My Bodyguards (Action/Love St...

Galing kay comechurros3000

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Rachel Marielle Coriolli is the name. She is a normal 18 year old living the life. Everything is turned upsid... Higit pa

My Bodyguards
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Don't forget about us. Last author's note.
THE SEQUEL!!! Just kidding, please read...

Ch. 16

660 20 9
Galing kay comechurros3000

Ch. 16 "Why?"

Christopher's P.O.V

I gotta admit that when I saw that guy trying to punch Rachel, I felt the urge to protect her. Not only because it was my job, but because even if she is just an anoying girl, she was kind of my friend. Don't get me wrong. I was still going to take her to X.

"Why are you so quiet, Chris?" Charlie asked. We were now at the cafeteria eating.

"I am always quiet." I replied.

"But today you are not even insilting Harry and Louis."

"I know. I'm just not in the mood." I said.

"Okay." Charlie said with that beautiful smile of hers. She was really beautiful... Actually, she was the most beautiful girl I ever saw.

"Charlie! Look at this! This cookie looks like a foot!" Harry exclaimed, showing Charlie a deformed cookie.

"It's wondeful, Harry!" Charlie exclaimed. "Mine looks like a normal cookie."

"Don't worry. Maybe your cookie will be as sexy as me someday." Harry said winking.

"How are you so sure? Maybe it will be as sexy as me!" Louis exclaimed. Rachel giggled and continued to eat her food.

"In your dreams!" Harry exclaimed.

"Stop fighting over cookies! This is really stupid!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Louis and Harry exclaimed in unison.

"Fine!" I exclaimed, leaving the lunchroom. I just walked to the classroom and stayed there for the rest of the lunch period. I ate a burger I bought in the cafeteria, and listened to a couple conversations. I did not understand why many of the students were in the classroom when they were free to go anywhere tehy wanted to, but I did not care.

"Hello." A girl with brown hair and green eyes said. She was talking to me?

"Are you talking to me?" I asked confused. Why would a girl like her talk to me? I knew I was hot, that´s obvious, but why was she talking to me? She could talk to any other person, but instead she was here, saying ´hello´ to ME.

"Yes, silly. I am talking to you!"

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. She was pretty, but I just did not like to socialize with people.

"I just wanted to ask you your name."

"Christopher." I said. "Yours?"

"Lindsay" She said simply. "Where are you from, Chris?"


"That´s awesome!" She said smiling. "I love Canadians!"

"Cool." I said. I could not have cared less.

"My boyfriend says Canadians suck." She said sadly.

"Your boyfriend? Where is him?" I asked angrily. I could not let that guy say Canadians sucked. I loved my country!

"He is over there." She said, pointing at the guy who wanted to punch Rachel earlier.

"Jerk." I muttered. Lindsay stared at me confused as I stood up and walked to where that assh*le was.

"Sorry but... I heard you have a problem with Canadians?" I asked. The guy nodded and smiled.

"Yeah... They suck. I don´t know why but I hate them. They should just disappear from this world." The guy said.

"Well, I don´t know if you noticed but... I am Canadian!" I exclaimed furious.

"Oh... So that´s why you are just a pathetic jerk!" He exclaimed. That was it! I couldn´t let him talk that way about Canadians. I punched him right on the face, and saw how his little nose started bleeding.

"Stop talking bullsh*t about Canadians!" I exclaimed. The guy just stared at me scared, while his group of friends muttered things about me.

"He´s crazy!" Someone said.

"He is insane!" Another one exclaimed. I just smiled and walked to my sit.

"How could you?!" Lindsay exclaimed.

"He started it" I said simply. I hoped that was enough for creating a reputation as the bad guy.


Lou´s P.O.V

"Alright class, you are dismissed." The teacher said. Finally! The school was over! I smiled and rushed to Rachel´s chair.

"I´m glad this is finally over! It was a total torture!" She exclaimed.

