Caged By Him

By moonchild80

9.4M 215K 93.8K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 93

20.3K 632 243
By moonchild80

Please make sure to point out any mistakes. Happy reading <3

Aurora's POV:

It's been a few days since Tristan's unexpected return. Some things changed, others remained exactly the same.

I had woken up to an empty bed as always as Tristan is currently residing in another room. It still feels surreal, him being back. I haven't quite accommodated to his unexpected return. But I have to admit I'm not as unhappy as I used to be.

Tristan hadn't left the house since he'd gotten back. I'd wake up later than him and find breakfast set at the table. Eric was fed and changed by the time I did so I really didn't have anything much to do than just rest and overthink.

My mind trails off to that night he came back. When I was crying and he comforted me. I felt horrible for pushing him away but he persisted and cleared some things up. Emphasis on the 'some'.

But what did he mean when he said he was handling a personal matter?

Since that night, he's given me my space but I wanted so badly to talk to him. However my uneasiness prevented me from doing so. I grieved him, for months. I tried so hard to come to terms with his passing and I pushed myself over the edge. I lost myself in the process.

How am I supposed to recover from that? It would take much more than a few days to me to get used to this new arrangement again.

But I can't help but dwell on how he was able to comfort me despite the circumstances. For the first time in forever, my cries didn't go unheard, they were gently soothed and kindly quieted down by him.

That made my heart skip a beat. I've missed him so much and he's always been the one person capable of bringing me solace.

Yet, in some way, he feels like a stranger to me now. I am unaware of what motives guided his actions. Not to mention, I'm still being kept in the dark about his whereabouts and activities during his absence.

I lazily push myself out of bed, feeling the heaviness of my body dragging me down. This baby is much heavier than Eric ever was, so much that it's weighing me down and I struggle to move most of the time.

I pick up Eric and take him downstairs so we can have breakfast. As I do, a familiar face greets me at the entrance. "Elijah." I gasp, startled by his presence. "Hi, there." He greets, walking over towards me and Eric.

"Hey, buddy. How's it going?" He smiles, lightly pinching Eric's cheek. Now focused on Elijah, I grab my baby and place him down on his chair.

"I'm here to pick up Eric for Tristan." He tells me and my face folds up in a frown. I can't help it. I don't know what's wrong with me but every time Tristan crosses my mind, I'm instantly upset.

"Why?" I squint my eyes at him as I cross my arms over my chest. Tristan hadn't told me he wanted to Eric today, especially at his work. Then again, we'd need to have an actual human conversation for him to be able to inform me.

"Beats me. I'm just following orders." He shrugs. " He said he wants to take him for the day." He informs me and I nod, knitting my brows. This would be the first time Tristan has gone out somewhere since he came back.

"I'm assuming you're still not talking to him." Elijah pokes, raising his brows at me. I stay silent and shrug my shoulders in response.

"Look, Aurora." Elijah sighs. "I'm not going to tell you that I understand how you feel. Because I don't. I don't have a clue about how stressed you must've been. I know I was with you a lot of times but I didn't know you were pregnant." He tells me but I can't help but be angry because I know how this conversation is going to be. He's going to take Tristan's side, just like everybody else is.

I spent months thinking about how I'm going to be a widow at twenty one with two babies. That my kids were never going to get to meet their father or grow up with him around and no one understands.

"Please, I don't want to talk about this." I mumble, trying to shut down the conversation before it steers in the direction I'm suspecting.

Elijah ignores my last comment and continues. "You need to understand that what Tristan does, it's not easy." He states, as if I don't know that. As if I haven't been living it first hand. "A lot of people's livelihoods depend on him. A lot of people need him."

"I needed him too." I reply, scowling at him. Ever since what unraveled a few days ago, I felt more alone than I ever was before because no one is in my corner. Everyone that was close to me was more approximate to Tristan so I only had myself to vent to.

"I've come to terms with his title years ago. His job, his enemies... Just everything. But I thought he would at least not let me believe he's dead for months."

