Caged By Him

By moonchild80

8.6M 201K 90.1K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 94

14.9K 524 170
By moonchild80

Aurora's POV:

This was the first decent amount of sleep I've gotten since forever. No interruptions, no nightmares, just well-needed rest.

I turn to my side to find the usual gifts right where they always are. Ever since Tristan came back home he's been, for a lack of a better word, groveling.

And so every morning when I wake up, I find an enormous bouquet of flowers on the bedside table along with diamonds, emeralds, rubies or any other expensive stone he felt like buying me. 

And despite our reconciliation yesterday, he's yet to refrain from doing it apparently. And while I appreciate his efforts in cheering me up, the one thing that made me happiest was his return.

I stare at the beautiful arrangement of colorful flowers he'd picked out then allow myself to gently handle the luxurious looking jewelry box placed aside.

Inside sat pair of diamond earrings that would ultimately get me robbed if I ever step foot outside the house. Shaped like flowers, with oval diamonds instead of petals and gorgeously clear red rubies in the center of each one.

I smile to myself as I trace my finger along the intricate design. I don't even want to begin imagining how much this must've cost him. Along with the sapphire necklace, and the diamond bracelets, I was starting to feel overwhelmed.

Instead of my usual prolonged morning lethargy, I actually make the effort to get out of bed. Brushing my teeth and washing my face, I pull my hair up and out of my face.

I stop to look in the mirror, observing my bump with a content look. I've been dreading this baby's health for so long. But alas, my pain has subsided and their health has been confirmed.

I slightly smile to myself before I go into the nursery for my daily routine with Eric. Looking down at his crib and expecting to find his adorable face staring up at me, it's empty. I wrap my robe around myself and head towards the stairs. As I do, I hear noise coming in from Tristan's study.

I can hear Eric's blubbering from here which indicates he's with Tristan again. He's been trying his best to let me rest by taking him every morning. Since he's always up way earlier than I am.

I stand by and prepare to knock on the slightly ajar entrance. But as I do, I can hear Tristan talking to someone.

"I need you to keep eyes on them, Elijah. I need men guarding each and every one at all time." Tristan's voice comes through as I stand near the door and listen.

"Alright, I'll hold a meeting this afternoon. Which I guess you won't be attending?" Elijah replies as Eric lets out a sharp laugh.

"You're perfectly capable of managing without me, Elijah." Tristan replies in a blank tone. "I need to get some work done on the business front."

"Well well." Elijah scoffs. "Look who's back in action. You suddenly not distracted anymore?" He questions in a suggestive tone.

"I'm feeling rather productive today." Tristan replies and I can tell by the sound of his voice that he's wearing that signature smirk on his face.

"Right, well keep the door open." He jokes. "I'll leave you to it." Elijah says, standing up from his chair, making me step away but then Tristan interrupts.

"We're not done here." Tristan says in a much more serious tone, putting Elijah's footsteps to an end.

"Why were you talking to her, Elijah?" Tristan pokes as Elijah sits back down on his chair. My heart rate picks up when I realize they're talking about me. He told me yesterday he's going to address it but I feel guilty for ratting him out. I hope he doesn't get in trouble because of me.

There's a heavy moment of silence before the conversation picks up again. "I just gave you a nudge." Elijah answers blanky. "She needed to know what happened with you."

"I don't recall giving you the right to meddle in my fucking marriage." He raises his voice, losing his temper and making me flinch.

"You know you really shouldn't be cursing with a baby in the room." Elijah replies sarcastically, deterring the conversation. Elijah is the only person that can stand up to Tristan without getting killed for it.

"I don't want you talking to her again. I wouldn't want to have to shoot you." Tristan warns in a threatening tone yet somehow keeping his calm. "You should know better than anyone what happens to people who upset her."

"I doubt you'll be cutting off my limbs any time soon, boss." Elijah shrugs, making me cringe at the thought of how brutal that sounds. I sure hope Tristan's never done that for my sake.

"So I'm guessing it worked?" Elijah brushes off Tristan's last comment. They're exceptionally close to each other. Tristan would never cross that line.

"Man, I'd make a good councelor." Elijah primps playfully in attempt to ease the tension I can sense from here.