"I know. I feel the same way! The first day of school, and we are already complaining!" I said smiling.

"FIIIIINAAALLYYYYY!!!!" Charlie exclaimed from the other side of the room.

"I know!! Good thing we don´t have homework!" Harry said. I just smiled and took Rachel´s purse.

"Let´s go. I will carry your stuff."

"Thank you! You are a gentleman!" Rachel said giving me a kiss on the cheek. Harry, Charlie, and Chris. As we gathered, to get ready to leave the school, we noticed how the rest of our classmates stared at us weirdly.

"Look who´s here! The groupd of weirdos!" A guy from the group exclaimed.

"Yes, they are really weird!"


"Leave them alone!" Riley exclaimed.

"Why? Are you going to be their friend?" Bridgette, the slut, asked.

"Maybe. If I am their friend it´s none of your bussiness, Bridgette." Riley exclaimed. Wow, he was a great guy.

"Stupid traitor!" Bridgette exclaimed offended.

"Just stop it, Bridgette!" A girl from behind shouted.

"I´m sorry. My name is Cassandra. It´s nice meeting you. I am sorry if Bridgette is behaving this way. She is just mad because her boyfriend, Andy, left her for Lindsay." I just laughed, as Bridgette´s cheeks turned red.

"You´ll pay for this Cassandra!" Bridgette exclaimed, leaving the classroom embarrassed.

"She deserved that." Rachel muttered.

"She sure did." Charlie agreed.

"She´s a b*tch." Harry said.

"She was cute." Chris said. I just rolled my eyes. Typical Chris.

"We are really sorry. We hope to be your friends." Riley said.

"Of course." I said smiling. "We will be your friends. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure!" Cassandra exclaimed happily. I noticed how she stared at Harry. She liked him!

"Let´s go, Loulou." Rachel said. I just nodded and headed to the door.


Harry´s P.O.V

"We are finally home!" I exclaimed as I rushed to the livingroom´s couch. That couch was incredibly comfortable.

"I missed home!" Charlie exclaimed sitting down next to me and taking her shoes off. Her beautiful eyes were shining brightly. They were like diamonds, blue and beautiful diamonds. "What are you staring at?"

"Your eyes... They are beautiful..."

"Thank you." She said smiling. "You are not so bad yourself."

"What´s that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I don´t know... You tell me..." She said. She was flirting. Wow, just when I thought she could not be more amazing... Harry likes it...

"I´m not so bad, huh? Does that mean you think I´m attractive?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. That´s for me to know, and for you to find out." She said raising an eyebrow. She looked extremely hot doing that.

"That´s not fair! I told you you are beautiful and you cannot tell me I am attractive?" I said fake pouting.

"Okay, you are kind of attractive..." She said. Her eyes met mine and I couldn´t stop the urge to kiss her. I started leaning forward, and she started doing the same... Our lips were about to touch, but...

"Harry!" Chris exclaimed. I just sighed, annoyed and turned to see Chris.


"You cannot kiss her!"

"Why not?!" I exclaimed. Was he serious?

Christopher´s P.O.V

"Why not?" He asked, making me nervous. What was I supposed to say? That he could not kiss her because she was my source of entertainment? Of course he wouldn´t care.

"Because you just met her." I said. He met her like a week or two ago, but still.

"That´s not true!" He exclaimed.

"Harry... He´s right. Maybe we are going a little bit fast." Charlie said.

"Are you kidding me? He´s lying! He is just jealous!" Harry exclaimed.

"I´m not!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, you are!" Harry said.

"Whatever. I think I need to go to my room... Bye Chris, bye Harry." Charlie said leaving the livingroom.

"Look what you have done!" Harry exclaimed angrily.

"She doesn´t like you!"

"She does! She likes me and I like her! What´s wrong with wanting her to be with me?!?"

"You two can´t be together. Period." I said. "I will make sure you don´t get together..."

"What are you going to do?"