"Aurora, he would never hurt you." Elijah firmly confirms. "Trust me. In all the years I've known Tristan, he's done some pretty messed up shit but he's never cared for anyone before he met you." He tries reassuring me but I somehow have trouble believing him.

Getting irritated, I grab Eric from his seat and hold him against me as he nozzles his little face into my neck. "I'll go get him ready." I inform him, bowing my head and walking away.

"He did it for you, alright?" He bluntly blurts out, making me turn around and face him.

"He- What?" I ask, taken back by his last sentence and desperately hoping he'd elaborate without my asking so.

"Fuck." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm not even supposed to tell you and this damn well isn't my place. He would kill me if I found out. But I'm sick and tired of seeing him beating himself up about this when he'd just gotten back." He replies in a somewhat annoyed, aggressive tone.

"He was trying to protect you. He didn't tell you anything because it had to be believable for it to work. Faking his death was the only way we could've succeeded ." He ambiguously explains, leaving out the key events. I'm not surprised. There's a code to follow and I assume that merely from the snippets he'd just told me, he could get in a lot of trouble... Luckily, he and Tristan are basically brothers.

"Why didn't he tell me any of this?" I ask, thinking to myself. If what he's saying is true, then why did Tristan let me dig into him and say all those harsh words the afternoon that he'd gotten back.

"How could he?" He shrugs. "You didn't want to talk to him so he kept it to himself." He informs me. "He didn't want to make you feel guilty or responsible for him being hurt. He said he'd rather be the person you direct all your anger at if it'll help you feel better."

"Look, it's none of my business but he's been through hell and back these past months." He continues. "He's finally here and now you're avoiding him. It's throwing him off and everyone can see it." He tells me, referring to how our fight had impacted Tristan's behavior.

"You should be asking yourself if it would've been any easier if he came clean and you expected him to survive but he never came back." He continues to try reasoning with me. "If he gave you false hope then ended up getting shot in the fucking head for real."

I widen my eyes at the bluntness of the last sentence. "I have to go, Elijah." I tell him, struggling to digest what just occurred.

I take Eric upstairs, feed him then dress him appropriately for the cold weather. I don't want him to be sick again when he had just gotten better. I grab his bag and place everything Tristan might need for him during the day.

Heading downstairs, I find Elijah waiting for me at the foot of the steps. I reluctantly hand him Eric along with his bag and walk away, avoiding any further conversation. Yet, not forgetting to tell him to be careful. If anything were to happen to Eric, I'd officially lose my mind.

That entire afternoon after Eric was gone, I had nothing to keep me company but my thoughts. He did it for you. What does that mean?

Sitting alone and reflecting on past events had grown tiresome for me. I don't want to be alone anymore. I've just realized that I haven't smiled once since he was gone. My days were stained with melancholy and self pity.

I longed for the person I once was. How vibrant and full of life she was. Moreover, I immensely missed him. Us. The way everyone could notice how in love we were when we passed by.

Tristan was the first person besides my mom to ever truly love me. He never stopped making me feel like I'm the only girl he ever layed eyes on. He provides and looks after me. And this isn't the first time I unjustly placed blame on him but I'm scared that I'l regret it like last time.

I'll consider this coming back to my senses. I think I'll talk to him tonight. The least we can do is address the situation or perhaps talk about the baby that's on the way.

I sat there for a while, rocking myself back and forth on the swing couch as I stared into the garden. Then as it got colder, I got inside and made myself something to eat.

By now, the night has settled in and I was feeling positively sick. I felt like I might regurgitate the content of my stomach. Not to mention that I can't even stand with the relentless, unbearable pain in my back this very instant.

Compared to this pregnancy, carrying Eric was a walk in the park. I might have felt uncomfortable from time to time but the present suffering was unparalleled. And it was even worse during my first trimester. Those months were filled with constant fear and angst.  As I had to adjust to the idea that I'll be navigating through life alone and adapt my body the baby that was growing inside of me. It was a nightmare I couldn't get out of.


Night time fell and I layed in my usual spot where only the sound of heavy rain was heard. I distinctly remember having to force feed myself that day just so I can have enough sustenance to support my body. Until then, I was neglectful and careless about my own well being. My appetite and will to survive vanished. However, that shifted when I came to terms that my body was no longer mine and it had became sanctuary for another life. 

