A dance journey

By dance_moms5543

11.9K 212 69

Claire is a dancer at the Aldc. When abby starts a reality show she invites Claire to be on her competition t... More

Season 1 (cast)
The competition begins
Wildly inappropriate
Cheerleader Blues
Stealing the Show
When Stars Collide
Dying to dance
She's a fighter
Love on the Dance Floor
From ballerina's to Showgirls
Cathy brings it on
It all ends here
Season 1 stats
Season 2 cast
Everyone's Replaceable
Return of the Candy Apples
Brooke's Turning Point
No one likes a bully
Jill on the rampage
bullets and Claire's ballet
The runaway mom and the dancer who lost her passion
Miami Heat Wave and Cassandra's dilemma
Melissa pleads the 5th and Sabrina introduces some romance
Chloe vs Claire & Waiting for Joffrey
Abbygeddon and Claire the Ballerina
The Battle Begins, Claire vs Chloe Part 2?
Night of the Living Dancers
I Know What You Did Last Competition
Maddie and Claire have a secret
How Do You Like Them Apples
Worst Birthday Party Ever
Guess Who's Back
Season 2 Sabrina Does A House Tour

brooke's back

158 3 5
By dance_moms5543

"Girls, come one let's go!" Abby yelled, "Mom's in here. I would like to officially welcome Kendall and Cassandra, you guys are officially members of the Abby Lee Dance Company." Abby said.

She then handed Kendall and Cassandra jackets. Me and Maddie hugged Kendall and congratulated her. Then we congratulated Cassandra.


Cassandra interview:

"I decided to put my acting career to the side of me and choose dance. Since I've been doing so well."


"Now listen to me. This doesn't mean smooth sailing from here on out. It means you have to work hard." Abby told the girls. "When you're wearing that jacket, y'all can't be hunched over slouching, so if you see that mom, you take a thumbtack and you stick it right in between her shoulder blades. We are going to the Starbound competition in Long Island New York. I'll tell you what, they are ready for us, they want to beat the Abby Lee Dance Company and they are serious. They're like sharks in the water they can taste blood. Alright, moving on to the pyramid. Mackenzie. You did well with your solo the last time, you need to do even better this time. Nia, choose a special part, your mother didn't want you to do it. Not a lot to say. Next Paige. You didn't do a solo, in the duet, you were slaking a little, doing moves too slow, too fast. It wasn't good. Kendall. You're off probation. You're a member of the team, however, we need to fix the feet, the turnout, and the back of the knees, you still have a lot of work ahead of you. Moving on to Chloe. When you walk backstage, into those wings, you have to walk in there with arrogance and your nose up in the air as you walk in this studio. Those girls should be afraid of you because you Chloe, and you from the ALDC. Next is Maddie. Did a great job, and won your category. Won an overall high score. But I have to keep challenging you. Then we have Claire, good job of perfecting those routines in only a day. Could have been better. Then we have Cassandra. Great job with that solo."

Me and I looked at each other confused.


Kelly interview:

"When Abby revealed the center row of the pyramid, it was Cassandra, Claire, and Maddie. I was shocked. I didn't think Payton performed well enough to be at the top of the pyramid."


"And on top of the pyramid."

When Abby pulled back the paper and it showed Brooke's headshot, we were all shocked. The room went silent.

"Is brooke." Abbyy finsiehed

Brooke walked in and we all ran over to hug her. I didn't even notice Payton crying. So we went over to comfort her.

"I know you guys are all wondering, how could she be on top of the pyramid. Not only is she going to do a solo this week. And not only should she win, I demand that you win. Payton, we all know that everyone is replaceable, you were not the right replacement for this group. You had a great experience, you saw the gateway to the West, and you cannot be upset." Abby said

"She has the right to be upset, Abby. You dangled a carrot in front of her and just ripped it away, for what? For her daughter to just come in and take a spot as a stranger and for Brooke to leave and you take her back. Where is your loyalty? We have been so loyal to" Leslie went on.

"Loyalty?" Kelly said

"Yes, loyalty Kelly!"

Soon a fight broke out and Leslie and Payton left.

"Brooke you have a solo, Mackenzie you have a solo, Cassandra you have a solo, Claire you have a solo, Claire and Maddie, duet. Claire and Chloe, duet. Mothers don't get mad. This is to find my go-to duet. And Cassandra and Mackenzie you will also have a duet. The group number is high energy, everybody joins us. Everybody on your feet. Everybody dancing."


Cassandra, Claire, Maddie

Chloe, Kendall, Paige, Nia, Mackenzie


Sabrina POV

Sabrina's outfit-

"Can we talk about these duets?" Christi said

"Sure," I said

"How do you feel?" Kelly asked, "About the duets?"

"Fine," I said, looking ahead of me.

"Okay," she said.


