A Girl Can Dream (Dreams Seri...

By fhsgctcusbf

34.1K 646 44

Since they were kids Everly and Ryot have been best friends, but as they got older Everly fell in love with h... More

Cast list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Author's note

Chapter 25

907 16 2
By fhsgctcusbf

Semi edited.

~~~Ryot's pov~~~

Evan and I battle for the puck as I try to pass it to someone.

Thankfully I get it and I'm able to pass it to Jackson who's able to get a slap shot, scoring a goal.

I skate over to him and tell him nice shot.

I get off the ice to get something to drink when Owen comes over to me.

"Hey man, Everly is throwing up" He said quickly.


My eyes widen. "Shit, is she ok?"

He nods. "Yeah I think so. She was treating me then all of a sudden she dove for the garbage can" He said.

I unlace my skates and walk in the direction of the treatment room.

Luckily practice is just about over so if coach wants to yell at me he can because I'm not missing much.

When I get to the room I see Everly hugging the trash can.

I walk to her and rub her back. "Are you ok baby?" I ask her.

She groans. "I love that you're here, but the smell of you is making me feel worse" She said.

Shit, I didn't think of that.

I stand up. "Ok, I'll go shower then I'll be right back.

I take the quickest shower possible and in less then 20 minutes I'm back by her side.

I rub her back. "What happened?"

"I was treating Owen and all of a sudden I felt like I had to throw up" She said.

"Is it something you ate?"

She shook her head. "No, I had stuff that wasn't perishable so I don't think that's it" She said.

I try to think about what could it be when one thing comes to mind.

I lean in close. "Do you think you could be pregnant?" I asked quietly.

She let's out a big breath. "It's a possibility since the pill is not 100% accurate" She said.


I'm all for having a baby with Everly, but I thought we'd have more time before then, but you can't stop fate from happening.

What's meant to be will always be.

After she finally stops throwing up she cleans up in the bathroom and comes over to me, falling into my arms.

I kiss the top of her head. "It's gonna be alright Ev" I said softly to her.

"I'm scared" She muttered against my shirt.

I rub her back. "Why?"

"What if we're not ready to be parents?" She asked.

I gently grab her chin to make her look at me. "Baby... No one is ever really prepared to be parents, but regardless we'll be great parents and not only that, but we have a great support system to help us along the way."

She smiles at me. "I love it that you know exactly what to say to calm me down and if it wasn't for me throwing up I'd kiss you" She said.

I lean down to peck her nose. "I'm always here for you. Why don't we get out of here and head to the store to get some tests so we're not stressing out about what's going on and get our answers right away."

She blows out a breath. "Ok" She said.

She grabs her stuff and we head to the store, I keep a disguise in the car so if I need to go out in public I'm covered.

I grab a pregnancy test, chicken soup, ginger ale, and saltine crackers just in case she has a stomach bug instead of being pregnant.

When we get home she takes the test and heads straight to the bathroom.

I sit on the couch right in front of the door and patiently wait for her to give answer.

Leo jumps up on the couch and head buts the side of my face.

I scratch his back his kiss his head. "You might be a big brother buddy."

~~~Everly's pov~~~

I brush my teeth to distract myself from the test.

My hands are cold and clammy and my heart is racing.

I try to think back when I had my period and I honestly can't remember.

Shit, I probably am pregnant.

My phone beeps and I shakily grab the the test.


Who knew that one word could change your whole life.

The dam breaks and tears start flowing down my cheeks like no tomorrow.

I'm gonna be a mom.

I take a minute to sit on the toilet seat and just process this by myself.

A smile breaks out onto my face because not only am I with Ryot, but now we're having a baby together.

I never thought this was possible.

I let out a laugh as I continue to cry because I still can't believe this is actually my life.

I get up off the toilet and open the door to where Ryot is sitting on the couch.

When he sees me he gets off the couch and comes over to me, wrapping me up in his arms making the tears start again.

He rubs my back. "Shhh Ev... It's gonna be ok" He consoled me.

I breath in his familiar scent then pull back to look at him. "I know, it's the pregnancy hormones."

His eyes widen and he grins. "You're pregnant?" He asked softly.

I nod smiling with him. "Yes."

He leans down to kiss me then rests his forehead against mine. "We're gonna be parents" He said softly.


"I love you so much, and I love our little bean so much too" He nealt down in front of me and kissed my stomach.


I squeeze his hand as we drive to our appointment.

It's been a few months since we first found out I was pregnant.

This baby hasn't made my pregnancy easy, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

My morning sickness has been a pain in the ass, but it's finally starting to calm down.

Today we're going to finally get to see if the baby is a boy or a girl.

Personally I'm thinking it's a boy and that's what I want anyway, Ry is thinking a girl, but also hoping for a boy.

We've discussed different things regarding the baby and our future.

As of right now we decided to stay at the apartment and once the baby gets older then we'll consider moving.

We also considered him getting traded and I said no matter where he went I'd obviously go with him.

We also both decided to wait to tell our families about the pregnancy until we find out the gender.

