The bad boy fights

By 1Jordan1

674K 17.1K 3.5K

"And what if I don't Parker?" He asked, Smirking. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "I can easily go... More

Authors note
Tough love; Chapter one- Friends
Tough love; Chapter 2- The Coltons
Tough love; Chapter 3- Surpise bitch
Tough love- Chapter four; The deal
Tough love- Chapter Five; No show
Tough love- Chapter six; Being chased.
Tough love- Chapter seven; First lesson; Dont act like a shy away sheep.
Tough love- Chapter eight; Be normal
Tough love- Chapter Ten; Karma's a bitch
Tough love- Chapter eleven; That day
Tough love- Chapter twelve; Unexpected.
Tough love- Chapter thirteen; Babysitting and rock climbing
Tough love-Chapter fourteen; Harley plus Zach equals pain
Tough love- Chapter fifteen; The party
Tough love- Chapter sixteen; Your in trouble boy.
Tough love- Chapter seventeen; Equus Bass 770.
Tough love- Chapter eighteen; Drinking games
Tough love- Chapter nineteen; New Partner
Tough love- Chapter twenty; The Ball.
Tough love- Chapter twenty one; Make up
Tough love- Chapter twenty two; Mad.
Tough love- Chapter twenty three; Avioding him.
Tough love- Chapter twenty four; R-A-P-E Get the fuck away from me!
Tough love- Chapter twenty five; Kiss his Macaroni and cheese covered lips.
Tough love- Chapter twenty six; interruptions
Tough love-Chapter twenty seven; Beach date
Tough love- Chapter twenty eight; PTA
Tough love- Chapter twenty nine; Hooked at the first kiss
Tough love- Chapter thirty; Great dinner and secrets
Tough love- Chapter thirty one; It all comed together
Tough love- Chapter thirty two; Make out and make up.
Tough love- Chapter thirty three; Well....
Tough love- Chapter thirty four; The dad
Tough love-Chapter thirty five; Kidnapped {Part one}
Tough love- Chapter thirty six; Kidnapped {Part two}
The bad boy fights- Chapter thirty seven; Kidnapped {Part three}
The bad boy fights- Chapter thirty eight; Kidnapped{Part four}
The bad boy fights- Chapter thirty nine; Rescue {Part one}
The bad boy fights- Chapter forty; Rescue {Part two}
The bad boy fights- Chapter forty one; Alive... Or dead?

Tough love- Chapter nine; Lesson two; Fight.

16.1K 407 74
By 1Jordan1

[Tough love- Chapter nine; Lesson two; Fight.]


Dinner with the Colton's is now awkward as crap. Now I see why Zach didn't open his mouth at the last dinner. Because we know what's going on between George and my mom.

My mom and Zach's mom still talked a lot. George and my dad talked some. And me and Zach? We kept our mouths shut the entire time. I eyed mom a couple times, seeing if she was acting to be her friend, or actually trying to be nice to her. Because after all, she's fucking her Husband.

"Thank you so much for the dinner, Kim. But I think we should get going. Its getting late." My mom said standing. Kim smiled at her. "Yes, I understand. Have a good night."

I stood up to leave, but Zach shot up out of his seat and grabbed my wrist. "Alex is staying because we need to study." He said, looking at my parents. My mom and dad shared a look. "Im not sure. She came home pretty late last night from a 'friends' house."

"She'll be back by ten." Zach said before dragging me off. He pulled me up stairs and down a long dark hallway. I shivered. This feels like something from a horror movie. He pulled me into a dark room. It had a queen sized bed in the middle of the room and was surprisingly neat.

He had a desk that was clean. His dresser only had a lamp on it. And his closet door was open, but his cloths were neatly put inside. "Wow. I wasn't expecting your room to be so neat."

Even though I can see it from my window.

"Yea. My mom wants it to be neat, so I keep it that way." He said, sitting on a little couch that I just noticed was in there. It was a pretty big room. So he easily could fit that thing in here. I flopped down on his bed like an outstretched star. "You really love your mom, don't you?" I asked, turning my head to him. He looked at the ground.

"Yea..... a lot." He didn't say anything else. He just kept it at that. After a minute or two, I stood up and walked over to his couch. I sat down beside him. "So why am I here exactly? Because I didn't bring my Science notes."

He smirked and turned his head towards me. "Lesson Two; Fight."

I shook my head at that word. "No. Im not fighting anybody." I immediately said. He chuckled. "I saw the way Emily was staring at you when Hunter held you by the waist. She looked like she was about to kill you. You might want to learn a view self defence moves."