"Don't quit your day job." Tristan replies, earning a laugh from Elijah. "I expect you to keep me updated through it all." He changes the subject.

"You're serious about this, huh?" Elijah prods, making me confused. "You're not leading?" I'm assuming there's an active mission and Tristan isn't participating.

That is odd. Tristan never misses the opportunity to eliminate any possible threat. He was never reluctant with it. Always so sure of himself and rightfully so, he's never been met with defeat.

"Dead serious. Besides, you've been doing this just as long as I have." Tristan replies and I can hear him typing on his laptop.

"Well damn. I never thought I'd see the day. You never needed much convincing when it comes to blowing heads off." Elijah gasps, making Tristan sigh and lean back on his leather chair. "You used to get high off this shit."

"And I still do. But my presence isn't needed." He tells him, his eyes still on his laptop. "I've decided to take a step back on the field for a while. I will still be running everything, putting matters in place but unless it's critical, I won't be on scene." He explains further and I frown to myself.

"Don't want to make your wife angry, huh?" Elijah concludes after a moment of thought. I nervously fumble with my hands as I wait for Tristan's reply.

I realize now how wrong it is for me to eavesdrop on their conversation but this might me my only chance of potentially uncovering something about Tristan's departure. Other than that, he'll just beat around the bush and avoid giving me concrete information.

"There's no need to cause her stress when it's not needed." Tristan explains, confirming Elijah's speculation. "I've been gone for months. She gets whatever she wants from me." He says and I melt instantly to his words.

"I know you feel guilty, man. But-" Elijah starts but is immediately cut off by Tristan's voice.

"It's not guilt, Elijah." Tristan firmly interrupts. "It's my duty to her as a husband. She comes first." He tells him and I can't help but feel heat swarming my face.

"She already feels like she's alone and I need to show her she's not. I'm not the victim in the situation despite how everyone makes it out to be." He defends me, proving yet again just how well he knows me.

"Hey, I'm on her side." Elijah retorts. "Let me remind you that I warned you it was a suicide mission." Elijah recalls in a defensive tone.

"Right. Well, that won't be happening again. I'll be taking some time off with her until the baby's here." He informs him and Elijah hums in response. "Regardless, am I clear on everything?"

"Crystal." Elijah replies. "I'll leave you to it, boss. I'll let you know how the meeting goes." He tells him before I hear the sound of the chair being pulled away.

Realizing Elijah is leaving, I swiftly tip toe towards the stairs and make my way down towards the kitchen. I stand near the island for a few moments before I take a peak of Elijah through the foyer, exiting the house.

Huffing out, I lean down against the marble island as I think to myself. That was close. I've never felt so sneaky before.

Nevertheless, it never fails to amaze me how Tristan is constantly able to read my mind. He knew exactly what I was feeling and he wasn't afraid to defend me. That makes me happy. I've been feeling guilty ever since I yelled at him and his family but I'm glad he understands what I'm going through.

I do feel lonely. Tristan's family hasn't reached out to me since his return. Which makes me wonder if they're still resenting me. Dianne would usually call me to check in or at least ask about me. That's all changed.

Maybe I can ask him. I didn't want this to cause a strain on my relationship with his family. I've grown really fond of them and I miss spending time together.

Going up to his office, I peer over the slightly open door and push it open. My eyes land on Tristan with a frown settled on his face, focused on his laptop. I look over to his left to see Eric sat in his playmat, crawling around.

He looks up at me and his smile widens. "Good morning, angel." He hums, gripping the leather arms on his chair and spreading his legs.

"Good morning." I sheepishly greet, rubbing my arm up and down and reciprocating his wide smile with a faint one.

"And how are you feeling this morning?" He asks, now leaning forward and placing his elbows on his desk. His eyes zero in on me and I crumble under his stare.

"Slightly better." I assure him as he motions me to come closer which I do. But there's only so far I reach before I stop and fumble with my hands. I still feel awkward around him.

"You're not in any pain, are you?" He questions, cocking a brow and I shake my head. My pain has disintegrated since I've made up with him. We obviously still have a lot to discuss but I believe that we can surpass this.

