed I could feel Cassandra's eyes staring at me.

Sabrina's POV:

I raced out the door to Jill and Kendall. They were in the den packing up Kendall's things.

"Before you guys go." I started to say, "Just think about this."

Jill just looked down. "I can't put up with this anymore."

I just gave Jill and hug before kneeling to talk to Kendall. I took her hands into mine and told her.

"The girls will miss you, Kendall, I'll miss seeing your cute face after the competitions in my hotel room."

And it seemed to make her crack a smile. I gave her a big hug and we stayed there for a moment. Then I walked them to their car. As Kendall got into her seat and Jill into hers, I waved them goodbye.

"I'll text Claire and Maddie," Kendall told me. I smiled. "They will text you too." And then they rode off.

Claire POV

My mother soon came back in and apologized for running off. Abby forgave her and moved back to the pyramid. But I still couldn't shake off this gut feeling.

"Next Paige. You were on the top, now you're not. You couldn't remember the trio. Unacceptable. Next Brooke. Brooke, this whiny, mopey, teenager crap has to stop. You are the role model. Do me a favor, and just smile. Mackenzie, the tricks are stringer, they're better. but you need a few ballet classes. Next, we have Chloe. Once again, nice clean performance. Claire, You were at YAGP, you got 11th place. But you were beaten, by Cathy's girl, she got first. But you learned the trio and remembered it and it won so, I'm still proud of you. It just seems like you need some more ballet practice. And you need to smile more, your energy this morning is awful."

I forced a smile through teary eyes. Still biting my cheek, as tears were threatening to fall.


Claire interview:

I stared blankly at the camera, "I don't want to do this interview."

Producer: Do it, say how you were feeling, or just cry.

I messed with my hands. "I felt disappointed, there, I said it, does that make you guys all happy, will you not h-"

And the cameras turned off


"Maddie, you redeemed yourself. No stupid mistakes. And deservedly so, for the first time, Nia is on top of the pyramid."

As Abby announced it everyone went to hug Nia. I did too. I felt happy for her.

"You are on top of this pyramid because of your hard work and your determination all week long. To me, that's sometimes more important than any trophy. And you shined. Your motor isn't always here, but she does make sure that you're here. And you can see the improvement. This week you're going to be doing a solo. Holly she's going to perform, act, and look like a princess. Like I tell everybody else, it's tough getting here, it's even more difficult to stay here. Moving on to the group number. We are going to dance. It's called Head Over Heels. It's about falling in love and getting married."


Cassandra interview:

Producer: What's wrong with your sister?

"Umm, she's jealous. Jealous of someone."

Producer: Of who?



"Okay, Cassandra you're doing a solo. Moms you're dismissed, girls spread out." Abby said.


Cassandra, Maddie, Claire

Chloe, Mackenzie, Brooke, Paige, Kendall


Sabrina's POV

Sabrina's outfit:

"I can't believe what happened with Jill," Melissa said

"I think Jill's going back to her old studio," Christi said

"No!" Holly said shocked

"Oh, I do too," Melissa said.

"And I think she's going to kind of dish the dirt. And I think that we're going to run into them. I wouldn't be surprised if we ran into them soon." Christi said


Melissa and Sabrina interview:

Melissa: I feel horrible for Jill.

Sabrina: Oh me too. I feel for poor Kendall

Melissa: It's hard being a dance mom and making these tough decisions. I hope she comes back.

Sabrina: I hope she does too, because now we're back to being the two bitches.

And then Melissa started laughing and so did Sabrina.


"I'm not all that shocked. Jill didn't bond with us. Kendall, I thought fit the group very well. And I thought Kendall is a good little dancer." Christi said

"I think Jill's going to regret walking out of there. It was like a spur of the moment, like, I'm pissed off-" Kelly was saying

"She can't come back after that. Well, I'm kinda disappointed that she didn't get to see Nia at the top of the pyramid." Holly said

"I know!" Christi said

"So umm, Sabrina, what's up with Claire?" Kelly asked me

I jumped up, "I don't know actually." I said kinda spaced out

"She seemed pretty down today during pyramid," Christi said

"I wish I knew," I said shaking my head in disbelief

"Melissa, Sabrina, are you all upset, you guys were best buddies with Jill," Christi asked

"She'll be back," Melissa said.

"I'm going to try to call Jill." I said grabbing my phone, "Wait, she sent me a text."

The mother began to get curious.

"Kendall and I deserve better, I'm not coming back! Sorry to leave you and Melissa to the wolves! I just don't want this for K! I'm going back to my old studio where they like Kendall." I said reading the text.


