The Celestial Way

By Sagacious_Punk

589 96 237

When you have lost everything, can you still find the way among the stars? Ferrtau the Lightbringer has decla... More

Foreword from the Author
A Table of Contents
Part I - Prelude To Fall
Chapter 1 - Awakening Away
First Interlude
Chapter 2 - Waylaid
Chapter 3 - Beginning of the Way
Second Interlude
Update about chapter serialization
Chapter 4 - No Way Out
Chapter 4.2 - No Way Out
Chapter 5 - The Way of Life
Chapter 6 - Companion for the Way
Chapter 6.2 - Companion for the Way
Chapter 7 - First Steps of the Way
Chapter 7.2 - First Steps of the Way
Chapter 7.3 - First Steps of the Way
Chapter 7.4 - First Steps of the Way
Chapter 7.5 - First Steps of the Way
Chapter 8 - Haven by the Way
Chapter 8.2 - Haven by the Way
Chapter 8.3 - Haven by the Way
Chapter 8.4 - Haven by the Way
Chapter 8.5 - Haven by the Way
Chapter 8.6 - Haven by the Way
Chapter 8.7 - Haven by the Way
Chapter 8.8 - Haven by the Way
Third Interlude
Chapter 9 - Clash of Ways
Chapter 9.2 - Clash of Ways
Chapter 9.3 - Clash of Ways
Chapter 9.4 - Clash of Ways
Part II - Prelude To War
Chapter 10 - Guardians of the Way
Chapter 10.2 - Guardians of the Way
Chapter 10.3 - Guardians of the Way
Chapter 10.4 - Guardians of the Way
Chapter 10.5 - Guardians of the Way
Fourth Interlude
Chapter 11 - Rushing the Way
Chapter 11.2 - Rushing the Way
Chapter 12.2 - Exploring Ways
Chapter 12.3 - Exploring Ways
Chapter 13 - Warrior's Way
Chapter 13.2 - Warrior's Way
Chapter 13.3 - Warrior's Way
Chapter 13.4 - Warrior's Way
Chapter 13.5 - Warrior's Way
Chapter 14 - Small Way
Chapter 14.2 - Small Way
Chapter 14.3 - Small Way
Chapter 14.4 - Small Way
Chapter 14.5 - Small Way
Chapter 14.6 - Small Way
Chapter 14.7 - Small Way
Chapter 15 - Long Way
Chapter 15.2 - Long Way
Chapter 15.3 - Long Way
Chapter 15.4 - Long Way
Chapter 16 - Changing Ways
Chapter 16.2 - Changing Ways
Chapter 16.3 - Changing Ways
Chapter 16.4 - Changing Ways
Chapter 16.5 - Changing Ways
Chapter 16.6 - Changing Ways
Chapter 16.7 - Changing Ways
Fifth Interlude
Chapter 17 - Protector of the Way
Chapter 17.2 - Protector of the Way
Chapter 17.3 - Protector of the Way
Part III - Prelude to Vengeance
Chapter 18 - Questioning the Way
Chapter 18.2 - Questioning the Way
Chapter 18.3 - Questioning the Way
Chapter 19 - Allies of the Way
Chapter 19.2 - Allies of the Way
Chapter 19.3 - Allies of the Way
Chapter 19.4 - Allies of the Way
Chapter 20 - Clearing Ways
Chapter 20.2 - Clearing Ways
Chapter 20.3 - Clearing Ways
Sixth Interlude
Chapter 21 - Embracing the Way
Chapter 21.2 - Embracing the Way
Chapter 21.3 - Embracing the Way
Chapter 22 - Defending the Way
Chapter 22.2 - Defending the Way
Chapter 22.3 - Defending the Way
Part IV - Prelude to Farewell
Chapter 23 - The Way Abides
Chapter 23.2 - The Way Abides
Chapter 23.3 - The Way Abides
Seventh Interlude
Chapter 24 - The Way Crumbles
Chapter 24.2 - The Way Crumbles
Chapter 24.3 - The Way Crumbles
Chapter 25 - The Way of Love
Chapter 25.2 - The Way of Love
Chapter 26 - The Celestial Way
Chapter 26.2 - The Celestial Way
Final Interlude

Chapter 12 - Exploring Ways

1 0 0
By Sagacious_Punk


"[...]and the conclusion of that horrifying chapter in transhuman history was the Battle for Terra Para. This saw the Galactic Stellar Consortium, the Union of True Humanity, the H'raal Exile Fleet, and the outlawed Order of the Radiant Knights banding together in an extraordinary alliance against a common threat.