Sabrina interview:

"I wish Christi didn't try to start with me."



Sabrina POV
Sabrina's outfit-

"Did Kendall do her solo yet?" Jill asked

"It's not a bit, it's a small part," Christi told her

"Well I don't want small parts, I want big parts for my kid is off probation," Jill said.

"Ohhh get in line girlfriend, get in line!" Kelly told her.


Kelly interview:

"Jill was complaining because Paige had a special part and Kendall didn't. Wait in line because my daughter never had a special part."


"You've got to work your way up from a background dancer," Christi said.

"I thought I did, that all I have to look forward to, watching my kid dance in the back while Maddie, Claire, and Chloe are in the front doing their thing," Jill said frustrated.


Jill interview:

"Kendall can do everything that those girls are doing. I see her dancing with Maddie and Claire when they hang out. And I think they're thinking well if Kendall gets it then that means one of their kids won't and it's starting to bother me."


"You have a solo and a trio," Jill said.

"Every kid should have something special to feel good about," Jill said.

"Well, I think we should just not watch anymore because it's annoying listening to everybody bitch." Melissa said, which made me giggle a little. She saw and slapped my knee to get me to stop.

"You know what, that's my job, this is my hobby watching my kids," Jill said.

"I'd rather be shopping," I said.


Melissa and Sabrina interview:

Melissa: We definitely like Jill, we don't want her to be a doormat as everyone says we are.

Sabrina(while laughing): Do they say that about us?

Melissa: Yes! And I'm so glad that she's speaking her mind.

Sabrina: Me too, these mothers are a little crazy sometimes.

(They both start laughing)


"I've got to secure a place for Kendall, I can't stand to watch her in tieback again and again and again," Jill said.


Jill interview:

"Kendall is off probation, I'm ready to fight for what my child deserves. And I hope Melissa and Sabrina have my back because I know that Kendall enjoys hanging out with Claire and Maddie and I would feel rotten if I had to separate them because their moms can't support me."


We then watched Jill walk into the studio.

"Do you have a minute?" Jill asked Gianna.

"yeah," Gianna said while walking towards Jill.

"Is the group done?"

"Yes." Gianna told her, "The groups finished.

"Well Chloe has a special part, Maddie has a special part, Paige has a special part, Claire kinda has a special part. Can I ask why Kendall doesn't have anything? I thought she was taken off probation." Jill said

"I just did every other person," Gianna explained.

"I would appreciate it if you could."

"Well maybe not tonight but I know we have rehearsal again tomorrow," Gianna said.

"See what you can do. I know you are busy." Jill said while walking out.

Abby then walked over to Gianna.

"What was that mother saying to you?"

"Asked me why Kendall didn't have a special part in the dance this week."

"She did not," Abby said in disbelief.

"I hope that my daughter and her daughter, and her daughter, didn't just hear you talking about them to their teacher," Christi told Jill

" I wasn't talking about them," Jill said.


Christi interview:

"Jill thinks that Kendall is the greatest dancer since Anna Pavlova. And that might have been true in her in her old studio, but you just walked into a studio that has a lot of talent. These kids don't mess around."



Sabrina's outfit-


Christi interview:

"When Jill, Melissa, and Sabrina walked in the door the atmosphere went from like from like, happy to, dreadfully."


"How was your conversation with Gia tonight?" Christi asked Jill

"I asked why every kid in there except Nia and Kendall had a special part," Jill said.

"I just want to clarify Jill, that when you come in and you're new then you start at the bottom and so you need-" Christi was saying

"Do you think I looked bad asking?" Jill asked

"I do," Holly said

"Well asking for something that I'm paying for. Asking for something that every other kid in there has." Jill said

Then there was a whole mini-fight about privates.


Kelly interview:

"I think that Melissa and Jill are two peas in a pod. I think they are both after the same thing. They're gonna kiss Abby's ass until their daughters get ahead. I don't put Sabrina there, even though she is friends with Jill and Melissa, she doesn't act like them. She's a better version."


"But it's not me it's Abby you need to talk to Abby about everything," Melissa said


Christi interview:

"Melissa and Sabrina work at the front desk for free for free privates. We don't do that."


"Abby doesn't do anything Melissa, we know that she sits there and goes Melissa, Sabrina, do it," Christi said

"She's the one that schedules it when people want it private, I forward it to her," Melissa said.

"You guys act like we make privates, if that were true, assure yourselves that your children would have more privates," I said


Holly interview:

"Melissa and Sabrina are Abby's freinds. And there is the root of all the tension among the dance moms."


"I just think everyone should be treated fairly," Holly said.

"Exactly! It's blatant why your daughters get everything because you guys do everything in your power to get Maddie and Claire ahead!" Christi yelled

"No, I don't," Melissa said

"Yes, you do Melissa!" Christi yelled.

