Top Gun: Maverick | Miles Tel...

By fresh_avacado

37.8K 730 52

Lieutenant Lina Cruise, callsign Maverick. Daughter of the fearless actor Tom Cruises ended up just as advent... More



571 12 0
By fresh_avacado

linacruise: taking a break from flying


user1: more pictures of Tom please and thank you

user2: I can't believe a thin slut like her managed to get into Top Gun.
user3: and I can't imagine a ten year old little girl that smells like piss are allowed on social media🤷🏼‍♀️

monicabarbaro: 😉

user4: she has definitely fucked someone in that cast
user5: my bets are on Glen, he totally has fuck me eyes
user6: nah, she will go for a softie like Lewis

milesteller: 🥐☕️

user7: maybe she is fucking around with Teller
user8: she is a naval aviator, she is just playing them. No one settles down with an aviator

glenpowell: 😉



"Alright." I said as I took a sip of my coffee. Once again we were sitting on her balcony.

"Alright." She said with a smirk.

"All walls down, no lies, no secrets." I said and she chuckled.

"Game on." She said and we pinky promised that from now on the walls would be down.

We have spent every morning and every afternoon since that night. We drank coffee in the morning and beers after work. Talking about everything between heaven and hell. I smiled at her and she blushed. Her feet were resting on my chair and I took a good look at her, she was extraordinary. She wasn't just absolutely gorgeous, she was also so intelligent, thrilling, sarcastic, witty and generous.
And I couldn't help but think about what she was thinking of me. Did she think as highly as I thought of her? Or was this completely platonic?

I started massaging her feet as we both looked out on the view of the ocean, it was gorgeous. I looked back at Lina, the view was still gorgeous. I smiled softly and looked back out on the ocean. I could sit here for hours and hours. Just talking, drinking coffee.

"Come on, darling. We'll be late for work." I said and I fake British accent and she chuckled. I took her hand and helped her up. She stood inches from my face and I smiled softly and I could see a blush form on her face. But I didn't dare to kiss her yet, she is like a deer, if you come too close too fast you spook them. You need to move slowly but surely. I was taking my time. But one day, I would kiss this girl. One day.

We got to the facility and she flipped her aviators down as we walked over the parking lot. I looked over at her, she looked so confident and powerful with her aviators down. Like she belonged her and everyone knew it. She did belong her, and everyone knew she did.

"Morning, Captain." One of the staff members said as we walked inside and she smiled softly. Everyone knew who she was, everyone had an incredible respect for her.

"Look who the cat dragged in." Lina said as she saw her squadron member Hurricane walk towards us.

"I heard the mission was a success." She said as he stopped to talk to us and he smirked.

"Of course it was, I was team leader." He said and she let out a scoff at his arrogance.

"Got these numb nuts to fly yet?" He asked and looked over at me.

"You should watch your back, Hurricunt. These numb nuts will come and bite you in the ass." She said and I let out a chuckle.

"We'll see." He said.

"Pulled any Gs yet?" He asked me.

"6 to be precise." She said defending me and he smirked.

"Well, we have work to do compared to you who now will just sit and roll your thumbs wishing that your name would be on the credits." She said and I smiled proudly.

"At least I'm not babysitting." He said and she chuckled.

"At least I'm not useless." She clapped back.

"Bye, Furrycunt." She said and we walked past him and I gave her a high five.

I headed to the locker rooms where my male cast members were already changing.
"Morning." Lewis said.

"Morning." I said and walked up to my locker.

"Scored yet?" Glen asked with a smirk and I sent him a glare.

"Come ooon, Miles. Everyone sees you are falling for her." He said and I looked away as I felt a blush form on my face. He was absolutely right though.

"It's not as simple as that." I said and he chuckled.

"Kind of is, have you been in or out?" He asked and I laughed.

"She is like a deer, she will get spooked if things go too fast." I said and he chuckled.

"And still she flies the fastest jets in the world. I don't think you have to worry about things going too fast." He said and I chuckled.

"But I get it." He added.

"You should kiss her though." Greg said and I gave him a glare.

"Whaaat?" He asked and we chuckled.

"You should." Glen said.

"You should ask her out on a date." Lewis said and I looked over at him.

"Girls like that kind of stuff, a traditional date. Open the door for her, pull out the chair, pay for dinner, flowers. All that stuff." He said.

"It's Captain Lina Cruise we are talking about." Glen said and I chuckled and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm telling you, Miles. It never fails, not even with girls as hardcore as Maverick." He said and I nodded slowly, thinking about it. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should ask her on a proper dinner date. Go completely old school. Court her.