[...]The alliance proved victorious but regrettably short-lived; with the cost of victory unimaginably high, sharp dissent divided its members shortly afterwards. As a result, the two largest parties, the Consortium and the Union, prevented the H'raal from turning into a major galactic power, and dispersed them forcibly across distant star systems with the Special Non-Invasion Treaty[...] then they declared Terra Para under martial law, thus placing the Radiant Order into a permanent state of semi-arrest.[...]

[...]With the stage settled thus, the strained cooperation between the two primary stellar civilizations once again began to deteriorate in the wake of the galaxy's subsequent, yet by far most devastating cataclysm since the Cosmic Death."

– Kentaro Xinyi Meor, "The Starblaze Terror", Datalinks

999 RE, the Radiant Knights' hidden base, Terra Para

Early morning

"It is so beautiful!" Veralla rawr-ed.

"Yes, this isn't merely a bastion," Glawlrhain agreed. "In times of need, that is its purpose, yet during peace it serves as a recreation center for our Order."

"Does this place have a name?" she asked.

"Ilsorin," the sinuous blue-green dragon replied. "It means 'high peak' in the draconic language."

Veralla nodded, looking around eagerly. They were at the back of the stronghold complex, where the large mountain split into two tapering ridges. The ridges curved inward, forming a huge enclosed area, accessible only by air or by a narrow vertical gap where the outer edges didn't quite meet. Inside the enclosure tiered parks and hanging gardens were built along the cliffs, where trees, ferns, and all kinds of vegetation thrived in the carefully maintained environmental conditions. Winding walkways traversed the enclosed area, leading down to a lake of crystal-clear water on a meadow of exotic, glowing grasses. Elegant monuments floated among the walkways and wide terraces, acting as light sources during the night. And everything was infused with Æther energy.

"Can I drink from the water?" Veralla asked, looking at the lake's gentle, unbroken surface.

"Of course," Glawlrhain snorted with amusement. "Most of the other dragons drink mainly from the lake."

Veralla dipped her snout, and took several gulps. The water was cool and refreshing, bringing a sense of vitality beyond the merely physical. She straightened out and hrrr-ed contently. "The water tastes very nice," she said.

"Yes, its harmonic resonance is kept to the highest standard," Glawlrhain said. He casually slashed his claw across the lake's surface, the splashful of water twinkling with intricate shapes in the morning air. Veralla gasped in rapture at the display. Glawlrhain regarded her warmly. "Shall we proceed with the tour?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, of course!" she said.

Glawlrhain continued to show her around the Radiant Knights' hidden base. They passed through the training chambers, which supported both VR scenarios and real terrain generated with variform smart materials, saw the datacenter which housed most of Ilsorin's systems and support AIs, and visited various common rooms spread around on different levels.

Throughout the tour Glawlrhain strolled beside Veralla, commenting on the many different decorations adorning the hallways, terraces, and caverns of the – at least at first glance – spartan stronghold. The place seemed quite empty, yet Glawlrhain said Ilsorin was designed for a much greater number of people than those currently present. It explained why they met so few other Knights during their tour. Veralla was glad Glawlrhain was kind to her, though she felt a bit guilty because he walked slowly on behalf of her being so small and lacking the ability to fly.

As they delved deeper into the base, they reached the storage bays filled with supplies and replacement parts. For some reason, Glawlrhain didn't want to linger here, and he briskly turned around after a quick overview. However, Veralla noticed something and stopped to look at it.

"Where do these elevators lead to?" she asked, pointing a talon toward a section of loading platforms.