Adding to the difficulty of that day, it marked the first time I genuinely couldn't look at Eric due to the striking resemblence he now bore to his father. The inner struggle left me devastated, conflicted and ashamed that I couldn't look at my own baby boy.

Swirling in emotions, I restlessly tossed around the bed, sensing my discomfort exponentially rise. What had started as a mild ache escalated into excruciating pain all over my stomach.

Anxiously, I sat up on the bed and checked the covers, fearing that I might be miscarrying again. Beads of sweat start making their way along my hairline and my neck as I winced in pain, tightening every muscle, desperately seeking relief that would never arrive. Sliding down the bed, tears welled up in my eyes from the pain and I curled into a fetal position. Doing my best to silence my cries to avoid waking Eric. Worn down, I eventually surrendered to unconsciousness...

End of flashback

I sigh to myself,  heading into the bathroom to run myself a bath. I allow the warm water soothe me for a while before stepping out and  slipping into my coziest pyjamas. Sitting on the bed, I brush through my hair as I weaved it into a loose braid at the nape of my neck. Leaning down to pull out the duvet, a sudden cramp seizes my stomach, causing me to yelp as if I had manifested it. 

Gently easing myself to my previous sitting position, I try my best to slowly and deeply breathe in and out. "It's okay." I exhale softly to reassure myself. "I'm okay." I nod, affirming it to myself as I try to push past the ache in my stomach. "This is not like last time." I reassure myself, attempting to shun any and all negative thought. 

It wasn't long before I hear footsteps nearing in closer and the sound of Eric's laugh emanating so loudly. It's been forever since his laugh had been this vivacious and full of life. Tristan's the only one able to bring it out in him. I hear him as he sets him down in his crib and near in closer.

"Aurora?" He calls out with a concerned tone but I don't reply. My focus shifting towards my ragged breathing as I clench my swollen belly in pain. That urges him to rush over to me, dropping down on both knees in front of me.

"Are you alright?" He asks in a panic, gripping the sides of my face and making me look down at him. As I do, our eyes lock and for a second, my anger and resentment towards him fades. Maybe, I can move on and forgive him.

However, my thoughts are soon chased away by the intensity of the pain. "S-Something's wrong. I can feel it." I tell him, leaning back on my arms as he hesitantly soothes my belly with his hands.

"What is it?" His eyes shift across my face as he knits his brows, dread taking over his harsh features.

"It's hurting me." I yelp, hyperventilating as I sense the discomfort drag all the way down my thighs. "It's never been this painful before." I shake my head, sniffling as tears start to fill my eyes.

"Okay." He says, gathering himself. "Try to calm down, alright?" He asks in a low tone. "I'll get you to the hospital." He states, running towards the closet and pulling out one of my coats, he drapes it over my shoulders and moves on to put on my shoes.

My face drops at his last statement. I don't think I had grasped how unusual out of the ordinary it is for me to be confined to a single for months. It hasn't done my mental health any good but I am just coming to the realization that I will be leaving the house for the first time.

As if he could read my mind, Tristan grabs my hand and stares up at me. "You're going to have to do a visit, Aurora." He reminds me and he's right. I'm afraid that I messed this up by refusing to go to the doctor's all these months. What if there's an issue with the baby? A complication or an anomaly they could've detected earlier?

I gulp, suddenly feeling anxious. But for a split second, my pain subsides, allowing me to look down at Tristan as he put on my shoes. I stare at him, the sight of him making me feel much safer than I ever was.

This was the first time in months that I've really gotten to observe him. His shoulders have broadened, his tan had deepened and his beard had grown. While he'd typically opted the clean stubble look this makes him oddly way more attractive to me.

He helps me up on my feet,grabbing my hand to guide me out of the bedroom. He stops at the nursery to scoop up Eric in his arms before we rush to the car, racing towards the hospital. 

