The Boy She Called Her Nightm...

Per creations_tr

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|ROSES AND CIGARETTES Book-I| She was someone who likes to be in her shell and He was someone who likes to br... Mรฉs

The Boy She Called Her Nightmare
Introduction of Characters
1.Encounter with the Uncalled Storm
2.Now you have a better definition of 'being forced'
3.Your personal inferno of nightmare,wife
4.The Dominant Seductress of Manipulation
5.His Territory to Terrorize
6.His Forbidden Crave for the Rose
7.Destined to be bound with the Darkness
8.Their linked name is a Hypnotising Mantra for Him
9.Lethal Addiction only leads to Destruction
10.Signed her life with the Devil for next seven lives
11.Him leaving his Sheesh-mahal for Her
12.The Beast is not interested in feasting on lifeless Prey
13.She is the artistic red on his black canvas
14.He is too complicated for her understanding
15.The Devil intend to incarcerate her rooh
16.The Asmodeus reasoning with his sins
17.The Beast getting wrecked by the uncalled truth
18.Gaining life after losing a Life
19.Scorching in the same Blaze inflaming his Honey-eye
20.A Date with the Devil
21.Her urge to divulge the secrets of the Devil's charcoal eyes
22.The engraved line that binds the Devil's sanity and insanity
23.An Obsession so Forbidden
24.Her dilemma for her feelings for her Nightmare Husband
25.The Devil adamant to break all her three rules
27.Hell breaking loose
28.The Beast's Bleeding Rose
29.Six Months of The Rose and The Cigarette
30.A Final Goodbye...?
31.The vulnerable Devil wrapped around his rose
32.The Devil is No World Saving Hero
33.The Rose with thorns

26.The Devil giving a name to the 'life'

14.4K 1K 595
Per creations_tr

I won't be available on Wattpad, but you can reach out to me on my ig fictioncreations_tr

Every reader have their prefrences and I won't stop anyone from leaving my story (I can't).
But please don't leave with a misunderstanding or misconception about the story.

So, here's the update I promised

Mishika's pov
If only life was a cakewalk and understanding people was a piece of cake. But it isn't. And especially when it comes to unravelling all the mysteries stocked away in the depths of my nightmare for a husband's dark stygian eyes.

The same eyes which make all my senses freeze with a single glance simultaneously set my entire existence on the infernal fire with their intensity.

The same eyes I confessed to love when Mishti asked if circumstances flip then would I fall for the devil of my life ? I bluntly denied. I can't ever fall for him. I shouldn't. And I know I lied straight through my teeth. Only if circumstances were different.

I can't love him but I love those incendiary thronged charcoal orbs of my nightmare. No, nightmares don't look ugly. In fact they look handsome. Mine have a breath-catching face with a black heart. And an illegal pair of intriguing eyes like blackholes.

Those blackholes are terrific-ly bewitching and even after knowing that they could burn me into nothingness, I, like a moth, still get lured by them. I fear I will lose myself within those dark abyss. And no matter how much I'm trying to run away, they are still consuming me everyday, agonisingly slow, bit by bit.

I let my steps still when my eyes follow to the open balcony and fall on his silhouette. Without much thought my feet itself sprint a little closer as his bare back flex under the moonlight gets more clear for my eyesight. If not for the small dot like red light flickering between his fingers then I wouldn't have known that he is smoking.

I don't make any sound and watch the night breeze camouflages the smoke from the cigarette and visibly goosebumps adorn his skin as it passes by him.

Why is he so stubborn ? Is he planning to fall sick ?

His shoulders are strangely stiff while he keeps the burning cigarette caged between his fingertips and stares into space.

Is something bothering him ? Is it about his argument with Rhea this evening ?

Back in his office he asked me to wait while he went to bring his car. As he was taking longer than expected so I, myself, decided to move to the underground private parking garage.

Since then I couldn't take the thought out of my head that there are certain things kept in the dark which I should know. Although I could only hear snippets of what they were arguing, they abruptly halted as soon I approached their sight. And from what I could gather hints that it was something that relates to me.

Rhea's stormy eyes glared at me as if she abhorred my mere presence. And I decided to not pay heed to her. Her off-dark aura always leaves me unsettling. However I did catch the slight panic in Aarav's demeanour before he readily masked it.

F E W H O U R S A G O~~~

Aarav's legs flattered, instantly his posture turned rigid upon hearing the click of familiar heels.

He turned swiftly, taking in the familiar face of his cousin, "Rhea".