Claire POV

Me, Maddie, Mackenzie, and Chloe were in the den with Abby. Abby was helping Mackenzie stretch.

"I heard about the engagement," Abby said

I looked over to Maddie, and she was flabbergasted.

"So are you going to be at the wedding?" Abby asked, "Do you think I'm going to be at the wedding?"

And we all kinda looked at each other confused.


Maddie interview:

"my mom is engaged, but she wants to keep it quiet."


"Chloe, work on your solo. Maddie, same thing, work on your solo. Think about the corrections Mackenzie you should work on your pirouettes. Claire, go work on your ballet." Abby said

When Abby told me to work on ballet, something I would usually smile and be ecstatic about, gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. I accidentally made a face at the idea of doing ballet, which didn't go unnoticed by Maddie.

We started to go into the studio when Chloe accidentally told Abby about the story for the wedding, Abby wanted to know it, and she wouldn't stop asking.

Sabrina POV:

Sabrina's outfit

The moms all went to the wedding dress store to get inspiration for the bridal dance. Which was the store I went to when I got my wedding dress.

Kelly went and tried on this dress. It looked really good.

"You know do you guys want to see my wedding dress, it should be here," I asked

the mom all said sure and I went to go try it on.

Sabrina's wedding dress-

"Guys, what do you think?" I asked walking out

"You should get married again," Melissa said

"Oh my gosh, it's gorgeous," Holly said

"is that what you wore?" Kelly asked

"Yeah, got two costume-made dresses for if something happened to one," I said while the lady was fitting in a headpiece.

"I might need this dress." Christi joked.

"You can have it," I said back.

"Where's the other dress?" Melissa asked

"In the attic," I said

"You have two?" Christi said

I nodded, "Only because I had two weddings

The other mother looked shocked.


Sabrina interview:

"I have two dresses. Like Melissa said. My husband lived in Italy his whole life, and I lived in Japan. I moved to Pittsburg, I met him when he was on a trip. We fell in love and he moved to Pittsburgh, and we bought a house. Then we got engaged, and it was time for our wedding. My family agreed to come to Pittsburg to see our wedding, but his family was not all able to fly. So we traveled to Italy to have a second wedding, and I had to buy another wedding dress, one that fit his family's standards."


Sabrina's outfit

Claire POV:

When we were going over the group number, I felt odd. Or I felt odd. I was mixing up steps, and I was rather nauseous. My stomach felt like it was going to explode, and my head was all foggy.

"Claire!" I heard Abby yell

I strained my eyes and looked at her

"You are messing up basic steps, and you've been messing up since we first started learning!"

I felt my chest start getting tight, or maybe the air was getting dense. I couldn't tell.

Sabrina POV:

"Look, Claire is getting yelled at," Christi said.

I looked and Abby was giving her a tough lashing.

"Look at your feet, Claire, not pointed. Legs not straight, you forgot almost all the steps! What's wrong with you!" Abby yelled

I sighed. "I don't know what's up with Claire today," I said, rubbing my forehead with my fingers.

Claire POV:

My head was pounding. I shut my eyes tightly hoping when I opened them it would all go away. But when I did, it was worse.

"Claire, why are you making these simple mistakes?" Abby yelled

I looked around the room, briefly seeing all the girls looking at me in confusion, especially my sister. "I-I don't know." I barely managed to get out. It was like my mind was connected to me.

"Speak up!" Abby screamed

At this point, the room seemed like it was spinning. Or was I in motion? I couldn't tell.

Sabrina POV:

"Sabrina, Claire is visibly swaying back and forth. Is she okay?" Holly asked

I glanced at Claire down in the studio. She was frantically looking around the room, and swaying back and forth. She also was taking very visible gulps.

Claire POV:

"Claire. You are no longer doing the dance. Your cut!" I heard Abby say, unsure if it was a yell.

"I- Imma pass out." I mumble. And then I felt myself falling.

When I fell, I landed on my back. But instead of being unconscious. I was very much awake. And very uncomfortable. The room spun even from the ground. My body ached it felt like I was paralyzed. And my throat wouldn't open, and air wasn't getting in. My chest heaved as I tried to get air into my lungs. Nothing was working.

Sabrina POV:

"Omg!" Melissa yelled while running down the stairs.

I followed her quickly. Claire just dropped on the floor.