Upon our arrival, Tristan quickly converses with the receptionist who points us towards Doctor Chambers. I anxiously look around, watching some of the patients who sat waiting, the medical staff conversing and the unmistakeable sound of ambulance sirens.

Tristan grabs my hand and walks me through one of the hallways, then turns through another.  Dr Chambers stood outside one of the rooms, swiping through her tablet. She looks up as we stand beside her. "Mr and Mrs Black. It's lovely to see you again. And look at little Eric, all grown up." She greets, giving us a wide smile as she does. 

"We're here for a check up." Tristan bluntly replies, making her nod. 

Her eyes travel down my belly and the realization hits her. "Oh." She raises her brows. "Congratulations. I didn't know you were expecting." She says, making smile towards her however Tristan's expression remains stoic.

"She's in pain." He tells her. "I need you to take care of her right now." He orders as Doctor Chambers nods in response. "Of course, please step inside. I'll be right with you." She ushers. 

Now fully prepared for examination, Doctor Chambers engages in a brief conversation with me  before we begin. "First of all, I'll require the contact information for your previous physicist." She tells me. 

"I um- I don't have one." I sheepishly confess to which she turns to me with a frown. "Is this your first check up to date?" She asks and I nod shamefully, avoiding eye contact.

"Is that going to cause any problems?" Tristan asks as he bounces Eric restlessly on his knee, clutching him in his hold. 

"Well, we don't usually have first visits with pregnant women who are this far into term." Doctor Chambers responds. "But if she's made it this far without any unusual symptoms, then I'm sure everything's fine." She reassures me, setting my mind at ease. 

"We'll just take a look, alright?" She asks and I nod, fidgeting with my hand. Again, Tristan notices and takes my hand into his, softly circling the back of it with his thumb. My heart beats faster and my mind scatters to the feel of his skin against mine. A feeling I had become unfamiliar with. 

As Doctor Chambers examines me, she asks numerous questions and I answer each one with honestly much to my reluctance. I wasn't willing to reveal the turbulent nature of this pregnancy, especially in front of Tristan. I take notice of his silence throughout the entire visit. I glance over to him, his face staring towards the ground, set in a hard frown and dripping with regret.

Doctor Chambers proceeds with the examination, first conducting an ultrasound to get a closer look then taking a blood sample for testing . As she ran the scans, we impatiently wait for the results.

"Well, Aurora. I am delighted to tell you everything is alright with you and your baby." She informs me and I exhale in relief. "However, I would strongly advise paying more attention to your eating habits. I'll be perscribing some vitamins and supplements for you to take." She continues. "And I'll be expecting your visit at my clinic next week, alright?" She asks and I furiously nod.

"Okay, thank you." I show my sincere appreciation as she smiles and walks away with Tristan, who is no doubt asking her further questions. A wave of relief washes over me as we wrap up the appointment. It feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders .

Once the visit proved successful, a subtle shift occurs in me. I can't quite pinpoint it but I suppose that maybe I can surpass this. Everything is okay again. I had no reason to torture myself or live in agony anymore. He's here with me and I could forgive him for what happened. Maybe hear him out on what his intentions were. He's assured me many times he'd never hurt me and I am inclined to believe him. 

Arriving at the house, Eric was sound asleep  right about now and I had started feeling better but drowsy and ready to sleep. I watch as Tristan walks around to me and opens the door for me. Slowly and carefully guiding me out of the car. He then opens the door to the backseat and picks up Eric. We make our way upstairs together where Tristan sees to it that Eric is sound asleep first before focusing his attention on me.

"Are you feeling better now?" He questions and I nod, admiring his handsome features as he puts on my socks. He straightens his posture and stands up, nodding to himself.

"Right." He clears his throat. "You should get some sleep." He ushers, failing to resist the urge to swipe his thumb across my cheek. "I'm right in the next room if you need anything." He informs me and I nod with a slight pout. "Have a good night." He gives a faint smile before walking away to retreat to his room. But he doesn't get far before I call out for him.

"Why did you leave me?" I shyly ask, regretting it almost instantly but equally feeling proud for initiating the well needed conversation.