"Bhai" a jaded whisper vented past her lips. However, she was quick to take command of her emotions, even though she knew he could see past it.

"I'm not in the right mind to deal with you right now." His fingers shot up and massaged his forehead.

The sight of her face seems to mock him. It is the incessant reminder of the unforeseen truth she kept concealed in the tenebrous quagmire. The truth that manages to wreck his insides, break havoc within him, whenever it echoes in his ears.

"Bhai, please. Don't push me off." Her exasperated chide came. "What you didn't know wouldn't have hurt you. That's why I never told you."

After his sister's death, Rhea had been his constant companion. Through thick or thin, chill to blaze. But the aftermath of her actions has begun to haunt him.

Had it been another person then he would have brought down hell on the particular person. But he was torn between his sister and the girl he had emotionally hurt yet wanted to keep away from the darkness of the world.

"I swear I wasn't going to harm her. You were already upset after that_ that video." Her words fumbled, mirroring her conflict between laying out her desperation or to keep her emotions veiled. "I wasn't planning to pull another shit to upset you, I swear. She shouldn't have barged in a party bunched with drunk and drugged youngsters."

"And you, in your own twisted way, were trying to put on a lesson for her." Rhea had to clench her fist to stifle herself from flinching on his sudden outburst.

It was exactly what she had planned to do. Had Saumya not jumped in between that night then she would have caught Mishika on time and would have locked her in one of the rooms upstairs as she had planned.

All these years Saumya thought that Rhea was going to take advantage of a drugged Mishika and Rhea also never tried to correct her. Being the person she is, she finds sick contentment upon getting listed in someone's worst list.

She is wicked and twisted in her head but not a somnophiliac. She likes to have the reign of control over the person, either in the bedroom or out the bedroom, in her hands. A person influenced by drugs or alcohol is useless dolls for her game of seduction or manipulation.

"Fuck!" Weariness and rueful-ness had his shoulders shaking as he ran a harsh hand down his face. "She was pregnant damn it! That shoved her to de_ath."

Joking about dying around Mishika had been his jerk stunts to not let her surmount from abhorring him. Although the mere thought of anything happening to her is enough to devastate him.

"I had no idea about that, okay!" Echoed her exasperated groan. "Even she had no idea until that miscarriage."

Aarav's jaw began to hurt from how hard he gnashed his teeth. He had enough death count to encumbrance him. Rhea may not deem the gravity of it but he couldn't shove the thought out of his head. He tried every way to keep himself impassive but he would feel his chest contrasting with unbidden ache every time upon the thought of the life lost or the life he could have lost.

"What do you want me to do, huhh ? Should I tell her everything ? Clear out everything that happened was my doing ? Would you then stop pushing me away ?"

"You will do no such thing." He thundered on her face. "In fact, I don't even want you to step anywhere near my wife."

"Fine." Rhea reciprocated Aarav's glare, their blazing eyes colliding. "Then don't push me off because of her. You want your oh so dear naive wife to continue blaming you for everything ? Easy then."

Her stormy dark eyes continued to bore into his stygian infernal ones as eerie silence prevailed in the ambiance. The blaze seeping off these two twisted devils was so palpable that it had the capacity to scorch anyone that was unlucky enough to step into there.