"And your going to teach me?"

"Did you not see me last night beat that guy to a plump. He didn't hit me once. He tried multiple times, but didn't hit me." Zach stood and went to the door. I hesitated to follow. "You like to brag don't you?" He chuckled and lead me downstairs. "When I have stuff worth bragging about, yea." I rolled my eyes.

We went down in the basement. Yea, his fighting stuff was in the basement. But it felt cool down there so I'm glad. He had two punching bags down there. A large mat. And a bunch of other equipment. He walked around and stopped at the mat. I slowly followed.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Shoes!" He yelled. I looked down to see I was standing on the mat. I laughed and kicked my shoes off. Then stepped on the mat. "Okay. What's first?"

"Throw a punch."

"At you?" I questioned. He nodded. "Yes." he said like It was a duh question. "But i'll hurt you." Zach laughed hard. "Babe, you couldnt hurt me if you tried. Hit me with your best shot." I sighed and stepped closer to him. I held up both my fists and threw my right one at his face.

His hand caught my fists inches before it came in contact with his face. He smirked at me and punched my stomach. I held it. It hurt like crap. Shit, what is this guy made of? Steel? "Fuck, Zach! What the hell was that for?" He grabbed a bandana ad tied it around his head. He looked hot.

I so didn't say that.

"If I'm teaching you this, you need to learn how to take a punch. That wasn't even nearly as hard as I could've hit you. Now stand up straight. Your first mistake, was with posture."

I sighed and did as I was told. I stood up straight. He nodded and got into the right position. "Now straighten your back and stick one leg behind you, not to far. Then Bend your knees a little and your hands were already good."

I did exactly that and he nodded. "Always keep your hands fisted. Dot ever try and stretch your fingers during the fight. That can mess you up. Now throw a punch."

I threw another one and he used his forearm to push away my arm. Then he threw another punch at my stomach. I fell out of position and held my stomach. "Shit Zach! Stop hitting so hard!" I yelled. He sighed in frustration.

"Learn. How. To Take. A hit." he said. I sighed and got back into position. "Now when I throw a punch back at you, you can either grab my wrist, or use a block. Upper block, Lower block, Middle block, and reverse middle block." He said, showing me every type of block. I nodded and tried remembering them.

"Also.... don't leave open space." He said, throwing another punch to my stomach. I grunted and arched forward. "I wish I had a knife." I mumbled. Zach chuckled. "You won't when you learn." I shook my head and stood up again. Okay, come on, Alex. You can do this. Think ahead. If he comes for your lower area, do lower block. Middle area, you have to choices of blocks. Upper area, upper block. Now to et with speed.

I took deep breaths. I can do this. I can do this. Zach looked almost amused at me. Seeing me fail and him using me as a punching bag. He seems to have fun watching me like this.

I now throw a punch towards his chest. I decided to try something new. When he tried to block me and I saw it, I pulled back that fist, and at the same time, I threw my opposite hand.

I hit him right in the face.

His head jerked back and I stood up straight. I covered my mouth with my hands. "Oh my god, Zach. Im so sorry. I didn't-" Next thing I knew, I was on the floor from the impact of him punching my stomach. This one hurt worse. And I had a feeling it was because I hit him In the face. I forced myself not to cry.

"I told you, you'd have to learn how to take a hit. I did to. This," he pointed to his bloody lip. "Is nothing. Now get up."

I grunted an held my stomach as I pushed myself to my feet. "What ever happened to boys can't hit girls?"

"That rule disappeared when you asked for my help. You need self defence." I sighed and got into position...... again. Zach didn't even wait for me to get rest before throwing a lower punch. I lower blocked. Oh my god.... he didn't hit me!

He smirked and did a middle punch. I did reverse middle block. I smiled and he then frowned. Now angry. Ha, serves him right for hitting me. Next thing I know, I'm on the floor and the side of my head hurts. Ah great, he used his special move and it me on the ridge hand. Yay.

"Shit." I mumbled, pushing myself up. I rubbed my temple and shook my head, trying to rid the pain. I took a deep breath. "This is harder than I thought." Zach smirked. "This isn't even including kicks."



"See, your a natural with kicks. Like its in your blood." I shrugged and kicked the punching bag again. "So I guess like driving." I answered back. He chuckled and punched the punching bag beside me, doing other stuff with it. "I doubt you can beat me." He sounded too cocky.