"I told you it was a personal matter." He replies in the same way he has before. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Please be honest with me." I ask him. "Did it have anything to do with me?" I poke, waiting for his response but I just receive a confused look. "Elijah said I should ask you. He wouldn't tell me anything." I elaborate, making him sigh to himself.

"It's nothing for you to worry about now." He carelessly shrugs, refusing to share anything with me. "It's over with and you're safe." He reassures me but that doesn't chase away the curiosity. "That's all I that matters." He hums in a deep voice, making my stomach knot. 

"I need to know what happened, Tristan." I soften my voice, feeling my tone saddening as I plead him for answers but he remains unshaken. 

"It won't do you any good." He coldly counters, dismissing my request.  He tucks his broad hands into his pockets as he stares deeply at me, making me fidget in my place. "My main focus at the moment is making sure you're healthy and getting you through this pregnancy as smoothly as I can." 

"I-I need to know." I pout, suddenly swarmed by sadness. Damn these mood swings. "I need to know if it was worth it. If it was worth spending all this time away from you." I sniffle, feeling hot tears lining my eyes. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

His eyes soften as he notices me on the verge of tears, rubbing my arms up and down as I avoid meeting his stare. I quickly wipe my cheek as I feel the dampness slide down my neck. He immediately takes notice and walks towards me. My body betrays me by breaking down into tears, sobbing heavily as Tristan latches on to my arms and holds me against him.  

"Shhh." He softly silences me as he pulls me into his warm embrace, his familiar scent intoxicating my senses. "Look at me." He orders, placing his large hands on my cheeks as my watery eyes meet his dark ones. 

"Please, don't cry. You know how much I dislike it." He whispers against me, his chest vibrating against my cheek. "Elijah wasn't supposed to tell you anything. I'll make sure to rectify that next time I see him." He says in a firm tone. Instant regret. I had just realized I've thrown Elijah under the bus. 

"But he's right." He finally confesses, letting out a sigh as I listen intently. "Someone was using you to get to me. It was a meticulously planned scheme that ultimately worked in luring me in." He continues as my cries quiet down. "I had to infiltrate them and uncover their motives. The only way to bring them down was from the inside." 

"Listen to me, baby." He says, pulling my head out of his chest. "I'm only telling you this because I don't want you for a moment thinking that anyone could come before you."

"You're everything that matters most to me. You should never doubt that." He discloses. "Don't you see that I'm willing to do anything for you, my love?" He asks, his fingers clasping on my jaw and tugging it upward. His jaw tenses as his eyes look across my face. My heart beats furiously against my chest as I continue watching him, my gaze settling on his lips.

Failing to find words to express my gratitude and quite frankly overwhelmed with emotions, I place my hands on his forearms. He leans in, dipping his head down as his breath fans against my skin. I swallow the nerves as his soft lips brush up against mine. He kisses me gently, swiftly taking control as his hand moves to softly cup my cheek. He moves his lips against mine for a few moments before pulling away. He straightens up, tucking some stray hairs behind my ear as he smiles down at me. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, checking in on me as I nod, shyly looking away from him as I feel my cheeks blushing. Despite everything, my feelings for him haven't faded one bit. I still feel everything around him. I'm pretty much obsessed with him. 

"I've missed you." I timidly confess, fumbling around with his shirt as he stares down at me with a content look. 

"Yeah?" He asks, forcing me to look at him as he pulls my face up yet again."Fuck, you have no idea." He shakes his head, his deep voice sending shivers all over. "Nothing felt right without you near me." He admits in a low voice, taking my hands into his. 

"Can you-" I start hesitantly. "Can you please stay with me tonight?" His face softens and gleams with hope. He drops his shoulders and nods. "I thought you'd never ask." He winks, leading me towards our bed. 

For the first time in what feels like an eternity, my slumber isn't plagued by nightmares or constant interruptions. I peacefully sleep through the night, embraced by the warmth of Tristan's arms, a profound sense of comfort washing over me...

The streak continues LMAO!!! Hope you enjoyed, lovelies <3

Lots of love xoxo

Published: February 27th 2024.

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