"Aarav" The vociferation from a familiar voice had a wave of panic rippling through Aarav whereas Rhea felt resentment taking over her head that was reflecting through her expressions.

~~~B A C K T O P R E S E N T

Aarav's pov

I tilt my head over my shoulder to let my wife know that I'm aware of her staring at me. I was aware of her presence from the time she stepped out of the bedroom to go into the kitchen for water.

Feeling her approaching closer had me instantly crushing the cigarette beneath my slipper clad feet.

She wants closure from the past so that she could have an insured future. But I'm a bastard who thrives on the line that goes through the middle. And all I want to give her is the present. A present that is filled with her, with me, with our presence.

But the irony, being in the present is like thriving on a delusion that feels so real. Every passing moment turns into the past before you could realise and the moment approaching is an unsought future.

Her sweet coco-honey fragrance amalgamates with the night breeze that effortlessly empowers over my senses. Tranquility spread its arms in our ambiance keeping me deprived of her spell casting voice. But damn! Even her silence echoes within the boundless realms of my inferno, bewitching my senses.

My naive Honey-eye is oblivious of the authority she holds over me. And it is terrifying, even for me. Stepping out of her life and barricading myself from slithering my way back was so fucking hard. That's what her existence does to me. It could bring me to my knees and I would fucking vow to my angel if that's what it takes to have her by my side.

"Even a kid could tell that getting addicted to smoking and drinking is injurious to health." She finally rounds her gaze off to the sky to me.

I match her gaze. She cares too much. Too good to be true. There is the tint of innocence in her sweet honey eyes that fascinates the darkness within me. And her innocence tempts me with every diabolical sense in me to taint it with my darkness and simultaneously get tamed by the blinding light she carries.

"Such a bummer, sweetheart! Even Satan can't interpret what getting addicted to you is capable of doing."

My favourite pair of honey brown orbs stare at me in pure astonishment, her brain too stupefied to weave a response.

Gulping a lump down, she averted her gaze from me. The faint scarlet shadowing her cheeks, however, gave me the delight I needed. So adorable baby, so fucking desirable.

I glide myself behind her, my arms falling either side of her on the railing and I hear her draw in a sharp breath, her body instinctively turning still.

"Ease down, Honey-eye. I'm not pouncing on you." My lips softly tease the top of her ears, the sultriness of my breath carpets her skin with noticeable goosebumps. "At least not for now."

My bare chest aligns with her back as I venture myself closer to her and she takes in another sharp breath before her shoulders wriggle frantically for some space. Taking it as a chance, my hands slyly slither inside her t-shirt, my fingers flattening on her tummy as my thumb grazes her skin leisurely.

And I felt her stiffen against me, making me stiffen myself. Her neck cranes above her shoulder, honey brown pools indulging with stygian black holes, and something akin to anticipation glimmers into her eyes. Fuck! Did she feel that ? Did she feel my fingers trembling above her belly ?

This time it was me who looked away. Her eyes were swamped with unsaid emotions, her mind evading the right set of questions. An unsettling feeling settles in the pit of my stomach, and an abrupt ache erupts within my chest from which I've got quite familiar in the past few months.

My mother's death left me with regret and guilt which I refused to accept aloud till date. My sister's death brought down more pain and hollowness in my life. The thought that my Honey-eye could have died strangled me with a tormenting fear. But death of the gone life, which I had no idea of till years, crashed me with all these tormenting emotions altogether.

How is it practically possible to feel so suffocated and devastated about something I had no idea about just a few months ago ?

"Getting gripped from torment for something you never got to be close to, is it possible, baby ?" Her lashes blink, confusion etched across her beautiful visage, meanwhile her eyes try to decode the answer through my face which I refuse to let out.

Fuck! Something as precious as life, a life that included me and my Honey-eye, does not deserve to be denoted as an object or referred to by 'it'.

Arshu. Perfect nickname for both a baby boy or a baby girl.

"You are smiling!?" Her soft, almost dazed, whisper pulls me out of my thoughts. It takes me a moment to process her words, then I realise I'm actually smiling which is a stark contrast to the havoc going on inside me.

A gasp flew past her lips as I spun her around, her spontaneous grip loosened on the water bottle she had been holding all while and it slipped down. Pain shoots through my toe and I curse loudly while I hear another gasp leaving her lips.

"Ohh God! I'm sorry." Lines of worry appear on her forehead and her palm lands on my bicep as her eyes search on my face. "Are you okay ?"

I bit back a hiss and gave a curt nod while I shot a discreet deadly glare at the rolling steel bottle on the floor.

The apology from her mouth came so naturally. Only if it was as natural for me too.

Now that I know how she must have felt after getting her trust broken by someone she counted on.

I hate the delusion termed as love as much as I love the hate she has for me. And like an asshole I'm, I'm thriving on the line that goes from the middle of it, the line of my obsession for her.

For someone so sweet as my Honey-eye, hating someone is exhausting for her. Once she finds out that she was hating the wrong person for the wrong reasons the whole time, it will wrench her.

And I don't want even the slightest of her emotion to be directed towards Rhea let alone something as powerful as hate. So she better continue hating me.

Bending down I pick up the bottle and she lets out a small shriek as I pick her up while getting up. One of my arms balances under her hip while the one holding the water bottle firmly wraps around her back. Meanwhile I try to not focus on her heaving chest against mine. Involuntarily her palms grip my shoulders for support, her head above me tilts to gaze down at me with her wide eyes.

"It's already close to dawn. Let's put you to bed, sweetheart."

Chapter Word- 2428

Please drop your queries and reviews here↝

See you at the end of the month.. till then keep showering your love and take care

Signing off

Continua llegint

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