"They lead to the lowest levels, where the industrial workshops and nanofactories are located," Glawlrhain replied.

"Ooh, I want to see them!" she said.

"Perhaps another time," the blue-green dragon said discreetly. "Mentoria has claimed that part of the base, and she doesn't like visits without important reason." Glawlrhain swished his tail. "Say, you must be quite hungry by now. Would you like to go and have a meal?"

Veralla indeed noticed her growing hunger. "Yes, I would definitely like a meal right now," she said.

Glawlrhain nodded, and guided her toward a gravity shaft leading to Ilsorin's upper levels. From there, they went to the main dining hall. There were other Radiant Knights here, and most of them glanced at Veralla when she and Glawlrhain entered, but kept their curiosity respectfully brief. Nevertheless, she was still unused to mass displays of attention, and her wings folded close to her body, as she shyly sat at one of the large tables. The facilities here were designed to accommodate users of all shapes and sizes, and the smart seat variformed to give Veralla maximal comfort.

As soon as she and Glawlrhain settled, a hoverbot approached their part of the table. "What can I get you?" the drone buzzed in an artificial yet friendly voice.

"Raw meat," Glawlrhain said. "Lots of it."

"Is the food here nanofabricated?" Veralla asked, as the hoverbot flew away.

The blue-green dragon hrrr-ed. "Most of it," he said. "Not yours, though. Fledglings need to feed on natural products to maximize their growth. Especially in your case."

"I do like meat very much, even raw," Veralla agreed. "But why not cook it, like the others do?"

"Because this way it retains the most of its energy potential," Glawlrhain explained, just as another hoverbot approached with a giant pot filled with red chunks to the brim. "Here, it's all for you. Eat heartily."

Veralla nodded energetically in thanks, and began to eat. She carefully picked up the meat in her claws and bit precise pieces, mindful not to make a mess. Glawlrhain growled, amused. "Simply eat, little one!" he said. "Don't worry about making things dirty. The drones will clean afterwards."

"Oh, okay," Veralla said and tore hungrily into the food.

She devoured the contents of the pot, reveling in the taste of the meat. She finished her first meal before she realized she had done so. She looked around for more and found another serving awaiting her already. She ate up the second meal just as fast, then a third one, more slowly, and finally was completely satiated. "I think I am full now," she said, waving off a fourth pot with a reddened claw. She watched wistfully as the meat was taken away, her keen sense of smell making her still hunger, yet her belly could not take any more. Immediately after she was done eating two hoverbots surrounded her and began to clean her from the gore with portable ion showers.

"Now, what do you want to do next?" Glawlrhain asked when the hoverbots completed their task. He was lounging in a relaxed manner while he waited for Veralla to finish eating and get cleaned.

"I want to see Airo," she said intently.

"Ah," Glawlrhain said, his slit-pupiled eyes narrowing a little. "If that is your wish..." He lifted his head as if listening to something in the distance. "Then we must hurry. Please, follow me."


Airo was standing in the command room of the Radiant Order's hidden base. Lylana Darkovitz and Magus Dei were with him, alongside several other Knights who were responsible for day-to-day operations. All of them were young, full of vigor, and universally good-natured. It made Airo inexplicably annoyed. Thankfully, they were all humans this time. Airo had spent most of the morning getting himself familiarized with the procedures and logistics of the Order, and also had made an inventory of the available military hardware. As he suspected, it was adequate, yet far from enough to wage a war.

"Is the skyship ready for departure?" he asked.

"Fully staffed and prepared," Lylana said with a short nod.

"With no dragons among the crew?" Airo looked at her pointedly.

The towering woman stiffened. "Commander Airo, I remind you our Order doesn't distinguish Radiant Knights based on their origin. Dragons among our ranks are like any–"

"No dragons," he said, harder. "Am I understood?"

"Yes, Commander," Lylana replied icily.

Airo snorted, and glanced back at the interfaces floating above the strataplan table. He'd have to utilize the hateful winged reptiles soon enough. But he wouldn't deal with them anymore than he needed to.