"I bet I can. Give me month and we'll see." Zach chuckled and lightly smacked the back of my head. Then walked over to the mats. "Come on. You've got one more hour before you have to be home."

I sighed and followed him to the mat. He slipped two large things on his hands. "Now kick or punch these. Do it rapidly. Don't even think. Do it as hard as you can."

I nodded and got into the position he taught. I punched both right and left around ten times before adding kicks into it. He wasn't even moving back a little. That made me mad. I wanted to make him move. I punched harder but that didn't work.

Okay then.

I punched one more time, before spinning around and kicking my foot to the side and kicking right at his chest.

He immediately fell to the ground. I smirked and walked to his feet. He looked up at me, pissed. I put my hands on my hips and cocked my head. "Like you said, I'm a natural at kicks." He shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. I just smirked and raised and eyebrow.

I don't even know how it happened or how he did it, but somehow, he had slipped off the things off his hand and grabbed my arm, yanking me down on top of him.

My face heated up as his nose barley brushed mine. His face was only millimetres from mine. My whole body lay on his chest. I could even feel his muscles through his tank top. He had one hand gripping my wrist and the other limply at my waist. "What was that, loser?"

I could only stare into his eyes. They were a bright blue and shining brightly. Like he had natural blue eyes then put in blue coloured contacts. "That's what I thought." He said, pushing me off him and standing up. He grabbed those two things he had on his hands and threw them on the table.

"Get up."

I groaned and pushed myself up, trying to act completely normal. I turned to face him and he was in a closet, trying to find something. "What are you doing?" I asked. He pulled out a large bag and walked in the centre of the room. "Looking for these. Stand against the wall." He said, pointing to an empty wall.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he rolled his eyes. "Just do it, Parker." I grunted and walked in front of it. "What does this have-"

Zach threw a basketball, full force towards me and it hit my stomach. "Fuck! What are you'd long Zach!?" I screamed. He chuckled and spun another basketball on his index finger. "Dodge the balls if you don't want to get hit. Easy as pie."

"But what does this have anything to do with fighting?" He threw another one and it hit me right in the knees. Damn! That hurts worse. "Zach!"

"Enough questions. This is a reflex exercise." he threw another ball and it hit my face. Fuck you Zach! Ugh! This is more pain than I thought. Geez he's trying to murder me.

He threw another one and I squatted down. Okay, concentrate Alex. Just move away from the ball like in gym. He threw one at me while I was on the ground and it hit me right in the face. Man, I wish I was good at dodgeball.

"Alex! It's time to leave!" Kim shouted down the basement stairs. Zach smirked at me and raised an eyebrow before throwing another one at me. Once again, it hit my face. I grunted and picked up the ball, throwing it at his face. He used one hand and caught it.

My jaw dropped. He smirked and put it in the bag. "Practice makes perfect, Parker." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my shoes. I went towards the stairs and started up them. "Wait. Do we have to do this again?" I asked, looking back at him. He smirked. "That depends. Do you want to beat the shit out of Emily or no?"

"I'll see you after school tomorrow." I quickly said. He chuckled and pushed my back. "Wear better cloths next time."

"What's wrong with a t-shirt and pants?" I asked sarcastically. I knew exactly what was wrong with pants while your working out. It sucks. But I had nothing else to change into. We both started lightly laughing as we went up the stairs. We got to the front door and I opened it up. "Bye Alex!" His mom yelled.

"Bye, Mrs, Colton!" I yelled after her. I turned to Zach and smiled. "Thanks by the way. Other than the hurting. I'll bring my science notes tomorrow."

He nodded. "Thanks you too. I really need my grades up in that class." I was about to turn away and walk away but didn't. I leaned against the doorframe and looked at him. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"No I don't like you, Loser. Stop dreaming." He smirked shoving my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and pushed him back. "I don't like you, Colton. Im a Hunter girl. I was going To ask why you needed your grades up in the first place. Most guys like you wouldn't give a shit."

His playful smirk, disappeared into an angry frown. I saw his knuckles turn white on the doorknob. "That's a bitchy thought, Parker. Comparing me to other guys. You know I'm not all uncaring like you think. I love my mom. I care for her. It's other people I can't stand. Don't ask questions your not ready to get the answer to. Go home." With thy, he shut the door in my face, knocking me off the doorframe.

What the hell? This is the third time he's gone all bipolar on my ass. He's awesome one minute, then a complete ass the next. I scoffed and shook my head. I turned away and walked back to my house.

Zach Colton is training me. He needs to remember that.

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