"Thanks for the tip." I said and he smiled softly and Glen let out a chuckle. I changed into my flight suit and we all walked out of the locker room and into the lecture hall. We started every morning with a briefing, we were getting closer and closer to the first day of shooting. The only step left in the training program was to pull 7,5Gs in the F-18s. We had learned to manoeuvre the planes. It was actually sick when you thought about it, we could fly an F-18 at a high speed, roll inverted, steep turns, different manoeuvres that was demanded of us to know for the movie, all we had left was to be able to sustain 7,5Gs and not go into G-LOC. everyone knew we couldn't push past the whole vomiting thing, we just had to push through it instead. It would take a much longer time to sustain these forces without throwing up. It was just to deal with it.

I sat down next to Glen and Tom in the lecture hall as the director and Lina walked in. Her flight suit was tied around her waist like it usually was when she wasn't flying, I gotta say, it made my knees weak. She looked so hot standing there in a black t shirt, flight suit tied around her waist, golden watch and her gold aviators on her head.

"Good morning everyone." The director said and we all said good morning.

"Last week of the training program, only a few days left." He said and we smiled.

"I gotta say, when Tom pitched this idea that you all would actually be flying these jets, I thought he was crazy. And that there would be no way we could be able to make this movie so realistic and shoot it live." He said.

"And that you guys have put in so much work to make this happen is beyond me, I'm so proud of you all." He said and I looked around at my cast members, I was actually stunned that we all had pulled through.

"First day of shooting is only a week away. We have rehearsed for this, we know what we are doing. So, don't quit on us now. It's only one week left." He said and we all nodded.

"Captain." He said and Lina nodded.

"I couldn't agree more with what he said. I'm very proud and impressed. You started from nothing and here you are, ready to pull 7,5Gs in a super hornet. It's really impressive." She said.

"And like I said, the day is here, today you all will pull 7,5Gs up there. It will feel like you are about to pass out, you will feel heavy, tired and nauseous. Feelings you all have experienced before in these jets, but now it's 7,5 times more. It's going to be hard, straining." She said.

"What will happen if we go into G-LOC?" Danny asked.

"I will come after you, put a missile lock on you so your jet starts alarming, and hoping for the best." She said and we nodded.

"Are we going to practice that high G climb, coffin corner?" Monica asked and Lina nodded.

"Yeah, but not today. Today you will get a feel for 7,5 Gs." She said and Monica nodded.

"You will practice the high G climb at the end of the week." She said and we nodded.

"But I gotta be clear about that climb, you are not going to climb as steep as it was in real life, if you would you would pull beyond 7,5 Gs and that is not going to happen. It's going to be hard enough for you to pull 7,5 Gs and act at the same time." She said and we nodded, thankfully.

"Alright, get yourself your flight gear on and we'll meet out on the runway." She said and we all walked out of the lecture hall.

"Hey." I said as I jogged up the Lina on our way out to the runway, I gently tugged on her arm so she stopped walking.

"Hi." She said with a small smile.

"I have a question I want to ask you." I said and she looked at me confusingly.

"Okay." She said and I gathered my courage.

"I want to take you out." I said nervously.

"On a date, I mean." I added and she smiled.

"Wasn't a question." She said and I let out a chuckle, shaking off my nerves.

"Captain Lina Cruise, may I take you out a traditional, completely old fashioned date?" I asked and she smiled.

"You may, Lieutenant." She said and I felt an instant relief.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded.

"Tonight?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'll pick you up at 8." I said and she smiled softly.

"Okay." She said.

"Okay." I said with a wide smile. She flipped her aviators down and walked out on the runway.

"Yes!" I said and did a little victory gesture.

"You are so pathetic when you are in love." Glen said and my eyes widened as I turned around to see him standing there smiling with his helmet under his arm.

"But, congratulations brother." He said and patted my shoulder.

"No one thought she even had emotions. You broke the barrier." He said and I chuckled.

"I think the problem is that she has too much of them." I said and he nodded.

"Perhaps." He said.

"Still, well done." He said and chuckled.

"She's gonna be a piece of work but, I imagine that will all be worth it. It's always the complicated girls that are the best ones." He said with a small smile and I smiled back.

"It will all be worth it." I said and he chuckled.

"Come on, lover boy. Let's pull some Gs." He said and put his arm around my shoulder and I chuckled as we walked out on the runway.

Fuck me dead, I was so goddamn happy.

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