"No, I'm okay. Thank you." I shake my head. "And thank you for the gift." I show my appreciation with a slight smile.

"You're welcome." He dips his head down, inclining it.

"I-um wanted to ask you something." I ask him, glancing towards Eric who had now noticed my presence and is gesturing towards me.


"Is your mom doing well?" I ask him. "I haven't heard from her since you've gotten back." I explain. He nods his head as he stares towards me.

"She's fine, honey." He confirms. "Evidently, they were all shocked about the pregnancy. But I asked them not to be pushy and give you time." He clarifies and I nod to myself. That's relieving to say the least.

"Oh." I nod. "I thought she was upset with me." I confess, tucking a loose wisp of hair behind my ear.

"No one is mad at you. They're all impatient to see and talk to you. But I decided it's best to wait." Tristan clarifies. "Till you're more comfortable talking about it." He tells me and I nod to myself.

Amidst the uncomfortable silence, he asks again. "Are you?" He pokes, raising his brows. "Comfortable talking about it?"


"Listen, I've heard what you had to say at the hospital yesterday." He starts before he stops. He curses something under his breath then continues. "I wish I could take away every single night you felt alone, or in pain and I wasn't there." He continues, his stare piercing through me as I avoid making contact.

He opens his mouth once gain but I'm quick to interrupt him. "I think I'll just take Eric off your hands. I need to feed him." I interrupt him. I can't hear what he has to say.

I thought I was over this. I want to forgive him. I've never been one to hold grudges against him or anyone else for that matter. But some small part of me still resents him for what he's done.

I have all these emotions I'm struggling to keep in check. But the mere mention of the last few months triggers something inside of me. It's inexplicable but I would do anything to keep the feeling at bay.

Tristan's obviously remorseful of what had occurred but I don't need a constant reminder. I've lived it and wished amnesia on myself every second of the incessant torment.

"Aurora." He stops me before I exit the room with Eric in my arms. "Get yourself and Eric dressed. We have somewhere to be." He casually informs me, leaning back on his chair.

I frown to myself before securing Eric's head and heading over to the bedroom. I'm yet to be in the know of the whereabouts but I have an inkling that it's pressing enough for Tristan to rush me into it on a random morning.

If we were meeting people, I'd have to decline. I wasn't certain about much but the only thing I was sure of without a shadow of a doubt is that I'm not ready to see anyone yet.

After feeding Eric and bundling him up in warm clothing, I do my best to dress myself despite my lack of interest in doing anything besides laying down.

It didn't take long before Eric was in his carseat and we were driving to whatever location Tristan has in mind. I kept my eyes out the window, resting my hands on my belly and soothing it back and forth with the palms of my hand. The baby's been surprisingly calm; any other day, they would be kicking incessantly.

The car stopped at a mysterious location after what was roughly a half hour drive. Tristan pulls up and rushes to my door, opening it for me and helping me out.

I stand by the door and watch him as he unbuckles Eric from the carseat and places him in his stroller. He intertwines his hand in mine and uses the other one to swiftly push the stroller ahead.

I furrow my brows in confusion as we continue to inch toward the greenery. No buildings are in sight and the forest feels private and calm. Far from what people might imagine when hearing the words "secluded forest." The land is surrounded by tall trees that the sunlight peeks through, making playful patterns on the ground.

The horizon ahead and the airy breeze made way to a feeling I'd craved and chased for a while. That of peace, ease and serenity.

I surveyed the landscape and marveled at its vastness and beauty. It's gorgeous and the greenery is far from unkempt or wild. Almost as if someone had meticulously tended to it, preventing it from overgrowth.

"I wanted to show you this place." Tristan perturbs the silence between us,  stopping in front me and grasping my hands. I stare at him, waiting for him to elaborate even though I have a hunch about where the conversation is heading.

"I bought it." He casually utters. As if he's purchased a toy for Eric. "For you."

"I finalized the sale yesterday. And construction should start in a few days." He explains as my eyes widen, trying to take it all in. "I wanted something flexible as I'll be doing some expanding." He continues. "I figured this would be the perfect place for us to live."  

"I know you love our current house. However, there's too many bad memories clinging to it. I believe we need a fresh start for our family. We can have that here. It's also closer to the city and to the Manor." He explains as my mouth falls agape.