"Where are you planning to go?" Magus Dei asked.

"To the Consortium headquarters at Kryoon City," Airo replied. "They are the next step in consolidating our forces." He scanned the command room. Kiana and Zuckeroff were also present at the meeting. The Conduit was again in her postmodern not-quite-clothes, neon tattoos glowing, while the astrior was slurping incessantly from a beer can he had gotten from somewhere. Airo needed them for a specific task. "You two," he said, "get into uniform. You are coming along."

Zuckeroff paused his slurping long enough to mumble, sure, Boss, while Kiana made a face. "What for?" she snapped, arms folded in her familiar recalcitrant manner.

"Credibility," Airo shot back. "I may have clearance, yet I hold no real position in the Consortium." He ignored the curious gazes of the Radiant Knights. "However, if I make an appearance with two Sol Force commandos from the Epsilon Corps at my side, this will make my authority much more tangible – at least upon surface inspection."

Kiana snorted. "Uh-huh, as if an entire star system task force will submit to your will only because of your fancy access clearance and a couple of elite operatives with dubious status." The Conduit spread her arms. "Yep, if I was Terra Para's central command, I'd totally hand over my authority to some random Paladin psi-gating out of nowhere."

"I am open to better ideas," Airo said flatly. "But not to idle chatter."

"What if I refuse to gridcast on your keyboard?" Kiana taunted.

"If you fail to cooperate," Airo replied calmly, "then you put at risk the entire world, and possibly reality itself. Can you bear such guilt, or are you trying to use me as a role model?"

The Conduit made a disgusted sound. "Fine," she spat. "You cheap bastard."

Airo's mouth corner quirked. "I prefer pragmatical bastard," he said. "Now, if everyone is done raising objections, I would like to depart immediately. Elder Darkovitz, carry on as usual while I am absent."

"As you command," Lylana said tersely and gave him a rigid salute.

The Radiant Knights began to file out of the room. Lylana and a couple of others remained behind to discuss minor details. Airo made his way out too.

"A moment, if you please."

He turned around with a cool, indifferent expression. Magus Dei stood a few paces behind, regal and distant in his crimson robes.

"What is it?" Airo asked gruffly.

"I want to talk with you about Veralla," Magus said.

"What about her?"

"You have probably noticed she spends quite much of her time with you," Magus said.

"Yes, she is quite bothersome in that regard," Airo said. "I do not care for the particulars, though." He made a dismissive gesture, and turned back.

"Listen, this is important," Magus said, matching step beside him. The old Knight's voice lacked the usual stern undertone. "Veralla has spent an extended time since her hatching in your exclusive company. Dragons exhibit very strong emotional impulses at birth. Combined with their fully-formed consciousness, this makes them form lasting bonds with those immediately around them. In Veralla's case–"

"Forget it," Airo cut him off. "I am not interested in the subject."

"You should listen," Magus repeated with a serious expression. "I am telling you why Veralla has become so attached to you."

"And I said, forget it," Airo snapped, stopping to glare at the old Knight. "I am not discussing this. Now, since you are not part of the skyship's crew, step aside." Airo started down the hallway again, leaving Magus Dei to gaze at his back.

He went outside, and navigated the stronghold's ramparts to the upper levels where the skyship's landing platform was. Vorzii sprawled impressively on the platform, its huge golden hull gleaming in the twin morning light. Airo checked his gear: katana, blaster, virtualizer – everything was securely attached. The power armor was at optimum operation. According to the local Viirt network, the crew was already aboard, including Kiana and Zuckeroff. Everything was ready for takeoff. Airo strode toward the lone loading ramp waiting for him.

Just as he reached the ramp, a hangar across the landing platform opened its doors. Beyond them was Veralla, accompanied by that small serpentine dragon, Glawlrhain.

"Airo! Wait for me!" the dragonet yelled, rushing to catch up with him.

He squinted in her direction, and sighed in exasperation. "Cloud, did you inform her again?" he asked.

"No, Commander," the SAI replied happily. "She found you on her own."

"Great," Airo muttered.

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