"I will just make sure she doesn´t end up with you."I whispered, leaving the livingroom. I could not let those two get together. I just couldn´t.


Charlie´s P.O.V

Chris was unbelievable!!! I could not believe he interrupted us! I had no idea of why he was doing that. I wanted to kiss Harry so bad... Chris was just a party pooper! I thought he was different! I was mad at him, but maybe, just maybe, he was right. I just met Harry. We were going too fast... I tried to push all my thought away and walked to the kitchen. Rachel was there, eating popcorns.

"Hello." I said simply, sitting down next to her.

"Hello!" She exclaimed happily.

"Where´s Louis?" I asked. They spent most of the time together.

"Restroom." She answered. That was the only place where tehy couldn´t be together.

"Oh, that explains why you aren´t with him."

"Sorry if I spend too much time with him... Is just that he is... my boyfriend." She said smiling. I just smiled. I was glad she found someone who could make her smile that easily. "So, how´s everything going with Harry?"

"Well, we almost kissed each other, but..." I thought on whether I should tell her or not. Rachel often took revenge of everyone that bothered her or her friends. I honestly did not want to watch Chris suffering because of Rachel.

"But?" She asked. I decided to tell her. She is my best friend, after all.

"Chris interrupted us." I said.

"Interrupted you?"

"Yeah... He told Harry to stop. He said we were going too fast."

"WHAT!?! That´s not true!!! Why would he do that? That selfish jerk!" Rachel exclaimed angrily.

"Maybe he is right." I said almost in a whisper.

"He is not! He is just jealous! I knew he liked you, but he should accept that you like Harry and not him! I´m going to beat his ass!"

"No! Please! Don´t do anything to him! Maybe he is right! I just met Harry!"

"He is wrong! You aren´t going too fast!"

"Maybe we are not, but either way I don´t want you to beat him up!"

"Why not, Charlie?"

"Just because I don´t want you to. Please promise me you wont beat him up."

"I promise. But that stupid guy is going to hear me!"


"No matter what you say, you wont stop me from telling him the truth!" And with that said, Rachel stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Poor Chris...

Rachel´s P.O.V

Stupid Chris! Why was he doing that to Charlie? He was jealous, that´s for sure, but that does not give him the right to interfere. I walked to the livingroom, where he was sitting down, and started yelling at him.

"Selfish idiot!" I yelled. He just frowned.

"What did I do this time?"

"You interrupted Charlie and Harry! I am working really hard to get them to go out, and you come and ruin everything?!? Seriously, what´s wrong with you?"

"I just told them the truth. They are going too fast, don´t you think?"

"No, they are not! Just leave them alone!"

"Rachie, Rachie, Rachie. I can´t do that..." He said with an evil smirk on his face. That smirk that made want to run away.

"W-why not?" I asked. I noticed my voice sounded different, but I did not care.

"Because I like her, and when I like something, I don´t give up until it´s mine." He said. His green eyes stared at me evilly and I just gulped.

"Well, I have bad news for you, she likes Harry!" I exclaimed.

"But I will get her to want me. Maybe it will take me a while, but I will do it." He said.  I knew by the look on his face that he was being serious. I did not want him to be with my best friend. He would just hurt her. Charlie did not need to be hurt, she needed to be protected.

"Not if I get her to hate you..." I muttered. He shot me a glare, and I just shrugged.

"If you do that, say goodbye to your precious Loulou." He said.

"Why Chris? Why do you have to make my life so miserable?" I asked.

"I have my reasons." He said. I just turned around and left the room. Chris scared me more than Spongebob and Patrick together. He was creepy, really creepy...


A/N: Sooo.... A Little bit of drama! Not tha much though, this is still a filler. Next one will be better, I promise. Every good story needs fillers, so please be patient. I will update as soon as possible, don´t hesitate! Love you! Comment if you like it, and if you don´t you can also comment. Please VOTE, AND FAN US!! WE LOVE YOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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