"I don't think you guys should have to defend yourself for something Abby gives your kids," Jill told Melissa and Me.


Jill interview:

"I don't think it's Melissa and Sabrina's fault that Abby likes their kids the best. Let's face it, she does. So her kids get the privates."


"You make sure that nobody else has a chance because of all the things you do!" Christi yelled

"Oh please," Melissa said.

"Christi that is such bullshit, that why I didn't want to come so I'm leaving," I said

"Me too, I can't deal with this shit," Melissa said.

"Go ahead we knew y'all would leave because you deflect everything!" Christi said

"I don't argue because I'm not like you," Melissa said

"No you're not Melissa, and I'm not like you thank God," Christi said. "Get out!"

We got our kids who were sad to leave

"Come on Claire, Cassandra, let's go," I said

Then Jill texted us saying that she also left the "party" cause they kinda turned their aggression on her.


Sabrina's outfit-


Melissa interview:

"Retail therapy is the best therapy there is, I love to shop, Sabrina loves to shop, and so does Jill. And I think we all wanted to vent a little bit so we thought going to a new little store would be fun"


"So are you guys good from last night?" Jill asked, " I was upset."

"I was too," Melissa said.

"I don't know I feel like this drama is tearing the kids apart," I said

"You know I ended up storming out too," Jill said

"She's just rude," Melissa said


Melissa interview:

"It upsets me because we were supposed to have some fun and they had attacked me and Sabrina because they're jealous of our nine-year-old daughters. And I think it's ridiculous."


"Christi screams at me all the time and you know what I do, I just sit there," Melissa said.

"Me not so much cause when they attack me it's usually them more so attacking my children than just me," I said


Jill interview:

"Christi and Kelly gang up on them because they let them. I'm not gonna let them gang up on me."


"Jealous much," Melissa said, which made me giggle a little

"I think it's obvious," Jill said. "You guys still comping this weekend?"

"Absolutely!" Melissa said

"They're not keeping us away," I said

"Don't you ever let them push you out," Jill said

We then left the shop.

"Bye, I see you later!" Jill said

"Bye!" Melissa said

"Bye all," I said getting into my car.


Claire POV

Sabrina's outfit-

Claire's outfit-

During the bus ride, Abby yelled a lot at the driver. But when we arrived we went to the dressing room to get ready and changed for the numbers. Jill started to complain about Kendall not having much to do.

It was then time for, Mackenzie, Brooke, and Cassandra's solos.

Cassandra went on first.

Her hair-

Her costume-

"Please welcome act number 324, "Over the Rainbow."


Abby interview:

"I'm starting to compare Mackenzie to Maddy when she was her age, and Cassandra to Claire. And right now I'm seeing Cassandra work it and in some ways, I think she is better than Claire when she was that age. Cassandra getting grown up and has some nice long legs, which shows her clean lines."


After she went on, it was Mackenzie's turn. I wished her luck.

"Up next, "The Part Starts Now"

Then it was me. I was a little nervous because I hadn't done a jazz dance in a while.

my hair-

my costume-

"Next up please welcome, "Americano."

Then it was Brooke's turn. I hugged her as I watched her go onstage.

"Please welcome, "Starry Night."



"Junior petite, in second place, come on up number 229, "My boyfriend's back" Cassidy. Come on up top Junior Petite, 323 and 324, "The Party Starts Right Now" and "Over the Rainbow." Tied for first place, Mackenzie and Cassandra."

"In junior, first place, come on up 232, "Americano" Claire!"

I was really happy I won first place in my category

"Our top 10 teen soloist. 322, "Starry Night" that is Brooke from Abby Lee Dance Company, third place."


I rushed back to the dressing room to get ready for my duet with Maddy.

our hair-

Our costumes-

(Maddy in blue, Claire in pink)

Then we went backstage.

"Please welcome, "Twins."

(Claire is the first one on stage)

Then it was Mackenzie's and Cassandra's duet.

their hair-

their costumes-

(Mackenzie in the red, Cassandra in the blue)

"Please welcome to the stage, "Dance."

(Mackenzie left, Cassandra right)


"In the second place, the junior petite duo goes to number 244, "Dance" Mackenzie and Cassandra from Abby Lee Dance Company!"

"In the first place, the Junior duo goes to number 416, "Twins" Claire and Maddie from Abby Lee Dance Company!"


Claire interview:

"I think Abby should have me and Maddie go against Quinn and Danni since we just won this duet."


It was time for the group dance. Jill put lipstick on Abby and it was so funny. Me and Maddie laughed at that for a little. Gianna then had us go outside to rehearse.

"This is number 230, Avalanche."



"Top Junior groups. In the second place, scoring 290, going out to 320, "Avalance."


I was very disappointed that our dance got second. I thought we did a good job.

We had fun though, so that's what mattered. Me, Kendall, and Maddie took funny photos before we left.

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