"Say something."

"I don't know what to say." I sigh, slightly shaking my head.

"It doesn't have to be about this. Just talk to me." He ushers, grasping on my jaw. "About anything at all."

"I heard you talking to Elijah." I blurt out, feeling guilty about keeping it from him. "If you're holding back from cases for my sake, you don't have to. I know it's your job."

He pauses for a moment before he shoves his hands in his pockets and nods to himself. "I used to jump on cases like that ever since I was kid because it gave me a thrill and a rush I seeked so desperately."

"Don't get me wrong, I still am who I am. This is my line of work and I was born into it." He shrugs, keeping a harsh tone.

"But you, our family... that's what I want. And I'm willing to do what it takes to make you believe it." His voice suddenly softens. "If that includes missing missions, then I'm more than capable of that."

The ice hadn't completely thawed between us but if anyone can melt anything away, it would be Tristan. He's always been a smooth talker and he knows the effect it has on me.

"I know you're still upset with me. I don't expect you to fully forgive me any time soon and I'm deserving of whatever punishment you deem necessary."

"I'm not trying to punish you." I shake my head, scowling at him. If he thinks I'm doing this on purpose or to elicit some kind of reaction off him then he's mistaken.

"Your silence is the hardest punishment I've had to endure."

His tone softens as he caresses my cheek and all the while I just stand there, forcing myself to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape. Why do I always have to cry in these situations?

"I am aware it will take me a while to earn your forgiveness and get back into your good graces. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes for it to happen." He hums, grasping my hand and gently rubbing it.

He tugs my head up so I can look at him. And when my eyes meet his, every wall I've put up instantly disintegrates into dust.

"I'm just- I'm confused." I sigh, sniffling. "I've finally started coming to terms with the fact that you're gone. And mentally preparing myself to raise our children alone." I explain to him as he stares down at me with a worried look.

"It was very difficult for me.. I wasn't eating well nor was I taking good care of myself." I pour my heart out to him, hoping it will bring us closer. I can see how hard he's trying and it wouldn't hurt for me to meet him halfway.

"I-I didn't see or speak to anyone the entire time you were gone." I mumble reluctantly. "I know you didn't choose to leave but I just wished things were handled in a different way."

"I know." He firmly states. "You're in the right. There's no excuse for what I did. But it'll never happen again."

"All those months I was away, you were the only thing on my mind, grounding me. You served as a reminder of what I had to come back to. What I had to live for." My cheeks flush to his word as his voice vibrates against me.

"I don't want you to get the false impression that I refrained from talking to you while I was away. Had I done that, I probably wouldn't have made it back safely." He reassures me but all it does is spark my curiosity. Part of me wants to know what happened to him. The other part is afraid that once I'll know, I won't be able to unknow.

"I'm not a patient man nor do I know how long it'll take us to get past this but I'm hoping this is a good start." He says, gesturing to vast space.

"I want us to live here." He starts. "This is where I'll protect and love you for the rest of our lives. This could be where our son takes his first steps, where our children grow up."

"You don't think it's too soon?" I ask. He's barely gotten used to being back and he's already purchasing properties and building me my dream house in the most beautiful location.

"I think it's perfect timing." He replies. "Especially with my little princess on the way."


A genuine smile appears on his face as he nods towards me. "I've got a strong feeling this one's a girl."

"You really think so?" I choke up, looking up at him through my lashes.

"I do." He nods, pushing away wisps of hair from my face due to the light wind. I let out a small laugh before I lean into him, letting his warmth engulf me and his scent intoxicate me in the best way.

"Thank you, for everything." I mumble against him as he strokes my hair.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." He chuckles, holding me tighter against him.

Perhaps, all I needed was a change of scenery. Or rather, pour my heart out to him. He's always been the one who never judges me.

Standing there was the first time I'd stopped dwelling on the past and yearned for the future ahead just like he'd described it.

Hopeful, promising and ours to share.

Hey y'all, I'm back. I apologize for the delay. I swear it's been hectic at work.

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting as always <3

Lots of love xoxo

Published: 13th March 2024.

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