We told our parents the next day at brunch after the wedding that we were together, but they all saw us leaving together at the wedding so they had a hunch.

Mom's been asking if we're thinking about having kids or getting married ever since.

The plan was to get married first, but we do things backwards in this family all the time.

The team made it to the playoffs so our parents are staying with us tonight since tomorrow night is the game.

We're gonna tell everyone at dinner tonight.

It all works out since we find out the gender today and they should be arriving sometime this afternoon.

Ryot holds my hand as we get into the doctor's office and check in.

His leg is bouncing a mile a minute as he's excited as I am.

"Everly Andrews?" The nurse called.

We follow after her and walk into the room.

She hands me my gown and I change into it after she leaves.

Once I'm done I sit on the exam table and lay down, waiting on the doctor.

It's amazing how your body changes when you're pregnant.

Last time I was here I didn't have a bump and now I do.

Ry pulls the chair next to me and holds my hand, rubbing his thumb overy knuckles.

There's a knock at the door and when I say come in the doctor pokes her head in. "Hey guys, are you ready?" She grinned.

Thankfully we found a really good doctor here and she's been nothing but great since the first visit.

"We're definitely ready."

"Great, do we have any guesses?" She asked as she set everything up.

"I'm guessing boy, and he's guessing girl, but we're both hoping for a boy."

"That's great. I have 2 sons and even though they're a handful I love them to death" She said.

She squirts the gel on my belly and moves the wand, and we hear the fast heartbeat of our baby.

"Ok, let me just look over everything and then we'll see what we have" She glided the wand over my belly.

I watch the screen as we see our baby that actually looks like a baby now instead of a blob.

"Alright mom and dad... Are you ready?" She asked us.

"Yes" We both said.

"Alright, you both got your wish because that right there is a little penis" She pointed to the screen.

I gasp and look at Ryot who's grinning ear to ear. "We're having a son" I said softly, but also in disbelief.

He leans forward and pecks my lips. "I love you" He said.

"I love you too."

"Congrats you guys. Do you want me to take a couple pictures?" She asked.

"Yes, we're actually telling our families later today."

"That's great. What do they think you're having?" She asked as she took some of the pictures.

"We actually haven't told them I'm pregnant. We wanted to wait until we knew the gender first."

Her eyes widened. "Oh wow... I give you major credit because I wouldn't be able to hold out that long" She said.

I bit my lip. "Yeah it's been difficult to hide, and you can only wear baggy things for so long until the bump is noticable."

"That's true. Ok here are your pictures and everything is looking great. I'll see you guys in your next visit" She said.

I took the picture from her. "Sounds good, thank you."

"No problem, take care" She said.

She leaves the room and Ryot hands me some paper towels to wipe off my stomach.

"I still can't believe we're having a boy" I said im disbelief.

"I know. Sometimes I still can't believe that you're pregnant. It's all so surreal" He said.

"I know, that's how I feel, but then I feel him moving around in there and it becomes real."

He comes over to me and leans down to my stomach. "Hey little man... Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you and I can't wait to teach you how to play hockey or whatever sport you might be interested in" He said softly to my belly.

Not a second later he's kicking up a storm at his dad's voice like he normally does.

When he first started kicking it was because Ryot was talking to him.

Once he found out I was pregnant he went out and bought every baby book they had and he read that it's good for you to talk to the baby so every night before we go to bed he'd talk to him.

At first he was so surprised and then when he actually realized what happened he started crying which made me cry thanks to my pregnancy hormones.

I feel him kick as Ryot's talking to him.

Ryot smiles and kisses my stomach. "I love you little man" He said softly.

~~~Charlotte's pov~~~

I'm so excited to see everyone.

We haven't seen Everly and Ryot in a few months, since Avery's wedding so it'll be nice to have everyone together.

Ty knocks on the door and Ryot opens it.

We give him hugs and when we walk inside the apartment I see Everly.

"Oh my god" I gasped as I look at her.

Her eyes widen and she looks to Ryot who has the same look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Avery asks and Emily comes over.

I don't say anything since it's Evs news to tell, but as her mother I can see that pregnancy glow she has and she looks so beautiful.

She looks over at Ryot and nods, then he walks out of the room to get something.

"We have some presents for you guys" She announced.

He comes back and hands on to Avery, Emily, and I.

We all open it up and see a sonogram picture and they writing on the bottom.

Baby boy James coming in December.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna be an aunt" Avery cried.

I wrap my arms around Everly. "Congratulations honey, you guys are gonna be wonderful parents" I kissed the side of her head.

I released her from the hug since I knew everyone else wanted to congratulate her.

After everyone has given hugs Avery clears her throat.

"It's really funny given the timing and everything, because we're also having a baby" She smiled.

Both my girls are making me a grandma, I'm so happy.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Anyone see that coming, or saw the foreshadowing in the last chapter?

2 babies in the family and another lovely Cameo by Charlotte.

What do you think will happen next?

Feel free to comment, see you in the next update!👋

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