When I got downstairs the girls and Abby crowed around her. Maddie held her hand tightly, though Claire didn't respond. She was lying there, unresponsive. But she wasn't unconscious, and she was panicking. She was hyperventilating so badly that one could mistake this as a seizure. everyone was trying to get her to calm down, or at least talk. But she didn't. And we all watched as her eyes rolled back into her head.

We carried her into the den. And we called the ambulance. But right after we did, she woke up. Maddie was by her side, so Abby moved the girls to the studio to work on the dance. I went to the front with the moms, waiting for the ambulance.

"Claire, what going on with you and your dancing, especially ballet? I saw that face you made when Abby suggested for you to work on it." Maddie asked me

I started bawling my eyes out. "Ever since I was beaten by Anastasia at YAGP, I felt like I'm not good enough. People online are talking about how she's better, and I feel like maybe Abby will too. And once she sees that I'm not good at ballet, I'm out of here."

Maddie quietly pulled me into a hug while I cried. When the tears dried up, I was going to say something. But that's when the ambulance arrived. And I was taken to the hospital.


Sabrina POV:

I was on the phone with Melissa, "Yeah they just said it was because of built-up stress. Some panic attacks that she was trying to subdue which made it worse or something. But I'm coming back to the studio, I'm leaving Claire here. Alright bye, Melissa."

I sighed and called down Claire before I left. "Claire!"

Claire POV:

I walked down to the living room to see my mother.

"Claire I'm leaving to go to the studio, I'll see you when I get back."

"Wait, why am I not going back, I have the group dance," I said with worry

"Claire, Abby took you out of it remember."

I hated the pity in her voice, and I hated the fact that everything that happened, was real, and not a bad dream. "Whatever."

She put her hand on my shoulder, "Look Claire, you can still go to the competition, you just won't be dancing."

I just nodded and went back up to my room.


Sabina's outfit-

Claire POV:

We walked into the competition. We were all getting ready. But instead of getting ready for a dance, I went to the audience and sat down with my mother.

But while walking, we saw Kendall, with the candy apples.

I sat in the audience, watching as the solos were up next.

"Please welcome to the stage participant number 20. This is Nia performing "I'll Do Anything For You."

I clapped as Nia took the stage.

"Judges the next competitor comes to us from Candy Apples Dance Center. This is Kendall performing "I Think I Like You."

As Abby watched Kendall dance, she pulled me from the chair. "Sabrina, Claire needs to do her solo."

"Abby she can't, she has a stress fever." my mother said

I began to fidget with my hands as tears started to pour down. Abby felt my head and instantly took her hand away.

"Good lord Claire, you are in no shape to dance."

"Please Abby, I can dance. Let me show you." I pleaded as my mother dragged me back to sit in the chair.

"Claire calm down or you're going to end up back in the hospital." My mother pleaded with me

"Let me go to the dressing room to calm down," I asked in between breaths.

And once her hand left my wrist, I realized it was a silent yes.

After I calmed down in the dressing room, I walked backstage to see my sister. But what I saw was Danni and Quinn talking to her.

"Danni, Quinn, don't talk to Cassandra before she goes on! I yelled

They rolled their eyes while walking off.

"Why did you do that Claire?" I heard Cassandra ask

"Look Cassandra, I know I try to keep a lot of things away from you, but, Danni and Quinn are the ones who caused my accident last season, with my foot. And I don't want them to do that to you." I said

And all I got was a meek little, "Oh." from Cassandra.

I cleared my throat and fixed her little costume.

"You knock 'em dead Cass," I said

"You got it, Claire." She said.

"Please welcome to the stage, number 132, Cassandra with, "Tears In Heaven."

After her solo, we went back to the dressing room to get ready for the group. I helped Cassandra with her costume.

It was time for the group and I went to sit with the mothers again.

"From the Abby Lee Dance Company, please welcome to stage number 201, Junior Group. This is "Head Over Heels."

I clapped for my team. They did good, even without me in it.

"From Candy Apples Dance Center, please welcome number 287, this is "A Funeral."

I still clapped for the Candy Apples. I thought their group was good for the most part. And would be good if she didn't use the small minis to bring the age down.



"In our junior small groups, we have a first-place overall award. And that is going to be number 288, "Head Over Hells!"

For your first-place overall mini soloist, number 132, "Tears In Heaven."

Your first overall junior soloist, number 21, " I Think I Like You."


After the competition, Maddie and I hung out. She said it was to make me feel better. But I did feel a little weird since for the past couple of competitions, we have been hanging out in our trio. But Kendall went to Abby's, and now it's back to just us

And I was so tired after, I didn't even see the post made by Quinn that she tagged me in.

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